However, for those of us with pets at home it can be a scary time. When I worked for a vet we would be inundated with calls the week prior to the 4th from concerned pet owners who were wondering what they could give their pets to help them through the night’s festivities.
I remember a time when we were in Iowa for the summer and how Glory reacted. It was a nice display – I had a perfect spot from the porch of our RV. But Glory, our Australian Shepherd, was not getting the same enjoyment I was. Although the noise was slightly bothersome, it was the bright flashes of light that bothered her the most so we finished watching from inside, through the window. As long as she sat in my lap and I was patting her she was ok. She didn’t realize that nothing would harm her and that soon, very soon, it would all be over. Her perspective was skewed but she knew she would be ok because I would protect her.
It made me think of how unfounded my fears have been. Most things are only loud noises and flashing lights when put in perspective with God’s word and His goodness, grace, mercy and power. In a few short days I will be celebrating my 65th birthday. The years have flown and I feel the best is still ahead – the best years with my husband, my children, grandchildren, my friends, and my God!
There’s an old song – The Longer I Serve Him the Sweeter He Grows!
Yes, I can say God is always faithful! Always! Me, on the other hand, I can use some work.
So many times I thought I knew best and have the perfect plan. I got out into a place of loud booming noises and flashes of light that frightened me. I was sure I would be destroyed. Then I would feel God’s reassuring hand and hear His voice telling me it would be ok, “I’m here”. I would cuddle in to Him and yes, it was soon over and I was ok.
Moses gave this instruction to the Israelites and to Joshua right before they crossed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Moses told them that he wouldn’t be going with them; he had led them for 40 years and now it was time for someone new to take charge. They were to follow Joshua.
“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid of the nations on the other side of the Jordan. The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you. 7 Then Moses called Joshua up in front of the crowd and said:
Joshua, be brave and strong as you lead these people into their land. The Lord made a promise long ago to Israel’s ancestors that this land would someday belong to Israel. That time has now come, and you must divide up the land among the people. 8 The Lord will lead you into the land. He will always be with you and help you, so don’t ever be afraid of your enemies.” Deuteronomy 31:6-8 CEV
In one translation these verses say have “good courage”. Good courage is God based. It will drive out fear. John wrote that perfect love casts out fear. When we are secure in God’s love for us, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us, we will also be strong with “good” courage, even in the face of fierce battles and opponents that are big as giants.
In these three short verses, Moses tells the people and Joshua twice that God will ALWAYS be at their side. He will NEVER abandon them. Don’t be afraid of your enemies.
We all need to be reminded of this.
I don’t know what loud noises and flashing lights you are facing today. Let the Lord lead, have “good courage”. Hear His voice telling you He’s there and you can trust Him to protect you.