Good, Good, So Good

Sunday we sang the song “King of My Heart” by John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan. The past two mornings I haven’t been able to get those lyrics out of my mind.

“Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh, he is my song

Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh, he is my song

‘Cause you are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh”

God is good, good, so good!

“I trust your love, and I feel like celebrating because you rescued me. You have been good to me, Lord, and I will sing about you.” Psalm 13:5-6 CEV

Shout praises to the Lord! He is good to us, and his love never fails.” Psalm 107:1 CEV

“You surely don’t think much of God‘s wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don’t you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him?” Romans 2:4 CEV

God’s goodness is incomparable!

He displays His goodness so that people will be drawn to Him and put their faith and trust in Him.

I’ve been reading the book of Jonah. It’s a short book and a good read. It isn’t just about Jonah being swollen by a great fish, although, that is also evidence of God’s goodness. It’s about God offering salvation to 120,000 people who were about to be destroyed because of their wickedness.

Jonah got to Ninevah, after being vomited up by the fish, walk a day’s walk to the center of the city and said this:

“After walking for a day, Jonah warned the people, ‘Forty days from now, Nineveh will be destroyed!’

They believed God’s message and set a time when they would go without eating to show their sorrow. Then everyone in the city, no matter who they were, dressed in sackcloth.” Jonah 3:4-5 CEV

It goes on to say that the king heard what was happening and he repented and called for a fast for the entire city. Then God “saw that the people had stopped doing evil things, he had pity and did not destroy them as he had planned.” (Jonah 3:10)

Jonah got angry because God was gracious to these people. God was and is merciful, kind, and good. He told Jonah how much He cared about the people.

Not just the people of Ninevah – God cares about us, even when we are living in rebellion and contrary to His word. It’s His goodness that draws us to Him. His love is everlasting and His goodness lasts to all generations.

The image I am using this morning reminds me of this verse:

 O taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who trusts in Him! O fear the Lord, all you who belong to Him. For those who fear Him never want for anything.” Psalm 34:8-9 NLV

Come – taste and see that God is good, good, so good!

Jonah or Jesus?

An attitude of the heart.

When our kids were younger we told them that we had two rules in our home. Obedience and respect. They could obey without respect and also be respectful and not be obedient. We stood for both.

This morning we are going to look at Jonah and his disobedience, disrespect and ultimate obedience without respect.

God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh and speak out against the sin and evil there. Jonah decided to run from God and head in the opposite direction just as quickly as he could. He got on a ship headed for Tarshish to “flee from the presence of the Lord.” Not a good sign.

 Instead, Jonah ran from the Lord. He went to the seaport of Joppa and found a ship that was going to Spain. So he paid his fare, then got on the ship and sailed away to escape.” Jonah 1:3 CEV


Most of you know the story – there was a storm at sea, the sailors throw Jonah overboard, he’s swallowed by a great fish, spends three nights in the fish’s belly, Jonah cries out to the Lord and then is spit out on the beach and he walks to Nineveh.

“Once again the Lord told Jonah to go to that great city of Nineveh and preach his message of doom.Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh.” Jonah 3:1-3 CEV

In the belly of the fish, Jonah recognizes that it’s the Lord who has sent the fish to save him from drowning. He agrees to go and proclaim judgment over the people of Nineveh. At Jonah’s declaration of God’s displeasure with the ungodly living in Nineveh the King declares that all the people are to repent and hopefully they will be spared.

At the end of forty days, the city has repented, and God acknowledges their repentance and spares them. Jonah gets angry and tells God, “I knew you would spare them if I came here” and then he went to the outskirts of the city and pouted. He was very angry with the Lord for sparing them.

“Jonah was really upset and angry.  So he prayed: Our Lord, I knew from the very beginning that you wouldn’t destroy Nineveh. That’s why I left my own country and headed for Spain. You are a kind and merciful God, and you are very patient. You always show love, and you don’t like to punish anyone.” Jonah 4:1-2 CEV

Jonah had cried out to the Lord while in the fish’s belly and was saved but he became angry when the city cried out to God and they were spared. He was obedient to do what God called him to do but he didn’t respect God’s actions when it came to others.

Are we like that?

We expect God to forgive us the things we’ve done but we become angry when we don’t see others “getting what they deserve”.

Jesus prayed for those who were responsible for his death. Do we find it hard to forgive those who have hurt our feelings, mistreat us and abuse us?

“Jesus said, “Father, forgive these people! They don’t know what they’re doing.” Luke 23:34 CEV

Let’s live like Jesus today and not like Jonah.

Which Trail?

This summer Dave and I met a very nice couple from the Phoenix area. They camped at our campground for two weeks. They are avid hikers. Their energy is something to be envied.

The first night we met them, it was close to dusk. They stopped to talk and ask us about some hiking trails in the area. That day they had been out on a trail, a long loop, around the lake and back woods. They admitted that they had taken the wrong fork and instead of being a 6 mile hike as they had planned, they ended up hiking almost 16 miles.


They said they had seen some of the most beautiful country and were glad that they had that experience.

I can’t say that has always been the case for me. Life has taken me down some trails I didn’t expect or want. However, the thing that has always been true is I have never been alone. Even the times I was off doing my own thing, not asking the Father for His direction or His purpose, He never left me alone and He won’t abandon you either.

Case in point: Remember Jonah? In complete and utterance disobedience, he ran from God. God told him to go to Nineveh and preach. Jonah went to the docks and got on a ship headed to Tarshish, in the opposite direction. He was running from the Lord. Even in that, God didn’t abandon Him.

“I had sunk down below the underwater mountains; I knew that forever,  I would be a prisoner there. But, you, Lord God, rescued me from that pit. When my life was slipping away,  I remembered you—in your holy temple you heard my prayer.” Jonah 2:6-7 CEV

The Father doesn’t approve of our disobedience but He won’t disown or abandon His children. For that we should be extremely grateful.

“What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? 32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? 34 Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God’s right side,[a] speaking to him for us. 35 Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? 36 It is exactly as the Scriptures say,

“For you we face death all day long. We are like sheep on their way to be butchered.”

37 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Have you been on the wrong trail? Do you feel you are out there all alone? Do what Jonah did and cry out to the Father for help; He is there and He will rescue you!

He will guide you back to the right trail. Nothing can separate us from the love of God!

Course Correction

Once again Dave and I are on the road. We are in the mountains camping. We spend so much time traveling; God has blessed us with safety on each journey, we are very grateful and never take it for granted.

As we travel I can’t help but think of all those who have traveled these roads before. Those who came on horseback, in covered wagons and those whose only means of transportation was their feet. Looking at the terrain, considering the weather, the elements and the dangers they may have faced causes me to pause. But then thinking of the joy they experienced in seeing new land that no one had ever been to before, the beauty – the grandeur, the vastness of creation, brings an unprovoked smile to my face. We check the Atlas and follow the roads, they followed the dreams of their hearts!

Then I thought about Abram. At a word from the Lord, he set out for a world unknown.

“The LORD said to Abram: Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will bless you and make your descendants into a great nation. You will become famous and be a blessing to others. 3 I will bless anyone who blesses you, but I will put a curse on anyone who puts a curse on you. Everyone on earth will be blessed because of you. 4-5 Abram was seventy-five years old when the LORD told him to leave the city of Haran. He obeyed and left with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all the possessions and slaves they had gotten while in Haran.” Genesis 12:1-5 CEV

His obedience birthed a nation. His obedience open the door for Jesus, the Messiah to come. His obedience brought blessing to his life and those who traveled with him.

What road has the Lord asked you to take today? Are you being obedient and bringing blessing to the lives of those around you? Or are you like another man that God spoke to about traveling a new road, Jonah? He chose to be disobedient and his disobedience caused a storm in his life. Satan worked to destroy him as he ran from God. But God…but God intervened, kept him safe in the belly of the fish and set him on the right path.

“But Jonah tried to run away from the Lord. He went to Joppa and found a boat that was going to the faraway city of Tarshish. Jonah paid money for the trip and went on the boat. He wanted to travel with the people on this boat to Tarshish and run away from the Lord…While Jonah was in the stomach of the fish, he prayed to the Lord his God. He said, “I was in very bad trouble. I called to the Lord for help, and he answered me. I was deep in the grave. I cried to you, and you heard my voice. “You threw me into the sea. Your powerful waves splashed over me. I went down, down into the deep sea. The water was all around me. Then I thought, ‘Now I must go where you cannot see me,’  but I continued looking to your holy Temple for help. “The seawater closed over me. The water covered my mouth, and I could not breathe. I went down, down into the deep sea. Seaweed wrapped around my head, I was at the bottom of the sea, the place where the mountains begin. I thought I was locked in this prison forever, but the Lord my God took me out of my grave. God, you gave me life again! “My soul gave up all hope, but then I remembered the Lord. I prayed to you, and you heard my prayers in your holy Temple. “Some people worship useless idols, but those statues never help them. I will give sacrifices to you, and I will praise and thank you. I will make special promises to you, and I will do what I promise.” Salvation only comes from the Lord!” Jonah 1:3, 2:1-9 ERV

If you’ve been running from God make a course correction and follow the path of blessing!

The Gift of Friendship

Last night our home was filled with dear friends…some we’ve only known a few years and others for more than half our lifetime. How precious they each are to us!


I just wanted to take a quiet moment to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. Although, you weren’t in our home I am touched by your love. God has blessed me with wonderful friends. Some of you I know personally and have been able to hug, to touch, to share a cup of coffee with or a meal and we have shared times of laughter and tears.

Others of you I only know through social media and your comments here on the blog. I’ve seen pictures of your families, shared your joys and your prayer requests. True friends just the same. I really don’t think there is time or distance when the Lord joins hearts.

Whatever your plans are for these upcoming days of Christmas I want you to know that I feel truly blessed to call you friends.

“I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! 3 Every time I think of you, I thank my God. 4 And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy.” Philippians 1:2-4 CEV

But I also want you to know that our heavenly Father, the author of our friendship, has such a great love for you. He designed our meeting and crafted the bond that we have for one another.

His purpose – To show us His amazing love. Each time we reach out to love someone new, to develop a new relationship, His love is put into action. We can never truly love on our own. That deep and lasting commitment we experience for others comes from His heart. Friendship is a tangible example of His amazing love.

We are always in His heart and on His mind. His love is overwhelming, His peace reassuring and His comfort beyond comparing!

I can hear Him saying:
“I love you with an everlasting love” Jeremiah 31:3
“My peace I give to you; peace, be still.” John 14:27
“I will send the Comforter that will abide with you forever” John 14:16
“Let my joy be your strength” Nehemiah 8:10
” I know the thoughts I have for you; thoughts of peace”. Jeremiah 29:11-13

Yes, my world is quiet and my Father is speaking to me and He’s speaking to you as well. Enjoy your time with Him this morning and all through the day.

The song I want to share with you this morning isn’t a traditional Christmas Carol. However, if Jesus never brought heaven to earth as He did that day we wouldn’t be able to experience the blessed relationship we have with him.

Heaven Came Down by John W Peterson 1961

O what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forget;
After I’d wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met.
O what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart;
Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart.

Chorus: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,  (filled my soul)
When at the cross the Savior made me whole;  (made me whole)
My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!  (filled my soul)

Born of the Spirit with life from above into God’s family divine,
Justified fully thru Calvary’s love, O what a standing is mine!
And the transaction so quickly was made, when as a sinner I came,
Took of the offer, of grace He did proffer, He saved me, O praise His dear name!


Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time;
I have a future in heaven for sure there in those mansions sublime.
And it’s because of that wonderful day, when at the cross I believed;
Riches eternal and blessings supernal, from His precious hand I received.

Chorus: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul,  (filled my soul)
When at the cross the Savior made me whole;  (made me whole)
My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!  (filled my soul)

Thank you Father for allowing all of us to experience heaven on earth through the gift of your Son!

Thankful for Mercy

Yes, this is a great time to be alive! History shows us how many times society has failed to respect and honor God but His mercy endures forever.

I was reading in Jonah this morning and so I had to find a picture of a great fish! I know some believe that the story of a great fish swallowing Jonah is a fairy tale and that others believe it is some kind of metaphor. I believe it is real. My God can do anything and if He needed a big fish to swallow Jonah I have no doubt that He was able to do that.

But that’s not the focus of this morning’s devotional. It’s an even greater miracle, the miracle of mercy.

God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and tell them that He had seen their wickedness and was going to destroy them. Nineveh was a big city. It says it was so large that it took a man 3 days to walk across the it.

After the fish spit Jonah out, he went there and preached what God had originally told him to say.

Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh. The city was so big that it took three days just to walk through it. After walking for a day, Jonah warned the people, “Forty days from now, Nineveh will be destroyed!” Jonah 3:3-4 CEV

The people of Nineveh repented. They declared a fast of repentance; everyone in the city repented. When God saw this He withheld His judgement and spared their city.

When God saw that the people had stopped doing evil things, he had pity and did not destroy them as he had planned.” Jonah 3:10 CEV

This is where we find Jonah in the last chapter of the book. He is mad at God because God spared the people.

Jonah was really upset and angry. So he prayed:

Our Lord, I knew from the very beginning that you wouldn’t destroy Nineveh. That’s why I left my own country and headed for Spain. You are a kind and merciful God, and you are very patient. You always show love, and you don’t like to punish anyone, not even foreigners.” Jonah 4:1-2 CEV

Do you see what Jonah said to God? You are kind and merciful. You always show love, you don’t like to punish anyone. I am so thankful for that! Our God is so loving that He goes to great lengths to forgive us and draw us back to Himself.

How many times have I failed in my life of 65 years? How many times have I decided to do things my way and not God’s way? How many times have I decided not to be judgmental and then failed before the day was out?

Yet God who is rich in mercy…

 In the past all of us lived like that, trying to please our sinful selves. We did all the things our bodies and minds wanted. Like everyone else in the world, we deserved to suffer God’s anger just because of the way we were.

But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.) Yes, it is because we are a part of Christ Jesus that God raised us from death and seated us together with him in the heavenly places. God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace.” Ephesians 2:3-7 ERV

God loves us!

Mercy is one of those religious words we use without thinking much about the meaning. We need to realize that mercy, God’s mercy, is defined as this: not receiving what we deserve for the wrong that we have done.

I’m not sure what areas of your life you need God to be merciful but I do know that all of us have failed and are unable to be “good enough” for God. He loves us still.

Let the words of Jonah bring us hope, joy and thankfulness this morning.

You are a kind and merciful God, and you are very patient. You always show love, and you don’t like to punish anyone, not even foreigners.

Thank you Lord for Your mercy and Your grace!