What We Do for Love

This morning I’m starting my day without coffee…the coffee maker works fine and I’m not turning over a new leaf with no caffeine. But, our six-year-old grandson is sleeping on the couch and he’s a light sleeper and startles easily…so no coffee because the coffee maker would wake him.

It’s what we do for love.

We make sacrifices. You know the kind – giving up the last piece of pie so someone else can enjoy it. You skip the Hallmark movie so they can watch sports or a travel show. They give us their coat because we said we wouldn’t need one and now we’re cold…I’m sure you have your own list of little and big sacrifices that you make for the people you love.

It’s what we do because we love.

I’m so glad that Jesus was willing to sacrifice because of His love for us. Yes, the sacrifice of giving His love for ours is almost inconceivable but look at the hundreds of other little things He did.

First, He left heaven – get that, heaven. He came to earth where things are dirty and messy. He left a perfect relationship with the Father to be surrounded by some fishermen and tax collectors who were always in competition as to who was Jesus’ favorite. He dealt with constant ridicule and scrutiny. People were always coming to “get” something from Him and not to just be His friend. Why?

It’s what He did because of love.

“…If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others. 27 And if you want to be first, you must be the slave of the rest. 28 The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people.” Matthew 20:26-28 CEV

Because of love, Jesus came with forgiveness and compassion. He went without sleep and missed meals; he brought healing, peace, release from guilt and expected nothing in return. He gave it all…it’s what we do when we love!

 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” John 3:16 CEV

That’s what He did for love. Now, what do we do in return?

 We love because God loved us first. ” I John 4:19 CEV

“We should be grateful that we were given a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And in this kingdom we please God by worshiping him and by showing him great honor and respect.” Hebrews 12:28 CEV

We love Him and we show Him our gratitude with our honor and respect.

It’s what we do for love! It’s what we do to be like Him!

Celebrate Life!

Today our family will celebrate my Mom’s life. If you remember I told you of her homegoing last May. Mom was 97 1/2 years old, the half was always very important to her.

Each time I was with Mom, for the last 4 or 5 years, she would say “If I’m not here in the morning tell “them” have a party. I don’t want them crying because I’m gone. I want you all to celebrate that I’m in heaven with Jesus”.

Today, we will have a party and celebrate Mom’s life!

She grew up during the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s in a small farming town in Iowa. She became a school teacher and taught at a one-room school, grades 1-8, for 4 or 5 years before she married my Dad.

Mom and Dad gave their hearts to the Lord at a tent revival shortly after they were married. She loved Jesus – she taught Sunday School, Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School and Young Women’s group. She had a way of always making people feel welcome in our home – she loved to feed people.

She would tell everyone who came to see her – visitors, home health and repairmen about Jesus. She asked that we share from John 14 today, she wanted people to have a relationship with Jesus.

“Jesus said, “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you. After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you with me, so that you can be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Thomas said, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father too. But now you know the Father. You have seen him.” John 14:1-7 CEV

Don’t be afraid. I’m preparing a place for you. Follow me because I am THE way to heaven. I am THE way of life. Mom found her life in Christ. She has her home in heaven and when life for us is over here we will meet up with her there and have a party!

“I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid. 28 You heard me say to you, ‘I am leaving, but I will come back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be happy that I am going back to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. 29 I have told you this now, before it happens. Then when it happens, you will believe.” John 14:27-29 CEV

Peace – Mom was at peace, she was before she left this earth and she certainly is now that she’s in heaven. She would say to us “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be sad. I’m in a perfect place and I want you to join me here.”

Celebrate, rejoice, in life! The Father has made a place for us to be with Him for all eternity. I am so grateful that my Mom made sure I knew about Jesus!

God’s Heart

Recently I spent the day with a group of ladies from Desert Christian Fellowship. They had invited me to be their guest speaker. The theme for the day was Bold Women of the Bible – one of those women was Mary, the mother of Jesus.

I talked of how Mary stood at the foot of the cross and watched her Son die. Her innocent Son had been condemned to death, a horrible death . She was faithful and stayed by His side through it all. I was overcome with emotion as I talked to these ladies, I put myself in Mary’s place. As a mother, I could imagine the pain.

How her mother’s heart must have ached!

Now stop and think how much the Father’s heart must have ached while Jesus hung on the cross? A Father whose whole character is love saw His Son brutally murdered. He could have rescued his Son but He didn’t.

God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son, knew that a perfect sacrifice was required to redeemed mankind from their sin. That sacrifice would be Jesus.

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ERV

His heart was aching as His Son was being tortured but because of His love for us He didn’t intervene.

“Christ died for us when we were unable to help ourselves. We were living against God, but at just the right time Christ died for us. Very few people will die to save the life of someone else, even if it is for a good person. Someone might be willing to die for an especially good person. But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:6-8 ERV

God’s heart, his character, is pure love. His heart ached because sin separated Him from those He loves, from us. Don’t ever think it wasn’t heartbreaking for the Father to experience His Son’s death, it was. He endured it because of His unconditional love for us.

 Real love isn’t our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven.” I John 4:10 CEV

He made a way to give us new life, to see us redeemed, it was the way of the cross! That’s God’s heart!

Oil of Joy!

I’d like to tell you a story this morning. It’s the story of a widowed woman and her sons. Her husband had died and she was in debt. She had no way of taking care of her family and her sons were to be taken away to pay for the family’s debts.

She went to the man of God, Elisha, to appeal to him for help. He asked her but one question, “What do you have in your house?”. “Only a little oil”, was her reply. He then instructed her to find all the empty oil jars she could. She was to go into her house, shut the door and start filling the empty jars from her little cruse of oil.

“So the woman left Elisha, went into her house, and shut the door. Only she and her sons were in the house. Her sons brought the bowls to her and she poured oil. She filled many bowls. Finally, she said to her son, ‘Bring me another bowl.’ But all the bowls were full. One of the sons said to her, ‘There aren’t any more bowls.’ Then the oil in the jar was finished! When she told the man of God what had happened, Elisha said to her, ‘Go, sell the oil and pay your debt. You and your sons can live on the money that is left.'” II Kings 4:5-7 ERV

Oil was a valuable commodity in the Middle East, it still is. Oil was used to keep their skin supple in the hot desert sun; it was used to light their lamps; it was used in the baking of their foods. It was a substance of life.

The prophet Isaiah told the Jewish people that when the Messiah came to earth He would provide for them.

“I will take away the ashes on their head, and I will give them a crown. I will take away their sadness, and I will give them the oil of happiness. I will take away their sorrow, and I will give them celebration clothes. He sent me to name them ‘Good Trees’ and ‘The Lord’s Wonderful Plant.’” Isaiah 61:3 ERV

It was the custom to wear sackcloth and put ashes on their head in time of mourning and disaster. But see what Isaiah tells them – when Jesus comes he replaces the ashes with a crown, sadness with the oil of joy and the sackcloth with clothes of celebration.

We have this same promise from Jesus. He promises us comfort, joy and peace! The Holy Spirit brings all these things to us.

16 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever. 17 The Helper is the Spirit of truth. The people of the world cannot accept him, because they don’t see him or know him… 18 “I will not leave you all alone like orphans…

25 “I have told you all these things while I am with you. 26 But the Helper will teach you everything and cause you to remember all that I told you. This Helper is the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name. 27 “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:15-27 ERV

May I ask you, do you need joy, hope and peace? Let the Holy Spirit fill your vessel with the oil of joy!

Sit Down – Give Thanks

I had to remind myself this morning to “sit down and give thanks”.

Dave and I began to talk about the last minute things we still need to do today and then that led us into a conversation of the first things we need to do when we get home. Boy, when we opened that gate, the horses (chores) ran wild.

So now, I’m taking a deep breath and giving thanks for the wonderful memories we have of this summer season.

“And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” John 6:10-12

Look at an example of Jesus giving thanks.

Let me set the scene – 5000 hungry men, not to mention their wives and children, are on a hillside listening to Jesus teach. All Jesus has for food is 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish, a lunch meant to meet the needs of a boy.

And now we see Jesus giving thanks.

He is giving thanks for what he knows God is about to do. He is giving thanks for God’s word being true. He is giving thanks for God being faithful and revealing his love to the disciples and this group.

Jesus has been teaching – ask and it shall be given unto to you; take no thought for what you will eat or drink or what you will put on because you’re heavenly Father knows that you have need of these things; whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them.

This is God’s word and it is true so – GIVE THANKS!

Jesus gave thanks before the miracle occurred and not after He saw it – He had faith. What is your “feeding the 5000” moment? Are you begging God and telling Him how bad things are or a you giving thanks in advance for what you know He has promised to do.

Sit and Give thanks!

Running Short on Time

I remember one of the first blogs I wrote from the mountains at the beginning of summer. I was recounting how early each morning the sun came up. The birds would start singing at approximately 4:15am to welcome the day. Here we are, four months later and the day doesn’t start to dawn until 5:45am, an hour and a half later.

The days are getting shorter.

Yesterday, we had quite a few campers check-in and they all remarked, one way or another, that they were here for their last camping trip of the season. We were asked repeatedly, how much longer will you be here. Our answer, just one more week.

We are running short on time.

It’s hard to think about not being in this beautiful place each day. We have loved our time in the mountains and we are praying, and expecting, to return again next year. But as I wrote in my journal this morning not only are the days getting visibly shorter in regard to length of daylight, and our time on the calendar has a definite end date, the days we have left on this earth are also getting shorter.

We need to make the most of the time we have before us.

While we’re here at this campground, we need to be diligent about the tasks that we’ve been given. The facilities need to be winterized. Things need to be packed away and building needs to be prepared to protect against the damage that the harsh weather could bring. We are busy examining each individual campsite, making notes of needed repairs before the next season. And we only have so many hours of daylight in which to accomplish these tasks..

The same applies to the circumstances of our life. We need to redeem the time, make the most of each day, so that our lives are lived well and we give glory to the Lord.

“You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, 10 as you try to please the Lord. 11 Don’t take part in doing those worthless things that are done in the dark. Instead, show how wrong they are…15 Act like people with good sense and not like fools. 16 These are evil times, so make every minute count. 17 Don’t be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:7-17 CEV

I’ve heard it said that time is our most precious commodity. It’s the only thing we can’t get more of. We all are allotted the same 24 hours, the key is to use them wisely. Show love and kindness to those around us; be appreciative; let the world see Jesus in what we do.

Jesus spoke these words to his disciples. He knew something that we don’t; He knew his life would be short, He knew the number of his days.

“As long as it is day, we must do what the one who sent me wants me to do. When night comes, no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light for the world.” John 9:4-5 CEV

Jesus’ instruction was that we make the most of each day. He came to bring light to the lives of mankind and when He left, He gave us the same instruction. Bring light and God’s glory to those around us.

Let’s make every day count because we’re running short on time!

Living Hope

Things are so grand on the mountain – the ponderosa pines tower over our campground, the rocks are huge, the elk are massive and the trout are trophy size! I love being here to experience all of this but there is another side to it as well.

When we walk through the forest we are constantly reminded that nothing on this earth lasts forever. There we find trees that have succumbed to fire, lightning or even a fungus or an insect. They lay in a state of decay across the forest floor.

On one of our walks we even found a carcass from a winter past. The bones were whitened by the elements – the rain, the snow and the sun. Life ends and new life comes.

Loss is heartbreaking!

I was reminded just yesterday that Jesus wept at the loss of his friend. He knows the anguish we experience with loss and He provides us with a new and living hope.

“Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has given us new life and a hope that lives on. God has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or be ruined or disappear.” I Peter 1:3-4 CEV

Christ died but the story doesn’t end there. He didn’t face the decay of death but He rose victoriously from the grave. He defeated death so that we might have new life and new hope.

“Unless Christ was raised to life, your faith is useless, and you are still living in your sins. 18 And those people who died after putting their faith in him are completely lost. 19 If our hope in Christ is good only for this life, we are worse off than anyone else. 20 But Christ has been raised to life! And he makes us certain that others will also be raised to life. 21 Just as we will die because of Adam, we will be raised to life because of Christ.” I Corinthians 15:17-21 CEV

It would be easy to become discouraged when loved ones die and we are left with emptiness and heartache. Jesus knew what that would be like for His own disciples when they went through the anguish of His death. These are His words:

“Jesus said, “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you. After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you with me, so that you can be where I am.” John 14:1-3 ERV

If you have experienced the lost of a friend or loved one take heart – the separation that we feel here on earth will soon be replaced with an eternity of joy in heaven!

We have that living hope!

Clean Air

For the last few days Dave has been talking to me about filters for our truck; fuel filters, oil filters, air filters.  I’ve learned a lot and have also spent time on the internet looking for the best prices on the best filters.

So, what do filters have to do with you and me?

Dave explained to me that these newer vehicles give you a reading that tells you how much “life” is left in your current filters and when that is exhausted the systems of our truck will work less efficiently and when some of them are used up the truck could stop running. Yikes!

But that really isn’t so uncommon. Several months ago while I was vacuuming, my vacuum just quit. I went to the shed and got my old vacuum and finished the job. I asked Dave to look at the one that quit on me.  He asked me to show him the filters. Oh, my goodness, they were completely clogged. Without the proper air flow, clean air, my vacuum was overheating and shut down.

Aren’t we the same way?

With all the fires we’ve had, the air quality was pretty poor, and it made it hard to breathe. There are advisories that tell us not to do anything outside that is strenuous because of it. During pollen season, many of us have to deal with runny noses and shortness of breath.

Spiritually, we operate the same way.  Adam was just a clump of dust until God breathed the breath of life into him.

 The Lord God took a handful of soil and made a man. God breathed life into the man, and the man started breathing.” Genesis 2:7 CEV

Jesus spent forty days with his disciples after his resurrection before He ascended to heaven, and He did something very similar to what the Father did in the garden. He breathed on his disciples, a breath of life, imparting to them the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

“After Jesus had greeted them again, he said, “I am sending you, just as the Father has sent me.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22 CEV

The winds of life get dirty. They blow pollutants into the air we breathe – anger, jealousy, discontentment, wrong thinking. We need to keep our filters clean so we can operate at full capacity – no overheating or restricted operation.

 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Colossians 3:8-10 NIV

When we’re having trouble breathing clean air it may be time to have the Holy Spirit clean our filters so that we can operate at the maximum capacity that God created for us.

More Love

The last two days I have had these words in my mind and on my heart – More Love.

Think about those two words in connection with our relationship with God, the Father. Can we earn more of His love? Is it possible that He loves someone more than He loves us?

The answer to those two questions is an emphatic no!

Something we need to realize, and it goes beyond human understanding, is that God is love, period. There is no greater or lesser degree of His love displayed because of our efforts or goodness.

“God is love, and anyone who doesn’t love others has never known him.” I John 4:8CEV

Water is wet. That is a definitive statement. I know this is an inadequate example, but water doesn’t get any wetter because someone is rich or poor, tall or short, good or bad. Water is wet.

God is love!  He can’t get more love from anywhere – He is love. We, however, can understand the depth of His love more as we develop in our relationship with Him but that doesn’t mean He loves us more.  The Apostle Paul prayed this prayer for the Christians in Ephesus, and it is for us too.

“So I bow in prayer before the Father. 15 Every family in heaven and on earth gets its true name from him. 16 I ask the Father with his great glory to give you the power to be strong in your spirits. He will give you that strength through his Spirit. 17 I pray that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. I pray that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. 18 And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide, how long, how high, and how deep that love is. 19 Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with everything God has for you.” Ephesians 3:14-19 ERV

One of the most quoted verses in the Bible is John 3:16.

 God loved the people of this WORLD so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” CEV (emphasis mine)

We are all included in the “world”, so we could accurately read that verse like this: “For God so loved Kristi (add your name) that He gave His only begotten Son…” God, in His love, is unwilling that any of us should perish, His love has been poured out to all.

More Love!

It’s not possible for Him to love anymore than He does right now. It’s not possible for anything to separate us from His love.

“I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” Romans 8:38-39 CEV

Don’t ever entertain the thought that God doesn’t love you. That’s not possible for if God ever stopped loving us, He would stop being God. He cannot deny who He is.

My prayer for you is the same as Paul for the Christians in Ephesus – I pray that you will understand and come to know the height, the depth and the breadth of God’s love for you.

God is love and He loves you!

Super Saints

So often people think that they need to be super saints to be used by God.

Not so…God is looking for people who are available. You don’t have to be someone who has been a Christian for a long time – someone who has been to Bible school or seminary – or even someone who has lived an exemplary life.

God is looking for the willing and obedient!

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:” Isaiah 1:18-19 KJV

Remember the marriage feast in Cana? Jesus’ mother told him that they were running low on wine. She expected Jesus to do something and then she said to the servants standing nearby, “whatever he tells you to do, do it”. They did and a miracle took place.

If we will just “do” what we hear from God, He will work the miracles. We don’t have to know great amounts of Scripture, but we need to be willing to do what we hear.

“Mary then said to the servants, “Do whatever Jesus tells you to do.”

At the feast there were six stone water jars that were used by the people for washing themselves in the way that their religion said they must. Each jar held about twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants to fill them to the top with water. Then after the jars had been filled, he said, “Now take some water and give it to the man in charge of the feast.”

The servants did as Jesus told them, and the man in charge drank some of the water that had now turned into wine. He did not know where the wine had come from, but the servants did. He called the bridegroom over 10 and said, “The best wine is always served first. Then after the guests have had plenty, the other wine is served. But you have kept the best until last!”

11 This was Jesus’ first miracle, and he did it in the village of Cana in Galilee. There Jesus showed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.” John 2:5-11 CEV

These servants only claim of greatness was they did what Jesus told them to do.

Lord, today, I desire to be willing and obedient!