Hide and Seek

That’s certainly what yesterday felt like – everything was hiding, and I was the one seeking.

That’s one thing about being in a new place, it takes a while to remember where everything is. I wanted to make cookies but first I had to seek out the cookie sheets, my recipe book, the ingredients and my little food processor. I knew where my big KitchenAid mixer was, it was in storage so how will I cream brown sugar and shortening by hand – find the food processor!

But then where we the ingredients? The flour, sugar, eggs, salt, vanilla were easy to find. The shortening took a little longer and oh my, the baking soda was MIA. Dave had to go next door to see if my neighbor had any I could borrow. Thank you.

Cookies made and very tasty, success. Now on to the next search. I had appliance warranties to register. Find the receipts and the serial numbers. More seeking.

Friends coming for dinner so back to the kitchen for more searching – serving dishes, napkins, etc. Found them all.

That’s where my thoughts were this morning when a Scripture verse came to mind.

“Later that day Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘I will give half of my property to the poor. And I will now pay back four times as much to everyone I have ever cheated.’ Jesus said to Zacchaeus, ‘Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of Abraham. 10  The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.’” Luke 19:8-10 CEV

Jesus came to SEEK and to SAVE those who are lost! God’s efforts to seek us out are so much greater than mine to find the cookie sheets or the serials numbers.

I had to stop right then and thank Him for seeking for me and being persistent enough to find me.

So many times I have quoted the verses:

” Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks.” Matthew 7:7-8 CEV

But these verses took on new meaning this morning when I put them in perspective. God seeks us! Of course, He knows where we are just like Jesus knew Zacchaeus was in that tree. He seeks for us until we are wanting to be found.

God isn’t willing that any should perish; He wants us all to come to Him and so He continues to seek, lovingly seek a relationship with us.

We spend so much time seeking for things – peace, happiness, financial freedom, relationships, prestige but when we search for God we find it all.

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:31-33 NLT

When we search for God, we will find Him. He’s been there all the time – seeking a relationship with us and wanting to provide for our well-being.

Make Today Count

Dave and I were sitting on the deck last night and talking about what is to come in the future. The end of next week we have two different families whose children are getting married. These are kids we saw growing up – now they are starting families of their own.

Dave said it will be a long time before we have another wedding in our family. The older grandkids have started their lives and homes, but the littles are still years removed from that. We wonder, will we be here to be a part of it. Only God knows that answer.

This week some of those close to us have lost loved ones to death.

It makes us ever more aware that we should be living each day with purpose and making the most of the days we have.

When we read the book of Romans it’s almost as if the Apostle Paul was reading the headlines in yesterday’s paper. His instructions are so direct and timely to the world we are living in. There is nothing “old fashioned” about his teaching.

“You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. You know that the day when we will be saved is nearer now than when we first put our faith in the Lord. 12 Night is almost over, and day will soon appear. We must stop behaving as people do in the dark and be ready to live in the light. 13 So behave properly, as people do in the day. Don’t go to wild parties or get drunk or be vulgar or indecent. Don’t quarrel or be jealous. 14 Let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear. Then you won’t try to satisfy your selfish desires.” Romans 13:11-14 CEV

It’s time to wake up! Making each day count.

Time to live the life that Jesus has called us to live. The Lord’s coming back soon. Yes, that’s been said since the time that Paul was on the earth but look how much sooner it is now than it was then. Look how much sooner it is than just 5-10 years ago.

Why the delay? I know but one answer to that question.

“Dear friends, don’t forget that for the Lord one day is the same as a thousand years, and a thousand years is the same as one day. 9 The Lord isn’t slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost. 10 The day of the Lord’s return will surprise us like a thief…” II Peter 3:8-10a CEV

God, the Father, is being patient and loving as He waits for everyone to respond to His love.

We have been given the opportunity to be light in this world, let’s make today count and fill it with His goodness.

A Morning Accident

This morning started differently than I had planned. I had stood up to open the blinds and on my way back to my chair I kicked my coffee cup, spilling it on the rug.


Did you catch that? I was able to get the coffee blotted up and do it with a good attitude. To be perfectly honest, my thought was “Lord, what does Your word say about a spill?”

I didn’t want frustration to spoil the beauty of the morning. Let me share with you what I found.

“Jesus said: Don’t judge others, and God won’t judge you. Don’t be hard on others, and God won’t be hard on you. Forgive others, and God will forgive you. 38 If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.” Luke 6:37-38 CEV

I like that! When I treat others with respect, kindness, forgiveness and understanding, I will receive back what I’ve given – SPILLING over into my lap. Wow, what a way to start the day.

Then I was reminded of another verse about spilling over.

“The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need…You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies. You welcomed me as an honored guest. My cup is full and spilling over. Your goodness and mercy will be with me all my life, and I will live in the Lord’s house a long, long time.” Psalm 23:1, 5-6 ERV

My cup is full and spilling over with the goodness and mercy of God for my entire life. Spilling over is a good thing when it comes from God.

If your morning didn’t start the way you had hoped, stop and look at how God’s love is working on your behalf. You may find that what you thought was a mess becomes a message.


In modern communication that one word garners an attitude of disrespect and rudeness. However, I would like to redirect our thinking.

Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men. 24 Remember that you will get your reward from the Lord. He will give you what you should receive. You are working for the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 NLV

Whatever is all inclusive; nothing is left outside of its scope. When we follow Christ, we need to embrace the whatever. He is our example and we are called to be like Him.

“You are merciful, Lord! You are kind and patient and always loving…Our Lord, everything you do is kind and thoughtful, 18 and you are near to everyone whose prayers are sincere.” Psalm 145:8,17-18 CEV

In whatever we do we should be kind and loving. Oh my! I’m preaching to myself this morning.

There are times when I’m tired, frustrated and downright cranky. There are times when I want to issue a “whatever” in a sarcastic manner and it’s in those moments that I hear the voice of God in my heart reminding me that whatever I chose to do, I need to represent Him.

One word, the same word, can be spoken with kindness or with selfishness.

“And Christ did die for all of us. He died so we would no longer live for ourselves, but for the one who died and was raised to life for us. 16 We are careful not to judge people by what they seem to be, though we once judged Christ in this way. 17 Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new18 God has done it all! He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us, and he has given us the work of making peace between himself and others.” II Corinthians 5:15-18 CEV

It’s our assignment to show God’s love and His desire to bring peace to those we encounter each day. Whatever we do will be a service to Him who gave us new life.

I’m talking to myself now. I don’t have this mastered, yet!

“Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 CEV

I encourage you to make “whatever” your word of the day. Whatever is kind and loving, whatever is friendly and true. Whatever we do, do all to God’s glory!

Don’t Be Discouraged!

I realized yesterday when I talked about hardships that some of those reading this blog may be discouraged by that thought. So, let’s continue on.

As I pointed out the Apostle Paul had many opportunities to become discouraged because his hardships were many. However, he never accepted defeat. Instead of going from battle to battle, he went from victory to victory. He had his mind set, like concrete, in the truth of God’s word.

“Do not act like the sinful people of the world. Let God change your life. First of all, let Him give you a new mind. Then you will know what God wants you to do. And the things you do will be good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLV

When we come to Christ and begin to study God’s word there is a transformation that begins to take place in our minds. Instead of seeing limitations we see God’s intervention and His power.

 It is true, we live in a body of flesh. But we do not fight like people of the world. We do not use those things to fight with that the world uses. We use the things God gives to fight with and they have power. Those things God gives to fight with destroy the strong-places of the devil. We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 NLV

The people Paul was writing to were used to seeing soldiers invading their lands; fighting men ready to conquer a weaker or diminished force. He pointed out that ours was a different kind of battle. Ours is a battle of faith – trusting and believing God to do what He has promised. Breaking down every thought that tries to diminish the power of God in our lives.

“This is the last thing I want to say: Be strong with the Lord’s strength11 Put on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil. 12 Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens. 13 Because of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing.” Ephesians 6:10-13 NLV

Still standing! Going from victory to victory.

Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victoryNo one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” I John 5:4-5 CEV

“But we thank God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” I Corinthians 15:57 ERV

Hardships, yes. Victory? Absolutely, through Christ we always triumph!

What About Hardship?

Everyone that is alive has faced struggles; some are physical while others are emotional or financial or relational. That is part of living in a fallen world and it is also in part to the spiritual enemies we face.

I think we would all like a lot less hardship and more ease but frankly, that’s unrealistic.

Before you stop reading and think that this morning’s words are too depressing to read, read this.

“We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give upWe are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed16 That is why we never give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day. 17 We have small troubles for a while now, but these troubles are helping us gain an eternal glory. That eternal glory is much greater than our troubles18 So we think about what we cannot see, not what we see. What we see lasts only a short time, and what we cannot see will last forever.” II Corinthians 4:8-18 ERV

These words were written by the Apostle Paul. Other than Christ, I don’t think there was anyone in the Bible who experienced more hardship than him. He was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, stoned and left for dead. He was maligned in nearly every town he preached in. And he calls all of that “small troubles”.

How can that be? His answer: God does not leave us, we look at the eternal, ever present Spirit of God who will never leave us our abandon us.

“But the Lord said, ‘My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.‘ So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me. 10 Yes, I am glad to have weaknesses if they are for Christ. I am glad to be insulted and have hard times. I am glad when I am persecuted and have problems, because it is when I am weak that I am really strong.” II Corinthians 12:9-11 ERV

When Daniel faced the lions, his strength was no match for theirs. David faced a Goliath of a giant, he was outmatched. The Hebrew children should have been toast in the fiery furnace. Joseph, who was accused of rape and spent years in an Egyptian prison, rose to be second in command.

Not one of them was abandoned or deserted by God. They were aware of the unseen power of God and they trusted Him.

“The Lord can be trusted in all that he says.  He is loyal in all that he does. 14 The Lord lifts up people who have fallen. He helps those who are in trouble.” Psalm 145:13-14 ERV

So, when we face hardship, and we will, we can trust God to give us the strength we need. He will be our deliverer.

Each Morning

Thank you for joining me each morning. It is my heartfelt prayer that the Word of God speaks to you in a personal way through the words of this blog.

This morning, I have been spending time with one verse. Just one verse has the power to change our day, our entire lives.

“Each morning let me learn
more about your love
    because I trust you.
I come to you in prayer,
    asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8 CEV

Each morning let me learn more about your love!

Dwell on that.

Stop and recall those experiences you’ve had in the past where God showed you His amazing love in a personal way. Make a list of them and put them in your phone’s “notes”. Write them in your journal – special times of just you and the Lord, heart-to-heart communication.

We will never explore the depths of God’s love, it’s unfathomable, but we can experience more of His love today than we did yesterday. He offers that to us freely and without hesitation.

 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” John 3:16 CEV

Now, I will end these thoughts for today by asking you to do this one thing. Take the verse above and do what it says. Pray for guidance, open your heart to what the Lord is leading you to do. He will show you His love. He can be trusted!

“Each morning let me learn
more about your love
    because I trust you.
I come to you in prayer,
    asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8

My Whole Portion

I’m going to share a couple of things with you this morning that I know I have shared in times past, but they bear repeating.

My dad loved life. The things he did, he did with his whole heart. And he loved to eat my mom’s cooking. Everyone like eating at my house – Mom was a great cook. Anyway, daddy had a saying that there was only one way to ruin pie and that was to cut it. His meaning was clear, he didn’t want to share but he wanted to eat the whole thing. That pie was his “portion”.

That analogy has stuck with me for years. And when I found this verse in Psalm 119, the verse took on a greater meaning.

“Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words.” Psalm 119:57 KJV

“The Lord is my share. I have promised to obey Your Word.” Psalm 119:57 NLV

King David saw the Lord as his portion. He didn’t just want part of God and His word, he wanted to consume all that God was and did. Another verse in Acts makes this testimony of David.

 When God took Saul as king from them, He made David to be their king. He said, ‘David, Jesse’s son, will please My heart. He will do all I want done.’” Acts 13:22 NLV

Not only had David chosen God as his portion but the Lord found in David a man he could trust to do the right thing – to seek Him and follow his leading.

Was David perfect? No! but he was quick to repent. So now I need to ask you and myself as well, is the Lord my portion or do I have other things that would distract and steal my affection?

About 45 years ago there was a song in Christian circles by an artist Twilla Parris. It was entitled, “Secret Place”. The words of this song still minister to me today. It asks, will you let Him in your secret place?

What’s the thing that is keeping us from making the Lord our portion, that little sliver that we hold back? We need to let it go and let the Lord fill that secret place with Himself.

Following the Lord doesn’t mean that we won’t face obstacles, battles or persecution but it does mean that the Lord will walk with us through the storms, give us strength and peace and bring us out to a place of victory.

“I am your servant, Lord, and you have kept your promise to treat me with kindness. 66 Give me wisdom and good sense. I trust your commands.67 Once you corrected me for not obeying you, but now I do obey. 68 You are kindhearted, and you do good things, so teach me your laws. 69 My reputation is being ruined by conceited liars, but with all my heart I follow your teachings. 70 Those liars have no sense, but I find happiness in your Law. 71 When you corrected me, it did me good because it taught me to study your laws.72 I would rather obey you than to have a thousand pieces of silver and gold.” Psalm 119:65-72 ERV

Lord, I want You to be my portion – my whole portion. Reveal to me any “secret” places that I have kept back from You and give me the courage to let You shine the light of Your love into that darkness and bring me out into the warmth of Your healing. Amen!

Just Call

How many times each day do we wonder about something? We try to figure out the best way of doing things. We need answers and although friends and colleagues may try to help their assistance is often limited.

That’s why my morning quiet times are so important to me. I talk to the Father about things I know will occur throughout the day, plans I am making for the future and the daily unseen events that interrupt and cause me to make course corrections.

When I’m needing answers to some questions that are past my knowledge I don’t want to be held back because of my ignorance. I get up seeking the Father and His wisdom.

One thing that has been proven over the years, not just in my lifetime but of time itself, is God is faithful and His word is true. He tells us to ask for wisdom and He will give it liberally. When He says ask and it will be given, seek and we will find, knock and the door will open, we can be confident that He will be true to His word!

When we call – He answers!

“Moreover, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the guard, saying, 2 Thus says the Lord Who made [the earth], the Lord Who formed it to establish it—the Lord is His name: 3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).’” Jeremiah 33:1-3 AMP

When it seems like we are in prison, the prison of our circumstances or the one caused by our limited knowledge or even an actual physical prison, He reminds us of who He is, His power and His willingness to help.

Call on Me and I WILL answer and I will show you the things that were hidden, the things that you don’t recognize or understand. CALL!

And after we call “Be still and know that I am God.”

“Our God says, ‘Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honor me.’ 11 The Lord All-Powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46:10-11 CEV

The wonderful work of the Holy Spirit is to teach us.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:26-27 NKJV

The by-product of God’s wisdom is peace. The Old Testament tells us that we should be led by peace. If we ask for wisdom and it appears we get an answer, but it comes with turmoil and worry that isn’t an answer from God.

“Are any of you wise or sensible? Then show it by living right and by being humble and wise in everything you do…17 But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere. 18 When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice.” James 3:13,17-18 CEV

You have walked with me as I have asked for wisdom this morning but now, I must take my leave and be still and listen. I encourage you to call – He will answer!

Flip the Coin

I often hear folks say, “I wish I had more faith, or I wish my faith was bigger or stronger”. This morning, I would like to share a couple of thoughts on “Faith” and “Unbelief”.

Imagine you are holding a coin in your hand right now. One side of the coin is faith, and one side is unbelief. The outcome in the situations of our life is directly affected by the side of the coin that we are looking at.

There are many Scriptures when Jesus addressed “Unbelief” in the hearts and minds of those that he was ministering too.

In Matthew 13 it says that Jesus couldn’t do any mighty works in his own hometown because of their unbelief. In Mark 9 the man who had a demon possessed son brought him to Jesus for healing. Jesus answered if you can believe all things are possible to him and the father responded Lord, I believe – help my unbelief. After Jesus set the boy free, his disciples came and ask:

Then the followers came to Jesus alone. They said, “We tried to force the demon out of the boy, but we could not. Why were we not able to make the demon go out?”

“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:19-20 NKJV

Jesus didn’t say that it was because of their “little” faith or even lack of faith but because of unbelief. He then goes on to say that with faith as little as a grain of mustard seed, nothing would be impossible to them. And as a side note when Jesus said “this kind” goes not out but by prayer and fasting, He was talking about the unbelief.

Faith, simply put, is our belief that God not only can do, but will do, those things that He has promised. Abraham is our walking example of this. He had a lifetime of evidence to support his unbelief in being able to have a child. Barrenness for both he and Sarah. If they had gone to the fertility clinic, everyone would have laughed at them and sent them home. But thank God, Abraham didn’t listen to all the unbelief (his own or that of others) he was strong in faith.

“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” Romans 4:19-21

When we give our life to Christ and are born again, we are given faith as a part of our new nature. Romans 12 says that God has given all of us “the” measure of faith and then in Galatians 5, Paul tells us again that faith is a fruit of the Spirit.

We can all agree it takes faith to get saved. “For by grace are ye saved through faith”. Faith, believing that God will do what He says He will do, and grace, God giving us what we don’t deserve and can’t earn on our own. This was the time in our life that our faith in God was the smallest and yet it was enough to create the greatest miracle – salvation.

So now, what situation has you focused on unbelief. Go to God’s word, find His answer, feed your faith (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God) and it will cause your unbelief to shrink.

It’s like putting weights on a scale – when the scale is balanced you simply decrease the unbelief because you know that “mustard seed” faith is more than enough to move mountains.

Flip the coin. Faith, we win. Unbelief, we lose. In God we trust!