Hope, Joy, Peace

I was looking for an image to use for this morning’s blog. When I did a search for hope, joy, and peace most of the results were images of Christmas cards. I thought that was interesting.

Is that the only time the world stops to think about these words which are so interconnected in Scripture?

We live in a society that is hurting. Without hope there is no joy or peace. This isn’t a seasonal message, it’s a message we should be living on a daily basis. But once again we can only give what we possess – if our hearts are filled with anxiety, fear, self-preservation and desperation we have nothing to give.

 I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ERV

When we embrace the promises of God and place our trust in His unconditional love His joy and peace will fill us and we will overflow with His hope.

“Remember that in the past you were without Christ… you did not know about the agreements with the promises that God made to his people. You had no hope, and you did not know God. 13 Yes, at one time you were far away from God, but now in Christ Jesus, you are brought near to him. You are brought near to God through the blood sacrifice of Christ. 14 Christ is the reason we are now at peace.” Ephesians 2:12-14 ERV

Years ago, there was an evangelist by the name of Oral Roberts. Many, in Christian circles, were skeptical of his message. You see, he preached hope and the goodness of God. He preached the Gospel, the good news.

He would say to those who came to the stadiums and those who watched him on television “something good is going to happen to you today”. He believed it wholeheartedly and he brought this message of hope to everyone he could.

“‘I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.’ This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.'” Jeremiah 29:11-12 ERV

Something good. Something to hope for. Something to fill us with joy and peace.

These are the words Jesus quoted from the book of Isaiah about Himself.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me. He has chosen me to tell good news to the poor. He sent me to tell prisoners that they are free and to tell the blind that they can see again.
He sent me to free those who have been treated badly 19 and to announce that the time has come for the Lord to show his kindness.” Luke 4:18-19 ERV

My prayer for each of us is that we are filled with hope, joy and peace and that we carry that to those in our sphere of influence, not just at Christmas but all year through.

Out of Balance

Several days ago, I was working in the resort office and a lady came in to tell me that the washing machine she was using was spinning out of balance.

Immediately my mind went to the commercials of the Maytag repairman that I remember from my youth. It was said he was the loneliest man in the world. Maytag machines were so dependable that they never broke down and so his services were never needed.

But this day we needed him or at least we thought we did. I directed her to one of the other machines, replaced the coins that were used in the machine that was working improperly and put “the guys” to work on it. It is now repaired and functioning correctly.

All of this got me to thinking. What do we do when the issues in our life are no longer in balance and spinning out of control? To answer that question, I found myself turning to the Psalms.

“God remembered us when we were down, His love never quits.
Rescued us from the trampling boot, His love never quits.
Takes care of everyone in time of need. His love never quits.
Thank God, who did it all! His love never quits!” Psalm 136:23-26 MSG

Unlike the Maytag repairman who never has enough to do, God, the Father, never quits. His love endures forever. That phrase is repeated in every one of the 26 verses in this Psalm. God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that the world is out of balance and so He provides us with His love that never quits!

The Apostle Paul asked and answered the question of God’s love and stabilizing influence in this way:

“Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:37-39 MSG

Nothing – absolutely nothing – will be able to separate us from the love of God. Staying focused on His love will keep us balanced, grounded, secure.

Remember His love is constantly working – His love never quits!

Well, Then…

O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good!!

End of sentence, end of paragraph, end of story! To keep our peace, we MUST keep our focus – God is good. So far this year the Lord has had me share on His amazing grace, His unconditional love, the power of His word and now, on His peace.

“Never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus. 19 Don’t stop the work of the Holy Spirit.” I Thessalonians 5:17-19 ERV

It took me a while to understand the verses written above. Growing up I would hear verses like this, and it would be followed with a comment like “we just never know what God’s going to do so we have to be thankful for whatever it comes our way”. No! Rape, murder, divorce, financial devastation, cancer – no, I don’t have to be thankful for those.

But, I do need to be thankful that no matter what comes I have Jesus in my life and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I can be thankful because this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. I can and will be thankful because Jesus said, in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” I John 5:4-5 NLT

Focus, Kristi, focus.

When my life is in Christ Jesus, it doesn’t matter what comes my way, I can give thanks knowing that I won’t be going through it alone. God, the Father, has sent the Holy Spirit to guide me through successfully.

14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” 16 For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:14-16 NLT


Now this is what I can be thankful for. I can be at peace because my mind is stayed on the Father and on the truth that He is good. It is God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who empowers me each day, reminding me that I have been adopted and my Father has caused me to inherit His nature and His blessings.

Jesus is my example. He faced hard times – persecutions, riotous mobs, hunger, betrayal, a cross but He was victorious!

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11 NLT

Well, then…since the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead now lives in us, we can be at peace and trust the Father in every circumstance. God is good!

Make A Difference

Yesterday afternoon Dave and I went to the movies. The second time in a month and it’s not something we do very often but I’m so glad we did.

Earlier in the month we saw a movie with Kim and Austin which was fun, spending time with our kids always is. It was then we saw the preview for “Jesus Revolution”. That’s what we saw yesterday.

It really hit home with me. In the fall of 1971, I attended Biola College. Coming from Yuma I had never heard of Calvary Chapel or Pastor Chuck Smith and I had only heard of the “Jesus People” on the news. Friends invited me to go with them to some of Pastor Chuck’s Sunday evening services and a couple of times to the baptisms at the beach.

What an experience!

Hippies and regular church people praising and worshipping the Lord together. No judgement or criticism, just heartfelt worship. It was a small glimpse of heaven.

“Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39 NLT

Why am I sharing this with you? One, I think you would really enjoy the movie – it will stir your heart and two, it challenged me.

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NLT

At the start of the movie there were older people attending Pastor Chuck’s church who were offended by the hippies who began coming. Sad to say, we have that with every generation. In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees and religious leaders were offended by Jesus and His group of rough fishermen, tax collectors and women of dubious reputation.

“When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. ‘Zacchaeus!’ he said. ‘Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.’ Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. But the people were displeased. ‘He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,’ they grumbled.” Luke 19:5-7 NLT

I think we can all agree that our world needs more of the love of Jesus. The only way this will happen is for His love to flow through you and I. We are called to a purpose.

“Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’ 20 And they left their nets at once and followed him.” Matthew 4:19-20 NLT

I pray that we will all start a Jesus Revolution, first in our hearts and then reach out to those around us.

When We Stumble

Recently our oldest daughter and son-in-law climbed Picacho Peak. It’s not an easy climb. It’s rocky and steep and there are areas where cables are necessary to aide you across the mountainside.

She told me at times her ankles and legs felt like jelly. She stumbled, she had scrapes and bruises and a gash in her shin but they made the climb. They reached the top!

There are times when we all stumble, it’s not a condition reserved only for those who climb. It’s easy to become discouraged and want to quit, our emotional legs get weary and shaky. We push forward, sometimes in weakness and pain.

 There is One Who can keep you from falling and can bring you before Himself free from all sin. He can give you great joy as you stand before Him in His shining-greatness. 25 He is the only God. He is the One Who saves from the punishment of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. May He have shining-greatness and honor and power and the right to do all things. He had this before the world began, He has it now, and He will have this forever. Let it be so.” Jude 24,25 NLV

Christ is the one who promises to be our strength and our support. He is “an ever-present help in time of trouble”.

Christians fail. We get weary, angry, depressed but by His strength we go on.

“The steps of a good man are led by the Lord. And He is happy in his way. 24 When he falls, he will not be thrown down, because the Lord holds his hand. 25 I have been young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the man who is right with God left alone, or his children begging for bread.” Psalm 37:23-25 NLV

King David had many victories in his life but he also had failures, times of stumbling. The Apostle Paul was known for his persecution and imprisonment of Christians, he stumbled and then the Lord used him to write over half of the New Testament.

“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. 23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” Romans 3:22-24 NLT

Maybe you feel like you failed, you’ve stumbled and fallen, you have bruises and scrapes. It’s hard to get up.

“And he became their Savior. In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.” Isaiah 63:8-10 NLT

When we stumble let the Lord rescue us, lift us up and carry us forward!

Unending Love

Whether we’re married or single, a couple or alone, this Valentine comes to all of us from the Father above!

We can never truly love or be loved until we experience His marvelous, wonderful, unconditional, life-giving love!

The love we have, give and experience on our own is only a shadowed comparison of the love that He offers us through Christ.

“How great is God’s love for all who worship him? Greater than the distance between heaven and earth! 12 How far has the Lord taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance
from east to west!” Psalm 103:11-12 CEV

We’ll never experience a greater love than that of our heavenly Father.

“But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful. But there is more! Now that God has accepted us because Christ sacrificed his life’s blood, we will also be kept safe from God’s anger.” Romans 5:8-9 CEV

God the Father proved His great love for us when we were the most unlovely. His love knows no depth, no boundaries.

“Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you. 13 The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them. 14 And you are my friends…” John 15:12-14 CEV

Jesus demonstrated His love for us when He willingly chose to die to save us! His love for us brought Him to death and our love for Him brings us to life.

“I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” Romans 8:38-39 CEV

We are loved deeply, unconditionally, sincerely and eternally. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Seed and The Soil

I’d like to end the teachings on the seed and the soil this morning with a couple more thoughts.

All of Scripture and the teachings of Jesus can be summed up as seed. Every one’s reaction to God’s word is soil and the seed being planted comes from hearing and what we do with what we hear.

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Romans 10:17 NLT

Not being affected by what we hear is seed falling on hard ground; quick growth with no long-lasting results is seed falling on rocky ground; getting offended by the Word that is heard and distracted by riches and worries is a result of seed falling on thorny ground but seed that brings a harvest comes when we embrace the Word of God and put it into practice.

At one time or another my heart has been like every kind of soil. Ample seed and good soil result in a bumper crop.

I want to go back to two of our examples of good soil from yesterday. They are found in Luke 8, the woman with the bleeding condition and the father with the sick daughter. The woman had been weakened by her condition for 12 years. She had spent all she had and gotten no better, hope was all but gone and then she heard of Jesus, a man who did miracles.

She heard and she planted those seeds of the message of healing deep in her heart. She heard and she ventured out to find and touch Jesus. She knew if she could just get to Him, if she could just touch Him, she would be healed. The seed planted, grew and produced a harvest.

“…The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed.” Luke 8:47b NLT

Jairus, the father, was in the same crowd as the woman. In fact, Jesus was on the way to his house when the woman stopped them. Now, as Jairus waited for Jesus to minister to the woman servants came from his house to say his daughter had died. Jesus was quick to counter their report.

“But when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.” Luke 8:50 NLT

Jesus pulled out the thorns of worry that were ready to choke the seed of faith and stop the harvest of healing that Jairus needed for his daughter. Thorns were removed and harvest came.

“…’Stop the weeping! She isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.’ 53 But the crowd laughed at him because they all knew she had died. 54 Then Jesus took her by the hand and said in a loud voice, ‘My child, get up!’ 55 And at that moment her life returned,” Luke 8:52-55 NLT

Daily I plant the seeds of God’s word in my heart and daily I’m confronted with opportunities to let it lay dormant, make a momentary impact, be stolen by worry and life’s busyness or to allow it to grow.

God’s word never fails but my application of it can. I ask you to join me in making a renewed commitment to let the seed of God’s word grow in the soil of our hearts and produce a great harvest.


I wonder how many people woke up this morning with a feeling of not being worthy. Not worthy of the position they hold in their company, not worthy of the success they have obtained, not worthy of love.

Because of Christ, we are embraced by God the Father.

This morning I was reading the story of a man who felt he wasn’t worthy of Jesus coming to his house. His servant was sick and needed a miracle. He knew Jesus was a miracle worker and could heal his servant, but he felt unworthy.

Let’s get a little background on this man. He was a high-ranking officer in the Roman army. The Romans were occupying the land of Israel and holding the residents captive. Many Romans treated the Jews with contempt and cruelty. Not this man, he had built a synagogue for them.

“They came to Jesus and begged Him, saying, ‘The man is respected and should have this done for him. He loves our nation and has built our Jewish place of worship’.” Luke 7:4 NLV

Although others proclaimed that he was worthy, the Roman captain felt he didn’t deserve any special attention from Jesus, but he did care enough about his servant to want him well.

“Jesus went with them. When He was not far from the house, the captain told some friends to tell this to Jesus, “Lord, do not take the time to come to my house, because I am not good enough. And I am not good enough to come to You. But just say the word and my servant will be healed.” Luke 7:6-7 NLV

May I say right here that the miracle-working power of God is never dependent upon our worthiness. In and of ourselves none of us are worthy of God’s compassion and grace. That’s what makes grace – grace. Grace is the outward expression of God’s undeserved love.

“Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus. 15 This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’—and I am the worst of them all. 16 But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.” I Timothy 1:14-16 NLT

The Apostle Paul never lost sight of God’s grace to him. Paul was responsible for the arrest and persecution of hundreds of Christians. He was there when Stephen, a leader in the early church, was stoned to death.

Was he worthy to be used by God? No, not according to the religious standards of the day. But Paul wasn’t limited by religion, he was freed by His new relationship in Christ. His life is an example to all of us. God’s love and mercy make all of us worthy of His acceptance and forgiveness.

Because of Christ, we are worthy to be called the children of God.

 When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. ” Romans 5:6 NLT

Worthy of forgiveness, love and amazing grace all because of our relationship with Jesus!


A few days back the morning blog was about being a light of hope and encouragement to the world. That’s what Jesus wants us to be.

Be delightful. That word was fresh in my mind this morning.

You see yesterday I had some much-needed dental work done. I had a tooth that required a crown. The appointment had been scheduled and rescheduled several times for the last four months. I was not looking forward to it but the dental technician, Lisa, was a delight.

She was cheery, genuine, concerned about my wellbeing and her focus was completely on me and meeting my needs. I would love to say I talked to her about the Lord but since her fingers were in my mouth the majority of the three hours I was there, I did very little talking.

As I said, she was a delight. That’s what I was thinking about this morning, how to be delightful. Her demeanor put me at ease. It made me smile.

By definition, delight means: a high degree of gratification: JOY; also: extreme satisfaction: something that gives great pleasure.

According to the book of Psalms I am to delight in the Lord. He becomes my joy – He brings me a high degree of gratification and gives me great pleasure. And, when I delight in Him I can bring that pleasure to those around me. I like that.

“Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” Psalm 1:1-3 NLT

We should fill our days being delightful. We do that by focusing on the promises of God’s word. Do you remember a time when you were promised something special? You focused on that promise, and it made you happy – you were delighted.

That’s a crude example but our heavenly Father wants us to keep our focus on the promises of His word. His promises never fail because He never lies. We can trust Him – we can delight in Him.

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:3-5 NLT

When we delight in the Lord we find great satisfaction and joy in being with Him. When we delight in the Lord we bring His light and joy to the world.

 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Romans 12:10 NLT

Be delightful!

Break Free

It’s the first Saturday in January. The first Saturday of a New Year. It’s a new beginning, a new life filled with new experiences and we can wipe last year’s slate clean.

God doesn’t want us held back by past mistakes, failures or even past sins. Through His love and forgiveness, we have been promised a freedom that no one else can provide. Remember a few days ago when I told you I am growing in God’s grace? Well, this is what I mean.

We are free to walk away from any hurt, any condemning voices, the memory of any blatant sin because of God’s grace and mercy.

“The Holy Spirit tells us this: First He says, 16 “This is the New Way of Worship that I will give them. When that day comes, says the Lord, I will put My Laws in their hearts. And I will write them in their minds.” Then He says, 17 “I will not remember their sins and wrong-doings anymore.” Hebrews 10:15-17 NLV

That day has come – the day of restoration and reconciliation with the Father. When we accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins, giving His life for ours, we are cleansed completely.

Free from the past; free from sin, free from failure, free to love, free to serve. Free!

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36 NLT

And the Son has made us free to be called sons of God, to enter into a relationship with the Father.

“If you belong to Christ Jesus, you won’t be punished. The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death. The Law of Moses cannot do this, because our selfish desires make the Law weak. But God set you free when he sent his own Son to be like us sinners and to be a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ’s body to condemn sin.” Romans 8:1-3 CEV

The Father’s forgiveness is instantaneous – the moment we ask, it’s given and forgotten. The struggle comes when we let our own memories continue to condemn us. It’s important to realized that the Father’s unconditional love covers all sin.

“And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices. 19 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:18-22 NLT

There’s an old hymn we used to sing, “Calvary Covers It All”. The chorus goes like this:

Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all.

Enter the New Year without looking back. God isn’t holding us in bondage to our past; He sent Jesus to set us free and now we are free indeed!