A Good Follower

How many of you are like me, you’d rather lead than follow? Some times I just bristle and think I could do it better but therein is the rub. Learning to be humble, to be a servant, is when we are most like Christ.

As kids, I’m sure you all played at least one game of “Follow the Leader”. When I would play it, all the neighborhood kids were involved and the boys would try to do things they didn’t think the girls could do – like climb trees, etc. The goal of the game was to be the leader.

However, if we are going to be truly successful, we must be willing to follow the leader, Jesus.

“17 From that time Jesus began to tell people his message: ‘Change your hearts and lives, because God’s kingdom is now very near.’ 18 As Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (called Peter) and Simon’s brother Andrew. These brothers were fishermen, and they were fishing in the lake with a net. 19 Jesus said to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish.’ 20 Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him.

21 Jesus continued walking by Lake Galilee. He saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee. They were preparing their nets to catch fish. Jesus told the brothers to come with him. 22 So they immediately left the boat and their father, and they followed Jesus.

23 Jesus went everywhere in the country of Galilee. He taught in the synagogues and told the Good News about God’s kingdom. And he healed all the people’s diseases and sicknesses.” Matthew 4:17-23 ERV

These men had a successful fishing business and Jesus called them to follow. Do you see what it says? Immediately they left what they were doing and followed him. Immediately. Good word – you know what that word means – it means immediately…duh! No hesitation, no questioning, no second thoughts but immediately they followed.

For the next several days I’m going to have us look at following the leader. Those of you who work with horses know how important it is to have a horse that will change leads – it’s equally as important to us as we follow Christ. Not all believers are followers. Jesus was addressing a crowd and his disciples and he gave them this command.

“Jesus then told the crowd and the disciples to come closer, and he said: If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me. 35 If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me and for the good news, you will save it.” Mark 8:34-35 ERV

Following Christ requires two things – first we must be willing and second we must be obedient. Jesus, himself, knew how to follow.

 I didn’t come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, ” John 6:38 CEV

So, over the next few days we’ll be looking at the Scriptures and working on our lead changes. When we follow Christ we will gain life, life more abundant.

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” Isaiah 1:19

Hard to Believe

Yesterday I shared with you some of the reasons I get up each morning and praise God!

I’m sure that at least a few of you read some of those verses and said in your heart “That’s hard to believe”, because at one time, I felt just like that. I would hear sermons and read verses and go “that’s really good, I wish it worked for me like that”.

I was thinking on that very line when I picked up my Bible this morning and began to read. Here’s the first verse in my reading: “All you say can be trusted; your teachings are true and will last forever.” Psalm 119:60 CEV

Then a few verses down there was this: “You give peace of mind to all who love your Law. Nothing can make them fall. 166 You are my only hope for being saved, Lord, and I do all you command. 167 I love and obey your laws with all my heart.” Psalm 119:165-167 CEV

Now wait, “Our Lord, you keep your word  and do everything you say. 14 When someone stumbles or falls, you give a helping hand. 15 Everyone depends on you, and when the time is right, you provide them with food.” Psalm 135:13-15 CEV

The more I went on in my reading, the more I realized that God was confirming the strength and power of His word in the lives of each of us who call ourselves Christians, those of us who believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; the One who saves us from our sins.

If you are in the group, and hope and pray that you are I have a couple more verses to share with you that were in my morning reading.

“I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 CEV

But that wasn’t the last verse that I read, there are still a couple more.

“The demon has often tried to kill him by throwing him into a fire or into water. Please have pity and help us if you can!” 23 Jesus replied, ‘Why do you say ‘if you can’? Anything is possible for someone who has faith!” 24 At once the boy’s father shouted, “I do have faith! Please help me to have even more.” Mark 9:22-24 CEV

This man’s son was demon possessed. He came to Jesus asking for help. The father said, “help if you can”. So many times, we are like that father asking Lord, if you can. He can and He will; we need to believe that He not only has the ability but the willingness. He is God and He keeps His word.

“But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and rewards everyone who searches for him.” Hebrews 11:6 CEV

Now, just one more for good measure. “34 Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I am not even married!” 35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. 36 Your relative Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old. No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will have a son. 37  Nothing is impossible for God!” 38 Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her.” Luke 1:35-38 CEV

I know it’s hard to believe BUT God’s word does not fail – never has, never will!

There are so many more verses that I could direct you to that point to God’s faithfulness in keeping His word. He’s given all of them to us, so it won’t be hard to believe.

Just as the sun comes up every morning, the waves come to the shore, the earth spins on its axis, God’s word is infallible and is always true. The more we draw into relationship with Him, the more convinced (faith) we become that it’s “Hard to Believe” anything other than the Word of God.

Way Too Early

My watch said it was 1:30 a.m. That’s just too early to get up, so I laid there for another thirty minutes, hoping to go back to sleep but that didn’t happen. My mind was racing, so much to do in the next few days; I needed to write things down so I didn’t forget the little things.

Have you ever been there? I grabbed my robe and slippers, turned on the coffee, sat down with my notepad in hand and made my list. Honestly, I was surprised at what happened next.

After listing a few things that I knew had to be done, I sat quietly waiting for my next thoughts. These I will share with you. This list, that came to mind, is so much better than the chore list I had just written.

“Always be full of joy. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:17-19 ERV

Be thankful! So, I made a list of things I am thankful for at 2 a.m.

  1. New Life when I was spiritually dead – Romans 3:23-24 “God makes people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. He does this for all who believe in Christ. Everyone is the same. 23 All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.”
  2. Joy that replaces sorrow – Isaiah 61:3 “…I will give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes. I will give them the oil of joy instead of sorrow, and a spirit of praise instead of a spirit of no hope.”
  3. Peace in the middle of the storm – Mark 4:37 “Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.”
  4. Strength when I feel too weak to go on – II Corinthians 12:9 “But the Lord said, ‘My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.’ So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me.”
  5. Hope when all seems lost – Romans 15:13 “ I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
  6. Guidance when I’m not sure of what to do – Psalm 119:105 “Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.”
  7. Victory in Battle – I John 5:4-5 “Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.”
  8. Forgiveness when I fall and healing from dis-ease – Psalm 103:3-4 “ He forgives all my sins. He heals all my diseases. He saves my life from the grave. He crowns me with loving-kindness and pity.”
  9. Never being left alone – Hebrews 13:5 “…for He has said, ‘I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”

God is ALWAYS faithful to His word and because He is, it is always way too early to worry!

From the Garden

It’s so hard for me to write this morning. My heart is pounding, there’s a lump in my throat and my eyes are holding back the tears. Jesus knows the cross is before Him, so He prays from the garden.

“Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives, as he often did, and his disciples went with him. 40 When they got there, he told them, ‘Pray that you won’t be tested.’ 41 Jesus walked on a little way before he knelt down and prayed, 42 ‘Father, if you will, please don’t make me suffer by drinking from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want.’ 43 Then an angel from heaven came to help him. 44 Jesus was in great pain and prayed so sincerely that his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood.” Luke 22:39-44 CEV

There’s no easy way to put this. We are the reason that Jesus was in that garden painfully pouring out His heart to the Father. It was our sin that condemned Him to death. The Father chose our lives over His and Jesus willingly gave up His life as a ransom for us all.

“For the Son of Man did not come to be cared for. He came to care for others. He came to give His life so that many could be bought by His blood and be made free from sin.” Mark 10:45 NLV

Instead of praying as Jesus instructed them, the disciples fell asleep. When Jesus woke them, He told them they should have been praying for strength because they were about to be tested in a greater way than they ever had been before.

“While Jesus was still speaking, a crowd came up. It was led by Judas, one of the twelve apostles. He went over to Jesus and greeted him with a kiss. 48 Jesus asked Judas, ‘Are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?’” Luke 22:47-48 CEV

Judas betrayed Jesus with a sign of affection, a kiss. Jesus’ words must have cut his heart like a knife. Jesus, the Son of God, who could have destroyed them all with a word from His lips or a wave of His hand allowed them to arrest Him and take Him away.

 Jesus was arrested and led away to the house of the high priest, while Peter followed at a distance.” Luke 22:54 CEV

Impetuous Peter, who had just sliced off a man’s ear, followed the arresting party from a distance.

A crowd had gathered in the courtyard of the high priest and were sitting around a fire. A girl recognized Peter as someone who had been with Jesus. Peter denied it.

Then someone else pointed out that Peter had been with Jesus, and he denied it. One more time, another man insisted that Peter must have been with Jesus.

“This time Peter began to curse and swear, ‘I don’t even know the man you’re talking about!’ 72 At once the rooster crowed a second time. Then Peter remembered that Jesus had told him, ‘Before a rooster crows twice, you will say three times that you don’t know me.’ So Peter started crying.” Mark 14:71-72 CEV

 The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered that the Lord had said, ‘Before a rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will say three times that you don’t know me.’” Luke 22:61 CEV

Betrayed by a kiss and now denied with a curse!

Is it any wonder that Jesus was in such anguish as He prayed in the garden? Those who knew Him best left Him alone in the time of His greatest need.

“I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me. 21 I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me.” John 17:20-22 CEV

These are just a few of the words that Jesus was praying before He was arrested. He prayed for us, from the garden and He’s still praying for us today.

Seeds of Faith

 But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.” Galatians 5:22-23 MSG

I used our foundation verses from The Message translation this morning because the seeds we are planting today are the seeds of faithfulness and I like the way The Message describes it – loyal commitments.

Jesus said that the world will know that we are His followers by our love for one another. It takes loyal commitment to walk in love. That’s one of the biggest reasons that cause relationships to fall apart.

No commitment. No faithfulness.

Feelings get hurt, pride says I’m right and you’re wrong, we don’t agree and so we argue and relationships are severed.

Let’s get this straight right now – not one of us is always right, not one of us has the right opinion or fully represent truth in every situation. That is, no one but God and we aren’t Him!

“Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,” Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,” I Corinthians 13:4-6 MSG

Faithfulness: “Biblically, being faithful means being reliable, steady, and unwavering in your beliefs, actions, and commitments, especially in your relationship with God.” Faith – filled – action.

Jesus tells a story that I believe is a description of faithfulness and believe it or not, it’s about a seed.

“Finally, Jesus said: What is God’s kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? 31 It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world32 But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches that are big enough for birds to nest in its shade.” Mark 4:30-32 CEV

Jesus’ compares God’s kingdom to a seed. The smallest seed ever, planted in the ground, grows into a large tree, giving shelter to those around it.

God’s kingdom is a kingdom of His love and forgiveness. When that seed is planted in our hearts it will grow, it will stay planted and become an immovable force, giving shade and shelter to those around us. That’s seed results in faithfulness to God and to others.

Water it well and watch it grow!

Peace Reigns

“But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, 23 being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things.” Galatians 5:22-23 NLV

Today’s image is the International Peace Garden in North Dakota. I think everyone wants peace – peace in our soul, in our hearts, in our families and communities. There’s really only one way to peace, true peace, and that’s through trusting the power of God to be at work in our lives.

 Jesus said: “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 16:33 ERV

The Christian life is not free from struggles or difficult circumstances. All we have to do is look at Jesus’ time with His disciples to see that. They were ridiculed by the religious leaders; they faced mobs that sought to destroy them and then they dealt with physical storms as well.

“‘Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?’ 39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:38-39 NKJV

“And what about the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? That is like the people who hear the teaching but let worries about this life and love for money stop it from growing. So it does not produce a crop in their lives.” Matthew 13:22 ERV

Jesus does care! He doesn’t want us to perish; He doesn’t want us to be in turmoil, chaos or confusion. He doesn’t want the cares of this life or fear to choke out our peace.

“I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:27 ERV

“Suddenly many other angels came down from heaven and joined in praising God. They said: 14 “Praise God in heaven! Peace on earth to everyone who pleases God.” Luke 2:13-14 CEV

 You will keep the man in perfect peace whose mind is kept on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever. For the Lord God is a Rock that lasts forever.” Isaiah 26:3-4 NLV

Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 ERV

 Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

Christ came into the world bringing peace on earth and good will from His Father. He left earth leaving us with His peace to overcome the attacks we would face. By trusting Him completely, by keeping our thoughts centered on Him, He will stand guard over our hearts and bring us perfect peace.

Because of Christ we have peace. These verses are seeds worth harvesting. Happy Planting!

Seed Planting

I hope you took some time to crumble some of the big dirt clods you may have identified in your life. Selfishness, easily offended, short-temper, anger, gossip, insecurity – yep, these are just some of the things that may have surfaced as you were tilling the soil. They will block the proper development of the seeds we are about to plant if they are broken up and removed.

Let me say before we go any further that identifying and breaking up these hard places is a positive thing. We can only remove what we know about it – ignorance is not bliss.

All through the Bible we have examples of seed planting. It starts in the Garden of Eden.

“God said, “I am giving you all the grain bearing plants and all the fruit trees. These trees make fruit with seeds in it. This grain and fruit will be your food. 30 And I am giving all the green plants to the animals. These green plants will be their food. Every animal on earth, every bird in the air, and all the little things that crawl on the earth will eat that food.” And all these things happened.” Genesis 1:29-30 ERV

The process of planting seed and producing a harvest was enacted at the very beginning. God created the earth out of nothing but after that original creation every thing has been supplied by the planting of seeds.

It’s important to realize what the seed is that we are asked to plant.

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours. 10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth
that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat. 11 That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.” Isaiah 55:9-11 CEV

The seed God has given us for life-changing harvest is His word. He says, confidently, that His word will not return to Him without accomplishing EVERYTHING He sends it to do. God provides us with good seed!

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:21-22 KJV

“Again Jesus said: God’s kingdom is like what happens when a farmer scatters seed in a field. 27 The farmer sleeps at night and is up and around during the day. Yet the seeds keep sprouting and growing, and he doesn’t understand how. 28 It is the ground that makes the seeds sprout and grow into plants that produce grain. 29  Then when harvest season comes and the grain is ripe, the farmer cuts it with a sickle.” Mark 4:26-30 CEV

So let me repeat how important it is that we have good ground for planting. God won’t force us to make a good field free from stones, hard dirt clods and weeds but He does tell us the seed won’t grow well unless we do.

Before I ever gave this teaching to you the Lord dealt with me on some hard soil in my heart that needed to be broken up and made ready for planting. Our garden can be as large as we want, we just need to prepare the ground.

I think it’s best to start with a small plot – watch the seed grow and then plant more. Make your ground ready, we’ll start planting some seeds in tomorrow’s teaching.

Let’s Get Started

If you read yesterday’s blog you know that we are God’s garden. Paul said he planted; Apollos watered but God gives the increase. Today it’s time to start preparing the garden.

Each year I had my garden, I would get started by breaking up the ground that had sat through the winter. The surface would be hardened from the long period of being dormant. I would take my time raking through the earth, crumbling the dirt clods, raking it again, watering, raking, crumbling and finally adding new soil as needed.

If you want to have a fruitful garden, you have to have good soil.

“I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’” Hosea 10:12 NLT

Plow up the hard ground of your hearts. Excellent advice.

When we first moved back to Arizona, the ground in our area was sunbaked caliche, a natural concrete type material found in desert areas, beneath it was a red clay. Neither soil type was good for growing flowers and vegetables. It took a lot of work, but I was able to bring in good topsoil, Dave added a drip system and finally we had a garden that would bear fruit.

We don’t have physical stones in our hearts but the Apostle Paul warns us of spiritual hardness.

 But now you must stop doing such things. You must quit being angry, hateful, and evil. You must no longer say insulting or cruel things about others.  And stop lying to each other. You have given up your old way of life with its habits.” Colossians 3:8-9 CEV

 As a follower of the Lord, I order you to stop living like stupid, godless people. 18 Their minds are in the dark, and they are stubborn and ignorant and have missed out on the life that comes from God. They no longer have any feelings about what is right, 19 and they are so greedy they do all kinds of indecent things.” Ephesians 4:17-19 CEV

Breaking up the ground, preparing the soil is hard work.

Sometimes there are big rocks to remove – bitterness, anger, jealousy, deceitful desires – so that you can have a productive garden. And don’t forget about the weeds and the wild uncultivated seeds that seem to grow in this hard soil.

“Other people are like the seed planted on rocky ground. They hear the teaching, and they quickly and gladly accept it. 17 But they don’t allow it to go deep into their lives. They keep it only a short time. As soon as trouble or persecution comes because of the teaching they accepted, they give up.

18 “Others are like the seed planted among the thorny weeds. They hear the teaching, 19 but their lives become full of other things: the worries of this life, the love of money, and everything else they want. This keeps the teaching from growing, and it does not produce a crop in their lives.” Mark 4:16-19 ERV

I know I’ve given you quite a bit to think about today. Pray on it. Tell the Lord you want Him to show you how to break up the ground, pull out the weeds and how to become more productive in your walk with Him.

He will do the very thing you ask, after all, it’s God who gives the increase! Now, let’s get started.

Make Love the Last Resort

I don’t know who you are and I really don’t expect that you will admit this openly but someone said, just last night, “I have come to the end of my rope and I don’t know what I’m going to do now.”

Been there – said that! And so have many others. God’s love has a way of reaching people who feel they have no place else to turn; they are at their last resort.

There was the professional fisherman who couldn’t manage the storm at sea.

“And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?” Mark 4:37-38 KJV

Then there was a woman who spent every thing she had on doctor’s and only got worse.

“And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.” Mark 5:26-27 KJV

What about the military leader whose servant was very ill?

“And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.” Matthew 8:5-6 KJV

Or the leper whose body was being eaten away?

“And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” Matthew 8:2 KJV

We can’t forget the rich tax collector who had everything but friends and peace.

“And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. 4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.” Luke 19:3-4 KJV

I want you to notice that in every situation Jesus met the need of those who came to him. He didn’t lecture them and say “what took you so long”. Nor did he get offended that they had tried everything else and he was their last resort. Jesus met them where they were and took control over the situation.

He’s still that way today. Jesus isn’t a dictatorial tyrant that comes in demanding allegiance and forcibly takes control; no, he waits for us to come and ask and then He moves with love and compassion to change the circumstances.

Even King David had times that he came to the end of his rope.

“I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Psalm 118:5-6 KJV

I’m not sure who you are or what you’re going through but I do know if you’ll call out to the Lord he’ll be there and he’ll take you through to victory.

Love and Friendship

I couldn’t stop thinking about the man I told you about yesterday. The man whose friends destroyed another person’s house out of friendship.

This is a story of faith, friendship and love.

“Jesus went back to Capernaum, and a few days later people heard that he was at home. Then so many of them came to the house that there wasn’t even standing room left in front of the door.

Jesus was still teaching when four people came up, carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk. But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above him and let the man down in front of everyone.

When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven.”

Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were sitting there. They started wondering, “Why would he say such a thing? He must think he is God! Only God can forgive sins.”

At once, Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said, “Why are you thinking such things? Is it easier for me to tell this man his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and pick up his mat and go on home? 10 I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, 11 “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.”

12 The man got right up. He picked up his mat and went out while everyone watched in amazement. They praised God and said, “We have never seen anything like this!” Mark 2:1-12 CEV

Let’s look at the characters in this story: the 4 friends, the lame man, the crowd, the people in the house, the homeowner and Jesus. Who do you identify with?

The four friends had heard of Jesus and the miracles He had been doing. They had a friend who couldn’t walk but they knew Jesus could heal him if they could just get him there. They lay everything aside for the love of their friend.

The man. He was helpless. His friends came in and said, “we’re taking you to see Jesus, he will heal you”. Had the man even heard of Jesus? Where were they taking him? Through the streets of town? Up on the roof? “You’re going to do what?”

The crowd. They came to hear and see Jesus, but they were content to listen from outside. Don’t cause a fuss, just hope to see him when he left the meeting.

Those in the house. Religious leaders and prominent men of the town. Skeptical about this newcomer to their region. They had heard about Him but felt He was probably a charlatan.

The homeowner. He had heard of this newcomer, Jesus. Heard he could do miracles and invited Him to his home. And now some religious fanatics had torn off his roof.

Jesus. Sincere motives, pure heart. Reaching out to all who would listen. Moved with compassion. Undisturbed by conflict and criticism. Doing the works of His loving Father.

But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and rewards everyone who searches for him.” Hebrews 11:6 CEV

Which character/characters do you identify with? The four friends on a mission? The man with the problem? The skeptics?

Friendship met the love of God and they were rewarded for their faith.