A few weeks back my Mom came to stay for a several days. At 94 her memory isn’t as sharp as it once was but she still has a good memory for someone her age. It’s always fun for me to talk with her about things that we did as kids – places we lived, friends we grew up with and special times we had as a family.

Dad was a blue-collar worker so we never had lavish gifts or big vacations. What we had instead were times of fishing at the lake, picnic lunches from the tail gate of the station wagon and day trips to the National Parks. We fed salt water taffy to the chipmunks in Zion, caught trout on salmon eggs and had rain water pour through the rotted roof of a travel trailer. (big smile) Yes, wonderful memories.
I also have wonderful memories of when our children were growing up and we saw the Lord do numerous miracles in our day to day life. Miracles of healing and provision, miracles of safety and protection. Answered prayers and expressions of God’s faithfulness.
Oh, how I love God’s word! It is such a joy to read it and know that for thousands of years it has never failed or been proven false and God will continue to protect it and bring it to pass. It won’t fail me or my children or my grandchildren.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away” Matthew 24:35
We’re about 1/3 way through Psalm 119 and I hope you are enjoying our study and that the Lord is ministering to you personally as we cover each segment.
“Remember your promise to me, your servant. It gives me hope. 50 You comfort me in my suffering, because your promise gives me new life.
51 People full of pride are always making fun of me, but I have not stopped following your teachings. 52 I remember the laws you gave us long ago, Lord, and they bring me comfort. 53 I am overcome with anger when I see wicked people, who have stopped following your teachings. 54 Your laws are the songs I sing wherever I am living. 55 Lord, in the night I remembered your name, and I obeyed your teachings. 56 This happened because I carefully obey your instructions.” Psalm 119: 49-56
Remembering God’s promises should give us hope and create an excitement in our hearts just like it did for David. I once heard it said that God has never had anyone, other than Jesus, qualified working for Him yet so don’t get hung up on your shortcomings. Look at those who God has used. Abraham was too old; David was too young. Mary Magdalen was a prostitute; Peter denied the Lord and Paul, the Apostle, killed Christians. (Just to name a few.)
We can either get puffed up with pride or become discouraged if we compare ourselves to others but when we see that God gave His promises to common everyday people, just like us, we know that His word isn’t just for a select few or the very elite. One verse that is ringing in my memory this morning is my favorite verse in the Bible. If you’ve been reading my posts very long at all you will know that I am talking about Numbers 23:19.
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”
God doesn’t lie – that gives me hope! He doesn’t lie about salvation, healing, peace, joy, comfort, protection, prosperity, wisdom, victory…He doesn’t lie! And what’s more, He tells us to remind Him of His word. Not because He’s old and senile and might forget but because He wants us to boldly trust our relationship with Him.
“Turn to the Lord! He can still be found. Call out to God! He is near. 7 Give up your crooked ways and your evil thoughts. Return to the Lord our God. He will be merciful and forgive your sins. 8 The Lord says: “My thoughts and my ways are not like yours. 9 Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours. 10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat.
11 That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.” Isaiah 55:6-11 CEV
Moses instructed the nation of Israel to teach their children the things that God had done; deliverance from Egypt, the miracles in the wilderness and the victory of entering the promised land. Then Peter says that it was important for him to remind the believers of all that God had done for them so that they, we, wouldn’t be deceive and fall away from God’s plan.
In Hebrews we are instructed to come BOLDLY to the throne of grace to find help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) That boldness can only come as we stand on God’s word and rely on Him to be faithful and loving. Each time I think of this verse I remember an incident that happened when our kids were small. We live out in the middle of nowhere, and I do mean nowhere; thirty miles from the closest small town and 70 miles from Phoenix. We were farming 900 acres of alfalfa – we had told the kids that on Friday we would go to the Dairy Queen. That was a big deal! We had promised!
So Friday when the kids got home from school they quickly reminded us that this was Friday and we had said we were going to Dairy Queen. Of course we went – tired but we went – we had promised! We didn’t scold the kids for reminding us – they weren’t being arrogant or demanding – they were being kids and we had promised so they expected that we would have kept our word.
If we as natural, earthly parents make promises and keep our word to our children should we think that God in all His power and glory would do any less? If He didn’t want us to believe that He was faithful, then He shouldn’t have included promises in His word but He did and He IS!
When I remember God’s word, His promises and how He has provided in the past it causes me to sing. Just this last week, while I was out on a walk, I had been battling discouragement in a particular matter. As I focused not on the problem but on God’s faithfulness, I began to recall times in the past when God had “come through” and shown Himself faithful. There were so many times – large and small. It didn’t take me very long before I was singing praise to God.
“Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:” Jeremiah 32:17
Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing. Nothing is too difficult for thee!!
Put God in remembrance of His word today!