Power of Forgiveness

Yesterday Dave and I watched a movie that had been produced in 2010 in Australia. It is based on a true story about some nuns and nurses who were held captive by the Japanese on an island during WWII.

Sisters of War.

The nurses and patients were abandoned by the doctors when the Japanese occupied the island and a small group of soldiers hid out in the jungle trying to fight the Japanese as best they could.

The bishop who founded the church, several priest, a contingent of nuns and some native converts were the others who occupied the church and hospital compound. The story focuses on one nun and one nurse.

What amazed me the most was the way the nuns lived out their faith. They always tried to encourage those around them and chose to pray for and forgive those who tortured them.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. 45 If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong.” Matthew 5:43-45 ERV

These are the words of Jesus; if it weren’t possible to love and forgive in the worst of situations then He wouldn’t have commanded us to do so. I was amazed by the kind resolve that the nuns displayed through most of their captivity.

And then I had to ask myself how I would have handled such a situation. We often lose our loving attitude over simple things; being cut of in traffic, someone playing loud music at midnight (yes, it happened), a dishonest politician, a deceptive co-worker, etc. Very few of us have had a face the horrendous situations that these women did.

This morning I awaken with a deeper resolve to love and forgive.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its taste, it cannot be made salty again. Salt is useless if it loses its salty taste. It will be thrown out where people will just walk on it.

14 “You are the light that shines for the world to see. You are like a city built on a hill that cannot be hidden. 15 People don’t hide a lamp under a bowl. They put it on a lampstand. Then the light shines for everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16 ERV

These too are the words of Jesus. I encourage you to live as salt and light in this world; it can certainly use our example!

Great Is Our God

The vastness of the mountains are just a small reminder of God’s greatness!

The joy I feel each morning is almost inexpressible! God is SO faithful, SO good, SO precious! Life’s experiences do not diminish the goodness of my Father God but instead they serve to illuminate it. Since God is unchangeable, He is always loving, always gracious, always giving, always faithful, always just and always merciful, our devotion and love toward Him should never be based on our circumstances but on who He is.

He doesn’t bring the adversary to test us but when the adversary comes if we remember who He is, we will come through any test victoriously because of our faith in God!

Don’t let the enemy steal your joy with distracting cares and anxious moments. Wake up each morning praising our God and Father who has led us in the past, is walking ahead of us in your present and preparing a glorious future for us!

”I will praise you, LORD! You saved me from the grave and kept my enemies from celebrating my death. 2 I prayed to you, LORD God, and you healed me, 3 saving me from death and the grave. 4 Your faithful people, LORD, will praise you with songs and honor your holy name. 5 Your anger lasts a little while, but your kindness lasts for a lifetime. At night we may cry, but when morning comes we will celebrate. 6 I was carefree and thought, “I’ll never be shaken!” 7 You, LORD, were my friend, and you made me strong as a mighty mountain. But when you hid your face, I was crushed. 8 I prayed to you, LORD, and in my prayer I said, 9 “What good will it do you if I am in the grave? Once I have turned to dust, how can I praise you or tell how loyal you are? 10 Have pity, LORD! Help!” 11 You have turned my sorrow into joyful dancing. No longer am I sad and wearing sackcloth. 12 I thank you from my heart, and I will never stop singing your praises, my LORD and my God.” Psalm 30 CEV

Thank you Lord that you have made me strong. I trust you!

It’s a Great Day to Be Alive!

Last week we spent some time talking with friends about when and why we started a ministry to farmers and ranchers, folks who worked round the clock. That was over 35 years ago. At that time there really weren’t too many occupations where you had to work on Sundays – yes, emergency personnel, first responders, food service industry and some grocery stores but not many others.

We took “church” to those on ranches and involved in youth rodeos. These were the folks that worked 24/7 during the planting and harvest of their crops. We knew, we had been one of them. Even if you had a few hours of rest from work on a Sunday morning there still wasn’t enough time to shower, change clothes and get to town in time for church. So we took church to them.

And then there were the kids – the rodeo kids, most of them ages 5 to 19. They loved rodeo and they loved the Lord but some of them had been told that if they loved the Lord they had to give up rodeo and be in church on Sunday. So we took church to them.

We had a wonderful time during those years. We love people and we love the Lord and it was so great to be able to tell them that He loved them no matter where they were; they could be horseback or covered in field dust, it didn’t matter to God. He saw their heart.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “…People judge by what is on the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart…” I Samuel 16:7 ERV

Now, don’t get me wrong I’m not putting down church attendance. I believe it is important that we receive good teaching; it’s vital for our spiritual growth. And the importance of good Christian friends is incalculable. They are the ones who pray with us, encourage us and support us. It means so much to get an email or a card that says “I was just thinking about you and I prayed the Lord would bless you.” Some of my oldest and dearest friends are those I have from church.

“We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 25 Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.” Hebrews 10:24-25 CEV

It makes no difference if it’s a Sunday or a Thursday, if we dress in a three-piece suit or dusty jeans, if our church is a brick building with stained glass windows or an outdoor arena; the important thing is that we set time aside to worship the Lord and have association with other Christians. That is what helps keep us strong.

There’s an old country song that I love. These are the lyrics:

“Oh, the place where I worship is the wide open spaces
Filled by the hand of the Lord
Where the trees of the forest are like pipes of an organ
And the breeze plays an amen choir.

All the stars are the candles and they light up the mountains
Mountains are altars of God
Oh, the place where I worship is the wide open spaces
Where the sun warms the peaceful sod.” by Red Foley

Wherever you are today, whatever you are doing, today is great day to be alive, thank the Lord for it!

“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be full of joy and be glad in it. ” Psalm 118:24 NLV

Peaceful Cuddling

Yesterday we came to the Phoenix area to spend some time with our girls and their families. Kaci and Stephen are off on an anniversary weekend; happy anniversary. Kim and Austin have Sam & Kristine at their house for a weekend of fun and we came to help out and play.

I was holding Kristine yesterday afternoon and she started to get sleepy. She cuddled in to my chest and was content to fall asleep there. Awww! That feeling of peace, security and the ability to rest. It’s enviable.

I can’t help but think that is what our heavenly Father wants us to do – cuddle in and rest. He wants us to fall asleep resting in Him and He wants us to wake up and start our day the same way.

What was the first thing on your mind this morning? Was it thoughts of joy that kept your heart at peace? Or was it the kids, your job, health, finances, a relationship, the world crisis? Whatever it was, the Lord has a solution.

God cares for you, so cuddle in and let Him handle your worries. His lap is cozy enough for you to snuggle up and draw strength from Him.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

His Word is powerful enough to change the course of rivers and set the boundaries in the sky; so at His word your world can change from disorder to order. Don’t let anything hold you back from enjoying the Father’s presence, His power and His word.

“The rules you have given me to follow will be mine forever. They give me great joy. 112 More than anything I want to obey your laws always, until the end of my life.” Psalm 119:11-112 ERV

Don’t rush, settle back, close your eyes and feel the Father’s warm embrace. In Him, all is well!