Fast And Dumb

With a title like this, I know you’re probably wondering what this morning’s blog is all about!


We are taking two of the grandkids, Sam and Kristine, to the Ostrich Ranch today. It’s a fascinating place, a petty zoo of sorts. They have miniature donkeys and deer, chickens, rabbits, goats, lorikeets, ducks, sting rays and ostriches, of course.

On their Q&A page it says, “Can you ride an ostrich? Not here! They are really fast and really dumb… that’s a bad combination!”

I whole-heartedly agree. God said the same thing about ostriches in the book of Job.

“That’s because I did not give wisdom to the ostrich. She is foolish, and I made her that way.
18 But when the ostrich gets up to run, she laughs at the horse and its rider, because she can run faster than any horse.” Job 39:17-18 ERV

Being void of wisdom can be dangerous so it’s good, in that case, to be fast.

I think we have all had times that we have made “dumb” mistakes. We were too quick in choosing a course of action that got us into trouble. I know I have. Those mistakes can be quite costly.

Solomon has much to say about wisdom. In fact, the whole book of Proverbs is written to help us make wise choices.

“These are the proverbs of Solomon,…They will help you learn to be wise, to accept correction, and to understand wise sayings. They will teach you to develop your mind in the right way. You will learn to do what is right and to be honest and fair. These proverbs will make even those without education smart. They will teach young people what they need to know and how to use what they have learned. Even the wise could become wiser by listening to these proverbs. They will gain understanding and learn to solve difficult problems.” Proverbs 1:1-5 ERV

Today will be a fun day with the kids but it will also be a day to share with them about wisdom and not being foolish in a way that a 4-year old and 6-year old can understand. As parents and grandparents we need to take the opportunities we have to share the teachings of God’s word with our littles.

They need the guidance.

“My son, pay attention to what I say. Remember my commands…Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God. The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right.” Proverbs 2:1-7 ERV

It’s never too late to gain wisdom. Maybe we all need to slow down a bit, seek the treasure of wisdom and do right!

Looking For…

What did you search for and find yesterday? Did you have something particular – maybe an old photograph or a recipe? Were you looking for a tool in the shed or a bolt and nut that dropped on the ground? Did your search take you to the computer and a new website that you were completely unfamiliar with?

You see, I was looking for all those things. Things I needed or knew I had and when I searched long enough I found them.

This morning, while waiting on my coffee, a question came to mind. “Were you looking for Jesus”? With that question in my heart, I immediately thought of some people who did: the shepherds, the wisemen, Zacchaeus, the woman who had been bleeding twelve years, Jairus who had a sick daughter, the military leader with a sick soldier and the women who went to the tomb.

They all went looking for Jesus and they found Him!

Each of these searchers found Who they were looking for and their lives were changed.

“Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. 14 I will let you find me.” This message is from the Lord…” Jeremiah 29:12-14 ERV

I didn’t always look for Jesus in each day. Oh, I had given Him my heart when I was a child and had Jesus as my Savior but I had the impression that in the day-to-day stuff I was on my own.

Now, there’s not a day goes by that I don’t see the power of God working in my little world. Some days the things I see and experience border on the miraculous and other times it’s the simple ways.

The verses above are our promise that if we search for Him, we WILL find Him.

“In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had gone to many doctors, and they had not done anything except cause her a lot of pain. She had paid them all the money she had. But instead of getting better, she only got worse.

27 The woman had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him in the crowd and barely touched his clothes. 28 She had said to herself, ‘If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well.’” Mark 25:28 CEV

This woman searched for Jesus in her desperation, and she was not disappointed when she found Him. We won’t be either.

Looking for Jesus is the first step. Once we find Him, we need to follow Him.

“The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need. He gives me green pastures to lie in. He leads me by calm pools of water. He restores my strength. He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.” Psalm 23:1-3 ERV

I don’t know what you are looking for today, but may I suggest you start with Jesus? He will lead you to all that is good!

Crazy Temperatures

I don’t want to make you all jealous but this is the reason so many people come to Arizona in the winter. In the RV circles, I’ve heard it referred to as chasing 70.

70 degrees, that is.

I’m not asking for your sympathy, but this kind of weather puts me in a weird predicament. It’s warm all day, need to run a fan and occasionally turn on the A/C for a few hours and at night, I find myself pulling the covers up under my chin and turning the heat on first thing in the morning.

Shorts during the day and sweaters at night. Finding the right temperature for a constant comfort level can be challenging.

That’s how it is with many of the things we enjoy in life. I like my coffee, soup, french fries and bath water hot. My ice cream, salad, soda, fruit and cheeses cold. None of the things l listed above would be good lukewarm.

I guess that’s why these verses create such a vivid picture in my mind.

“’I know what you do. You are not hot or cold. I wish that you were hot or cold! 16 But you are only warm—not hot, not cold. So I am ready to spit you out of my mouth…So show that nothing is more important to you than living right. Change your hearts and lives. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you. And you will eat with me.” Revelation 3:15-20 ERV

Jesus was saying this to Christians. They had lost their zeal for the things of God and were wishy-washy about their commitment to Christ, lukewarm. He was admonishing them to “turn up the heat” on their spiritual lives. Christ knows we can’t do it alone, so he said, “if you invite me in, we’ll have breakfast, lunch and dinner together”. It will change your life!

Sad to say but I was a lukewarm Christian for many years. Just going through the routine of saying prayers over meals, praying occasionally (complaining) and reading my Bible from time to time. No warmth.

And then, through a series of events, the Lord showed me how much He loved me. He always had and He always will!

“You accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, so continue to live following him. You must depend on Christ only, drawing life and strength from him. Just as you were taught the truth, continue to grow stronger in your understanding of it. And never stop giving thanks to God.” Colossians 2:6-7 ERV

This was my turning point – drawing my strength, my very life, from Him. My spiritual temperature began to rise and I can honestly say it’s better to be hot than lukewarm.

Wash Day

Do you remember the kitchen towels that had different chores for each day of the week? Maybe your Mom had them or maybe you remember them fondly from your grandmother’s kitchen.

I found them in both those homes and in fact, those towels provided me with my first lessons in embroidery. According to the towels, Monday is wash day but since we were moving back from the racetrack on Monday, Wednesday became laundry day and so will today.

Too many loads to handle in one day so I divided it up.

A week or so ago I was telling Dave one of my memories from our early years of marriage. We were poor and money for groceries was often scarce. I told him I talked to the Lord about this and knew in my heart that one day I would no longer have to shop with my calculator in one hand and my grocery list in the other. Every purchase had to be considered because I only had so much that I could spend.

But…I didn’t tell him the rest of the story. The other part of my conversation with the Lord was about our clothing. It was necessary to do laundry several times a week so that we would have clean clothes to wear. To say our wardrobe was limited would be an understatement.

For years now, I thank the Father for prospering us. I no longer take a calculator to the grocery store and the only reason I have to do laundry more than once a week is because the hamper it full.

The Lord has taught me many lessons on wash day.

Hanging clothes on the line in those early days were some of my favorite times with the Lord. He taught me the meaning of so many Scriptures as I would reach in the basket of wet laundry and take the clothes pins from the bag. Yesterday’s lesson was a different one with no clothes line, this time there’s a dryer, but there was still a teaching to be learned.

“After Jesus said this, he spit on the dirt, made some mud and put it on the man’s eyes. Jesus told him, “Go and wash in Siloam pool.” (Siloam means “Sent.”) So the man went to the pool, washed and came back. He was now able to see.” John 9:6-7 ERV

Washing was important in the Bible. It was an action of promise. For the blind man it was an act of faith and obedience that gave him his sight.

For a man named Naaman II Kings 5), obediently washing brought cleansing from leprosy. But the washing that stands out most in my mind was when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

“When Jesus finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and went back to the table. He asked, “Do you understand what I did for you?…14 I am your Lord and Teacher. But I washed your feet. So you also should wash each other’s feet. 15 I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you.” John 13:12-15 ERV

Washing was an act of serving, an act of love. I hope this gives you a whole new outlook for Wash Day.

Thank You!

It’s been a while since I told you how much I appreciate each and every one of you who join me each day by reading my blog.

Writing the blog is the highlight of my day. I know I am getting to share God’s word with you and “His word never returns void, it accomplishes what its been sent to do”.

There is not a day that passes that I don’t depend on God’s word for answers and it is my hope that you have that same confidence.

 We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:14-15 ERV

I have a personal request. I don’t know how long Facebook will continue to let us boldly proclaim the Gospel on their forum. I will continue to do daily posts as long as I am allowed. There is a way to make sure that you will always continue to receive it each morning.

Go to the web page by clicking on this ling, Contact | Kristi’s Morning Devotional (, and SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL, the blog will be sent directly to you each morning. And please share the blog and the website with others who you feel would benefit from it and enjoy it.

“Let the teaching of Christ live inside you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:16-17 ERV

I will continue to keep you all in my prayers each day. Hearing how God is working in your lives is such a blessing.

Nap Time

As I was searching for an image to use on this morning’s blog, I came across a picture of a napping child and the caption read “When is a child too old for a nap?”. My answer, never!

Yesterday day was busy. Not the crazy, hectic, week-before-Christmas busy but busy. Getting everything ready to travel safely and then setting up again once we were back to our permanent site.

Dave does the hard work; my jobs are little and detailed. After we were settled, I made lunch and we sat down to relax. About an hour and a half later, I woke up. Dave smiled and asked, “did you have a good nap”? Oh yes, wonderful.

If we listen, our bodies will tell us what we need and when we need it. We get thirsty and so we get a drink. We get hungry and we eat. (The trick to weight loss is to eat only when we are hungry). We rest when we are tired.

“O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.” Psalm 63:1 NLT

Our bodies have these internal signals that are God-given and we need to listen to them so we don’t damage our health. If we push past these warnings it can be detrimental. Oh yes, I know this project MUST get done – the kids NEED to be at this activity. Just a couple more hours and I can rest. But if we keep that pace harm ourselves with physical and mental burnout.

“Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest. 29 Accept my teaching. Learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will be able to get some rest.” Matthew 11:28-29 ERV

I was reminded of a time when Jesus took a nap. He was in a boat, in a storm, with his disciples and he laid down and went to sleep. He wasn’t up fretting or helping them row. He was resting. We need to learn from Jesus.

“Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!” 39 Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Mark 4:38-39 ERV

Sounds like good advice when we are in life’s storms. We can fret and worry and it will change nothing. But when we come to Jesus with those problems, He will speak to our storms and give us rest.

Trusting Him gives us a spiritual nap!

Moving On

Today is a moving day. We’ve been at the racetrack campground for the last week and we’ll head home this morning.

When your home is on wheels there is a lot of planning and coordinated effort that goes into pulling out for the next location. Inside and outside. Things have to be stowed away to keep them from shifting or getting damaged in the move. Outside the tires must be checked, lights, leveling systems, propane, etc. The list goes on.

But don’t think I’m complaining. I’m not, I love our lifestyle. After you’ve done it a while it becomes routine, and you follow the list so nothing is forgotten. You take some new things with you like memories, smiles and suntans.

Some things you leave behind – the trash.

Isn’t that just like life?

Each day gives an opportunity to move on. We can leave behind those things that would hold us back – temper, bitterness, low self-esteem, heart ache. One of the verses I used yesterday said:

“…We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall.” Hebrews 12:1 ERV

Move on past those things, put them out in the trash. The Lord promises to direct our steps, we just need to listen.

 Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

Today, you might be like me – making a move. Leave the trash behind and move forward with excitement and anticipation of where the Lord is leading and what will happen next.

Happy Trails!

Run the Race

We’ve spent the last week at the racetrack here in Arizona. Those of you who know Dave and I know that we are big NASCAR fans. Watching on TV can be exciting but being at a live race is the best!

This weekend there are three different races. Each race has its’ own practice and qualifying times. Each race is a different length and each race has cars with different engines and calibrations.

But in every race the goal is the same. Reach the finish line and take the checkered flag.

Friday’s race was less than interesting, to me. The cars went slower, the drivers were less skilled and I wasn’t familiar with any of them. Yesterday’s driver introductions brought more cheers from the stands. These drivers’ were more well known and had built a bigger reputation, some for the good and others not so good.

Today’s race introductions will be before a larger crowd and the cheering will be amplified. These drivers are the elite and their skills and vehicles are top notch. The drivers have a larger fan base.

Isn’t that the way it is with life?

When we’re little our fans are limited to our own family members – mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. They ooh and aah over drawings and 100% on spelling papers. Then we join a youth sports team and the parents of our teammates are cheering for us too. We learn to respond to cheering.

God knew that and so He has given us a cheering squad for this race called life.

“We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall. We must never stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader of our faith, and he is the one who makes our faith complete. He suffered death on a cross. But he accepted the shame of the cross as if it were nothing because of the joy he could see waiting for him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:1-2 ERV

Heaven is filled with saints who are watching our race and cheering us on. Jesus is our leader, our coach and our number one cheerleader. He sits beside the Father, telling Him how great we are and how glad he is we’re all on the same team. He also tells the Father when we need help – Jesus intercedes for us.

How can we go wrong with a coach like that? Here on earth it’s nice to have a cheering squad too.

 So encourage each other and help each other grow stronger in faith, just as you are already doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11 ERV

We all need people who will encourage us and pray for us. People we can call on in the good times and the bad. People who are honest enough to tell us when we need to make a course correction. It’s called accountability. Find friends like that, true friends and value them. Pray that God will add friends like that to your life. They are true gifts.

And don’t give up running the race!

Repeated With Purpose

As children we heard our parents repeat instructions on a daily basis. Sit up straight, brush your teeth, practice the piano, don’t talk with your mouth full, do your homework, say “yes ma’am, no sir”, and the list goes on.


These things were repeated with purpose. Our parents were raising us to be responsible, respectful and hard working. They were helping us build character.

Sometimes when I sit to write in the mornings I find myself saying to the Lord “but I’ve already told them that last year, last month, yesterday. Do I really need to go over it again?”

Things are repeated for a purpose.

There are four seasons, repeated every year. Not too many years pass before we learn what to plant when, to get out the jackets and long sleeve shirts. We can predict the weather and know when summer vacation is. Yes, we learn by repetition of natural events, we also learn godly principles the same way.

“But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7-9 ERV

Study God’s word every day. That means repetition! Go over it again and again. Stay with the things that bring success.

I had a woman ask me once how I study the Bible. I told her I found things that I needed in my life and looked up the verses that dealt with those issues – worry, fear, health, joy, marriage, children, peace – and the list goes on. (Don’t be selfish, share your cheez-its)

I found verses that help with those areas and wrote them on an index card. I kept those cards with me all the time. They were in the truck, in my purse and on the tractor. They sat on my desk and in my kitchen. When I would feel overwhelmed in a situation, I would grab the cards and read God’s word to myself, reminding me that God has a plan and He is working on my behalf. I still have those cards from 35+ years ago.

Repetition with a purpose.

“My son, pay attention to what I say. Listen closely to my words. 21 Don’t let them out of your sight. Never stop thinking about them. 22 These words are the secret of life and health to all who discover them.” Proverbs 4:20-22 ERV

Find a modern version of the Bible if the King James language is too hard to understand and read what the Lord has to say about your situation. You don’t need to read chapter after chapter if you don’t understand it. Read a couple of verses and let them stick with you all day.

These truly are the words of life and we need to apply them over and over again!

It’s the Little Things

Each day we have the opportunity to serve the Lord with our thoughts and actions or we can serve self. It’s that simple.

Have you ever been around a group of pre-schoolers? All seems well while they are sitting in a circle listening at story time but bring out the toys or the crayons and something changes.

“I want…” “That’s mine”

Selfishness rears its ugly head and what was to be a fun time turns into one of life’s learning experiences. We can smile at the immaturity of children and say “they’ll learn” but not always. We are confronted every day with situations where we must share.

“One of the men in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, our father just died and left some things for us. Tell my brother to share them with me.” Luke 12:13 ERV

Let’s take the simple things and see if anything strikes home. The television remote is a real issue in some homes or the last of the ice cream. When we’re out in town it can be a struggle when you’ve been waiting for a parking spot and someone whips in and takes it. Or what about that project you’ve been working on and someone takes the credit for your ideas? It’s something we all have to deal with.

Last night it was Cheeze Its. I love them and had filled a small bowl and sat down on the couch. The bowl was between Dave and me. I felt that he was eating more of them than I was. It touched a chord and I didn’t like my reaction. How silly – I realized I didn’t really want to share.

What to do? I refilled the bowl, sat it down between us, this time with an attitude of being willing to share. The Lord ministered to me – don’t let the little things get to you. Just being honest with you – we have to be aware of the small things that try and trip us up.

“What you should be thinking about is God’s kingdom. Then he will give you all these other things you need. 32 “Don’t fear, little flock. Your Father wants to share his kingdom with you.” Luke 12:31-32 ERV

Our Father isn’t selfish. He wants to share all that He has with us. We don’t have to demand things from Him, He willingly gives. He gives before we ask.

“And when you pray, don’t be like the people who don’t know God. They say the same things again and again. They think that if they say it enough, their god will hear them. Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:7-8 ERV

I encourage you to keep your heart open for the Lord’s correction in the big and little things. And don’t forget to share the Cheeze-Its.