Joshua’s calling was to replace Moses and lead the children of Israel into the promised land. What a daunting task! But God made him a promise and spoke words of encouragement into his life.
What has God called you to do? Does it seem overwhelming and near impossible? Then these words to Joshua are for you too. If God has called you to do something, then He will also empower you for the task.
Replace Joshua’s name with yours and meditate on God’s promise to you today.
“Joshua, you must be strong and brave! You must lead these people so that they can take their land. I promised their fathers that I would give them this land. 7 But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 CEV
Be strong, be brave! I am with you – what better promises could you have.
Let’s look at some of the regular people in the Bible. People who weren’t the lead players but without their involvement the story would have greatly changed.
We always hear about Noah but without the help of his three sons I doubt the ark would have ever been built. Then there’s the Egyptian servant girl who went down into the Nile River and retrieved Moses from the bulrushes. Hers was a vital mission but menial.
Consider the innkeeper who allowed Joseph and Mary to stay in the stable. He is only briefly mentioned but his role was paramount. Do you remember anyone who has ever given a message on the owner of the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? Or what about the carpenter who constructed the cross?
All of these people had very important roles to fulfill but gained no notoriety.
What role have you been called to fill?
I once received a phone call from a very gifted singer. Years ago she had been on the worship team in our church. She sang like an angel. People would be spell bound as she sang. She was anointed.
She was frustrated because it seemed that all the avenues to her having a recording made were blocked. She said to me “I just want to use this gift God has given me”. She was working as a nanny at the time.
Here is what I found myself saying. If you use your voice to sing to the little children in your care and the Holy Spirit uses your songs to impact them, who’s to say that they don’t grow up to become the next Billy Graham and change the world for Christ. Whatever you are doing, do it for the Lord.
“ Let the teaching of Christ live inside you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:16-17 ERV
When Joshua was a young man I don’t think he knew that he would become Moses replacement. He just did what he was good at and the Lord moved him in to the right place.
I used to think that it would be great if I could teach God’s word to large crowds. I love to teach – I know it’s what I’m called to do. However, I have never filled a large auditorium, much less a stadium. But I am happy with the circle of influence that I have among my family, my friends and through this blog and social media.
If you’re a good cook, woodworker, musician, business administrator, internet genius, policeman, fire fighter, nurse, homemaker, mom or dad – you have a circle of influence that no one else can fill.
Take the words the Lord gave Joshua and go for it!
Be strong, be brave. Don’t be afraid. The Lord goes everywhere with you!