Faithfulness! The sign of a true friend is faithfulness. Through the years, Dave and I have been blessed with many acquaintances and even dear situational friendships. You know, those friends that are in your life for a particular seasonal or location. But then there are the friends that rise above time and space. They are the ones who you may not talk to for months or even years but when you see them, your heart is stirred with love and memories and the relationship picks up and grows even deeper.
Yes, we have been truly blessed with friends that fall into that category! Our lives are richer, warmer and fuller because of their love!

I was mediating on that word “faithfulness” this morning. Faith+full+ness.
Faith= the established belief in someone or something not seen. The knowing that they will always be the same. Never failing, always there.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Full= not empty, not lacking, abundance, more than enough.
“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV
Ness= a suffix added to a word to indicate quality
Faith= believing in the unseen; Full= abundance; Ness= quality
Faithfulness: believing in the abundance of someone always being the same in overflowing abundance, to the greatest extent or quality.
You know folks have been going to Yellowstone National Park for years to see the geyser Old Faithful. In fact, Old Faithful is so faithful that the Park Rangers can predict with great accuracy when it will blow. Summer, winter, spring or fall the geyser erupts, crowd or no crowd, rain or shine Old Faithful is the same. Can a geyser be more faithful than the Lord – not hardly!
God’s faithfulness endures forever! He will always be the same – He keeps His promises and His love never fails! Rest in Him today.
“Our Lord, I will sing of your love forever. Everyone yet to be born will hear me praise your faithfulness.
2 I will tell them, “God’s love can always be trusted, and his faithfulness lasts as long as the heavens.”
3 You said, “David, my servant, is my chosen one, and this is the agreement I made with him: 4 David, one of your descendants will always be king.”
5 Our Lord, let the heavens now praise your miracles, and let all of your angels praise your faithfulness.
6 None who live in the heavens can compare with you.” Psalm 89:1-6 CEV
Trust in the faithfulness of your loving heavenly Father!