Who Do You Serve?

I read about the final days of Moses this morning. He had led the Israelites through the desert for forty years; he was one hundred twenty years old. His first forty years were spent in the pharaoh’s court because he had been adopted at three months of age. The second forty years of his life were spent in Midian herding sheep and raising a family. That’s where he saw the burning bush and the Lord called him to go back to Egypt and lead his people to freedom.

Moses was not a perfect man, not even close, but he had a heart for God. He spent his finals days preaching and teaching, encouraging the Israelites to keep their faith and trust in the Lord, their God. He told them as long as they served and honored the Lord things would go well for them. His life was over and theirs were just beginning.

It really made me stop and think. Here I am sixty-five, soon to be sixty-six. What does the Lord have for my future? Will I still be writing morning blogs ten years from now? Will my family and people around me see me as an old woman who has lost touch with the “normal” things of life because all I want to do is garden, bake, knit and tell people about Jesus?

Moses repeated over and again that the Israelites should never forget their God and how he had always provided for them. He was promising to go with them into this new land and give them victory over their enemies.

“Be strong and be brave. Don’t be afraid of those people because the Lord your God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ERV

Jesus said the same thing to His disciples.

“Listen to me. A time is coming when you will be scattered, each to his own home. In fact, that time is already here. You will leave me, and I will be alone. But I am never really alone, because the Father is with me.

33 “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 16:32-33 ERV

Cheer Up! Jesus, our Saviour, has defeated the world. The Apostle John heard and lived that message so he wrote this to in his letter to Christians everywhere.

“Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” I John 5:4-5 CEV

We have been promised victory, not because we are so talented, wise or gifted. The victory comes because of our relationship with the Lord! I never get tired of telling people about the victory that is our in Christ.

An old hymn has special meaning to me, especially at this time of year. As we approach Easter it’s so important that we remember the battle fought and victory won when Jesus left the tomb. Jesus hasn’t forgotten us. When he died, rose and ascended to the Father, He lives each day to make intercession for us. He is our source of strength and our example of victory.

He Lives

I serve a risen Savior He’s in the world today.
I know that He is living, Whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy; I hear His voice of cheer;
And just the time I need Him He’s always near.
• He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
• In all the world around me I see His loving care,
And though my heart grows weary I never will despair;
I know that He is leading, Through all the stormy blast;
The day of His appearing Will come at last.
• Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, Lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs To Jesus Christ the King!
The Hope of all who seek Him, The Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, So good and kind. Lyrics by Alfred Ackley

As Moses reminded the children of Israel I want to remind us, our Saviour is risen! Serving Him brings us into a place of victory.

How Do They Know

The last several days I have had some reading to catch up on and the weather has been so nice I decided to take my reading to the backyard. The reading was an encouragement to me but the activity in the yard was the real lesson.

About two weeks ago the hummingbirds began returning. I could hear the whirl of their little wings and also their little chatter as they sat in the mesquite trees. One of my favorite things about this home is my hummers.

Each year I put out about six feeders and all day long they are filled with visitors. In the morning it’s not unusual to have five or six birds at each one and another three or four circling, waiting their turn. I can get so close that I can see them swallow as they drink from the feeders. They buzz me when I remove a bottle for cleaning and refilling.

A couple of days ago I saw a new fellow arrive in the backyard troupe. I call him an aerial applicator. He reminds me of the helicopters that flew in Iowa, spraying the crops of corn. He comes straight down, flies across the yard in a low trajectory and then straight up again at the other side of the yard. He gets to his designated height, turns, and swoops down again, headed the other way. I watched him do this repeatedly while the minutes passed. The whole time he was flying like this he was making a high pitched, whirling sound like that of a racing engine. He is a wonderful new addition to our backyard aviation family.

I know, I know. I’m hooked! But I’m also amazed! Amazed by the instinct of these tiny little birds; amazed by their God-given, innate ability to return year after year. How do they know it’s the right time to leave their southern homes and return to our backyard?

There’s only one answer. Their Creator, God our Father, has given them and all birds the gift of migration for their survival.

I’ve learned so much for watching the birds around my home. They always start the morning singing; they welcome each new day with a song. They get quiet and roost when they know a storm is coming; as long as they are out and about everything is fine. They are the first ones out when the rain stops, it’s a great time to get some juicy worms. In the evening, the quail call for their brood and their mates. Time to come home and settle in. They like to build their nests in a place they feel safe.

It’s no wonder at all that Jesus used the birds to teach us a very important lesson about the Father’s loving care.

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for only a penny? But your Father knows when any one of them falls to the ground. 30 Even the hairs on your head are counted. 31 So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31 CEV

“I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth more than birds?” Matthew 6:25-26 CEV

When you find yourself tempted to worry, consider the birds. They are a living example of the Father’s protection and provision!

If you’d like, you’re always welcome to join me in my backyard and we’ll let them encourage us together.

“His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me!”

Merit And Grace

Have you ever noticed how so much of our society is based on merit?

Merit: the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

Our salary or income is merit based. We do a good job and we get a raise. We study hard and we get good grades. Even buying groceries or using our credit cards are based on merit; we buy we get rewards. So many things are based on our ability to earn or deserve a reward.

Our relationship with the Lord, on the other hand, is completely based on grace.

“I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about.” Ephesians 2:8-9 ERV

Grace: the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.

Look at all the ways we use the word grace. There is a grace period which allows us to be late on a payment or to use an item without being punished. Royalty and monarchs are often called “your grace”; they give unearned favor to those they rule. “Goodness, Gracious” are more than just two words in a Jerry Lee Lewis song. It’s an expression used to express joy over receiving something good that comes as a complete surprise, completely unexpected. We should be hunting for opportunities to be gracious.

As parents and employers we have a strict duty to keep the line between merit and grace well defined. There are certain standards that we expect those under our leadership to meet; this is merit. Then there are those things that we give unexpectedly, undeservedly and that is grace.

We don’t want our children feeling they have to earn everything they receive based on merit. We want them to know that we take joy in giving them special things, blessings as it were, just because we love them. These things come from a gracious and loving heart. When we do this, we are being an example of our heavenly Father and the way He treats us.

“And before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. This was what God wanted, and it pleased him to do it. And this brings praise to God because of his wonderful grace. God gave that grace to us freely. He gave us that grace in Christ, the one he loves.

In Christ we are made free by his blood sacrifice. We have forgiveness of sins because of God’s rich grace. God gave us that grace fully and freely. With full wisdom and understanding he let us know his secret plan. This was what God wanted, and he planned to do it through Christ.” Ephesians 1:5-9 ERV

In some translations the word grace is called loving-favor, in others it’s kindness. Grace is given freely; we don’t earn it. We can’t! Because we can’t earn grace by the good things we do we can’t lose it either.

“But God was merciful! We were dead because of our sins, but God loved us so much that he made us alive with Christ, and God’s wonderful kindness is what saves you. God raised us from death to life with Christ Jesus, and he has given us a place beside Christ in heaven. God did this so that in the future world he could show how truly good and kind he is to us because of what Christ Jesus has done.” Ephesians 2:5-7 CEV

God is good and kind even when we don’t deserve it. He’s gracious, full of grace, when we need help.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

When we receive God’s grace and experience it personally, we grow. In growing, we become more gracious to those around us.

“Grow in the loving-favor that Christ gives you. Learn to know our Lord Jesus Christ better. He is the One Who saves. May He have all the shining-greatness now and forever. Let it be so.” II Peter 3:18 NLV

I encourage you to live graciously today. Look for opportunities to be grace-filled and avoid making those around you merit your favor!

“The Lord bless you  and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 NIV

Sibling Rivalry

Anyone who has kids knows from time to time they will bicker and squabble. Parents offend wonder “why can’t you guys just get along”. It hurts our hearts when our kids, who we love so much, have times when they fuss and say hurtful things.

The scripture tells us that God wants us to get along with our brothers and sisters also. He is our loving heavenly Father and He doesn’t like it when His kids quarrel. Doctrines, traditions, rituals may be different but that doesn’t have to be a reason to sever relationship or to talk badly of one another.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

Jesus spent a lot of his final hours and days talking to his disciples about loving one another. And for good reason – one of them was going to betray Jesus, one was going to deny him and the rest were going to scatter. I think Jesus was trying to prepare them for what was ahead. He wanted their hearts set on forgiveness and not blame; for them to walk together in unity and love so that they could draw on strength from one another.

“I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other just as I loved you. 35 All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.” John 13:34-35

A real sign to the world around them would be the love Jesus disciples had for one another. The love Jesus was talking about is supernatural – the unconditional, never ending love of God in their lives would be a sure sign that Jesus had impacted their lives. There is verse after verse written about our loving one another, letting the love of God flow through us; Jesus spoke many of them and then the whole book of I John is devoted to our loving one another.

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” Jn 15:12

“These things I command you, that ye love one another.” Jn 15:17

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;” Romans 12:10

“Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8

“For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

“And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.” I John 3:23

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” I John 4:7

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” I John 4:11

Anytime God, the Father, puts this much time and teaching into a subject you know it’s important. These are but a few of the verses that I found on love. I’m not sure what any of us will encounter today but I know God’s message for sure – He wants us to walk in love.

Heart To Heart

Technology is wonderful. We can send an email and receive a response in a couple of hours. Better yet, we can text and get an answer in a matter of minutes. These forms of communication are fine but nothing can compare to hearing the voice of a dear friend.

Video chats are nice, phone conversations are great but sitting and talking face to face is over the top!

Face to face conversations involve touch, eye contact, voice inflexion and quality time. These times are the best when building and keeping a relationship. That’s why I love my morning quiet times so much. I get to sit and talk with my heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In my heart and through God’s word, I can hear them speak to me. There’s nothing that compares to these intimate moments of personal communication.

Heart to Heart!

The Father wants to hear what’s on my heart and He wants to share His loving thoughts with me. The depth of that is almost incomprehensible but it’s true. Loving, Almighty God wants to speak with me.

“Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 NLV

The Creator of the Universe is waiting to talk to me and show me the wonderful things that He has done and that He desires to do! And then, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come to remind us of the things that Jesus had taught while He was here. He knew that sometimes we have memory failure and forget so He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper.

“I have told you all these things while I am with you. 26 But the Helper will teach you everything and cause you to remember all that I told you. This Helper is the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name.

27 “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:25-27 ERV

When we find ourselves worrying over a particular situation; work, children, health, finances, relationships, if we pray about it and ask the Lord to remind us of what we need to do, He will be faithful to give us the answers we need. He will bring peace to our lives.

We can talk heart to heart.

I’m sure we all have those close friends whose word we trust. We know they will tell us the truth, they won’t lie. We can place even greater confidence in what God says to us. In all of time, He has never lied and He never will. I remember the first time I read these verses written by John. They seemed too good to be true.

“We believe people when they say something is true. But what God says is more important. And this is what God told us: He told us the truth about his own Son. 10 Whoever believes in the Son of God has the truth that God told us. But people who do not believe God make God a liar, because they do not believe what God told us about his Son. 11 This is what God told us: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life, but whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

13 I write this letter to you who believe in the Son of God. I write so that you will know that you have eternal life now. 14 We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:9-15 ERV

When we place our confidence in Jesus and believe that God sent His Son to be our Savior we receive new life in Him. And if we know that we have new life in Christ, God’s word says we can come to Him, with no doubts, and ask Him for the things we need and He will give them to us. God isn’t looking to withhold things from us; He wants to provide for us and fill our lives with blessing.

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

When we talk to the Father, heart to heart, we won’t be asking for things that are selfish or displease Him instead we will be asking for things that will make our relationship with Him stronger. That pleases Him greatly.

I want you to look at the face of the woman in this image. Do you see the contentment and joy? She is at peace spending time with Jesus. This sense of well-being doesn’t come with a quick text, a short email, a brief call; it comes from spending time face to face and heart to heart.

I’ve prayed for you this morning that you will know that same peace.

Do What’s Right

Last night I went to bed knowing that I couldn’t have any coffee this morning. You see I need to go to the lab for blood work. Nothing’s wrong, it’s just a “fasting” blood order. All of my dreams last night had coffee in them. Isn’t that the way it is?

We’re told not to do something and that’s all we can think about, the “not”. Now the simple thing would be not to make the coffee this morning and then I wouldn’t be tempted. I can’t do that to Dave. He likes to have his coffee as soon as he gets up each morning, just like I do. So the coffee’s made and I’m trying to stay away from it but I will be taking a travel cup with me to the lab.

Why does it seem so hard to follow instructions at times? If they contain the words don’t or can’t there is a real challenge. When we are little there are all sorts of instructions; don’t put rocks in your ears, don’t eat the candy, don’t run with scissors, don’t get out of bed, don’t talk with your mouth full…the list goes on and on. Most of us have violated these rules at one time or another.

Moses gave laws to the children of Israel in the Old Testament. We know them better as the 10 Commandments. They were laws that focused on the negative, “thou shalt not”, and they reveal the failure of mankind. They couldn’t keep the laws on their own, we can’t either!

The Apostle Paul addresses this in the book of Romans. Most of that book is a comparison and contrast of the Law of the Old Testament to the grace of God in the New Testament.

“What the law says is for those who are under the law. It stops anyone from making excuses. And it brings the whole world under God’s judgment, 20 because no one can be made right with God by following the law. The law only shows us our sin.

21 But God has a way to make people right, and it has nothing to do with the law. He has now shown us that new way, which the law and the prophets told us about. 22 God makes people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. He does this for all who believe in Christ. Everyone is the same. 23 All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:19-24 ERV

Religion gives us all sorts of rules, a long list of don’ts. These won’t make us love God more nor will they compel us to live better lives. Relationship with Jesus will!

“So now anyone who is in Christ Jesus is not judged guilty. That is because in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit that brings life made you free. It made you free from the law that brings sin and death. The law was without power because it was made weak by our sinful selves. But God did what the law could not do: He sent his own Son to earth with the same human life that everyone else uses for sin. God sent him to be an offering to pay for sin. So God used a human life to destroy sin. He did this so that we could be right just as the law said we must be. Now we don’t live following our sinful selves. We live following the Spirit. ” Romans 8:1-4 ERV

We know the “don’ts” don’t work well with little kids. The positive approach works much better – You can go outside to play once you’ve eaten your dinner. You can have a treat when your room is clean. You can watch TV when your homework is done. All of these build a positive image and mindset.

God does the same with us. When we renew our minds using His word we see all the good things He has in store for us.

“Christian brothers, I ask you from my heart to give your bodies to God because of His loving-kindness to us. Let your bodies be a living and holy gift given to God. He is pleased with this kind of gift. This is the true worship that you should give Him. Do not act like the sinful people of the world. Let God change your life. First of all, let Him give you a new mind. Then you will know what God wants you to do. And the things you do will be good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2 NLV

God isn’t looking to make our lives miserable. No, instead He has promised us forgiveness, joy, peace, unconditional love, acceptance in His family. God’s not mad at us. He’s brought us life, abundant life.

Let God show you the good life He has for you! He is a good, good Father!

I’ve Been Thinking

It’s kind of a standing joke at our house when either Dave or I make this statement; “I’ve been thinking”. Sometimes what comes next is sweet, sometimes its expensive and it always means things will probably change.


Thinking is just another word for considering. As I was thinking about what to share this morning this passage in Hebrews came to mind.

“We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall. 2 We must never stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader of our faith, and he is the one who makes our faith complete. He suffered death on a cross. But he accepted the shame of the cross as if it were nothing because of the joy he could see waiting for him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne. 3 Think about Jesus. He patiently endured the angry insults that sinful people were shouting at him. Think about him so that you won’t get discouraged and stop trying.” Hebrews 12:1-3 ERV

You know Jesus had to get past considering the persecution in His future and look to the joy that was waiting on the other side! Remember when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed “if it’s possible let this cup pass from me”? Jesus was 100% man and knew He was going to be separated from God, carrying the sins of the entire world (past, present and future) and in His humanity this caused Him the greatest stress, even to the point of sweating blood.

How was He able to willingly lay down His life and not give in to calling the angels to rescue him or even striking everyone with blindness so he could escape such an ordeal? He looked to the joy that was beyond the cross. He considered or thought on the victory to come. The joy of His creation no longer living subject to Satan, the joy of providing salvation for us through His death, the joy of renewed relationship as it was in the garden when God first created man – the joy of victory!!!

“O, victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever. He sought me and He bought me with His redeeming blood. He loved me ‘eer I knew Him and all my love is due Him. He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing blood.” These are the words of an old hymn with a dynamic message.

“Clearly, it is not angels that Jesus helps. He helps the people who are from Abraham. 17 For this reason, Jesus had to be made like us, his brothers and sisters, in every way. He became like people so that he could be their merciful and faithful high priest in service to God. Then he could bring forgiveness for the people’s sins. 18 And now he can help those who are tempted. He is able to help because he himself suffered and was tempted.” Hebrews 2:16-18 ERV

Yes, Jesus truly knows what it’s like to be tempted and experience the testings of daily life and He did it all for us. He is the example of living victoriously.


How Great – How Far – How Long

Let me start by saying that I am not an astronomer nor am I well educated in the aspects of space and our solar system but I do remember Junior High Science class and the models we had to construct of the planets. Our knowledge of space has greatly increased since those days at Fourth Avenue Junior High.

One of our favorite things to do in the evening is look at the stars. The sky is so clear and the stars are so bright. I can name a few constellations but not many. I really have no desire to learn all their names, I just enjoy looking at what God has made. However, the question does come to mind – how many miles is it to the closest star? Millions of light years, I’m sure. How close is Venus, the moon or Mars? Space travel is relatively new in the grand scheme of things but outer space has been intriguing man for centuries. Look at these words written by King David.

“The Lord is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails. The Lord won’t always be angry and point out our sins; 10 he doesn’t punish us as our sins deserve.

11 How great is God’s love for all  who worship him? Greater than the distance between heaven and earth! 12 How far has the Lord taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!” Psalm 103:8-12 CEV

King David had experienced the love of God most all of his life but when it came time to describe or explain the vastness of God’s love he lacked the adequate words so he compared it to the heavens.

How great is God’s love? Greater than the distance between heaven and earth! He could only perceive that distance with the naked eye and yet he understood that the expanse between heaven and earth was massive. Now, with the help of highly sophisticated technology scientist are discovering space is much greater than we first imagined.

Isn’t that true of God’s love? Just when we begin to think we understand God’s love we realize it is so much greater!

How far does the Lord remove our sins? Before I answer this question let’s remember that as little as six hundred years ago many people thought the earth was flat. King David, inspired by God, wrote that God removes our sins as far as the east is from the west. No matter how far east we travel we will never go west. God has removed our sins an incalculable distance from us!

One more question came to mind as I was reading Psalm 103 this morning. How long?

How long will God love us? The answer: forever. God’s love never fails. How long is never? Never and forever are non-measurable concepts of time. No one can truly perceive the scope of them. That’s what makes the love of God so amazing!

“I will sing forever about the Lord’s love. I will sing about his faithfulness forever and ever! I will say, “Your faithful love will last forever. Your loyalty is like the sky—there is no end to it!” Psalm 89:1-2 ERV

Let’s ask those questions again. How Great – How Far – How Long? It’s mind boggling to consider. The love God has for us is more than we can possibly understand. When we accept it by faith and we begin to experience the awesome love of God!

Each time you look at the stars I hope you will be reminded of the depth of God’s love.

Mercy & Grace

Someone needs to be reminded of the importance of mercy and grace today. Each morning I thank the Lord for His love, mercy, goodness and grace. I never want to take these characteristics of God’s nature for granted. I never want to forget ALL He’s done for me. I always want to live with an attitude of gratitude.

I wrote this morning’s devotional thought several years ago and the Lord reminded me of it again this morning so I am sharing it with you.

Mercy: (I want this word to become engrained in your heart) from Merriam Webster dictionary
1 a : compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power; also : lenient or compassionate treatment

2 a : a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion

3 : compassionate treatment of those in distress

Compassion shown to an offender.

There was a place in the tabernacle and also in the temple called the Holy of Holies. It was there that the Ark of the Covenant and the mercy seat of God was housed. The priest would go into the Holy of Holies to obtain forgiveness for the sins of the people of Israel. It was there the priest would be in the presence of God. The focal point of God’s relationship to man was mercy!

“Bezalel built a chest of acacia wood forty-five inches long, twenty-seven inches wide, and twenty-seven inches high. 2 He covered it inside and out with pure gold and put a gold edging around the top. 3 He made four gold rings and fastened one of them to each of the four legs of the chest. 4 Then he made two poles of acacia wood, covered them with gold, 5 and put them through the rings, so the chest could be carried by the poles. 6 The entire lid of the chest, which was also covered with pure gold, was the place of mercy.” Exodus 37:1-6 CEV

This chest was the ark of the covenant – this ark was a sign of God’s presence and here in God’s presence was the place to find mercy! We so often run from God when we sin. The Father’s heart is that we run to Him, run to Him for mercy and for help, run to Him for forgiveness and restoration.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

The high priest could only enter the Holy of Holies, after he had offered the blood sacrifice, once a year. Each year he came to offer the sacrifice and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness for the sins of the people. But that’s no longer necessary.

Jesus became our high priest and He offered His own shed blood for the forgiveness of sins and we have been forever cleansed! Hallelujah!

“Christ came as the high priest of the good things that are now here. He also went into a much better tent that wasn’t made by humans and that doesn’t belong to this world. 12 Then Christ went once for all into the most holy place and freed us from sin forever. He did this by offering his own blood instead of the blood of goats and bulls.” Hebrews 9:11-12 CEV

I heard mercy described like this.

We are taken to court with a long list of charges (sin) against us. The prosecutor (satan) stands before the judge (the Father) and declares that we are guilty. The defense attorney (Jesus) stands before the judge and says “My client throws himself on the mercy of the court, Your Honor.”

The judge then says I will grant your plea for mercy however someone has to pay the penalty. Then the defense attorney, Jesus, steps forward and says “I will pay the penalty Your Honor. Let my client go and take Me in His place. (grace)”

Mercy: not receiving the penalty we deserve
Grace: receiving God’s goodness and forgiveness that we don’t deserve

Thank you Father for your mercy and your grace!


Yesterday I told you the story of a man who had been crippled from birth. In a matter of moments, he was healed and walking around in the Temple with Peter and John praising God for His marvelous power.

This miracle caused no small stir. People were excited and the religious leaders were upset, to say the least. They came to break up the crowd that had gathered to hear this man’s story. They arrived with the head of security – really?

“The apostles were still talking to the people, when some priests, the captain of the temple guard, and some Sadducees arrived. These men were angry because the apostles were teaching the people that the dead would be raised from death, just as Jesus had been raised from death. It was already late in the afternoon, and they arrested Peter and John and put them in jail for the night. But a lot of people who had heard the message believed it. So by now there were about five thousand followers of the Lord.” Acts 4:1-4 CEV

Later in this chapter we are told that Peter and John were brought in before the council to defend themselves and that the man who had been healed was there too. Can you imagine his dilemma in all of this. Begging at the Temple gate, no problem. Get healed and praise God, gets you hauled into court, big problem!

Peter spoke boldly to the council.

“The officials were amazed to see how brave Peter and John were, and they knew that these two apostles were only ordinary men and not well educated. The officials were certain that these men had been with Jesus. 14 But they could not deny what had happened. The man who had been healed was standing there with the apostles.

15 The officials commanded them to leave the council room. Then the officials said to each other, 16 “What can we do with these men? Everyone in Jerusalem knows about this miracle, and we cannot say it didn’t happen. 17 But to keep this thing from spreading, we will warn them never again to speak to anyone about the name of Jesus.” 18 So they called the two apostles back in and told them that they must never, for any reason, teach anything about the name of Jesus.

19 Peter and John answered, “Do you think God wants us to obey you or to obey him? 20 We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:13-20 CEV

I love the response! We can’t keep quiet about what we have heard and seen God do.

This should be a mandate for each of us as Christians. What have we seen God do in our lives? How many times have we been in trouble, hurting, sick, desperate and God has come through to deliver from whatever danger we have faced? We have to be bold – bold as a lion, and tell of what God has done.

“The wicked are afraid of everything, but those who live right are as brave as lions.” Proverbs 28:1 ERV

Where did these men get this boldness? Just a few weeks prior they had been out in fishing boats, going back to their old lives. They didn’t know what to do or where to go because Jesus had been crucified, now they are standing before the religious council saying “we won’t back down”.

Jesus had given them a final instruction before going back to heaven.

While he (Jesus) was still with them, he said: Don’t leave Jerusalem yet. Wait here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit, just as I told you he has promised to do. John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit…But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” Acts 1:4-8 CEV

Before Jesus started his earthly ministry the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, like a dove, and empowered Jesus to do the work God intended for him to do. Jesus knew the disciples needed this same power and that’s why He told them to go to Jerusalem and wait. Wait, they did and the Holy Spirit came as Jesus said, bringing power and boldness. They became witnesses to the world, telling them about the saving power of Jesus.

Bold as a lion!

When Peter and John left the council they went back to the other followers of Jesus and told them what happened. They all joined together and prayed:

“When the rest of the Lord’s followers heard this, they prayed together and said: Master, you created heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them… 27 Here in Jerusalem, Herod and Pontius Pilate got together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel. Then they turned against your holy Servant[b Jesus, your chosen Messiah. 28 They did what you in your power and wisdom had already decided would happen.

29 Lord, listen to their threats! We are your servants. So make us brave enough to speak your message. 30 Show your mighty power, as we heal people and work miracles and wonders in the name of your holy Servant Jesus.

31 After they had prayed, the meeting place shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and bravely spoke God’s message.” Acts 4:26-31 CEV

We should all pray such a prayer! “Lord, make us brave to speak your message in this day, in this time. Our desire is to be a bold witness for you. Bold as a lion!”