Chosen Personally

This morning three of our grandchildren are asleep in the loft. We love having them come for sleepovers.

Dave & I reminisce of our times spent with grandparents and we want to make lifelong memories for our littles. We want to be instrumental in teaching them values and purpose. We want them to know how special they are to us and to the Lord.

It’s important that we know how precious we are to the Lord, not only when we are children but also in our later years. The Lord has chosen each one of us.

In Arizona we have a number of major league baseball teams that bring their Spring Training camps here. The purpose – to choose the best players for the team.

Do you remember being a kid and playing a game of kick ball, tag, even baseball? You know what I’m talking about; all the kids in the neighborhood line up, select 2 captains and then they choose teams.

I was not athletic and so I was always one of the last ones chosen. Even now I wouldn’t be chosen for my sense of fashion, education, exceptional good looks, financial status or my athletic abilities. Does that hurt my feelings like it used to?

No, not anymore because you see I realize that I have been chosen for the team and it’s not because of my talents or abilities but it’s because of the Captain’s amazing love and acceptance.

If you’re feeling left out today, Unaccepted. Untalented. Lacking. Focus on this.

“But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests. You are a holy nation, people who belong to God. He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done. He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light. 10 In the past you were not a special people, but now you are God’s people. Once you had not received mercy, but now God has given you his mercy.” I Peter 2:9-10 ERV

“Remember, in Noah’s time I punished the world with the flood. But I made a promise to Noah that I would never again destroy the world with water. In the same way, I promise that I will never again be angry with you and say bad things to you. 10 ‘The mountains may disappear, and the hills may become dust, but my faithful love will never leave you. I will make peace with you, and it will never end.’ The Lord who loves you said this.” Isaiah 54:9-10 ERV

“God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God’s own adopted children. 6 God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God. 7-8 Christ sacrificed his life’s blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding, 9 and by what Christ has done, God has shown us his own mysterious ways.” Ephesians 1:5-9 CEV

“I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” Isaiah 41:13 CEV

I am with you, and I will protect you everywhere you go. I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised.” Genesis 28:15 ERV

It’s time to swing for the fences because we have been chosen by God Almighty!

Proper Input

Remember yesterday I asked you the question, “What are you considering?” Today’s thought is a follow up to that.

Our most powerful adversary as believers is not the devil. He was defeated when Jesus was raised from the dead and we have been given authority over him and all his evil works. However, our greatest adversary is also our greatest ally – it just depends on how we use it. I’m talking about our minds!

The one thing God won’t do is force us to do things against our will. He won’t force us to accept His wonderful gift of salvation, even if it means we will eventually go to hell, and He won’t force us to accept His blessings that He is pouring out in this life either. We must willfully accept all of His provisions for them to work in our lives.

So how do we move the mind from an adversary to an ally? The answer is simple; it’s by what we consider. Our mind is much like the computer I am using to message with right now. It can only produce on screen or in memory what I input. It becomes our responsibility to input the correct information.

Today’s image is called a “screen saver”. When downloaded, properly input, it will be embedded in the computer’s memory and bring enjoyment until it is removed. We can do the same with our minds; input the good and delete what is contrary to God’s character.

The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:1-2 “With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.”

We let God’s word be our input and then our minds will be renewed. We should be considering what life will be like in heaven and all that Jesus did to provide this for us – if that’s our focus, we won’t have time to be “considering” thoughts that are contrary to God’s way of thinking.

“You were raised from death with Christ. So live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Think only about what is up there, not what is here on earth. 3 Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God. 4 Yes, Christ is now your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

It’s imperative that we guard our minds more than we guard our wallets. The damage caused by wrong thinking is more detrimental than losing our cash. In fact, it’s very similar to spiritual identity theft. Thinking like the world thinks will keep us from realizing all the wonderful blessings that God has provided.

“We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5

So, counteract the world’s influence today and live out this verse. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7

Consider This

What are you considering today?

A job change, a relationship, a trip, a new car, holding a grudge, financial difficulties, being lazy – so many things to consider. To consider means to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on.

The things we consider are very important in directing our lives. King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 23 that “as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. The things we think on can become snares.

Have you ever heard a noise in the night, something different that you haven’t heard before? It’s outside, it’s dark, the dog is whimpering on the floor looking at the door. If you’re not careful as to what you consider you will frighten yourself just with your own thoughts.

Abraham was an old man when God told him he would be the father of many nations. His wife, Sarah, was past “the age of bearing children” but that wasn’t really an issue because even in her child bearing age she had never been able to conceive. But God made him a promise!

“There was no hope that Abraham would have children, but Abraham believed God and continued to hope. And that is why he became the father of many nations. As God told him, ‘You will have many descendants.’ 19 Abraham was almost a hundred years old, so he was past the age for having children. Also, Sarah could not have children. Abraham was well aware of this, but his faith in God never became weak. 20 He never doubted that God would do what he promised. He never stopped believing. In fact, he grew stronger in his faith and just praised God. 21 Abraham felt sure that God was able to do what he promised. 22 So that’s why “he was accepted as one who is right with God.” Romans 4:18-22

One translation says that Abraham “considered not the deadness of his own body or that of Sarah’s womb”. He pushed out any thought that wasn’t God’s promise. Yes, every one of those thoughts may have been accurate but he had a promise from God!

So, let me ask you again, what are you considering today? Is it a doctor’s report, then consider this “He forgives all my sins. He heals me.” Psalm 103:3 TLB

A bank statement, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory” Phillipians 4:19

Depression, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Comfort: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Father who is full of mercy, the God of all comfort. 4 He comforts us every time we have trouble so that when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.” II Corinthians 1:3-4

God loves you and His promises are for you as much as they were for anyone who has ever lived. “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” Acts 10:34-35

So whatever it is that your mind has been considering, consider it not and think on this:

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. 7 And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds. 8 Brothers and sisters, continue to think about what is good and worthy of praise. Think about what is true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected… And the God who gives peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:6-9

Now, consider the promises of God!

More Sunrises

More of my friends see the sunset than they do the sunrise. Not everyone is an early riser and that’s ok, but I love starting my day by seeing the sunrise.

It is a constant reminder of the goodness of God. No words are needed as the sun begins to appear above the horizon. I particularly love the way it casts a golden glow on the mountains to the west of our home.

I can hear the Lord saying, “Welcome to this beautiful day I have planned for you”.

I think this morning’s Psalm was written for me, and the millions like me, who enjoy the majesty of the God’s glory in the morning.

“The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship. 2 Day and night they keep on telling about God3-4 Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world. The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it and moves out across the skies as radiant as a bridegroom going to his wedding, or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race! The sun crosses the heavens from end to end, and nothing can hide from its heat.

7-8 God’s laws are perfect. They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light. God’s laws are pure, eternal, just. 10 They are more desirable than gold. They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb. 11 For they warn us away from harm and give success to those who obey them.

12 But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. 13 And keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them. Only then can I be free of guilt and innocent of some great crime.

14 May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19 TLB

Let the words of this Psalm be our morning prayer. Trust God’s word to be our instruction, protection, and joy keeping us from wrong doing.

Lord, let my words be pleasing to you!

A Godly Interruption

Yesterday we saw how the Lord has instructed us to be gentle and kind to everyone.

Are you looking to be set-up by God today? You know, those “chance” meetings, wondering about people you used to be close with, just being in the right place at the right time.

God’s set-ups!

Philip was open to God using him. When Saul started persecuting the Chrisitans in Jerusalem, Philip went to Samaria to preach there. Then one day the Lord told him to go south of Jerusalem on the road to Gaza. Philip obeyed.

There he met a high official in Egypt’s political system. The man was reading the book of Isaiah but didn’t really understand what he was reading.

“The Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go to that chariot and stay near it.’ 30 So he went toward the chariot, and he heard the man reading from Isaiah the prophet. Philip asked him, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’

31 The man answered, ‘How can I understand? I need someone to explain it to me.’ Then he invited Philip to climb in and sit with him… The official said to Philip, ‘Please, tell me, who is the prophet talking about? Is he talking about himself or about someone else?’ 35 Philip began to speak. He started with this same Scripture and told the man the Good News about Jesus.” Acts 8:29-35 ERV

There are people all around us waiting for someone to be their Philip. We need to slow down from our own demanding schedules and allow the Lord to direct us to them.

Maybe the Lord will have you pay for someone’s groceries or pay for their meal at a restaurant. He could ask you to assist them by mowing a lawn or helping change a tire. I hardly ever, hardly ever, give money to those with signs on street corners but occasionally the Lord prompts my heart so strongly that I know I just have too.

It might be as simple as giving someone a smile and a God bless you. It might be asking someone how they are doing and really listening to their answer. Philip was listening, he heard the man and then he asked a question.

It’s the Father’s job to prepare hearts but it’s our job to be prepared to be obedient when He calls on us to be a part of a godly interruption.

Are any of you praying for the Lord to send someone to minister to your children or a dear friend? What if that person is too busy? Maybe we are the answer to someone’s prayer for their loved one. Are we ready?

When we take time to listen to the Father, He can use us to be the answer to someone’s prayer!

We Have a Message

Eighteen months ago, Dave and I took the trip of a lifetime. We spent the month of September in Greece. (We are planning on returning to Greece again in the Summer of 2026)

Anyway, one of the islands we visited was Crete. Crete is the largest island in Greece and played a significant role in World War II. But more importantly, it was a central hub for Christianity in the first few centuries after Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.

Paul traveled to Crete and evangelized there. When it was time for Paul to travel on, he left Titus, a young protege, there to continue the work of the ministry.

“To Titus, a true son to me in the faith we share together. Grace and peace to you from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

I left you in Crete so that you could finish doing what still needed to be done. And I also left you there so that you could choose men to be elders in every town.” Titus 1:2-5 ERV

In Heraklion, the capital city, we visited the Church of Titus. It’s not merely a tourist attraction; it is a place of worship. A place where visitors and locals stop in to pray, a place where regular worship services are conducted. A place where one can sense the presence of the Lord.

This morning, I sat here having my morning conversation with the Lord. I asked Him to form my thoughts and words. I want Him to be honored and glorified through my life and these writings of Paul to Titus came to mind.

Certainly, a mandate for living a godly life.

“Tell them not to speak evil of anyone but to live in peace with others. They should be gentle and polite to everyone.

3 In the past we were foolish too. We did not obey, we were wrong, and we were slaves to the many things our bodies wanted and enjoyed. We lived doing evil and being jealous. People hated us and we hated each other. But then the kindness and love of God our Savior was made known. He saved us because of his mercy, not because of any good things we did. He saved us through the washing that made us new people. He saved us by making us new through the Holy Spirit. God poured out to us that Holy Spirit fully through Jesus Christ our Savior. We were made right with God by his grace. God saved us so that we could be his children and look forward to receiving life that never ends. This is a true statement.

And I want you to be sure that the people understand these things. Then those who believe in God will be careful to use their lives for doing good. These things are good and will help everyone.” Titus 3:2-8 ERV

Be careful to use our lives for doing good! What a mandate.

I am more aware now than ever before that the Lord wants us to use our lives for His honor and glory. He has equipped us to be His ambassadors on earth.

“…And God has given us the privilege of urging everyone to come into his favor and be reconciled to him. 19 For God was in Christ, restoring the world to himself, no longer counting men’s sins against them but blotting them out. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others. 20 We are Christ’s ambassadors. God is using us to speak to you: we beg you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, receive the love he offers you—be reconciled to God. 21 For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us! II Corinthians 5:18-21 TLB

What a message we have to convey. God put all our sin on Christ and in exchange He poured all of His goodness, His righteousness, into us!

The Right Mindset

Looking up – it isn’t a one-time experience or occasional reminder; it is a daily practice.

When Jesus lived on earth, He was limited to the same human traits as we are. He got tired and needed rest, he got hungry and thirsty. He faced rejection by His family, peers and religious elite. He grieved the death of a friend.

However, He overcame those limitations by His faith and trust in the promises of God’s word. He learned the Scriptures as a boy, and He lived them as a man.

When Satan came to tempt Him in His time of weakness Jesus answered him with the word of God. It is written, it is written, it is written.

When He was criticized for His actions, this was His response.

“I came down from heaven to do what God wants, not what I want. ” John 6:38 ERV

Jesus was under the authority of His heavenly Father. Many miracles had been done by the prophets in the Old Testament. The dead had been raised, the leper had been healed, armies had been defeated, the Red Sea had opened, food fell from heaven. Men had survived a fiery furnace. Fire had fallen from heaven.

Countless miracles. And here was Jesus doing the same, but it doesn’t end there.

 So he came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you to do. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of time.’” Matthew 28:18-20 ERV

Jesus gave His authority to the disciples and to us. The “end of time” hasn’t come yet and so we are to continue the work that Jesus started while He was here. We are to preach, teach, and do the will of God on the earth. We are to make disciples, but we can’t do it in our own power. That’s why Jesus gave us His authority before He left.

Jesus received His power and authority from the Father. We need to have that same mindset.

” If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3 NKJV

We are His disciples, His ambassadors – representatives of Christ on the earth.

We have been given His authority. We need to make His thoughts our thoughts. Let’s have His mindset and touch our world like Jesus did!

Looking Up

Today, I want to draw your attention to a time when Jesus “looked up”.

Jesus had left the area of Judea just days earlier because the Pharisees were trying to kill him. Now he learned that his dear friend Lazarus was very sick. He told his disciples that they needed to return to Bethany, and they reminded him that the people in that area were against him.

Jesus waited a couple more days and then he told the disciples we MUST go to Bethany, Lazarus is dead. When Jesus arrived he learned that Lazarus had already been in the grave four days. Martha came out to meet Jesus and told him if He had been there, she knew her brother would not be dead.

Do you get the picture? Jesus is grieving over the death of his dear friend. He is just a two mile walk from a town where a mob had tried to kill him just a few days ago and now his friend’s sister is blaming him for her brother’s death. WOW!

The story goes on from there. Lazarus’ other sister, Mary, and the mourners come to where Jesus is. Mary falls at Jesus’ feet and says the same thing, “If you had been here my brother wouldn’t have died.” And now comes the shortest verse in the Bible – Jesus wept.

I think he wept because he felt the grief of the loss of a friend; I think he wept because he was being blamed for that death; I think he wept because the people around him had no faith and hope. But he wept. And then he did something that we all need to do – He looked up!

“Jesus was still terribly upset. So he went to the tomb, which was a cave with a stone rolled against the entrance. 39 Then he told the people to roll the stone away. But Martha said, ‘Lord, you know that Lazarus has been dead four days, and there will be a bad smell.’

40 Jesus replied, ‘Didn’t I tell you that if you had faith, you would see the glory of God?’

41 After the stone had been rolled aside, Jesus looked up toward heaven and prayed, ‘Father, I thank you for answering my prayer. 42 I know that you always answer my prayers. But I said this, so that the people here would believe that you sent me.’

43 When Jesus had finished praying, he shouted, ‘Lazarus, come out!’ 44 The man who had been dead came out. His hands and feet were wrapped with strips of burial cloth, and a cloth covered his face. Jesus then told the people, ‘Untie him and let him go.’” John 11:38-44

He looked up to the Father – he reminded himself that God the Father had not abandon him and that even in his grief, the Father was there to bring victory to the situation. He looked up and he thanked the Father for answered prayer. And He knew the purpose of all of this – so that the people would believe!

Jesus moved his attention from the circumstances around Him and looked to the One who changes things.

Jesus called Lazarus from the grave – His words, “Lazarus, come forth” brought the power of God to the situation and Lazarus came walking out of the tomb.

Awesome! Absolutely Awesome!

A kind and loving God brought an end to grieving and despair. He brought life to Lazarus and life to the hope and faith of the people who were there. He can and will still do the same today.

What is it in your life that is dead and needs to be resurrected? Your hope? Your faith? Your health? Your marriage? Your joy? Your finances? What???

Look up to the One who has life giving power – look up and thank Him for resurrection and then be bold like Jesus and call it forth from the grave. King Solomon said Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21.

Jesus was focused on looking up – we need to do the same!

Don’t Be Deceived

Last night as we were going to bed, I told Dave I’m really going to enjoy sleeping in tomorrow. He just smiled.

He knows me. He knows I don’t sleep in and if I do, it’s only until about 5. So, imagine my delight when I woke up this morning and looked at my watch; it said 5:56. Yes, wow! Thank you, Jesus, it was almost 6 a.m.

I laid there a minute, and I could hear the coffee pot – it was popping as if moisture had gotten between the pot and the warming plate. I slipped quietly out of bed, came to the living room and kitchen. No coffee! I took a second look at my watch, it was not 5:56 it was 3:56. The popping I heard was raindrops slowly plopping on the metal awning, not the coffee.

I was deceived.

I started the coffee, grabbed my fleece blanket and Bible and sat. Afterall, I was awake, no going back to bed now. It was then my thoughts went to a little wooden plaque I had ordered for my office just a few days ago.

“A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days”. I love it!

Sometimes the circumstances of life deceive us into thinking something other than what is true!

Adam and Eve were deceived. Joseph’s brothers were deceived in thinking he was their competition instead of their rescuer. The Babylonian king was deceived in thinking that a fiery furnace could stop the three Hebrews from worshipping God. A group of jealous governors were deceived in thinking a den of lions could stop Daniel. A giant was deceived when he thought his might and brawn could stop a shepherd boy with 5 stones who trusted God.

Peter was deceived when he thought a storm at sea could negate what Jesus said about going to the other side. The disciples were deceived when they thought 5 loaves and 2 small fish weren’t enough to feed a multitude.

And they were all deceived – the religious rulers, the Roman soldiers, the disciples, the demons in hell – when they thought a cross and a grave would stop Jesus!

A lot can happen in 3 days!

 He says, ‘Be careful! Don’t be fooled. Don’t turn away from me to serve other gods and to bow down to them.’ ” Deuteronomy 11:16 ERV

Don’t be deceived or fooled by circumstances. Things aren’t always as they appear. Avoid making snap judgements. Let God control your thoughts with His peace. Don’t let circumstances sway you from believing God’s promises.

“God is not a man; he will not lie. God is not a human being; his decisions will not change.
If he says he will do something, then he will do it. If he makes a promise, then he will do what he promised.” Numbers 23:19 ERV

In those times when you are tempted to worry. Don’t! Stand strong, wait for God’s peace to be your guide.

 Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 ERV

God’s timetable is different than ours but that doesn’t mean He is late. Trust Him. A Lot Can Happen in 3 Days!

And now I think I may go back to bed.

Follow His Lead

The words that came from my heart before I even got out of bed this morning were “Father, I want to follow your lead with each step I take. I want to follow, not lead”.

I had a couple of frustrating situations yesterday. Ever have any of those? That let me know I wasn’t following; I was trying to lead. Trusting God’s lead isn’t frustrating, it’s a way of peace.

God’s way is perfect. The Lord’s promise always proves to be true. He protects those who trust in him. 31 There is no God except the Lord. There is no Rock except our God.
32 God is the one who gives me strengthHe clears the path I need to take. 33 He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer. Even on steep mountains he keeps me from falling.
34 He trains me for war so that my arms can bend the most powerful bow.

35 Lord, you have given me your shield to protect me. You support me with your right hand. It is your help that has made me great.” Psalm 18:30-35 ERV

“He restores my strength. He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.” Psalm 23:2 ERV

When we follow the Lord’s leading it’s more reliable than the most accurate GPS. He keeps us from taking the wrong route and making bad turns. He establishes our steps, even on steep mountains.

Yes, He guides our way!

“Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.” Psalm 119:105 ERV

“People can plan what they want to do, but it is the Lord who guides their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 ERV

Our walk with the Lord is guided by the Master.

“Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish.” Matthew 4:19 ERV

“My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me28 I give my sheep eternal life. They will never die, and no one can take them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28 ERV

And now one last verse for the day.

“People who live following their sinful selves think only about what they want. But those who live following the Spirit are thinking about what the Spirit wants them to do.” Romans 8:5 ERV

My feet are on the floor and very shortly I will be heading out the door to embrace a new day. Join me.

Father, lead us and guide our steps. We determine to be led by the Spirit and follow the Shepherd. Amen and Amen.