Peanut butter and honey sandwiches

When I was a kid I loved to eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches but they had to be made right. I mean you couldn’t just butter the bread and smear peanut butter and honey on it – there was a process.

First you had to have soft butter. Put a rounded teaspoon of butter in a dish, now add a big spoon of peanut butter and finally top it with a rounded teaspoon of honey. Now here’s the important part, stir until creamy and smooth and then spread it on the bread. On my now that was a sandwich.

If no other time of the week this was generally what I call supper on Sunday evening. You see we would have our big dinner at noon after coming home from church and before we would head back for evening service we needed to grab something quick to eat and mine who be the sandwich described above. Delicious!

That’s where my mine went this morning when I was reading in Proverbs.

“Honey is good for you my children, and it tastes sweet.

14 Wisdom is like honey for your life—
if you find it, your future is bright.” Proverbs 24:13-14 CEV

Wisdom is like honey…sweet and delicious. Wisdom makes life better; fewer regrets, more joy when we act wisely.

“Eat honey, dear child—it’s good for you—
and delicacies that melt in your mouth.
Likewise knowledge, and wisdom for your soul—
Get that and your future’s secured,
your hope is on solid rock.” Proverbs 24:13-14 MSG

When our lives are guided by wisdom, Godly wisdom, we are building a solid foundation that won’t be shaken by life’s storms.

” My son, eat honey; it is good. Honey straight from the honeycomb is the sweetest. 14 In the same way, know that wisdom is good for you. Wisdom will give you something to hope for that will not disappoint you.” Proverbs 24:13-14 ERV

Wisdom builds hope and when we hope in the Lord we will never be ashamed.

So get out your spoon and scoop up a big helping of honey – it’s good for you physically and spiritual honey is good for your soul!

(and if you want a real treat – go make a peanut butter honey sandwich as described above)

Are you a parent?

Are you a parent? If so, doesn’t it make you feel good when someone says something nice about your kids? I know it always has for me.

When Kaci was in school she were frequently receive a “caught in the act of being good” certificate. This reinforced a kindness on the playground or in the classroom. She is still a kind and loving person.

Then a few years back Kim received the designation of “Citizen of the Year” from her city. She was always helping to make things better, particularly with her efforts to chair the Relay for Life event.

While we were at the Indy 500 this year we met some of Koy’s firefighter friends from across the nation. Each one of them took the time to tell us privately how admired Koy was in their brotherhood. His skills and leadership make him a man to imitate.

Yes, what a joy to hear such good reports about your children, we feel like we are rich beyond measure. That’s today’s verse.

“A good reputation and respect are worth much more
than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 ERV

“A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich;
a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.” Msg

So that got me to thinking, what reputation do I have and what do people say about me to “My Father”? Am I a good example of a Christian or am I bringing reproach on the name of Christ?

Now I’m not asking for your compliments or kind words. I know that in times past my reputation hasn’t been “sterling” but my goal is to honor the Lord with my life and see that He is glorified!

Yes, that’s more than silver or gold!

Enough said

Sometimes you don’t need to read alot in the Bible to get your direction for the day. That was the case this morning.

“Let people finish speaking before you try to answer them. That way you will not embarrass yourself and look foolish.” Proverbs 18:13 ERV

Enough said…carry on and have a good day!

Common Sense Isn’t so Common Anymore

We’ve discussed this before but there seems to be a lack of common sense and wisdom. Common sense isn’t so common anymore.

I used to read a chapter a day in Proverbs but the older I get I find that I need to break it down in smaller segments than that so I can really try to absorb what Solomon is saying. And after all these years, I am still finding new truths that I overlooked or didn’t see in the past.

I guess that’s wisdom!

“Good people think before they answer,
but the wicked speak evil without ever thinking.
29 The Lord never even hears the prayers of the wicked,
but he answers the prayers of all who obey him.
30 A friendly smile makes you happy,
and good news makes you feel strong.
31 Healthy correction is good, and if you accept it,
you will be wise.
32 You hurt only yourself by rejecting instruction,
but it makes good sense to accept it.
33 Showing respect to the Lord will make you wise,
and being humble will bring honor to you.”
Proverbs 15:28-33 CEV

1) It’s important that we give thought to the words we speak. Jesus said that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Words can have a mighty impact and so we should choose them well. A wise person will do that.

2) Take time to smile and bring good news. I make a conscious effort to keep a smile on my face. It improves my own outlook. A smile shared is a smile multiplied. (If you smile at someone they generally smile back and that’s multiplication).

3) Accept correction and good advice. It’s beneficial! We can learn from others. We don’t have all the answers or know everything about anything so accepting advice and correction is a step toward wisdom.

4) Giving the Lord his rightful place, a place of reverence, is wise. When we give the Father and His Word first place we are truly wise.

So smile today and be willing to accept instruction or correction and keep the Lord first…you’ll have a near perfect day!