Like A Child

Several weeks ago, our oldest granddaughter started a family text page. She wanted to send pictures of their daughters to all of us at the same time. I love that!

We get pictures of our four-year-old and our 3-month-old great granddaughters. It’s wonderful. Often the pictures show the girls with their parents holding them or playing with them. We can almost hear the giggles as we see the smiles.

The girls are content. They are happy. They trust mom and dad. This is the picture that came to mind as I read these verses in Psalms this morning.

“I am not conceited, Lord, and I don’t waste my time on impossible schemes. But I have learned to feel safe and satisfied, like a young child in its mother’s arms. People of Israel, you must trust the Lord now and forever.” Psalm 131 CEV

Oh my. Three short verses but so much wisdom.

Don’t waste time on impossible schemes. Yes, I’ve done that regretfully. Thinking surely this time I have the right idea or am following the right lead, ignoring the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach and moving forward without asking the Lord for direction. Been there, done that, don’t recommend it at all.

Feel safe and satisfied, like a young child. Those images we have been receiving picture this perfectly. Contentment, safety, security, peace and joy. Safe in my Father’s arms. I remember holding one of our granddaughters as I visited with her mom. She was squirming, trying to snuggle in, fighting sleep. And then there was a deep sigh, her body relaxed and rest came. Safe and satisfied. That’s how the Father wants us to be – dependent on Him.

Trust the Lord now and forever. When we trust the Lord, it isn’t a momentary thing. It’s a lifetime experience. These words were written by King David. The young boy who fought the giant and won. The king who ruled Israel. He made mistakes, many of them are recorded in the Bible for us. He’s also the one who wrote Psalm 23, “the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”. Those words came from a heart filled with trust.

As we start this New Year, I hear the Lord telling me to trust! “Like a child, Father I come to sit safely in Your arms, allowing You to lead and direct the concerns and challenges of my life. I trust You!”

A New Start

In the beginning…a New Year, a blank slate, a clean page, a new horizon, a fresh start. How many more clichés can I come up with? You get the point.

Will this year start any differently that those in the past? High expectations are easily replaced by disappointment unless the beginning has a solid foundation.

Going to take you to two verses this morning.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV

“In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.” John 1:1 CEV

The best was to start this new year is to have God in your beginning!

God the Father and His creative power is here to fill your beginning. And God the Son, Jesus, the Word, is here as our example of what life is like when we depend upon the Father.

Oh and one more verse.

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:26-27 KJV

God the Holy Spirit has come to remind us of what the Word says about our relationship with the Father and this will bring us peace! What a great way to begin this year and it’s a great way to walk through each day!

May your New Year be filled to overflowing the love and peace of God!