Guard Your Thoughts

Do you ever daydream? You know what I’m talking about – you’re alone with your thoughts planning for something special, going over the details and then out of the blue a disturbing thought enters in.

It’s some thought that wants to take you in a wrong direction – it can be unnerving and even make you fearful.

How do you counter that?

 My son, pay attention to what I say. Listen closely to my words. 21 Don’t let them out of your sight. Never stop thinking about them. 22 These words are the secret of life and health to all who discover them. 23 Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life.” Proverbs 4:20-23 ERV

Be careful how you think…

Good advice from a very wise man, Solomon. Now here are some words from Solomon’s father, King David.

“May my words and thoughts please you. Lord, you are my Rock—the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:14 ERV

“The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made.
Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power.” Psalm 19:1-2 ERV

These verses are from the same chapter – one from the beginning of the Psalm and the other is the last. King David tells us how to keep our thoughts centered – we stay focused on the glory of God and His power at the beginning and ending of each day, our thoughts will please our Father.

When troubling thoughts come, and they will, we counter them with God’s promises. especially those verses that counter fear.

“And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:7 ERV

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 NLT

I find such peace in the beauty of the morning sunrise and the evening sunset. They are a constant reminder to me of God’s power and provision. For all of time past, there has never been a day that there wasn’t a sunrise or a sunset. Since God keeps all of nature on its course, He surely has established a plan for my well-being. I can trust Him!

 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT

Father, I keep my mind fixed on You and Your good plan for me. Your peace will stand guard over my thoughts. I trust you!

Give Honor

Today would have been my parents seventy-seventh wedding anniversary. Each time this day arrives on the calendar my heart is flooded with wonderful memories and a sense of love.

Dad has been in heaven for seventeen years and Mom joined him a year ago. Theirs was not a perfect marriage but we always knew they loved each other and would work together to make it through the tough times. I am so glad for that example.

One of the Ten Commandments is for us to honor our fathers and mothers.

“You must honor and respect your father and your mother. Do this so that you will have a full life in the land that the Lord your God gives you.” Exodus 20:12 ERV

Parents were established by God to be an outreach of His love to us, His children. When we honor them as His authority in the home, we are honoring His word. We are honoring Him.

We have a promise of long life if we honor and obey our parents.

“Children, obey your parents the way the Lord wants, because this is the right thing to do. The command says, “You must respect your father and mother.” This is the first command that has a promise with it. And this is the promise: “Then all will go well with you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3 ERV

I wasn’t always the most obedient child, that I will admit. I had my times of doing my own thing and going my own way but still they loved me.

It breaks my heart when I see kids who disrespect their parents, who feel their ways are old fashioned and out of touch. It makes me wonder how our heavenly Father’s heart must ache for His children who are “off doing their own thing”.

“A few days later the younger son gathered up all that he had and left. He traveled far away to another country, and there he wasted his money living like a fool…The son realized that he had been very foolish. He thought, ‘All my father’s hired workers have plenty of food. But here I am, almost dead because I have nothing to eat…While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him coming and felt sorry for him. So he ran to him and hugged and kissed him…My son was dead, but now he is alive again! He was lost, but now he is found!’ So they began to have a party.” Luke 15:11-24 ERV

Even when we are gone from His presence, the Father is watching for us to come home. When we come back, He runs to embrace us and welcomes us with loving arms.

If you’re earthly parents are gone, like mine are, and you feel that you didn’t show them the honor and respect they were due, go to the heavenly Father and repent. He has a forgiving heart and open arms.

If your parents weren’t loving or godly, go to the Father and let Him heal those hurts and embrace you as His child.

If you still have your folks give them a call. Tell them you love them and thank them for doing the best they knew how in raising you. Give them honor as God instructed us too.

Don’t Lose Hope!

Have you ever been in the middle of an adverse situation? Do you begin to think, “how long can this go on”; “I don’t think I can take much more”, “I just can’t do this any longer”? “How do I make a change in my situation”? Well, I have good news for you today!

In II Kings 6 & 7 the king of Aram had brought his army against the Israelites and they had surrounded Samaria and cut off all the food supply to the city. The situation became so bad that the people in the city were eating animal dung and even reports of cannibalism were recorded. They were in a desparate place – hope was all but gone.

There were 4 lepers who were outside the city wall and they asked a question, “Why are we sitting here waiting to die? 4 There is no food in Samaria. If we go into the city, we will die there. If we stay here, we will also die. So let’s go to the Aramean camp. If they let us live, we will live. If they kill us, we will just die.” II Kings 6:3-4

How long will we sit here, until we die?

It was time to do something even if it meant that they might die. They couldn’t go into the city because there was famine in the city, if they stayed where they were they would starve to death and if they went to the enemy camp they also faced the possibly of death but they had to do something. So they went. I’ve faced some difficult situations but none have been this serious, how about you?

When they got to the enemy camp they found that the Arameans had fled and left all of their food, clothing, horses, tents and gold.

“So that evening the four lepers went to the Aramean camp. When they came to the edge of the camp, no one was there! 6 The Lord had caused the Aramean army to hear the sound of chariots, horses, and a large army. So the soldiers said to each other, “The king of Israel has hired the kings of the Hittites and Egyptians to come against us.”

7 The Arameans ran away early that evening. They left everything behind. They left their tents, horses, and donkeys and ran for their lives. 8 When these lepers came to where the camp began, they went into one tent. They ate and drank. Then they carried silver, gold, and clothes out of the camp and hid them…9 Then they said to each other, “We are doing wrong! Today we have good news, but we are silent… Now let’s go and tell the people who live in the king’s palace.” II Kings 7:5-9

Through these 4 lepers, the outcasts of society, God provided not only for them but for the whole city.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Your desperate situation isn’t desperate to God. He knows how to provide.

“Abraham named that place “The Lord Will Provide.” And even now people say, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” Genesis 22:14

Trust God today and follow what He calls you to do. Don’t lose hope – He will provide!

The Right Thing

Yesterday morning after breakfast Dave and I decided to walk the campground. It was a nice morning, no wind, and we could hear laughter from some of the different sites. We weren’t working, it was our day off. We stopped and visited with campers along our way.

We are in what the Forest Service calls “Stage II Fire Restrictions”. No wood or charcoal fires, propane only. Limited generator hours. No smoking except in enclosed vehicles or buildings. Every camper was given a list of the restrictions when they arrived and we also told them verbally. Obey the restrictions but have a good time.

As we walked, we had to stop and tell a few campers it was time to turn off the generators and remind them of the restrictions. They were quick to comply. They definitely didn’t want to cause a fire!

They were eager to do the right thing!

This morning I’m not writing a thought that will inspire or encourage. No, it’s a reminder to do what we have already been taught. We should never stop learning, never stop receiving good teaching but it’s imperative that we LIVE what we’ve already been taught.

“17 Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same. 18 God decided to give us life through the true message he sent to us. He wanted us to be the most important of all that he created.

19 My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak. Keep control of your anger. 20 Anger does not help you live the way God wants. 21 So get rid of everything evil in your lives—every kind of wrong you do. Be humble and accept God’s teaching that is planted in your hearts. This teaching can save you.

22 Do what God’s teaching says; don’t just listen and do nothing. When you only sit and listen, you are fooling yourselves. 23 Hearing God’s teaching and doing nothing is like looking at your face in the mirror 24 and doing nothing about what you saw. You go away and immediately forget how bad you looked. 25 But when you look into God’s perfect law that sets people free, pay attention to it. If you do what it says, you will have God’s blessing. Never just listen to his teaching and forget what you heard.” James 1:17-25 ERV

God’s instructions were written for our protection and to provide us with a better way of living. Each of us need to make practical application of the teachings in Scripture and do the right thing.

Keep Your Hands Full

The last couple of days the blog has focused on words – God’s Word and our words. This morning we’re going to see how the two of them line up.

When the Lord called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Moses felt unprepared. The Lord told him the shepherd’s rod that he carried would be used as a sign of God’s power.

“‘The Lord answered, “What’s that in your hand?” “A walking stick,” Moses replied. “Throw it down!” the Lord commanded. So Moses threw the stick on the ground. It immediately turned into a snake, and Moses jumped back.“Pick it up by the tail!” the Lord told him. And when Moses did this, the snake turned back into a walking stick.“Do this,” the Lord said, “and the Israelites will believe that you have seen me, the God who was worshiped by their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’” Exodus 4:2-5 CEV

Moses held that rod up, before God and the enemy, as a remembrance that God said He would fight for Israel and defeat their enemies and lead them into the Promised Land. God has promised to fight for us and defeat our enemies.

God has placed a rod in our hands but it’s more powerful than any sword or physical implement of battle.

“God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all the way into us. It cuts deep to the place where the soul and the spirit are joined. God’s word cuts to the center of our joints and our bones. It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts. 13 Nothing in all the world can be hidden from God. He can clearly see all things. Everything is open before him. And to him we must explain the way we have lived.” Hebrews 4:12-13 CEV

When we know and speak God’s word it reinforces us with courage and hope. It keeps us from falling into the sin of worry and discouragement.

God’s word is powerful enough to give us new life in Christ. It is rich enough to provide salvation – wholeness, soundness – in every situation. A centurion captain came to Jesus and asked that his servant be healed.

“But the officer said, “Lord, I’m not good enough for you to come into my house. Just give the order, and my servant will get well.  I have officers who give orders to me, and I have soldiers who take orders from me. I can say to one of them, ‘Go!’ and he goes. I can say to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes. I can say to my servant, ‘Do this!’ and he will do it.’ 10 When Jesus heard this, he was so surprised that he turned and said to the crowd following him, “I tell you in all of Israel I’ve never found anyone with this much faith!” Matthew 8:8-10 CEV

The centurion knew the power of words spoken by one in authority. He knew the words spoken by Jesus would bring results.

In our battle today we have a rod, a powerful sword in our hand and the word of God in our mouth – we have all we need to defeat our enemy. Jesus is our example – when He was tempted by satan His weapon of defense was “it is written, it is written, it is written”.

Our response should be the same!

Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah

Today’s thoughts go hand-in-hand with yesterday. God’s word never fails so why do we put such little value in the words we speak?

Do you remember the old saying, “My word is my bond”? People used to give value to what they say, to the words they used. Words had importance, value and meaning and now it seems it has just become so much noise like the words of Charlie Brown’s teacher.

We turn on the TV and words come spilling out bringing unrest, frustration, fear and even anger. Words do have power.

To God, words are important. With them He framed the world and all that is in it. “And God said, light be and there was light”. When God promised Abraham a son, we’re told that Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as right standing with God. David wrote the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, about God’s word and the importance of it.

Jesus was referred to as the Word. What He said had value and power! People were healed when he spoke a word; his words cursed a fig tree and caused it to die from the roots up; those words turned the water into wine and raised the dead.

Jesus told the Pharisees in Matthew 12 that out of the abundance or fullness of their hearts, the mouth speaks and that by their words they would be justified or condemned. He went on to say that they would be judged for every idle word that came from their mouths.

Jesus wasn’t referring to profanity although those aren’t good words. He was pointing out their words of judgement and criticism, gossip, religious error and jealousy.

The Pharisees had been plotting against Jesus earlier in this chapter and even went so far as to say that the works Jesus was doing were of the devil. They were trying to stir up the people against Jesus using their words and Jesus wanted them to know that those words would come back to judge them.

King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, wrote these words: “Your words can be as satisfying as fruit, as pleasing as the food that fills your stomach. 21 The tongue can speak words that bring life or death. Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.” Proverbs 18:20-21 CEV

Let’s make our words bring life. Life to us and our situations, life to our mate & children, life to our colleagues, words of life, peace, health, prosperity and salvation.

“People cannot see their own mistakes, so don’t let me commit secret sins. 13 Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin 14 May my words and thoughts please you. LORD, you are my Rock—the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:12-14

That Settles It!

Growing up I would hear preachers say, “God said, I believe it, that settles it”. They were saying this to affirm their faith in the Word of God, however, that saying isn’t quite true.

This is the truth – God said it, that settles it! Whether I believe it or not, God’s word will always be true and perfect. It has never failed, and it never will.

The world outlook is becoming increasingly dark. Calling good evil and evil good – it’s amazing! If someone doesn’t believe in God, He still is. If they don’t think the miracles of the Bible are true, they still are. If they don’t embrace the unconditional love of God, it still continues. Becoming hard-hearted, our world population is putting their love for self above the truths of God’s word.

We who are believers in Christ need to stand tall on God’s word!

“The Lord’s teachings are perfect. They give strength to his people. The Lord’s rules can be trusted. They help even the foolish become wise. The Lord’s laws are right. They make people happy. The Lord’s commands are good. They show people the right way to live. 9 Learning respect for the Lord is good. It will last forever. The Lord’s judgments are right. They are completely fair. 10 His teachings are worth more than pure gold. They are sweeter than the best honey dripping from the honeycomb. 11 His teachings warn his servants, and good things come to those who obey them. 12 People cannot see their own mistakes, so don’t let me commit secret sins. 13 Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin. 14 May my words and thoughts please you. Lord, you are my Rock—the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:7-14 CEV

Lord, you are my Rock!

We used to sing a song that’s been running through my head this morning. Part of the lyrics go like this:

“I go to the Rock for my salvation,
I go to the stone that the builders rejected,
I run to the mountain and the mountain stands by me;
When the Earth all around me is sinking sand,
On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand,
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend, I go to the Rock.” by Dottie Rambo

Thank you Father that your Word is perfect and trustworthy! Thank You that Your Word has never failed. Thank You.

Now that settles it!

Hide N Seek

Ready or not, here I come!

As a kid, did you ever play hide and seek? We used to have great games on our block during the summer evenings. Most of the time I would be one of the first caught but then I was one of the youngest and didn’t hide too well.

Occasionally there would be that time when no one could find me and I dreaded hearing them call out “All-y, All-y, ox in free”. I didn’t want to reveal my hiding place because I could use it again. I was safe and well hidden.

In life there have been times that I have stood in the face of trouble and defiantly said “give me your best shot – I can take it”. Sometimes this was a foolish confidence in my own strength and at other times it was a secure declaration of my victory in Christ.

But there have also been those times that my desire was to be securely hidden; not wanting to be seen or found because I needed a time to rest.

God is so good that way! Giving us time to hide under the shadow of His wings; time to regain our strength, time to build spiritual muscle, time to grow in Him.

“You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me. Selah 8 The Lord says, “I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live. I will watch over you and be your guide.” Psalm 32:7-8 ERV

Whether you’re on the front lines of battle today or in a secure place of hiding I want you to know that the Father is there to give you rest when you’re weary, strength for the battle and victory over the enemy.

“Don’t worry—I am with you. Don’t be afraid—I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

He is our “hiding place”!

Nothing Better

Some mornings I want nothing more than to imagine that I am snuggling in my Father’s arms and feeling the comfort of His love! Aww, there’s nothing better than that.

The world we live in is filled with crazy distractions and difficulties. It can be overwhelming.

What was the first thing on your mind this morning? The kids, your job, health, finances, a relationship, the world crisis – whatever it is, the Lord has a solution.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

His lap is cozy enough to have room for you to cuddle up and draw strength from Him.

His Word is powerful enough to change the course of rivers and set the boundaries in the sky; so at His word your world can change from disorder to order. Don’t let anything hold you back from enjoying the Father’s presence, His power and His word.

“The rules you have given me to follow will be mine forever. They give me great joy. 112 More than anything I want to obey your laws always, until the end of my life.” Psalm 119:11-112 ERV

Do you remember when your kids and grandkids were small? The times when they would crawl up in your lap and snuggle in? They were coming to find comfort, a place of peace and protection. They were secure.

What did that do to your heart?

It melted, I’m sure. It was a time when you sensed you were trusted, and unconditionally depended upon. I imagine that’s how the Father’s heart feels when we pull away from all the distractions and come to find rest and comfort in Him.

This is a verse I share often in this blog, but it isn’t just because it makes good writing. No, it is a life-style verse for me.

 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

This is my invitation, our invitation, to come to the Father where we find help and comfort. A place of safety and protection, a place of trust. To me, there’s nothing better than enjoying the love I find in my Father’s presence.