Tempted to Complain?

I have to admit that there are times when I am tempted to complain but that hasn’t been the case for quite a while now. My life isn’t perfect; it has it’s up’s and down’s however, my God is perfect!

And He loves me!

As I was making the morning coffee my head filled with song by singer/songwriter Dottie Rambo:

He left the Splendor of Heaven
Knowing His destiny
Was the lonely hill of Golgotha
there to lay down His life for me.

if that isn’t love
the ocean is dry
there’s no stars in the sky
and the sparrow can’t fly
if that isn’t love
then Heavens a myth
there’s no feeling like this
if that isn’t love

Gratitude spills over into everything we do when we focus on the truth of God’s love. There is one reason and one reason only that Jesus left heaven and came to earth. That reason is His love for us!

Complaining causes us to lose focus of what is good. It can be a downward spiral. How many of you have heard these words?

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” I Corinthians 10:13 NLT

Paul was giving instruction to Christians about the example they had received from their fore fathers who had murmured and complained in the wilderness. They had seen all of God’s power when He delivered them from Egypt; crossing the Red Sea; living under the pillar of cloud by day; eating manna from heaven; drinking water from a rock and still they complained and rebelled.

So, now Paul is giving strong admonition to the Christians in Corinth. Don’t let the temptation to complain and murmur about your circumstances cause you to stray from the Lord. God is faithful and He will provide a way of escape. Don’t be confident in your own abilities because when you do, you will fall but be confident in Christ and what He has done for you.

This is a good word for today. How many times a day do we find ourselves complaining about something? How many times are we trusting in our own strength and not His?

We should remind ourselves of how the Lord has been faithful in the past. Remind ourselves that we are the reason He left heaven. This should keep us from complaining about the present or worrying over the future!

We have His promise that He will never leave us or abandon us. Now that’s love!

Good News!

Sitting here this morning, there are so many things on my mind and in my heart. Praying for my children and grandchildren, friends who need direction, healing for the friends of friends and for our nation and our government and those who rule our land. So many things around us are going contrary to what Jesus said was the kingdom of heaven and what God has designed for us.

Jesus also lived in a troubled world. The governmental rule was anti-God. The Romans, who ruled over the nation of Israel, preached Caesar as god and his word as infallible. They were living in political slavery when Jesus was born. I find it interesting that God, the Father, didn’t use Jesus to rescue the Jews from the Romans in a similar way that he used Moses to rescue the Jews from the Egyptians.

Jesus went through all the towns and villages preaching the good news of the kingdom of heaven and with that message he demonstrated the power of God by doing miracles.

“Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages. He taught in their synagogues and told people the Good News about God’s kingdom. He healed all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. 36 Jesus saw the many people and felt sorry for them because they were worried and helpless—like sheep without a shepherd to lead them. 37 Jesus said to his followers, “There is such a big harvest of people to bring in. But there are only a few workers to help harvest them. 38 God owns the harvest. Ask him to send more workers to help gather his harvest.” Matthew 9:35 – 38 ERV

He also sent out his disciples, preaching the same message and they too, did the same miracles.

“As you go, announce that the kingdom of heaven will soon be here. [d] 8Heal the sick, raise the dead to life, heal people who have leprosy, [e] and force out demons. You received without paying, now give without being paid.” Matthew 10:7-8 ERV

In Peter’s preaching he gave this testimony of Jesus and his ministry.

“You surely know what happened everywhere in Judea. It all began in Galilee after John had told everyone to be baptized. 38 God gave the Holy Spirit and power to Jesus from Nazareth. He was with Jesus, as he went around doing good and healing everyone who was under the power of the devil. 39 We all saw what Jesus did both in Israel and in the city of Jerusalem. Jesus was put to death on a cross. 40 But three days later, God raised him to life and let him be seen. 41 Not everyone saw him. He was seen only by us, who ate and drank with him after he was raised from death. We were the ones God chose to tell others about him.” Acts 10: 37-41. ERV

But the corruption of the government was always on Jesus disciples’ minds and they wondered when Jesus would take control and change things. Here are Jesus last words to his disciples.
“While the apostles were still with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, are you now going to give Israel its own king again?” 7Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. 8But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” 9After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud. They could not see him, 10but as he went up, they kept looking up into the sky.” Acts 1:6-9 ERV

Today, many are asking the same thing. When, Lord, are you going to do something about our government and those in power? Things are not good that is for certain! But we are hopeful and can trust that God knows the day and the hour. Until then, Jesus final command to the disciples is for us as well. We receive power from the Holy Spirit and are to be witnesses in our home town (Jerusalem), in our country (Judea), to our neighboring countries (Samaria) and then into the whole world. And what are we to preach – the same thing the disciples did. The kingdom of heaven is at hand and we can minister with the same power and authority that they had.

Let’s go and share the good news!

Shake Down Cruise

Dave and I just returned from three weeks in the White Mountains of Arizona. It was wonderful!

Did you miss me? No? Most of you didn’t even know we were gone. The two weeks before we left I spent time writing and rewriting my morning blogs. Our oldest daughter, Kim, helped with posting them to Facebook and the daily emails were auto-posted through WordPress. Technology is my friend. Thank you Kim.

But now let’s get back to the camping trip. We had very limited cell and internet service while we were there so it really was a vacation. I had one dear friend ask me how I was handling not writing my blog each morning. She said she knows how much I love sitting down each morning and talking with each of you from my heart. I admit it was difficult. I did get up each morning and pray for you all. I realized, once again, I don’t get up early because I have too; I get up early because it’s my time with the Father and my time to pray for those I love.

This was the first time we had our fifth-wheel on an extended trip. It was a time of learning, a shake-down cruise, as it were. We were camping without hook ups in two very nice National Forest Campgrounds. We learned a lot.

We knew the capacity, in gallons, of our fresh, gray and black water tanks. We knew the size of our two propane bottles; we knew the size of our generator and the power of our battery but we didn’t know how long any of that would last under daily use. It was a pleasant learning experience. This is what a shake-down cruise is all about – learning how all systems work and if there are any problems.

Some things we rationed thinking we might run out. We didn’t know how long it took to heat the water heater and how much shower time we had with seven gallons of hot water and so the first showers were very short. Experience told us we could shower a bit longer.

We loved learning! We loved being in God’s beautiful creation! We loved being together – talking, planning, praying and thanking God for who He is and how He has directed our lives.

Life here on earth is basically a shake-down cruise. It is a time we learn about our heavenly Father. We learn about His grace, mercy, goodness, kindness, correction and love. We learn that we don’t have to cut our showers of cleansing short because we will never exhaust the warm refreshing of His love and forgiveness.

His love endures forever. His mercy is new every morning. Great is God’s faithfulness. His grace abounds.

Living a life dependent upon the Lord, upon all that He is, here on earth is just a fore-taste of how great heaven will be!

“Let us thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was through His loving-kindness that we were born again to a new life and have a hope that never dies. This hope is ours because Jesus was raised from the dead. We will receive the great things that we have been promised. They are being kept safe in heaven for us. They are pure and will not pass away. They will never be lost. You are being kept by the power of God because you put your trust in Him and you will be saved from the punishment of sin at the end of the world.” I Peter 1:3-5 NLV

Take time to enjoy the journey. Our loving Father has supplied abundantly for every need!

Excellent Advice!

When Dave and I purchased our home in Montana the current owner gave me some excellent advice – words I still remember. You see, we moved to the Beaverhead Valley from north Idaho where the climate was more temperate.

She took me to the big picture window and said, “There will be days this winter when you look out these windows and you won’t see a thing except for blowing white. You’ll hear the wind howl and you’ll think that you’re going to be snowed in for the rest of the winter. Don’t panic! Just wait…wait about thirty minutes. The wind will die down and then you will be able to go outside once again.”

I put those words to good use that winter. “Don’t panic. Just wait.” Sure enough it was just as she said. The longest I ever had to wait was forty-five minutes and the wind would subside and the blizzard was over. We lived in a big log home with a great wood-burning stove and we were safe and warm. No need to panic.

I’ve applied those words to many of life’s circumstances, the current one we are going through is no exception.

Jesus said the same thing to his disciples:

“Amazing things will happen to the sun, moon, and stars. And people all over the earth will be upset and confused by the noise of the sea and its crashing waves. 26 They will be afraid and worried about what will happen to the world. Everything in the sky will be changed. 27 Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, stand up tall and don’t be afraid. Know that it is almost time for God to free you!” Luke 21:25-28 ERV

His disciples had asked Jesus about the end of times. A lot had been written in the Old Testament about this. Jesus told them to watch for the signs but He also told them they didn’t need to be afraid. I can hear the words of Jesus more clearly than I heard the words of Mrs. McGinley. “Don’t panic…just wait!”

There will be a time when life on this earth will end. I believe that because God said it will. But that’s no reason to fear. It is a reason to be prepared. The Lord will return for those of us who have accepted Him as our Savior and He will take us to heaven. Those that remain here on the earth will face terrible and devastating events.

God is loving and gracious. He is giving everyone the opportunity to come into relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

“The Lord is not being slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost. He wants everyone to change their ways and stop sinning.

10 But the day when the Lord comes again will surprise everyone like the coming of a thief…” II Peter 3:9-10a ERV

How wonderful is that? God is patient and He doesn’t want anyone to be lost! The good news – everyone has been invited to have a new life in Christ, a life that brings forgiveness and reconciliation with God, the Father.

Don’t panic! Just wait and it will all be over soon.

Say It Again!

Did you ever watch the movie Ever After with Drew Barrymore. It was a cinderella-type story. In one of the final scenes, the man she loves finds her in her nemesis castle. All through the movie she has disguised her identity and has been going by an assumed name. But now as he approaches her, the music swells and he says, I love you, Danielle. She says “Say it again” and he repeats “I love you”. “No, not that. Say my name again.”

Now listen to this story of how being called by name changed a woman’s life.

It was early in the morning, about sunrise. The women who loved and followed Jesus, the ones who had their lives changed by His ministry, went to the tomb. They were taking spices to anoint His body properly for burial. Their hearts were aching and they had to do something to show their love and devotion for their Lord. Only one thing – who would roll away the stone? Surely the soldiers who were guarding his body would only laugh and mock but they had to try. When the women approached and saw the stone rolled away their hearts sank – “Where’s Jesus? Where have they taken Him?” Desperation came rushing in.

“The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, the one who was killed on the cross. 6 But he is not here. He has risen from death, as he said he would. Come and see the place where his body was.” Matthew 28:5-6 ERV

The women went to the disciples and reported that they had seen an angel, the empty tomb and that Jesus was risen!!! From the pit of depression to the height of ecstasy. The Savior, the Messiah, Jesus was alive! However, the men who heard their report didn’t believe them. I’m not sure why but they didn’t.

Mary Magdalene must have followed Peter and John back to the tomb. If they didn’t believe her and the other women who reported what the angels had told them, “He is not here. He is risen”, could they have been wrong? She needed to know what had happened to Jesus. The tomb was empty and His body was gone. Mary had to know – where is my Lord?

“ … she turned around and saw Jesus standing there. But she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” She thought he was the man in charge of the garden. So she said to him, “Did you take him away, sir? Tell me where you put him. I will go and get him.” John 20:13-16 ERV

I find myself at a loss of words, I can’t adequately convey the heart ache, the despair, the confusion, the anguish that Mary must have been experiencing. Jesus had saved her, He had delivered her from demons. She had never known life, true life, until Jesus set her free and now He was gone and she didn’t even get to say good bye!

And then it all changed with just a word:

“Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned toward him and said in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni,’ which means “Teacher.” John 20:16 ERV

One word, just one word – Jesus spoke her name and she knew! “Mary.” The flood of emotion was overwhelming; relief, joy, love, and peace. Tears.

Have you ever really been at the bottom? I mean the very bottom where you weren’t sure you even wanted to go on living? Everything in your life has come crashing in and all hope is gone – have you been there? I have. And with one word, one short message I heard Jesus speak my name! “Kristi.” Sweet and softly spoken, I knew that I have not been forgotten. Jesus knows me, He loves me and He called me by name.

The story of the resurrection is this: Jesus died and rose again, defeating death, hell and the grave; He faced it all to call us by name and let us know we are truly loved and forgiven.

“Do not be afraid. For I have bought you and made you free. I have called you by name. You are Mine!” Isaiah 43:2 NLV

I hope you can hear Jesus calling you by name today. There’s no greater joy than hearing Him say, I love you!

Everything I Need

If you started making a list of everything you need how long would it be? Not talking about your wants or your wish list but the things you really need. Did you know there is an “In Christ” verse to cover that?

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 NLT

As I was sitting here and thinking about what my day has in store I found that in Christ He has already supplied all that I need. Just like Noah was kept safe in the Ark, I am kept safe in Christ. 

    He became my sin so that I could become his righteousness

    He took stripes on his back so that I could be healed

    He told me to come boldly to his throne to find help (Him) in time of need

    He became my strength when I am weak

   He became my peace when things around me are in chaos.

    He gave me a cup that runs over when the enemy is trying to steal, kill and destroy

   He gave me wisdom when I asked for it

What more could I ask for? Then these verses came to mind, this is the right kind of thinking.

 You have been raised to life with Christ. Now set your heart on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God’s right side. Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth. You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God. Christ gives meaning to your life, and when he appears, you will also appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 CEV

Not only do we have God’s promise to be all we need here on earth but we have His promise that our life is hidden in Christ and we will be with Him in heaven.

He is ALL I need!


Some people consider the glass to be half empty while others assess that it is half full.


It’s important to keep a proper perspective when going through a tough time. If we begin to look too closely at the situation it can seem overwhelming. It’s important to pull back and look at things the way God’s see them.

The children of Israel saw a sea too big to cross; God saw a stream and damned it up. Saul’s soldiers saw a giant too big to conquer; David saw a man who was no match for God. Noah saw a world filled with corruption and a devastating flood; God saw a cruise ship of salvation.

What is your perspective? Do you see things as hopeless, do you see defeat?

“As a deer gets thirsty for streams of water, I truly am thirsty for you, my God. 2 In my heart, I am thirsty for you, the living God. When will I see your face? 3 Day and night my tears are my only food, as everyone keeps asking, “Where is your God?” 4 Sorrow floods my heart, when I remember leading the worshipers to your house. I can still hear them shout their joyful praises. 5 Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you! And I will praise you again because you help me, 6 and you are my God.

6 I am deeply discouraged as I think about you from where the Jordan begins at Mount Hermon and from Mount Mizar. 7 Your vicious waves have swept over me like an angry ocean or a roaring waterfall. 8 Every day, you are kind, and at night you give me a song as my prayer to you, the living Lord God. 9 You are my mighty rock. Why have you forgotten me? Why must enemies mistreat me and make me sad? 10 Even my bones are in pain, while all day long my enemies sneer and ask, “Where is your God?”

11 Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you! And I will praise you again
because you help me, and you are my God.” Psalm 42 CEV

King David saw his enemies but God saw His deliverance.

Jesus’ disciples saw a large crowd of hungry people and a little boy’s lunch; Jesus saw a hillside picnic. Mary and Martha mourned a brother who had died; Jesus saw an empty tomb. The Pharisees saw an outcast, an adulterous woman; Jesus saw someone He came to forgive and a candidate for salvation.

Satan saw Jesus as a dead man, buried in a tomb but God saw the resurrection!

Why are you discouraged or disheartened? Put your hope in God!

Some overlook the feast that God provides and see only the enemies. When the Lord gives us a cup it doesn’t remain half empty or half full. He fills our cup until it runs over.

“You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.” Psalm 23:5 CEV

My Top 10

It seems like every industry or walk of life has a Top 10. Top 10: restaurants, vacation spots, songs, movies, players, employees, cars, etc. This morning I would like to talk to you about the top distractions.

When I wake EARLY in the morning I have several options. 1) I can fight to go back to sleep 2) I can worry about anything and everything 3) I can pray about everything and/or 4) I can praise God and rest in Him.

Honestly, I go through several of these steps each morning when I find myself awake early, very early. This morning it was 2:30. So I stopped and prayed and said “Lord I really would like to go back to sleep”. Then I laid there for another 30 minutes but sleep didn’t come.

Things began to fill my mind and so I began to pray. Pray for my children, my family, friends, our nation, my neighborhood, health, finances, the world condition. I heard a pastor say once that when you find “distractions” flooding your mind while you are trying to pray you should move them to the top of list, pray about them, get them off your mind, out of your heart and into God’s hands.

And when I did that, immediately I felt a song come to mind. A song written by Hillsong, Mighty to Save

“Savior, He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save.
He is mighty to save.
Forever, author of Salvation
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.”

My God is mighty to save – think about that! We tend to paint salvation with strictly a spiritual brush but that’s not the way God sees it.

His purpose and plan from the beginning was to have a people who would be in relationship with Him. Friendship! Sonship! And He provided for “His” people all along – He gave Noah an ark; Abraham a son; Isaac a wife; Joseph reunited with family; Moses deliverance; Joshua a new land; David a covenant; Isaiah a prophesy; Jesus a purpose; Peter a message; and Paul a revelation of God’s grace.

We have received salvation for our spirit, our souls and our bodies. He is mighty to save!

“The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 AMP

As we take our top distractions to the Lord and leave them in His hands we will find we have more room for praise and thanksgiving.

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” I Peter 5:7 NLT

No Need to Hide

Are you crazy or delusional? You can’t be happy all the time! Really?

You’ve got your head stuck in the sand – you just need a good dose of reality!

Ever heard those kind of comments – I have! But what people are really saying is “what gives you the right to be so happy when I am so upset?”.

“Always be filled with joy in the Lord. I will say it again. Be filled with joy.” Philippians 4:4 ERV

There’s a difference between happiness and joy, or at least there is to me. Happiness is our positive reaction to external circumstances. Joy is a character trait that comes from within. Happiness is an emotion that fluctuates; joy is a stabilizing confidence.

I choose to be joyful. I choose to see that God has more in store for me that I can fathom; I see God’s love sustaining me no matter what the circumstances are in my life and so I chose to be filled with joy!

I like me better when I’m joyful. I don’t like being grumpy or aggravated. I just don’t. Those conditions tell me that I’m looking at me. I’d rather look at God the Father and be reminded of His amazing love.

“Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. 3 Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. 4 But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 AMP

We need to practice being JOY FILLED! I went to bed last night humming a praise song that we sang Sunday morning and the words are still in my heart this morning. It is the reason I choose to be joyful regardless of the circumstances.

You're my champion 
Giants fall when You stand 
Undefeated Every battle You've won 
I am who You say I am 
You've crowned me with confidence 
I'm seated in the heavenly places 
Undefeated with the one who has conquered it all.
Source: "You are My Champion" Lyrics: Dante Bowe

Fill up your joy reservoir and as you go throughout the day. Share it with others. When asked why you are smiling so much or why you’re so happy, let people know that “God loves me” and that’s more than enough reason to be glad. Joy comes from knowing Jesus is always with us and He has faced any struggle, any trial, any circumstance that would try to destroy us. He is greater than Covid, He is greater than social distancing. He has conquered it all and because of that I am filled with confidence. Confidence of who I am in Christ!

“I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ERV

No Missing Pieces

Did you look at the image I used today? Was your eye immediately drawn to the missing piece?

I’m an avid jigsaw puzzler and let me tell you it’s extremely frustrating to work diligently on a puzzle and then find you have a missing piece.

I vaguely remember my parents living room when I was just 2 or 3 years old. It had several card tables set up with puzzles on each table. My Mom and Dad would invite couples over for an evening. Mom would always bake something and they would spend the evening talking, snacking and doing puzzles. When company left, the tables with unfinished puzzles would be set aside until the next visit. I wasn’t allowed to touch the tables because I was told “we don’t want any missing pieces”.

I always have a puzzle waiting in the cabinet. When our daughters come we make it a weekend project. The goal is to visit while we assemble the puzzle and have it done before they leave on Sunday afternoon. It’s what we do.

No missing pieces.

The events of our life seem to fit together like the pieces of those puzzles. We work toward a particular goal and those pieces seem to fall in place. Other life events seem disjointed or unattached but if we wait and not get upset by a random moment we will see that it has a place and adds to the overall picture.

Our life, as a follower of Christ, is the same. Little pieces coming together to reveal the plan and purpose the Father has for us. There’s a picture in the Father’s heart of what we will look like when the pieces come together. There will be no missing pieces.

“I say this because all of God lives in Christ fully, even in his life on earth. 10 And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10 ERV

Do you see that? We are complete in Christ. All that we need for our life here and for our eternal life has been provided. God, the Father, placed all of who He is in Christ for His life on earth and Christ has placed all He is in us for our life on earth.

“He gives us everything we need for life and for holy living. He gives it through His great power. As we come to know Him better, we learn that He called us to share His own shining-greatness and perfect life. Through His shining-greatness and perfect life, He has given us promises. These promises are of great worth and no amount of money can buy them. Through these promises you can have God’s own life in you now that you have gotten away from the sinful things of the world which came from wrong desires of the flesh.” II Peter 1:3-4 NLV

The picture on the box lid of our lives is glorious! It was designed and created by our loving heavenly Father. Day-by-day, circumstance-by-circumstance we are seeing all the pieces coming together for His glory and our benefit.

Our lives will have no missing pieces – we are complete in Him!