Is Someone Judging You?

Have you ever been misjudged? Maybe it was your appearance; maybe your age or maybe it was the region you came from? Better yet let me ask this question, have you ever misjudged someone?

Either way – judging or being judged – is detrimental.

Years ago I worked at a community college and a young man worked under my supervision. My best description of him was he could have been a character from a pirates movie. I judged him on his appearance. In a few weeks I came to know him better and found that he was a real evangelist on campus. I repented quickly for judging.

Samuel was a priest and God sent him on a mission. He was to find and anoint a king for Israel. Saul, the reigning king, had turned his back on God’s instruction and then he lied about it. He even consulted a witch instead of the Lord. The Lord told Samuel to find and anoint a new king.

Samuel went where the Lord sent him, to Bethlehem. There he found Jesse who had seven sons. Samuel told Jesse why he was there and so each son was brought before Samuel. Samuel saw one who looked like he would be God’s chosen but the Lord didn’t agree. Six sons came before Samuel and the Lord rejected each of them.

Jesse, David’s father, didn’t even have David come to meet the priest. How do you like that? His own father judged David unqualified, he was just a kid! But look what the Lord said.

“But the Lord told him, “Samuel, don’t think Eliab is the one just because he’s tall and handsome. He isn’t the one I’ve chosen. People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.” I Samuel 16:7 CEV

“Jesse sent for David. He was a healthy, good-looking boy with a sparkle in his eyes. As soon as David came, the Lord told Samuel, ‘He’s the one! Get up and pour the olive oil on his head.’ 13 Samuel poured the oil on David’s head while his brothers watched. At that moment, the Spirit of the Lord took control of David and stayed with him from then on.” I Samuel 16:12-13 CEV

If you’ve been judged unfairly by others, take heart! Really! Take your heart for God and know that even though men reject you God has chosen you. The Pharisees and religious rulers thought Jesus wasn’t qualified to be the Messiah because “can anything good come from Nazareth”. He was judged ineffective simply because of where He lived.

When God gives you a task to do His is the only opinion that matters.

We must be careful not to judge others. Jesus told us plainly to “judge not lest we be judged”. God qualifies and equips those He chooses. Did you see what the verse said about King David? “the Spirit of the Lord took control of David and stayed with him from then on.”

It doesn’t matter if we’re young or old, rich or poor, educated or not, male or female, religious or common, our God looks on the heart! The only question should be – how is my heart?

Lord, I desire to have my heart pure in Your site. In Jesus name.

More Faith

I have often heard folks say, “I wish I had more faith or I wish my faith was bigger or stronger”.

This morning I would like to share a couple of thoughts on “Faith” and “Unbelief”. Imagine you are holding a coin in your hand right now. One side of the coin is faith and one side is unbelief. The outcome in the situations of your life are directly affected by the side of the coin that you are looking at.

There are many Scriptures when Jesus addressed “Unbelief” in the hearts and minds of those that he was ministering too. In Matthew it says that Jesus couldn’t do any mighty works in his own hometown because of their unbelief.

Aman who had a demon possessed son brought him to Jesus for healing. Jesus told the father if he believed all things were possible. Then the father responded Lord, I believe – help my unbelief. After Jesus set the boy free his disciples came and asked:

“Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” 20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:19-21 NKJV

Jesus didn’t say that it was because of their “little” faith or even lack of faith but because of unbelief. He then goes on to say that with faith as little as a grain of mustard seed, nothing would be impossible to them. And as a side note when Jesus said “this kind” goes not out but by prayer and fasting, He was talking about the unbelief.

Faith, simply put, is our belief that God not only can do but will do those things that He has promised. Abraham is our example of this unwavering faith. He had a lifetime of evidence to support his unbelief of being able to have a child. He and Sarah were old and had never had children. If they had gone to the fertility clinic, everyone would have laughed at them and sent them home. But thank God, Abraham didn’t listen to all the unbelief (his own or that of others) he was strong in faith.

“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” Romans 4:19-21

When we give our life to Christ and are born again, we are given faith as a part of our new nature. Paul says in Romans that God has given all of us “the” measure of faith and in Galatians he tells us that faith is a fruit of the Spirit.

We can all agree it takes faith to get saved. “For by grace are ye saved through faith”. Faith is believing that God will do what He says He will do, and grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve and can’t earn on our own. This was the time in our life that our faith in God was the smallest, mustard seed size, but it was big enough for us receive our greatest miracle – salvation.

When there is something that seems to be bigger than our faith, we should go to God’s word, find His answer, feed our faith (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God) and it will cause our unbelief to shrink. We keep our focus on God and His ability and not our doubt and inability.

We decrease the doubt and unbelief because we know “mustard seed” faith is more than enough to move our mountains.

Congratulations Class of 2020!

I want to take this morning to say congratulations to all who are graduating this year. You did it!

Each one of you are unique and have talents and abilities that no one else does. Your perspective, sense of humor, compassion, strength and skills have made you one-of-a-kind. As parents, grandparents, educators, family and friends we want to encourage you as you continue on this road of life.

God made you complete; an individual who will add to this world and not take away from it. The person you are now and in the process of becoming is as distinctive as your fingerprints. Without you we would all be missing out.

Parents, from the time our graduates were born we guided them in their development. It was our job to nurture them and help them see their God-given talents. As this door on their education closes and they step out into a waiting world we know there is nothing common about them. They have a calling, a plan and a purpose that is exclusively theirs.

“‘I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.’ This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.'” Jeremiah 29:11-12 ERV

Trust God to direct your path; as you pursue His plan your lives will be filled with peace, protection and wisdom. He has designed this day from the beginning of time and He desires nothing but good for you.

Any plan that God designs is excellent. Trust Him with your future. You are valuable to your heavenly Father; it makes no difference your profession. We need you – trades persons, educators, first responders, professionals, ministers, musicians, bankers, clerks, artists, designers, homemakers – we need you all.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8 NLT

We are celebrating you, the graduates, today. College, High School, Trade School, Junior High and yes, even kindergarten. God’s love and provision is never limited – not by age, class, race, gender or education. He has made a promise to each and everyone of us – He will never leave us or abandon us – never!

Go with God! Follow His path.


Lord, It’s Morning!

Listen…No stop right now and listen for 10 seconds.

If you’re anything like me your morning starts with the sound of the coffee pot, the hum of the computer fan and a myriad of other noises all competing for your attention. I am blessed to live in rural Arizona where there are no sounds of traffic, sirens, planes or other such noises, just the birds and the coyotes. When we lived in Montana I would hear the momma cows calling to their calves and the horses nickering as they waited for morning feed. But it hasn’t always been that way.

I know what it’s like to wake to the alarm clock. Have kids that need to get up, be fed and taken to school on my way to the office in the busy traffic. Radios playing, tv spilling the morning news, emails to read, FB to check in on – so much noise. It can be deafening.

When you stopped to listen did you hear the voice of God?

I wake up each morning and say “I love you Father, I love you Jesus, I love you Holy Spirit” and then I can hear that inner voice say “We love you too”. WOW!!

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

We spend so much time looking for the big, the spectacular, the miraculous and we miss the simple, still, small voice of God trying to lead us and give us insight. How many times have we said, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that” or “It just dawned on me” or “I was just thinking about that very thing” and we don’t realize that God is trying to get through to us?

When David, the anointed king, was running from Saul in desert he continually inquired of the Lord. Should I go or stay? Should I attack or refrain? The Bible tells us that David was a man “after God’s own heart”. He wanted to be led by God in all he did. He knew that his well-being was entirely in God’s hands.

“I will call to God for help, and the Lord will save me. 17 I speak to God morning, noon, and night. I tell him what upsets me, and he listens to me! 18 I have fought in many battles, but he has always rescued me and brought me back safely.” Psalm 55:16-18 ERV

The most important thing we’ll hear each morning, if we listen, will be the still, small voice of the Lord. Sssssh – just listen!

A Must Share on Peace

Yesterday morning when I read these verses I knew they were a must share.

“Only God gives inward peace,  and I depend on him.God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe, and he is the fortress where I feel secure.God saves me and honors me. He is that mighty rock where I find safety. Trust God, my friends, and always tell him
each one of your concerns. God is our place of safety.” Psalm 62:5-8 CEV


The search for peace, at times, seems to be as illusive as the hunt for the loch ness monster or abominable snowman. Many spend there life searching for it but so few find true peace.

I’ve been reading about the life of David, first as a shepherd and then as king. His transition from the pasture to the palace was a rocky one, to say the least. We often think that when we have a call of God on our life that the road ahead will be smooth and unhindered. Not so my friend, not so.

David was anointed king while Saul was still reigning. Saul hated David and pursued him relentlessly through the deserts. David and his men hid in caves and even took refuge in the towns of the enemies of the Israelites to avoid Saul’s obsessive attacks. There were several times when David could have easily killed Saul but he refused. He told his men, who were encouraging him to take Saul’s life, that he would not touch the king that had been anointed by God. David depended on the Lord to protect and bring him to power in His timing.

I have been reading all this for the last several days, there are chapters and chapters written on Saul’s pursuit of David. So, when I read Psalm 62 yesterday morning and saw David’s words of praise for the peace and protection that the Lord had given him I was greatly impressed. All of the threats, the struggles, the hunger, the danger brought David to pen these heartfelt words “Only God, God alone, God saves, Trust God”. He had one focus, Only God.

These are the words that start this chapter: “Only God can save me, and I calmly wait for him. God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe and the fortress where I am secure. I feel like a shaky fence or a sagging wall. How long will all of you attack and assault me?
You want to bring me down from my place of honor. You love to tell lies, and when your words are kind, hatred hides in your heart. Only God gives inward peace, and I depend on him.” Psalm 62:1-5 CEV

I don’t know what your life’s circumstance is but I feel certain that some of you have experienced personal attack, unprovoked aggression. May I encourage you to do what David did – focus on God and God alone.

Only God gives inward peace, depend on Him.

Can You Smell the Smoke?

I love camping but most of you already know that. Being out in the woods, fishing, hiking, counting the stars all make for a great camping trip but there’s one thing I can’t really enjoy – campfire smoke. Oh, I like cooking over an open fire and roasting marshmallows over the coals but not the smoke.

That smell will stay in your clothes and hair until you take a good shower and do the laundry. It would be strange to be around fire and not have that lingering smoky smell. You could almost say it would be a miracle.

A miracle, indeed.

In the book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar commanded a statue of gold in his likeness to be built. All the people who lived in the country were to bow down and worship the statue when they heard music playing. Everyone did as there were told except for three young Jewish men who were prisoners in the country, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Those in authority told the King that these three wouldn’t bow and it made him furious. He called them in and gave them strict warning that next time they heard the music they were to bow.

The music played but the men didn’t bow. They were brought before the King again. He ordered the furnace to be heated hotter than it had been for melting gold for the statue; the men were bound and thrown into the fire. In his first warning the King had told them they would be thrown into the furnace if they didn’t bow.

“…O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Daniel 3:16-18

Let me paraphrase. King we don’t have to take a lot of time to think about our answer. If you throw us in the fire our God will deliver us. If you don’t throw us in we still aren’t going to serve your god or worship your statue.

At this response, they were thrown in. Nebuchadnezzar was watching to make sure they died. What he saw instead were the men walking around in the fire and that there was a fourth man in there with them!

Hallelujah!! God showed up in grand fashion.

“Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the flaming furnace and said to the three young men, ‘You servants of the Most High God, come out at once!’ They came out, 27 and the king’s high officials, governors, and advisors all crowded around them. The men were not burned, their hair wasn’t scorched, and their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke. 28 King Nebuchadnezzar said: ‘Praise their God for sending an angel to rescue his servants! They trusted their God and refused to obey my commands. Yes, they chose to die rather than to worship or serve any god except their own. 29 And I won’t allow people of any nation or race to say anything against their God. Anyone who does will be chopped up and their houses will be torn down, because no other god has such great power to save.'” Daniel 3:26-29CEV

These men were slaves in a foreign country. They took a very unpopular stand – they refused to worship any god other than God the Father. They were persecuted and their lives were threatened but the stood strong. They went through a fiery trial and came out, not even smelling like smoke.

If you’re going through a fiery trial of persecution for your stand for the Lord Stand strong! Don’t bend, don’t compromise, don’t bow – God will show up and walk in the fire with you.

He will bring you out and you won’t smell like smoke!

Going South

Many in the continental U.S. like to travel south every year. We call them winter visitors. This year some of them stayed longer than expected because they felt it wasn’t safe to head home. There was so much uncertainty – would they be jeopardizing their health, would there be a safe place to stay while on the road, could they fly safely. So many questions.

We should all ask these same questions about life in general. Our daily routine needs to be taken to the Lord in prayer and He will guide.

Years ago when we were young in faith and learning to listen to the Lord’s voice we had a cowboy preacher, a dear friend, tell us this: “If God says go South, He will provide; If you go North you’ll think you died!”

Now that’s not scripture but it is Biblical. Solomon put it this way: “Trust the LORD completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6 With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. 7 Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the LORD and stay away from evil. 8 If you do this, it will be like a refreshing drink and medicine for your body.” Proverb 3:5-8 ERV

And then this one: “Turn to the LORD for help in everything you do, and you will be successful. 4 The LORD has a plan for everything.” Proverbs 16:3-4a ERV

God has a plan for each day – it doesn’t really matter what the activities are in the day He has a plan! Some days His plan is to change our plan, His plan is better.

When we listen, He speaks and when we follow His leading we are blessed! We have a choice – it would be silly to lean to our own understanding since following Him is the right way to go and His wisdom is perfect.

“Today I am giving you a choice. You may choose the blessing or the curse. 27 You will get the blessing if you listen and obey the commands of the LORD your God that I have told you today. 28 But you will get the curse if you refuse to listen and obey the commands of the LORD your God. So don’t stop living the way I command you today, and don’t follow other gods that you don’t know.” Deuteronomy 11:26-28 ERV

Trust the Lord today. He loves us and His desire for us is good!

“I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the LORD. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 ERV

Go South today – He will provide!!!

Preparing For A Harvest

In the days when fields were cultivated by hand rocks had to be removed before the seeds could be planted. The ground had to be broken up and turned over either with a shovel, hoe or a plow. The stones would be unearthed and removed, generally they were placed at the edge of the fields.

The same holds true in our lives. The Bible teaches us that God’s word is good seed and if we plant it in our hearts we will receive a plentiful harvest.

“I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness,  and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’” Hosea 10:12 NLT

If seed is just scattered on top of the dirt and not planted in the soil properly production will be greatly hindered. Some of the seed will be eaten by birds, some will blow away, some will be hampered by the rocks and some will find good soil and grow well.

It’s a foolish farmer that sows seed so frivolously. With a little extra work and a little more time the ground can be properly prepared and a greater yield achieved. I’ve learned that lesson well from gardening. Plants don’t like rock infested ground. The roots struggle as they seek to go deeper in the soil, carrots that encounter rocks during the growth are misshaped and twisted when they are harvested.

“Now listen to the meaning of the story about the farmer: 19 The seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message about the kingdom, but don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches the message from their hearts. 20 The seeds that fell on rocky ground are the people who gladly hear the message and accept it right away. 21 But they don’t have deep roots, and they don’t last very long. As soon as life gets hard or the message gets them in trouble, they give up.

22 The seeds that fell among the thornbushes are also people who hear the message. But they start worrying about the needs of this life and are fooled by the desire to get rich. So the message gets choked out, and they never produce anything. 23 The seeds that fell on good ground are the people who hear and understand the message. They produce as much as a hundred or sixty or thirty times what was planted.” Matthew 13:18-23 CEV

Our heart is the soil, God’s word is the seed. Prepare the ground, pick out the rocks, protect the seed and we’ll see a harvest of good fruit in our lives!

Stay Focused

I remember those mornings when we lived in Idaho and Montana that I would sit quietly with my hot coffee and watch the icicles melting on the eaves. Each droplet that awakened from frozen slumber to fluid movement meant the earth would soon be showing new signs of growth.

The warmth of the sun reminded us all that the long winter days were over and spring would begin to blossom very soon.

Yesterday we learned from our governor that the “long winter” of the stay-at-home order would be over and life, once again, would begin to bloom. However, before everyone begins to rush out and reclaim previous activity I would like to remind us all to stay focused.

Much the same as I focused on that melting icicle that would send its moisture into the earth to awaken the seeds that had been dormant through the cold months of winter I would like us to focus on the kindness and sharing that we experienced during the last few months.

Time with family took on richer meaning. Sharing a moment of laughter with a friend was a cherished gem. And our quiet prayers for safety and protection brought a richness and strength to each day.

Let’s not lose sight of what we learned and experienced during this time.

“I want you to realize that I continue to work as hard as I know how for you, and also for the Christians over at Laodicea. Not many of you have met me face-to-face, but that doesn’t make any difference. Know that I’m on your side, right alongside you. You’re not in this alone.

2-4 I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we’ve been shown the mystery! I’m telling you this because I don’t want anyone leading you off on some wild-goose chase, after other so-called mysteries, or “the Secret.” Colossians 2:1-4 MSG

Let’s stay focused on Christ and our relationship of reliance on Him and His strength. There will be challenges ahead, many of them, and so, we must remember where our strength and peace come from.

I don’t know how things are where you live. Maybe you’re still being asked to stay at home or perhaps your state has already opened. But it’s not the condition of the state that makes the difference in our lives, it’s the condition of the heart.

Just like the relationship between the sun and the icicle our hearts are warmed by the Son, softened to make way for new growth and a greater capacity to love.

Safe in the Storm

What keeps us grounded when life’s storms have our boat rocking? Storms will come. The last two and one half months have proven that. And it doesn’t appear this current storm is over yet.

Storms of life: health, finances, accidents, death, divorce, family issues or physical storms (tornadoes, blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes). Where do we find peace and safety?

Peter was in a physical storm and he learned that he would sink or walk based on one thing – the Word of God. Jesus said “Come” and on that one word directive from the mouth of the Son of God, he walked.

And then he took his eyes off Jesus and the Bible tells us he started to sink. Jesus grabbed him and together, they walked back to the boat.

During all this COVID-19 crisis some have been content to stay in the boat just like most of the disciples. Some have seen Jesus, coming towards them, walking on the water and asked to join Him and have heard Him say “Come”. Quickly they jump out of the boat and head for Jesus. Then there’s a news report about failing businesses or a neighbor/loved one is diagnosed with the virus and they start to sink.

Jesus reaches down and lifts them up and together they walk back to the boat. Safety in life isn’t in the boat. The disciples that were in it were scared, almost frozen with fear. Their place of safety was with Jesus. He was the One the winds and the waves obeyed. He was the One who brought peace.

“When they saw him, they thought he was a ghost. They were terrified and started screaming. 27 At once, Jesus said to them, “Don’t worry! I am Jesus. Don’t be afraid.” 28 Peter replied, “Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come on!” Jesus said. Peter then got out of the boat and started walking on the water toward him.

30 But when Peter saw how strong the wind was, he was afraid and started sinking. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. 31 Right away, Jesus reached out his hand. He helped Peter up and said, “You surely don’t have much faith. Why do you doubt?”32 When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind died down. 33 The men in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God!” Matthew 14:26-33 CEV

Jesus spoke just a couple of words but when it’s a Word from God, it’s enough. “Come”. “Light be”. “Lazarus come forth”. The power of God is expressed in His word and His word will not fail.

In the midst of the storm we will be at peace, safe, when we are trusting in God’s word. If we are going to be grounded, we have to be standing on the word of God. It is the only sure and firm foundation.

“Grass dies and flowers fall, but the word of our God lasts forever.” Isaiah 40:8

” Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35

“Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

There’s an old hymn that came to mind, it was written in 1876 by Russell Carter. The second stanza is particularly relevant.

2. Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
by the living Word of God I shall prevail,
standing on the promises of God.
Standing, standing,
standing on the promises of Christ my Savior;
standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

Stand on His Word – it will never fail!