A Parent’s Love

Do you remember a time when you had to leave your child somewhere and it made your heart ache? Maybe it was the first day of kindergarten, maybe it was college or boot camp, it could have been at the door to the operating room in the hospital.

A sinking feeling for sure. Even now those times bring tears to your eyes and ache to your heart.

This morning I want to tell you about Hannah. She longed for a child. The Lord heard and answered her prayer and as a response of devotion to Him she gave her little boy to the Lord’s service.

“When the boy was old enough to eat solid food, Hannah took him to the Lord’s house at Shiloh…Then Hannah gave the boy to Eli. 26 She said to him, ‘Pardon me, sir. I am the same woman who stood near you praying to the Lord. I promise that I am telling the truth. 27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord answered my prayer. He gave me this child. 28 And now I give this child to the Lord. He will serve the Lord all his life.’ Then Hannah left the boy there and worshiped the Lord.” I Samuel 1:24-28 ERV

The story of Hannah and Samuel isn’t just a fable that makes a good read. It is the true story of a loving mother and godly woman. Imagine how she must have wrestled with her emotions as she made the decision to take Samuel to Eli, the priest, and leave him there.

Now imagine, if you will, another parent who was willing to give up their child. This time, however, the child was given as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ERV

Hannah gave her son to a loving God but God gave His Son to an unloving world. Hannah knew her son would be well cared for, God knew His Son would be hated and abused.

It’s important that we realize the great sacrifice our heavenly Father made in giving His Son. We can’t take it lightly. He gave Him so we can have life eternal.

He gave because of His great love for us!

“Christ died for us when we were unable to help ourselves. We were living against God, but at just the right time Christ died for us. 7 Very few people will die to save the life of someone else, even if it is for a good person. Someone might be willing to die for an especially good person. 8 But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:6-8 ERV

Maybe you’re going through a tough time right now. Maybe you feel that you have been abandon, left all alone – let me assure you that isn’t true.

“…for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” Hebrews 13:5 AMP

Our loving Father will never abandon or desert us. We can rely on Him!

Think Big!

Have you ever heard of “grasshoppers syndrome”? Grasshopper Syndrome was first diagnosed in Numbers 13.

Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt . God said He would give them the Promised Land. All they had to do was go in and possess it. Moses chose twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. Ten men came back with Grasshopper Syndrome and two men, Joshua and Caleb, came back only seeing the good that God had revealed to them.

“Caleb told the people near Moses to be quiet. Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take that land for ourselves. We can easily take that land.” Numbers 13:30 ERV

“We saw the giant Nephilim people there! (The descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim.) We felt like little grasshoppers. Yes, we were like grasshoppers to them!” Numbers 13:33 ERV

The problem wasn’t the giants. It’s that they saw themselves as grasshoppers, small and insignificant. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus on God and not themselves. However, the majority were affected by grasshopper thinking and didn’t move forward.

Years later there was another outbreak of grasshopper syndrome. Recently, we discussed the army of Israel’s fear of Goliath. Only David saw past the fear and focused on the greatness of God.

“Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.”” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

What giants are you facing today – unemployment, illness, personal relationships, financial hardship, high gas prices, inflation? Don’t fall prey to grasshopper syndrome.

“Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world.” I John 4:4 CEV

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

Take God’s word and destroy Grasshopper Syndrome. Let God’s word have final authority in your life. You are and will be victorious in this life.

Spring Into Life

First Day of Spring!

Half the nation is still covered in snow and many places temperatures are below freezing but signs of Spring are popping up every where. When we lived in Washington State I became familiar with “bulbed” plants; tulips, hyacinth, crocus, daffodils.

The scent of the hyacinths is so fragrant. Yet, it’s the determination of the crocus that made them my favorite. When we moved to Idaho, unbeknown to me, I had some purple crocus right off the front porch. I still remember that first Spring morning when I went out and found them pushing up through the snow-covered ground.

Such determination. Such strength.

Imagine it. Lying dormant all winter, and then waking up with the urge to push up through the cap of soil and snow into the sunlight. Nature is wonderful. The Creator is amazing!

“Everything was made through him, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and that life was a light for the people of the world. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not defeated it.” John 1:3-5 ERV

The same Creator who made the crocus and the hyacinths, made us. We are created in His image and have received our life through Him. He is the Son-light that warms the soil and sparks life in our hearts.

He is the light of the world – He replaces the darkness with His life-giving light that He places within us.

“We don’t tell people about ourselves. But we tell people that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we tell them that we are your servants for Jesus. God once said, ‘Let light shine out of the darkness!’ And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ. We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us.” II Corinthians 4:5-7 ERV

We receive our life and power from the transforming light of God’s unconditional, unending love.

It could be that it’s been a while since you felt truly alive. Anxiety may have been crushing you under its weight. Be like that little crocus, let the Son strengthen you, then the world we see that this amazing power we have comes from Him. It’s not of our own making.

Spring into life!

Wash Day

Do you remember the kitchen towels that had different chores for each day of the week? Maybe your Mom had them or maybe you remember them fondly from your grandmother’s kitchen.

I found them in both those homes and in fact, those towels provided me with my first lessons in embroidery. According to the towels, Monday is wash day but since we were moving back from the racetrack on Monday, Wednesday became laundry day and so will today.

Too many loads to handle in one day so I divided it up.

A week or so ago I was telling Dave one of my memories from our early years of marriage. We were poor and money for groceries was often scarce. I told him I talked to the Lord about this and knew in my heart that one day I would no longer have to shop with my calculator in one hand and my grocery list in the other. Every purchase had to be considered because I only had so much that I could spend.

But…I didn’t tell him the rest of the story. The other part of my conversation with the Lord was about our clothing. It was necessary to do laundry several times a week so that we would have clean clothes to wear. To say our wardrobe was limited would be an understatement.

For years now, I thank the Father for prospering us. I no longer take a calculator to the grocery store and the only reason I have to do laundry more than once a week is because the hamper it full.

The Lord has taught me many lessons on wash day.

Hanging clothes on the line in those early days were some of my favorite times with the Lord. He taught me the meaning of so many Scriptures as I would reach in the basket of wet laundry and take the clothes pins from the bag. Yesterday’s lesson was a different one with no clothes line, this time there’s a dryer, but there was still a teaching to be learned.

“After Jesus said this, he spit on the dirt, made some mud and put it on the man’s eyes. Jesus told him, “Go and wash in Siloam pool.” (Siloam means “Sent.”) So the man went to the pool, washed and came back. He was now able to see.” John 9:6-7 ERV

Washing was important in the Bible. It was an action of promise. For the blind man it was an act of faith and obedience that gave him his sight.

For a man named Naaman II Kings 5), obediently washing brought cleansing from leprosy. But the washing that stands out most in my mind was when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

“When Jesus finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and went back to the table. He asked, “Do you understand what I did for you?…14 I am your Lord and Teacher. But I washed your feet. So you also should wash each other’s feet. 15 I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you.” John 13:12-15 ERV

Washing was an act of serving, an act of love. I hope this gives you a whole new outlook for Wash Day.

Time for A Jail Break

Last night before I went to bed I was strongly impressed with these words, “It’s Time for a Jail Break”!

So many are imprisoned by an enemy that wants to destroy their very lives. This enemy takes on many forms – self-loathing, alcohol, drugs, depression, hatred, narcissism, anxiety, prejudice, jealousy. I’m sure there are more but these are the first to come to mind.

The Apostle Peter was imprisoned because of hatred and jealousy. I’m here to tell you that a jail break has been planned on their behalf. Jesus Christ is the one who can set captives free. I need you to read his story – it’s a longer read but an important one.

“During this same time, King Herod began to do harm to some of those who were part of the church…So Peter was kept in jail, but the church was constantly praying to God for him.

One night, Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two of the soldiers. More soldiers were guarding the door of the jail. Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people the next day. Suddenly an angel of the Lord was standing there, and the room was filled with light. The angel tapped Peter on the side and woke him up. The angel said, “Hurry, get up!” The chains fell off Peter’s hands. The angel said, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” Peter did as he was told. Then the angel said, “Put on your coat and follow me.”

So the angel went out and Peter followed. He did not know if the angel was really doing this. He thought he might be seeing a vision. 10 Peter and the angel went past the first guard and the second guard. Then they came to the iron gate that separated them from the city. The gate opened for them by itself. After they went through the gate and walked about a block, the angel suddenly left… Many people were gathered there and were praying. 13 Peter knocked on the outside door. A servant girl named Rhoda came to answer it. 14 She recognized Peter’s voice, and she was very happy. She even forgot to open the door. She ran inside and told the group, “Peter is at the door!” 15 The believers said to her, “You are crazy!” But she continued to say that it was true. So they said, “It must be Peter’s angel.”

16 But Peter continued to knock. When the believers opened the door, they saw him. They were amazed.” Acts 12:1-16 ERV

God intervened supernaturally in Peter’s jail break. People were praying faithfully for his deliverance. The soldiers and the chains were no match for the power of God.

“‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me. He has chosen me to tell good news to the poor.
He sent me to tell prisoners that they are free…'” Luke 4:18 ERV

If you find yourself imprisoned, I have good news – Jesus has come to set you free. If you are praying for someone who has been chained, don’t quit praying and don’t be surprised when they walk free.

“So if the Son makes you free, you are really free” John 8:36 ERV

God still has the power to break chains and set the captives free!

New Growth Coming

Dave and I sit and visit most every evening about how happy we are with our decision to sell our house and make this RV our home. We look at each other, smile and say “God has truly blessed us”.

We felt that way when we moved from our home in Idaho and went to Montana, and we felt that way when we left Montana and moved back to Arizona. Ours isn’t, nor has it ever been, a stationary life. Now it has wheels.

There is one thing I miss from our home in Rio Rico. It’s my flowers – especially my chrysanthemums and my geraniums. All year long they bloomed and flourished. I loved the color they added to the yard. Some of them I acquired when we first moved there in 2014. Of course, I couldn’t take all of them with me when we moved but I did manage to keep a few.

I have one mum that showed such great promise when we moved. It was loaded with buds and I was sure they would come to full bloom shortly. However, the relocation and a unexpected cold snap thwarted its growth. For the last two months, it has been somewhat neglected. Oh I’ve watered it, when I remember, and have trimmed the undeveloped buds as well as the stock that was frost bitten yet, no new buds appeared until this week.

New growth!

In this morning’s reading Jesus gave instruction to his disciples about their growth.

“‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper. He removes any of my branches that don’t produce fruit, and he trims any branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit. You are already trimmed because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch can’t produce fruit by itself, but must remain in the vine. Likewise, you can’t produce fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything.'” John 15:1-5 CEB

Perhaps you feel like that mum I was talking about or like the branch that Jesus is referring too. Are you in need of a good trim? Has your fruit been a little sparse or your buds not fully blossomed?

Notice that Jesus said it is the word that does the trimming. The book of Hebrews tells us that God’s word is sharper than a two-edged sword and it is capable of dividing the soul (selfish ambitions) from the spirit (God led purpose).

If we remain in God’s word, we remain in Christ. He is the Word made flesh. Interesting how it all ties together, isn’t it?

“The Word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 CEB

When we remain in Him, he promises we will produce much fruit. Expect it – there is new growth coming to our lives!

Unshakable, Immovable Part 2

This morning’s blog will be the conclusion of yesterday’s teaching.

I want everyone to realize that God’s promises are still true. They haven’t lost their power and they aren’t being withheld because we aren’t worthy to receive them. That’s just not the case.

Let’s continue…

But it’s not a given – the promises of God are true, but we have to appropriate them.

We all have electricity in our houses. But if we don’t know to turn on the switch we will sit in the cold and the dark. It’s that simple. Christ paid the bill, the power is flowing, we have to release that power.

2nd reason: There is a very real devil who is working against us. He wants to destroy us and he will if we don’t fight back.

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

When satan came and tempted Jesus, He resisted the devil’s attacks by using Scripture.  We must follow His example.

 “God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack. But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith.” I Peter 5:7-9 CEV

3rd reason: We get rebellious and want to do things are own way.   Just like a child who is told not to touch the stove because its hot – if the child reaches up to touch the stove, ignoring the father’s advice, and gets burned that’s not the father’s fault. He didn’t allow it or cause it. It was an act of our will.

16 Whenever people are jealous or selfish, they cause trouble and do all sorts of cruel things.”. James 3:16 CEV

4th reason: We get tired of fighting and give up. Seeing God’s promises come to pass is not for the faint of heart.  The Apostle Paul says it’s a spiritual battle. Don’t be moved away from God’s word, therein is our victory!

“Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places. 13 That is why you need to get God’s full armor. Then on the day of evil, you will be able to stand strong. And when you have finished the whole fight, you will still be standing.” Ephesians 6:12-13 ERV

Never, ever, are we alone. The Father has promised to never leave us or abandon us.  We might get weary and want to give up but if we ask, God will give us all the strength we need.

“Christ gives me the strength to face anything” Philippians 4:13 CEV

God will not force His protection and blessings on us. We have to believe and receive His promises. There’s nothing the devil wants more than to defeat us and make others think God’s word doesn’t work. If he can deceive, he can defeat.

God’s word has stood the test of time, the very gates of hell cannot prevail against it. When we stand on God’s word, we will be unshakable and immovable!

Special & Unique

I know we all want to feel special. There is something in us that hopes for the little extras. A bigger piece of pie, an extra scoop of ice cream, more money per hour at work, the bigger bouquet, the nicer car, the corner office and the list goes on.

I’ve never was the one who won the trophy buckle, graduated valedictorian, was promoted to executive team or even won the state championship. But there is one thing I’ve done that puts me in the top group every time!

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone (whosoever) who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ERV

Yes, I’m a member of the world – I’m an everyone! That makes me a recipient of the Father’s love and a recipient of life eternal. I’m one of billions of people who lived on this planet, but I am one in a million in God’s eyes! He knows the number of hairs on my head, He knows when I fall, and He knows my name.

“Training your body helps you in some ways. But devotion to God helps you in every way. It brings you blessings in this life and in the future life too. 9 Here is a true statement that should be accepted without question: 10 We hope in the living God, the Savior of all people. In particular, he is the Savior of all those who believe in him.” I Timothy 4:8-10 CEV

Our heavenly Father has salvation for ALL, but we have a part to play and that is we must BELIEVE in Him.

If I came to your house with a big box, wrapped in beautiful paper, tied up with a gorgeous ribbon and I had put your name on the box, would that present be yours? Well of course it would!

If you took that present and set it on the dining room table and looked at it, each day, admiring how pretty it was and how nice it was of me to bring it, would it benefit you? No, not really. It’s not until you open the gift, fully accept it, that it truly becomes yours and is a benefit to you.

Many people have seen the gift the Father brought them; the gift of forgiveness and restoration but for whatever reason have failed to open it and appropriate it for themselves.

“Jesus is the way our sins are taken away. And he is the way all people can have their sins taken away too.” I John 2:2 CEV

“no matter if that person is a Jew or a Gentile. There is only one Lord, and he is generous to everyone who asks for his help. 13 All who call out to the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:12-13 CEV

So, you see if you are a whosoever, an everyone, an “all people”, the gift is yours! Accept it and take advantage of what we have been given. We are each very special to the Father!

We’re His Kids

This morning I’ve been sitting here thinking about our kids and praying for each of them. One will be flying home, one will be working, and one will be running a half marathon.

Their mates will be busy preparing for their arrival, taking care of children and waiting for them to come home. Each of them is loved and being prayed for. They are in our hearts and our prayers.

Then I stopped and imagined the Father taking inventory of what His kids will be doing today. Some will be flying, some working, some running, some watching, some worshipping, some fishing…you get my point. Each one of us are special to Him; He desires good things for us.

“Yet some people accepted him and put their faith in him. So he gave them the right to be the children of God. 13 They were not God’s children by nature or because of any human desires. God himself was the one who made them his children.” John 1:12-13 CEV

God’s plan was to make all mankind His children but He will never force us into His family. He gives each one of us a free will to exercise. We can accept or reject His invitation.

“But when the time was right, God sent his Son, and a woman gave birth to him. His Son obeyed the Law, so he could set us free from the Law, and we could become God’s children. Now that we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And his Spirit tells us that God is our Father.” Galatians 4:4-6 CEV

Our Father, our loving Father, is concerned with all the details of our life. Every good thing that we have comes from Him.

“Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven!” Ephesians 1:3 CEV

It really bothers me that some have a misconception of my Father. He has been portrayed as Someone who is angry and mean. Someone who condemns and destroys but that isn’t true.

He’s watching over me today, and He’s watching over you! I desire good things for my kids; how much greater is His desire for those of us who are His children?

“Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.” James 1:17 ERV

I think sometimes we need to be reminded of just how much our Father loves us. We’re His kids and His love is unconditional!!

Not Today!

This morning’s blog came with great emphasis in my heart this morning – no fear, not today!

All through the night a song from Sunday’s worship service kept running through my mind. It was published by Bethel Music, just last year, (I must give credit where credit is due), “No Longer Slaves”.

From my mother’s womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again to a family
Your blood flows through my veins

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

Fear can be paralyzing; fear can be demoralizing; it robs the richness of life – an abundant life that Christ came to give us.

 A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

 God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7 CEV

Every day we are bombarded with fearful reports. “There’s a storm coming; the crime rate is up; the newest COVID cases; inflation; shortage on the grocery store shelves…and the list goes on.

NO!! Not today! I will not be a slave to fear, I am God’s child and He is my protector and my provision.

Not today! I am with the Shepherd and He uses His rod to beat back my enemies!

“I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe.” Psalm 23:4 CEV

Not today! God is with us; He will protect us!

“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

Not today! Christ is in control!

“Don’t be afraid! I am the first, the last, 18 and the living one. I died, but now I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to death and the world of the dead.” Revelation 1:17-18 CEV

Not today, dear friend – you are God’s child and He has promised to never leave you!!