A Donkey’s Tale

Here we are just two weeks before Easter and our road to the cross is about to come to an end.

Years back I wrote a short story entitled, “A Donkey’s Tale”. Did you know that the average lifespan of a donkey is 27 to 40 years? This morning, I will retell that story; I hope it makes an impact.

“There were two donkeys in a stable. One quite old and the other young who had never been ridden. Things were getting quite busy in Jerusalem; people were coming from all over the country. Preparations were being made for the Passover celebration. It was only a couple weeks away.

The animals in the stable sensed the excitement.

The older donkey began to speak. His bray was soft and low as he recalled a memory from 30+ years before. He had been a young donkey then; his steps were steady, and his back was strong. He said, ‘I carried a young woman to Bethlehem. She was very pregnant, and her baby was due anytime. It was a long trip – it took 5, or was it 6, days to make the journey.

When we arrived in Bethlehem, it was crowded and busy, just like Jerusalem is now. There was no place for my owners to stay so they made room for them in the stable with me. During the night the baby was born. It was so exciting!

Before I knew it the stable had filled with shepherds. They said they came looking for the baby. They said angels had told them about His birth. He was God’s Son, Immanuel, God with us. Mary and Joseph just called him Jesus.

After several weeks we returned to Nazareth and were there when a caravan of very important people arrived looking for Jesus. They gave Mary and Joseph gifts for him, so many gifts. They had traveled so far just to worship Him.

After they left, an angel came, and he told Joseph that we should take Jesus far away because there was a king who wanted to kill him. In the night, Joseph saddled me, and I took them to Egypt. It was another long journey. We stayed away for a long time until it was safe for me to bring my family back home to Nazareth. I knew I was carrying a king.

As the older donkey finished his story the young colt lamented, ‘I wish my life would have a wonderful story like yours.’

“Everyone in Jerusalem, celebrate and shout! Your king has won a victory, and he is coming to you. He is humble and rides on a donkey; he comes on the colt of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9 CEV

Little did this young colt know that God would soon be using him in a similar way to the old donkey resting next to him.”

Now I know this is just a silly children’s tale, but it reminds me that we who are older should be used to encourage those who are younger in their faith. Don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.

 My friends, watch out! Don’t let evil thoughts or doubts make any of you turn from the living God. 13 You must encourage one another each day. And you must keep on while there is still a time that can be called “today.” If you don’t, then sin may fool some of you and make you stubborn. 14 We were sure about Christ when we first became his people. So let’s hold tightly to our faith until the end.” Hebrews 3:12-14 CEV

Now let me finish my tale. Just a few weeks later our young donkey had an encounter that changed his life.

“Jesus found a donkey and rode on it, just as the Scriptures say, 15 ‘People of Jerusalem, don’t be afraid! Your King is now coming,
and he is riding on a donkey.’” John 12:14-15 CEV

One donkey’s road led to a manger: the other’s to the cross.

Back In the Box

This past week Dave and I have been packing things up and getting ready to head back to the Valley. Our biggest struggle has been trying to get things back in their original boxes.

No, we don’t have a cat and if we did we wouldn’t put them in a box but we did have canvas tarps and poles for our garage and also the awning and stakes for our canopy. Dave kept saying, “how did they get all this in the box”.

After what seemed to be hours of struggling with folding and refolding, packing and unpacking and packing again, we were tired. At one point I said to him, “no more today, it can wait till tomorrow”. I went in and he kept working.

This may all seem silly to you but each of us face daily struggles. How do we keep everything in order? How do we get all our “junk” back in the box?

“He said, “This is the message from the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Your help will not come from your own strength and power. No, your help will come from my Spirit.’ This is what the Lord All-Powerful says.” Zechariah 4:6

When we have Christ in our life we never have to draw on our own strength. We have his promise that He will provide the strength that we need.

Some things become easier with age. We have the experience to be more relaxed in different situations. Things don’t seem as stressful because we’ve walked this ground before and know that eventually everything will work out. Or at least that’s how it seems.

However, with age some things can seem more difficult. The physical things that we once had the power to handle when we were younger not can be tiring and frustrating.

“I love you, Lord! You are my strength. The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, my place of safety. He is my God, the Rock I run to for protection. He is my shield; by his power I am saved. He is my hiding place high in the hills. I called to the Lord for help, and he saved me from my enemies! He is worthy of my praise!” Psalm 18:1-3 ERV

The Lord never intended for us to do things on our own. He came to walk and talk with Adam and Eve each evening. He talked with Abraham, friend to friend. The Lord visited with Moses and gave him direction. He gave David strength to defeat a giant and was there when Daniel needed Him in the lion’s den.

Jesus talked with the Father continually and obtained the strength He needed for each day. The Apostle Paul made this statement to the churches in a letter written as a prisoner in Rome.

“Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do.” Philippians 4:13 ERV

What is it that takes your strength? Packing up to go home, an illness, an obnoxious co-worker, financial stress? In each and every situation the Father promises to be our help and provide our strength.

Trust Him. He knows how to put everything back in the box.

Happy Annivers-Day!

I’m not sure if I should say Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary, so let’s make it Happy AnniversDay.

Three years ago today my first blog appeared on www.arizonakristi.com – WOW! A very dear friend of mine had been reading my morning posts on Facebook for quite and while and he said to me, “Kristi, you should have a blog so that your writings can be shared with more people than just your friends on Facebook”. It was taken back by his statement. I had been sharing, almost daily, on Facebook for the past eight years at that time. And had never thought about it being anything more. So I think my comment to him was “I wouldn’t know where to start”.

Jump ahead a couple months and I received an email asking me what I thought about a few different names. I asked “for what”? To which he replied “for your blog”. I told him I really didn’t think I had the time to devote to learning how to create a blog and he said “not to worry”.

A few weeks later he sent me the website link and said if I liked it he would make it live. And as they said, the rest is history. Thanks Tom! On July 15, 2017 I posted the first teaching to arizonakristi.com

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” Zechariah 4:10 NLT

I am humbled to say that I know God has given me an ability to present His word in a practical, easy-to-understand way. It is a labor of love to share with you each day, it’s my calling and I am blessed to be able to share my heart.

In the past three years the blog has been read almost 32,000 times. Each morning a good number of you receive it directly to your email. Others have chosen to follow Kristi’s Morning Devotional page on Facebook and we also have a presence on Twitter and Linked-In. THANK YOU!

In November of 2018 my first book, The Best Gifts of Christmas, was published through Amazon and many of you purchased copies. THANK YOU! It’s a thirty-one day Advent devotional for the month of December. It’s a reminder of the wonderful gifts the Lord blesses us with each day.

By September of this year my second book, Like A Diamond, will be released. It’s in the final stages of editing now before it goes to publishing. Our life in Christ has many facets, Like A Diamond. This book gives us some insight to those as we develop in our walk with the Lord. I will be sharing more information on availability later this summer.

Over the next few months I will be working on creating a Spanish translation page. Please pray with me as the blog continues to develop. The goal is reach as many people as possible with the Good News of who we are in Christ. The Lord is also opening doors for me to speak to churches and other groups.

I have something to ask of you. If you have enjoyed reading the morning blogs and if they have helped you or encouraged you would you please consider sharing the site with your friends? They can follow the page on social media or receive it directly to their email each day by subscribing on the home page of the site.

My goal is to reach as many Christians as I can with the message that we have been called to be good will ambassadors for Christ while we’re here on this planet. We have been equipped by the transforming power of God. The world needs the message that God wants to be at peace with them and Christians need to know that we have ability to share that message.

“I pray that the God of peace will give you every good thing you need so that you can do what he wants. God is the one who raised from death our Lord Jesus, the Great Shepherd of his sheep. He raised him because Jesus sacrificed his blood to begin the new agreement that never ends. I pray that God will work through Jesus Christ to do the things in us that please him. To him be glory forever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21 ERV

Apple of My Eye

When I was a little girl, I mean little, about three years old, our neighbor across the road coined a phrase when he greeted me. He would say, “You’re my apple pandowdy, you make my eyes light up”. He said that every time he saw me and then he would laugh and give me a hug.

Jay was such a sweet man. He and his wife had two boys who were my brother’s age and older. They never had a little girl and so I guess he adopted me. Even when I was married and had kids of my own, Jay would burst into his little greeting when he saw me. (For the record, apple pandowdy is a dessert like an apple cobbler.) It was Jay’s way of telling me I was loved.

Just like Jay always told me I was loved, I enjoy telling and showing people they are loved. God loves us all unconditionally. Believe it or not that irritates some people. They mistake my confidence in God’s love as arrogance.

Over the years I have been asked multiple times, “what makes you think that God would do anything for you, who do you think you are”. The answer comes in complete humility, “I’m the apple of God’s eye and He loves me unconditionally”.

As a child, if you would have asked me what made me think that Flo & Gene Vorland were going to provide for me, feed me, clothe me, take care of me when I was sick, give me a warm place to sleep, get me something special for my birthday or take me someplace fun, like fishing; I’d say I know they will – they’re my parents and they love me! End of conversation – you couldn’t convince me differently. Neither can I be convinced any differently when it comes to God – He’s my loving heavenly Father! I’m the apple of His eye and so are you. That’s why He sent His wonderful gift of Jesus.

“The Lord sent me to the nations that took away your wealth. He sent me to bring you honor. And this is what the LORD All-Powerful said: “If anyone even touches you, it is as if they did it to the apple of my eye.'” Zechariah 2:8 CEV

This Thanksgiving Day things may not be perfect in your life but there is one thing that is, God’s love. It’s perfect love!

“Show me the wonders of your great love,  you who save by your right hand  those who take refuge in you from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye;  hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who are out to destroy me,  from my mortal enemies who surround me.” Psalm 17:7-9 NIV

Be thankful! I can hear God say “you’re my apple pandowdy, you make my eyes light up”.


Some of you are getting up this morning knowing that going to work means you are facing the enemy. Co-workers or even a boss that have been fierce in their dislike of you can make work seem like a battlefield.

It’s possible that your enemy is even closer than that. It may be a neighbor that is intent on making your life miserable or it could be someone living in your own home. You might be living with the thoughts of past failures and disappointments. You could be your own worst enemy.

Before David was anointed king of Israel, Saul tried to kill him time after time; he was pursued relentlessly through the deserts of Israel.

II Samuel, chapter 22, is a song David wrote and sang after he had once again escaped Saul’s pursuit. I encourage you to take time to read the whole chapter – David’s heart is one of praise for all God has done. I believe that David’s daily experiences are so much more intense than any of ours could ever be and so we can learn from him.

“He makes me free from those who hate me. You lift me above those who come against me. You save me from the man who wants to hurt me. 50 So I will give thanks to You among the nations, O Lord. I will sing praises to Your name. 51 With great power He saves His king. He shows loving-kindness to His chosen one, to David and his children forever.” II Samuel 22:49-51 NLV

All through the Bible we see examples of the Lord delivering His children from their enemies. Sometimes the Lord took them out of the danger, sometimes their enemies were destroyed in battle, and sometimes the Lord kept them safe in the midst of the danger. In each and every situation God could be trusted.

“He is the God Who punishes those who have done wrong to me. He puts nations under my rule. 48 He saves me from those who hate me. Yes, You lift me above those who rise up against me. You save me from those who want to hurt me. 49 So I will give thanks to You among the nations, O Lord. And I will sing praises to Your name.” Psalm 18:47-49 NLV

You may feel surrounded, like there’s no way out but there is.

“The Lord your God is with you, a Powerful One Who wins the battle. He will have much joy over you. With His love He will give you new life. He will have joy over you with loud singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 NLV

Give thanks today – not for the persecution but for the deliverance from the attacks of evil and violent men.

Not My Power

“I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don’t depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit.” Zechariah 4:6 CEV

When I woke up the words above were the ones that came to mind. Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts. This is an all encompassing word of encouragement.

Right now, I have a friend who is facing a very serious heart surgery. One of my children is recovering from back surgery and another has a surgery scheduled next week. Our youngest daughter is pregnant and has had a rough time with morning sickness. We have friends who have been overwhelmed by business details and work situations.

As I was praying about these areas and many others the Lord kept reminding me of the verse above. Not my might, not my power but total dependence on the Lord. When I finished praying I found these words that I had written a couple years back…

What’s your focus when you wake up in the morning? Is it the project before you – the diagnosis you recently received from your doctor – the financial challenge that seems overwhelming? Maybe it’s physical pain in your body – a relationship that is factured and fragile – possibly physical danger and unrest?

If those things remain in the forefront of your mind, your day will wrap itself in worry, distress and then eventually lead to despair and depression.

However, if your focus is on God’s goodness and His provision you will find hope, joy and peace. That’s why I love starting my mornings in the Psalms – it is good to begin each day celebrating the faithfulness of the Lord.

“Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole world sing to the Lord! 2 Sing to the Lord and praise his name! Tell the good news every day about how he saves us. 3 Tell all the nations how wonderful he is! Tell people everywhere about the amazing things he does. 4 The Lord is great and worthy of praise. He is more awesome than any of the “gods.” 5 All the “gods” in other nations are nothing but statues, but the Lord made the heavens. 6 He lives in the presence of glory and honor. His Temple is a place of power and beauty. 7 Praise the Lord, all people of every nation; praise the Lord’s glory and power. 8 Give the Lord praise worthy of his glory! Come, bring your offerings into his courtyard. 9 Worship the Lord in all his holy beauty. Everyone on earth should tremble before him. 10 Tell the nations that the Lord is King! The world stands firm and cannot be moved. He will judge all people fairly. 11 Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be happy! Let the sea and everything in it shout for joy! 12 Let the fields and everything in them be happy! Let the trees in the forest sing for joy 13 when they see the Lord coming! He is coming to rule the world. He will rule all the nations of the world with justice and fairness.” Psalm 96 ERV

Let the Lord rule over the circumstances in your life today and receive the peace that floods in when you let go and trust God. It’s not our might or power but HIs Spirit that brings the answers and defeats the enemy.