Complete Trust

As I sat down with my coffee this morning, I picked up my journal and wrote, “I don’t know what today has in store, but You do and I trust You. Thank You for being completely trustworthy”.

And then I began to meditate on two words – completely trustworthy.

Can someone be trustworthy without being completely trustworthy? No, I don’t think that’s possible. The word “trustworthy” means one thing – worthy of trust. If there is ever a situation when someone or something can’t be trusted, then they stop being trustworthy.

Knowing God’s character, knowing His heart, we know that He is always worthy of our trust. He does not lie; He does not change, He is always the same.

“That is, the Lord passed in front of Moses and said, ‘Yahweh, the Lord, is a kind and merciful God. He is slow to become angry. He is full of great love. He can be trusted.'” Exodus 34:6 ERV

The Lord said that about Himself. There is no one greater to give testimony of God’s faithfulness.

“God is not a man; he will not lie. God is not a human being; his decisions will not change.
If he says he will do something, then he will do it. If he makes a promise, then he will do what he promised.” Numbers 23:19 ERV

Completely trustworthy.

When God gives us His promise, He keeps it. Many times, placing our trust in Him bypasses our understanding. We are limited in our scope of knowledge but His is infinite. He knows the beginning from the end. He knows our future and the path we should be taking.

“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

As all of this was filling my heart and mind, the words of a song came rushing in. It was written by Rita Springer, Josh Baldwin, Ethan Gregory Hulse, and Marcus R Harris. This song has become my anthem when worry and fear try to captivate me, “Stand in Your Love”.

“When darkness tries to roll over my bones
When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own
When brokenness and pain is all I know
Oh, I won’t be shaken, no, I won’t be shaken

My fear doesn’t stand a chance
When I stand in Your love
My fear doesn’t stand a chance
When I stand in Your love
My fear doesn’t stand a chance
When I stand in Your love!”

Fears, and we will have them, dissipate when I focus on the love of the Father. He has promised to never leave me or abandon me. He has promised to be my protector and my provider. He has promised to forgive all my sins and He has promised to adopt me as His own. He has promised that His love with never fail.

Fear doesn’t stand a chance when I focus on His love. He is completely trustworthy!

Think Big!

Have you ever heard of “grasshoppers syndrome”? Grasshopper Syndrome was first diagnosed in Numbers 13.

Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt . God said He would give them the Promised Land. All they had to do was go in and possess it. Moses chose twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. Ten men came back with Grasshopper Syndrome and two men, Joshua and Caleb, came back only seeing the good that God had revealed to them.

“Caleb told the people near Moses to be quiet. Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take that land for ourselves. We can easily take that land.” Numbers 13:30 ERV

“We saw the giant Nephilim people there! (The descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim.) We felt like little grasshoppers. Yes, we were like grasshoppers to them!” Numbers 13:33 ERV

The problem wasn’t the giants. It’s that they saw themselves as grasshoppers, small and insignificant. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus on God and not themselves. However, the majority were affected by grasshopper thinking and didn’t move forward.

Years later there was another outbreak of grasshopper syndrome. Recently, we discussed the army of Israel’s fear of Goliath. Only David saw past the fear and focused on the greatness of God.

“Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.”” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

What giants are you facing today – unemployment, illness, personal relationships, financial hardship, high gas prices, inflation? Don’t fall prey to grasshopper syndrome.

“Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world.” I John 4:4 CEV

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

Take God’s word and destroy Grasshopper Syndrome. Let God’s word have final authority in your life. You are and will be victorious in this life.

Learning to Trust

When our youngest daughter was in first grade, we adopted a sweet Australian Shepherd named Bear. He had been badly abused. He had trust issues to say the least.

We were given the name of a good trainer and once a week I took him to class. It didn’t take long for him and me to learn to work together. The commands of sit and stay were some of the first we worked on. He needed to know that when I gave those commands he could TRUST that I wasn’t going to leave him or beat him.

Presently I feel like I’m in a sit stay stage of life. I go through these training times periodically.

I have things to do, places to go, people to meet and minister too and God is saying “Sit Still”. I have learned in the past and am learning again that it’s just as important to be obedient to that command as it is to “love thy neighbor” or “pray without ceasing”.

If you know me at all you know I always have a list – things need to be done! I don’t do SIT – STAY very well. Years ago I read a book by Tim Hansel, “When I Relax I Feel Guilty”, that describes me to a tea. Retirement isn’t easy for a “list person”. I had a very dear friend tell me that it’s just as important to wait as it is to march forward. The key is being obedient to what God is saying and when He’s saying it.

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” 11 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.” Psalm 46:10-11 NLT

The children of Israel had a tangible, visible sign that they followed. The Lord placed a cloud over the Tabernacle and when it moved they moved; and when it stayed they stayed.

“Sometimes the cloud was over the Holy Tent for only a few days. So the people obeyed the LORD’s command—they followed the cloud when it moved… 22 If the cloud stayed over the Holy Tent for two days, a month, or a year, the people stayed at that place. They did not leave until the cloud moved…They camped when the LORD told them to, and they moved when he told them to…” Number 9:21-23 ERV

Obedience! That’s the key. We say “Lord, speak to me and I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.” And then He speaks something so simple as to stay – rest and we sit for 15 minutes and then want to get up and get back to our normal routine. It’s hard to rest!

God’s way of doing things is generally contrary to the natural way. He told Joshua to march around a city and they would capture it – Jesus told us to achieve greatness we must strive to be a servant. Paul said when I am weak then am I strong. See – these things seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, but that’s God’s way.

“My soul, relax! The LORD is caring for you.” Psalm 116:7 ERV

I’m learning to rest AGAIN. Yes, Lord I will sit and stay, trusting You!

Get Excited!

I was so excited when I picked up my Bible this morning because I knew I was going to be reading the chapter that contains my favorite verse.

“Balaam answered: ‘Pay close attention to my words—
19 God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises. 20 ‘My command from God was to bless these people, and there’s nothing I can do to change what he has done.'” Numbers 23:18-20 CEV

Balaam had been hired by a king, Balak, to curse the Israelites. He was fearful they would conquer his nation. Balaam told Balak that he could only say what God put in his mouth, and then he proclaimed a blessing over the Israelites. Balak was so angry but he gave Balaam a second chance to curse them. The words above are Balaam’s response.

The reason this is my favorite verse is because it attests to the faithfulness of God. God doesn’t lie; He keeps his word and no one, absolutely no one, can change what he has spoken.

Get excited! That means every promise that we find in God’s word is unchangeable! His promise of love, mercy, grace, kindness, goodness, peace, etc. are all unchangeable, irrefutable!

My prayer this morning was “Father, I want to be single-minded and focused on Your promises. There is only one thing I desire and that is to know You in a deeper way and never doubt Your word”.

“Armies may surround me, but I won’t be afraid; war may break out, but I will trust you. I ask only one thing, Lord, Let me live in your house every day of my life to see how wonderful you are  and to pray in your temple. In times of trouble,  you will protect me. You will hide me in your tent and keep me safe on top of a mighty rock” Psalm 27:3-5 CEV

His promise of safety and protection are constants; He is trustworthy! Get excited!!

The Bible tells us that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. One day they feel that point A is right; the next day they waver and side with point B. With God’s word as our absolute, we are stable and unshakeable because we are confident that it won’t change.

“She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said. 40 Martha was worried about all that had to be done. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, doesn’t it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!’

41 The Lord answered, ‘Martha, Martha! You are worried and upset about so many things, 42 but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:39-42 CEV

Instead of worrying about the many things that need to be done, let’s sit down in front of Jesus and listen to His words of instruction. In other words, spend time reading our Bibles and let the Father speak to our hearts.

Get Excited! God’s word is unchangeable; He doesn’t lie. His promises are true and everlasting, Like the sunrise and the sunset, God’s word is dependable for each day!

I Will Sustain You!

This morning those were the opening words in my Bible reading, “I will sustain thee”!

Those words have a particular importance to me today. I had been sitting here praying for my dear friend from high school. She and I have shared many experiences, heart aches and joys, over the years. Miles have separated us but the love we share has never waned.

I silence my phone during the night and so when I woke up this morning I had a text from her. She was diagnosed with cancer a week a go. Today she will have exploratory surgery. As I sat here I prayed for her strength and healing, for the medical teams skill and wisdom, peace for her and her family and death to every cancer cell in her body.

A fighting spirit emerged from my heart. I went to my Bible looking for answers and the Lord brought me this verse.

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 NIV

God’s word has our answers, there is nothing that comes our way that He cannot change. “I will sustain you and I will rescue you” are great words of promise and hope.

We are never on the sidelines when it comes to our family and loved ones. The Apostle Paul tells us that we are all members of one body in Christ and when one members hurts we should all come to their aide. Our prayers, our encouragement, our faith are needed on their behalf.

And, when we’ve done all we know to do we stand, stand firmly on God’s word.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you are able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist when the times are evil, and after you have done everything to stand firm. Stand firm then!” Ephesians 6:10-14 TLV

This morning I need some gray-haired prayer warriors to send prayers of encouragement, of healing and strength to my friend. We have a Father who will carry us, sustain us and rescue us.

I believe that with all my heart.

“God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind! Does He speak and then not do it, or promise and not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19 TLV

Join me in my battle cry – “He will sustain and rescue”!

Spelling Lesson

School is back in session for most of the kids and they have spelling lessons. Today, I’m going to teach you a new way to spell two words, defeat and quit.

How do you spell defeat? It’s spelled q-u-i-t. How do you spell quit? It’s spelled n-e-v-e-r!

Things come up in life and it looks like we’ll be defeated. Some times the hard things make us want to quit! It could be a relationship, an illness, financial problems, a continued process of setbacks but we must not quit!!!

Fight the battle – victory will come.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 ERV


Do you remember the story of the Israelites after they had been delivered from Pharaoh and Egypt ? They had seen God do mighty things and now they were standing on the edge of the Promised Land. The Lord told them they would go in and possess the land so they sent in spies to see what the land was like.

Twelve spies went in; they brought back clusters of grapes so big that two men had to carry them on a pole. It truly was a land flowing with milk and honey as God had said it was (He doesn’t lie you know). The land was lush and beautiful. A land to be desired but…the spies reported there were giants in the land.

God knew the giants were there when He said He would give them the land. Were the giants really any bigger an obstacle than the Pharaoh’s army or the Red Sea? If God had provided victory for them in the past, why would they doubt His ability now?

The spies took their eyes off of their God and looked at their own ability. They had given up. They were defeated! Joshua and Caleb, two of the spies, tried to get their eyes back on the bigness of God and the people were ready to stone them.

“ It is a land filled with many good things. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land. And he will give that land to us. 9 So don’t turn against the LORD! Don’t be afraid of the people in that land. We can defeat them. They have no protection, nothing to keep them safe. But we have the LORD with us, so don’t be afraid!” 10 All the people began talking about killing Joshua and Caleb with stones.” Numbers 14:8-10 ERV

Trusting God isn’t “a way” to get things done, it’s “the way”. Jesus didn’t say I am “a way”, “a truth” and “a life” – NO! He said I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.

We must stay focused on the greatness of our God or we’ll be like the Israelites and quit before we get started.

I don’t know your situation or what battles you have been fighting but don’t quit! You’re not in this alone – God is there to fight the battle with and for you!

Don’t quit – don’t give up – don’t accept defeat and you will ALWAYS TRIUMPH!

He Did It Again!

It amazes me how my Father, my God, delights in ending my day! Last night He gave me this great display as I was getting off work!


I went to sleep last night with an old song running through my mind. I’ve shared it with you before but it was so appropriate.

Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God.

Oh, and He is certainly that! Amazing and awesome!!

Then this morning as I gazed at this picture from last night’s sunset another song came to mind. I really can’t think of a better way to start any morning than in song of praise to the Father.

Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness, My God that is who You are

Isn’t it mind boggling that God wants us to know Him in such a dramatic way. Each one of those characteristics of God are spelled out for us in Scripture.

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19 CEV

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV

“Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time he said, “I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.” John 8:12 CEV

“Our Lord, no other gods compare with you— Majestic and holy!  Fearsome and glorious!
Miracle worker!” Exodus 15:11 CEV

Do you need to know the right way to go or to depend on Someone who will never lie? Do you feel you are groping around in the darkness? Maybe you just need a miracle. If any of those apply, come to Almighty God, our gracious heavenly Father, in Him you will find all you need.

He did all this for those in the Bible as an example for us and He will do it again!

Something New

Each morning when I open the WordPress site and I click on the post tab I am offered several options; All Posts, Add New, Categories and Tags. And each morning I click on the “Add New” selection.

What appears on my screen is a blank page and at the top of the page it says “Add Title”. This morning when I read “add new”, my memory bank opened to the day I read Philippians 4:19 and really took it to heart.

“And my God will give you everything you need because of His great riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 NLV

I had memorized this verse as a second grader, in Sunday School class. But this was different. I was an adult, sitting with Dave at our kitchen table, in a house we were renting in Glendale, AZ. Our oldest daughter was 5 1/2 years old, our son was 4. We had been challenged the week before by a preacher at Cowboy Church to start our Bible reading with a prayer.

“Lord, make Your word come alive to me to day. Since these are Your words show me what you meant for me to learn when You had men write them down so long ago”. Amen.

Dave had been having a hard time finding work. Our electric bill was past due. Each week I made my grocery list, praying over the things I needed to purchase but only having $20 in our grocery budget. That day, at that table, those words jumped off the page and into my heart. There was no immediate change in our situation but our hearts filled with faith, knowing that God would give us everything we needed because Jesus had paid the debt for our sin and by His death we became joint heirs with Christ. We were as much God’s children as Jesus was.

Oh my goodness! We could hardly contain ourselves!! We couldn’t have been more excited if someone had come to the door and given us a check for a million dollars.

Add New!

Absolutely! What we added was a new knowledge of God’s word, a new depth of faith, a new confidence that when God makes a promise He keeps it. This was 45 years ago. I would love to say that we never faltered in trusting God’s promises but that wouldn’t be true. However, each time we have gone discouraged and fail to trust the Father with all the areas of our life He has remained faithful. He has never broken one of His promises and He never will! He’s never left us, although, at times we have walked away from Him.

I will leave you with my favorite verse in the Bible.

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19 CEV

Every promise in the Bible is from God. He gave them to us, His children, and He won’t change His mind or break His word.

I encourage you to do what that cowboy preacher instructed us to do. Pray before you read and ask the Father to make His words real to you. I know you will open the pages and find “something new”.

Keeping Promises

Yesterday Dave and I had a discussion about good intentions and keeping promises. In a word, it’s called integrity.

I have been reading about Moses and the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. The Israelites were in Egypt because of a severe famine some 430 years earlier. At first all went well for them. They prospered. They grew in number and in wealth. However, Joseph knew that Egypt was not the land that God had promised Abraham, the land flowing with milk and honey. So he made his family promise to take his bones with them when they left Egypt.

“Moses carried the bones of Joseph with him. Before Joseph died, he made the Israelites promise to do this for him. He said, “When God saves you, remember to carry my bones with you out of Egypt.” Exodus 13:19 ERV

According to my calculations Joseph died about 350 years before the Exodus. This causes me to ask “where did they keep Joseph’s bones for all those years” and “who/what family member or group had been given responsibility for his corpse”.

The important thing was the promise was kept. Integrity was exhibited.

There’s another promise made in Genesis. It was made to Noah.

“I promise every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never again be destroyed by a flood. 12-13 The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, 15 I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let floodwaters destroy all life.” Genesis 9:11-15 CEV

A promise made. A promise kept.

God’s intregrity is on the line. He keeps His word for thousands of generations.

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19 CEV

If God gives his word He will keep it. He always keeps His promises.

“Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat. 11 That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.” Isaiah 55:10-11 CEV

God wants us to know that He is worthy of our trust. We can ALWAYS count on Him to keep His word.

We should do the same. As His children we should imitate His character. When we give our word we should keep it. Instead of making a promise that we don’t know if we will be able to keep we should say “I will try” or “I’m hoping to”. Giving our promise or our word should not be done lightly.


Father, thank you for keeping Your promises. They are all written down for us to read and to believe. I desire to be like You. May I always be a promise keeper! Amen!!

The Story of Possible

The Christmas story is one of hope and love. It’s a story of the impossible coming to fruition. So many times we become frightened or frozen by what appears to be impossible but…

With God NOTHING is impossible!

Nothing. Not our financial situation, not our health, not our kids or our spouse, our job, our safety, our peace of mind. Nothing! God’s gift to us is the gift of making the impossible possible.

These words were spoken to a young Jewish girl by an angel: “Mary was confused by the angel’s words and wondered what they meant. 30 Then the angel told Mary, ‘Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, 31 and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was. 33 He will rule the people of Israel forever, and his kingdom will never end.’ 34 Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this happen? I am not married!’ 35 The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. 36 Your relative Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old. No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will have a son. 37 Nothing is impossible for God!’ 38 Mary said, ‘I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.’ And the angel left her.” Luke 1:29-38 CEV

What could be more impossible than this – a young woman, who was a virgin, having a child?

No situation in your life or mine could be more impossible than this. Truly!

God’s power and Mary’s agreement with God’s promise made the impossible possible. If Mary hadn’t believed the angel’s message he would have had to go to someone else. After all, it had been prophesied for hundreds of years that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. But she accepted that NOTHING was impossible.

She believed, she conceived and she received what God gave. The hard thing would be living her conviction. She had to tell her family. She had to tell Joseph and then she had to hear the whispers and the criticism that followed. She was up to the task.

There was another woman who saw the power of God at work; she also saw God do the impossible. She was old, I mean really old. She was almost ninety and her reproductive system had never worked but God made her a promise. Sarah saw God do the impossible in her life.

“The Lord asked Abraham, ‘Why did Sarah laugh? Does she doubt that she can have a child in her old age? 14 I am the Lord! There is nothing too difficult for me. I’ll come back next year at the time I promised, and Sarah will already have a son.’” Genesis 18:13-14 CEV

Compare our impossible situation with Mary and Sarah. Whose need is bigger or more difficult to fix?

God is the same – nothing, absolutely nothing, is too difficult for Him.

Time and time again I come back to my favorite verse. It is the foundation I stand on everyday.

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19 CEV

Our Father has given us a book filled with promises that cannot fail. Find those promises and then stand knowing that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!