I will be going back and redoing this morning’s devotional. I found that all the verses I had included are gone. Sorry and stay tuned!
A New Page

Coffee and cinnamon rolls are basics in our home – ask my kids! But more important is the morning quiet time that I share with all of you.
There is a new addition to the blog. I have added a page of “I Like These”. Here you will find links to several blogs/pages on-line that I like.
There is link to Fischer Publishing. Our friend Rob is an accomplished author and has over 20 books in print. He now helps new authors traverse the waters of writing and self-publishing. This month he is spear heading a writers conference, the details are available on his page. He and his wife Linda live in Spokane, WA.
Another link will take you to Aunt Ruthie’s Sugar Pie Farmhouse. Aunt Ruthie is a long time friend from our days in Encinitas/Carlsbad, CA. I first met RuthAnn when she started producing activity jars to tell Moms and kids develop quality time of sharing their thoughts. These were called Mom’s Canned Questions. She and her husband live in Branson and through her blog Aunt Ruthie offers recipes, decorating ideas and encouragement for women to become the wives and mothers that God has planned for them to be.
Amy Hale is a new acquaintance who loves teaching women to study God’s word. Amy has a blog that offers practical ideas for developing a consistent and lasting personal BIble Study. She has great insights and has resources that make Bible Study easy and fun.
And finally, my favorite on-line Bible source is Bible Gateway. This site offers over 20 versions of the Bible. If the King James version seems too archaic and you desire to read something more contemporary this is the resource for you. If you desire a translation that will give you more in the way of Jewish background or an amplified exposition of a verse you will also find that on this site too. Plain and simple, find a version or translation that you can relate too and let the Holy Spirit make the Bible come alive to you.
Thank you for trusting me to share God’s word with you each morning. It is such a pleasure to know you have invited me into your homes. I love God’s word. The impact on my life has been nothing short of miraculous, life-changing. I hope that you are encouraged in your walk with the Lord no matter where you are on that path.
If you haven’t signed up to receive the daily blog via email you can do that now. If you have, thank you. I will ask again that if you have found what I share each morning to be helpful, please share it with your friends and family, Bible study groups, Sunday School classes and co-workers.
God bless you all.