Keeping Peace

In light of our world and national situation, I felt it was appropriate to remind us of some of Jesus’ final words to His disciples.

The crucifixion is just hours away. Jesus knows the spiritual, physical and mental state of his disciples – He knows they are hoping that He will overturn the government and set up an earthly kingdom. He knows that they are moved by fear, He’s had to address that several times in the past and He knows that one of his disciples will betray him for money and the others will leave Him in His darkness hour.

This was His message then and now. He knows our weaknesses and our strengths. He knows our fears – the things we haven’t voiced to anyone. He knows our spiritual condition; maybe we’ve just been playing church and wonder if it’s really worth it to continue living this “Christian life”. This is what Jesus is saying to all of us.

“Jesus said to his disciples, “Don’t be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. 2 There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. 3 After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together…11 Have faith in me when I say that the Father is one with me and that I am one with the Father. Or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do. 12 I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things that I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father. 13 Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son will bring honor to the Father. 14 I will do whatever you ask me to do.15 Jesus said to his disciples:If you love me, you will do as I command. 16 Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help[b] you and always be with you. 17 The Spirit will show you what is true. The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit, because they don’t see or know him. But you know the Spirit, who is with you and will keep on living in you.18 I won’t leave you like orphans. I will come back to you…27 I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:1-27 CEV

“I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.”

Have peace today – don’t be worried or afraid but trust in the One who loved us enough that He died for us! He loves us enough that He lives for us and intercedes for us from His throne in heaven!

Keep the Peace!

Sweet Smell

Some days back I told you about the snow crocus and hyacinths. Spring brings us so many beautiful flowers. Most of them have a distinct and pleasing aroma. A walk down the street or in a garden unfolds a cascade of fragrance.

Many years back my mother was living in Dillon, MT where we lived. She had moved into a duplex and right outside the back door was a tall lilac bush. Each time she opened the door to walk out she would be greeted with the smell of lilac. She told me that she remembered being a small girl and smelling lilacs at her home. That smell, that sweet smell, reminded her of home!

Our sense of smell is very strong – we can smell a favorite food cooking and our mouth will water, even if we have just eaten. The odor of vinegar and cleaning products can make us wince.

What type of smell do we emit? I’m not asking about bathing habits or what type of cologne. I’m talking about our life.

“You may prepare sacrifices to give thanks in any of these three ways. Bring your sacrifice to a priest, and he will take it to the bronze altar. 9 Then, to show that the whole offering belongs to me, the priest will lay part of it on the altar and send it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 10 The rest of this sacrifice is for the priests; it is very holy because it was offered to me.” Leviticus 2:8-10 CEV

Offerings of thanksgiving to God were to be a mixture of fine flour, olive oil and incense. When they were burned by the priest, the offering had a sweet smell that was pleasing to the Lord.

Do our lives have the sweet smell of thanksgiving? Do you spend more time thanking God for His goodness and His love than we do complaining about how things could/should/would be better “if only”?

As Christians – Christ like ones – our lives should be an offering that pleases the Father.

“Do as God does. After all, you are his dear children. 2 Let love be your guide. Christ loved us and offered his life for us as a sacrifice that pleases God.” Ephesians 5:1-2 CEV

We are to be like Christ and our lives should be like His, a sacrifice that pleases God.

Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2 that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God. Just as the priests presented the sacrifices to the Lord and it pleased Him, we should offer our lives as a pleasing sacrifice. And it’s not only the Father who notices that our lives are a sacrifice, but those around us will also notice.

“I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume. 15 In fact, God thinks of us as a perfume that brings Christ to everyone. ” II Corinthians 2:14-15 CEV

I would much rather have the fragrance of a rose than the odor of stink weed. I desire that my life “smells sweet” with praise and thanksgiving to the Father and forgiveness and love to those I meet.

Did You Repeat?

Yesterday, I encouraged us all to take breaks and repeat times of praise, thanksgiving and joy for what the Lord has done. I hope you did that.

Maybe you didn’t feel you had anything to be thankful for. Well then, consider this…

“Lord our Lord, your name is the most wonderful in all the earth! It brings you praise everywhere in heaven. From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge. I look (consider) at the heavens you made with your hands. I see the moon and the stars you created. And I wonder, “Why are people so important to you? Why do you even think about them? Why do you care so much about humans? Why do you even notice them?” But you made them almost like gods and crowned them with glory and honor. You put them in charge of everything you made. You put everything under their control. People rule over the sheep and cattle and all the wild animals. They rule over the birds in the sky and the fish that swim in the sea. Lord our Lord, your name is the most wonderful name in all the earth!” Psalm 8 ERV

This psalm could have been a conversation between me and the Father. Me asking why I was so important to Him; He made the stars and the universe, why does He care about me?

We should never get so busy considering other things that we forget to consider God and His promises.

“Jesus said to his followers, ‘So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat or what you will wear. 23 Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it. 24 Look (consider) at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in houses or barns, but God feeds them. And you are worth much more than crows25 None of you can add any time to your life by worrying about it. 26 And if you can’t do the little things, why worry about the big things‘?

27 ‘Think (consider) about how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. 28 If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? That’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!'” Luke 12:22-28 ERV

Join me today in considering God’s greatness and His goodness. I hope you take time tonight to go out and look at the night sky. Try to count the stars. In all of eternity past they’ve been there, right on the course God designed for them.

Do you still need a reason to praise? He cares about the stars, the birds, the flowers and the grass CONSIDER how much more He cares for you!

…And Then Repeat

You ever have one of those mornings when you get up and wonder what the day will have in store? You’re wondering if you will have the strength to face it – will you have the answer for the day’s questions – in yourself you feel weak?

Here is the reality of our relationship with the Lord.

Each morning get up and thank the Father for His mighty acts; for His strength, peace, joy and His abundant wisdom. It’s not all about me – it’s about Him! My biggest challenge is to stay focused.

“Praise the Lord, because he is good! His faithful love will last forever! 2 Everyone the Lord has saved should repeat that word of thanks. Praise him, all who have been rescued from the enemy.” Psalm 107:1-2 ERV

Praise the Lord for His goodness and then repeat the praise.

“Thank the Lord for his faithful love and for the amazing things he does for people. 9 He satisfies those who are thirsty. He fills those who are hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:8-9 ERV

Thank the Lord for His love and all He does on our behalf and then repeat.

“He gave the command and healed them, so they were saved from the grave. 21 Thank the Lord for his faithful love and for the amazing things he does for people. 22 Offer sacrifices of thanks to him. Sing with joy about all that he has done.” Psalm 107:20-22 ERV

“Whoever is wise will remember these things and begin to understand the Lord’s faithful love.” Psalm 107:43 ERV

Sing a song of joy for all He’s done and then repeat. Praise, thank, sing and then repeat!

Throughout the day take “Praise Breaks”. It will certainly be more helpful than a coffee break. Praise reminds us of the Lord’s faithful love!

Each New Day

Every day we have the opportunity to continue on the path of the previous day or to begin anew. Honestly, many days I am thankful for the opportunities to start over.

My hobbies include knitting, baking and gardening. They have taught me it’s ok to start over. Some knitting projects haven’t worked out the way the pattern indicated they would – I’ve ripped out rows and rows of stitches and with a couple of them I have started over with a completely new pattern that works better.

I’ve experimented with recipes in the kitchen that I won’t be repeating. I’ve made breads that didn’t rise and the whole batch had to be scrapped and I’ve started over. There’s no shame in that; it’s a learning experience.

Living in different climates my enthusiasm for gardening has also had some do-overs. Some plants thrived during the milder summers but couldn’t survive the frosty winters. So Spring was a time to prune and pull up and start over.

Life also challenges us to start over. New career, city, friends, relationships, financial plans, educational training, physical well-being can all lead to us on a path of beginning again. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed, and feelings of insecurity and failure try to take over.

One thing I am confident of is that God is the God of the second chance.

“We are still alive because the Lord’s faithful love never ends.23 Every morning he shows it in new ways! You are so very true and loyal! 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my God, and I trust him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 ERV

We go to bed at night, heavy-hearted, because we have failed in some way or another. We had displayed an attitude that we thought we had conquered; we harbor a grudge or fail to resist a temptation that we swore we would never do again.

And then comes the promise of a new day. We can live with regret, wallow in our past mistakes or we can begin again trusting in God’s amazing love.

“The Lord’s kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. 23 The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning.24 Deep in my heart I say, “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!” Lamentations 3:22-24 CEV

Yes, I know I repeated the same verses…and I would like you to read them again, and again, and again. The Lord’s kindness NEVER fails! His mercy is new EVERY morning!

“I was in trouble, so I called to the Lord for help. The Lord answered and made me free.
The Lord is with me, so I will not be afraid. No one on earth can do anything to harm me.
The Lord is my helper.” Psalm 118:5-7 ERV

Today is a new day filled with new hope; new mercy and grace; new strength. It’s time to begin again!

How to Wait

Yesterday was a lesson in waiting. It’s a hard lesson to learn.

Dave and I have been planning a trip to visit wonderful friends for months now and yesterday was the day of departure. We had purposely left some chores for the morning because our flight didn’t leave until after 4. We needed something to fill the time, neither one of us wait well.

An oft quoted saying in our home is, “we’re burning daylight”.

Chores were done, showers taken, bags were packed and it was time to head to the airport. We stopped for lunch, using more time. We arrived at the airport, found parking, took the shuttle to the terminal and then we waited.

We waited in line to check in. We were too early, “you’ll need to wait another twenty minutes”. (deep breath) Ok. Made it through check in, bags secured, on to TSA and finally to the gate. More waiting. Finally it was time to board.

Yes! The wait was almost over. I had been texting with friends and family to let them know we had boarded and would soon be taking off. That’s when things went awry. Technical issues with the plane’s communication. A call went in for technical support…we waited. Problem assessed. Work done.

We pulled away from the gate. Hope and excitement rose. Taxied out…problem persisted. We turned around and headed back to the gate. (heart sank)

Hope deferred.

“Hope that is delayed makes you sad…” Proverbs 13:12 ERV

More technicians entered the plane. More work done. More time passed. We finally left the gate and made it into the air, (big smile), two hours late.

“Hope that is delayed makes you sad, but a wish that comes true fills you with joy.” Proverbs 13:12 ERV

So much joy!

But the story isn’t over. When we landed there was more waiting. Our bags took “forever” to arrive. Those of us who had shared the flight were trying hard not to complain about our inconvenienced travel. We were all thankful to be at our destination, safely. Now to see family and friends. Yes, there was joy.

Now in light of what’s going on in the world my wait yesterday was insignificant, I admit. However, it is little things like a delayed flight that can influence our attitude and spoil our day. God wants us to have joy in each day. He wants us to let His peace fill our hearts, even when we wait.

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 ERV

My hope is no longer delayed. I am going to enjoy these days with my friend. But the next time circumstances cause me to wait, I hope I wait well, with joy and peace.

Begin Small

Have you ever felt small, insignificant or left out?

Yesterday our youngest daughter and her family came for lunch. We bar-b-qued hamburgers, I had made potato salad and we had homemade ice cream for dessert. It was a fun day.

Kaci and Stephen have blessed us with our three youngest grandchildren. On Sunday, we had taken the older two for an “adventure” to the ostrich ranch but the youngest had to stay home. When her brother and sister walked out the door without her, she cried. It broke my heart!

Yesterday we were getting ready to take a walk up to the mailboxes and she was going to need to stay home again. We felt the walk would have been too much for her little legs. But as we started to leave, she cried again at the thought of being left behind. We stopped and took her with us.

I carried her a bit; her mom carried her some and we let her walk on her own. It made for a longer walk timewise but it also created an atmosphere of acceptance and learning. We included her and that was what was important.

I am impressed by the significance of small gestures, small beginnings.

We sometimes make judgements of what is or isn’t important, what has value. Here the disciples judged the boy’s lunch as small or insignificant but what Jesus saw was the significance of a heart willing to share.

“But they said, “We have only five small loaves of bread and two fish.” 18 Jesus asked his disciples to bring the food to him, 19 and he told the crowd to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish. He looked up toward heaven and blessed the food. Then he broke the bread and handed it to his disciples, and they gave it to the people.” Matthew 14:17-19 CEV

A small lunch fed thousands. A small act of kindness changed Zacchaeus’ life. A small basket in the Nile River cradled Moses. A small seed of faith can move mountains. A small babe brought salvation to the world.

“Finally, Jesus said: What is God’s kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? 31 It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world. 32 But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches that are big enough for birds to nest in its shade.” Mark 4:30-32 CEV

We all can play a “small” part in God’s kingdom. The Father isn’t bothered by small. He takes what we offer and uses it for His glory. Never despise small beginnings!

Prayer Warrior

Last night, before I went to bed, I was praying over some situations that involve my family and the families of my friends. I take teaching God’s word very serious, and I am just as diligent when it comes to praying God’s word for those I love.

This past week I have been asked to pray about certain situations – circumstances where those requesting prayer have felt weak and in need of support and answers.

All through the night, I would wake with the words to this song filling my heart.

“When all I see is the battle
You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain
You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow
Your love surrounds me
There’s nothing to fear now
For I am safe with You

So when I fight I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God the battle belongs to You. by Phil Wickham, Battle Belongs

Prayer is not a cute, little ritual of “now I lay me down to sleep”; it’s a battle against things that are contrary to God’s word. It’s taking a stand of spiritual strength.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 ERV

“So be ready all the time. Pray that you will be able to get through all these things that will happen and stand safe before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36 ERV

 It is true, we live in a body of flesh. But we do not fight like people of the world. We do not use those things to fight with that the world uses. We use the things God gives to fight with and they have power. Those things God gives to fight with destroy the strong-places of the devil. We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 NLV

Prayer is a place of battle. Notice some of the phrases above; “never give up”, “be ready”, “stand safe”, “fight”, “destroy the strong places”, “break down”, “take hold”.

Some years back a movie was produced called “War Room”. It was the story of a woman who learned to pray diligently for her family. She made a prayer closet, literally, a place she went to pray. She did spiritual battle for the people she loved.

There’s nothing spooky about prayer but it is definitely a strong spiritual act.

“Tell your sins to each other. And pray for each other so you may be healed. The prayer from the heart of a man right with God has much power. ” James 5:16 NLV

Jesus lived a life of prayer and He was powerful. Our lives should be a reflection of His example.

Join the battle. Stay in the fight. Become a prayer warrior!

Think Big!

Have you ever heard of “grasshoppers syndrome”? Grasshopper Syndrome was first diagnosed in Numbers 13.

Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt . God said He would give them the Promised Land. All they had to do was go in and possess it. Moses chose twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. Ten men came back with Grasshopper Syndrome and two men, Joshua and Caleb, came back only seeing the good that God had revealed to them.

“Caleb told the people near Moses to be quiet. Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take that land for ourselves. We can easily take that land.” Numbers 13:30 ERV

“We saw the giant Nephilim people there! (The descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim.) We felt like little grasshoppers. Yes, we were like grasshoppers to them!” Numbers 13:33 ERV

The problem wasn’t the giants. It’s that they saw themselves as grasshoppers, small and insignificant. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus on God and not themselves. However, the majority were affected by grasshopper thinking and didn’t move forward.

Years later there was another outbreak of grasshopper syndrome. Recently, we discussed the army of Israel’s fear of Goliath. Only David saw past the fear and focused on the greatness of God.

“Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.”” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

What giants are you facing today – unemployment, illness, personal relationships, financial hardship, high gas prices, inflation? Don’t fall prey to grasshopper syndrome.

“Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world.” I John 4:4 CEV

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

Take God’s word and destroy Grasshopper Syndrome. Let God’s word have final authority in your life. You are and will be victorious in this life.

Spring Into Life

First Day of Spring!

Half the nation is still covered in snow and many places temperatures are below freezing but signs of Spring are popping up every where. When we lived in Washington State I became familiar with “bulbed” plants; tulips, hyacinth, crocus, daffodils.

The scent of the hyacinths is so fragrant. Yet, it’s the determination of the crocus that made them my favorite. When we moved to Idaho, unbeknown to me, I had some purple crocus right off the front porch. I still remember that first Spring morning when I went out and found them pushing up through the snow-covered ground.

Such determination. Such strength.

Imagine it. Lying dormant all winter, and then waking up with the urge to push up through the cap of soil and snow into the sunlight. Nature is wonderful. The Creator is amazing!

“Everything was made through him, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and that life was a light for the people of the world. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not defeated it.” John 1:3-5 ERV

The same Creator who made the crocus and the hyacinths, made us. We are created in His image and have received our life through Him. He is the Son-light that warms the soil and sparks life in our hearts.

He is the light of the world – He replaces the darkness with His life-giving light that He places within us.

“We don’t tell people about ourselves. But we tell people that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we tell them that we are your servants for Jesus. God once said, ‘Let light shine out of the darkness!’ And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ. We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us.” II Corinthians 4:5-7 ERV

We receive our life and power from the transforming light of God’s unconditional, unending love.

It could be that it’s been a while since you felt truly alive. Anxiety may have been crushing you under its weight. Be like that little crocus, let the Son strengthen you, then the world we see that this amazing power we have comes from Him. It’s not of our own making.

Spring into life!