A Spoonful of Sugar

Now I realize that isn’t good medical advice. In fact, quite the opposite. Too much sugar can be detrimental to our health but what Mary Poppins was teaching is that life needs more sweetness – and it does.

We had friends over for dinner on Saturday night and we were all so blessed with the food, the visit and the laughter. Everyone remarked on the laughter and the joy. One of the men made the comment that laughter is one of life’s greatest healers – and it is!

I think people need a good spoonful of medicine today, but good old fashioned Bible medicine.

Happiness is good medicine, but sorrow is a disease.” Proverbs 17:22 ERV

“If you are cheerful, you feel good; if you are sad, you hurt all over.” Proverbs 17:22 CEV

If we allow ourselves to stay focused on the things in our world, or in our lives that are wrong, evil or contrary, we will be overtaken by the dis-ease of sorrow.

Dis-ease. Now there’s an interesting word. The lack of being at ease. When disease strikes our body, our whole system is ill-at-ease.

But a good dose of the medicine of a merry heart will strengthen us and bring us peace.

“Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy the good food and sweet drinks. Give some food and drinks to those who didn’t prepare any food. Today is a special day to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of the Lord will make you strong.’” Nehemiah 8:10 ERV

Jeremiah said: “I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. 12 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers. 13  You will worship me with all your heart, and I will be with you” Jeremiah 29:11-13 CEV

Look today not at the circumstances but at our God who changes circumstances and be filled with good medicine.

“I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ERV

I pray that God will fill your heart with joy and that you will be healed of dis-ease.

On a side note: Dave and I will be on vacation this week in an area that has very weak cell and internet service so I might not be able to post each day. I am praying that your week will be filled with love and laughter! I love you all.

Never Underestimate the Impossible

Those are the song lyrics that lulled me to sleep. It was a song that topped the charts in 2002. Here are some of the lyrics:

“Unsinkable ships – sink
Unbreakable walls – break
Sometimes the things you think would never happen
Happen just like that
Unbendable steel – bends
If the fury of the wind is unstoppable
I’ve learned to never underestimate
The impossible”

And with that melody still in my heart this morning I began to think about the impossible things in Scripture.

Noah built a boat to shelter his family from the rain, but it had never rained.

Abraham and Sarah had their first child at ages 90 and 100.

Moses talked to a burning bush that was never consumed and parted the Red Sea with his walking stick.

Joshua saw the walls of Jericho fall flat and all he did was walk around the outside wall for seven days.

David killed a giant with a sling shot and a stone.

Daniel used a lion for a pillow.

Mary, a young virgin, gave birth to a son.

5000 people were fed with five small loaves and two fish.

Water was turned to wine.

Peter walked on water.

Lazarus was raised from the dead.

Jesus ascended to heaven.

“Jesus said to the father, ‘Why did you say ‘if you can’? All things are possible for the one who believes.’ 24 Immediately the father shouted, ‘I do believe. Help me to believe more!'” Mark 9:23-24 ERV

You may be facing the impossible. Don’t be deterred; don’t be afraid. Believe God and His word.

“Then this message from the Lord came to Jeremiah: 27 “Jeremiah, I am the Lord. I am the God of every person on the earth. You know that nothing is impossible for me.” Jeremiah 32:26-27 ERV

Our Father is a creator of miracles. Nothing is impossible for Him!

Just Call

How many times each day do we wonder about something? We try to figure out the best way of doing things. We need answers and although friends and colleagues may try to help their assistance is often limited.

That’s why my morning quiet times are so important to me. I talk to the Father about things I know will occur throughout the day, plans I am making for the future and the daily unseen events that interrupt and cause me to make course corrections.

When I’m needing answers to some questions that are past my knowledge I don’t want to be held back because of my ignorance. I get up seeking the Father and His wisdom.

One thing that has been proven over the years, not just in my lifetime but of time itself, is God is faithful and His word is true. He tells us to ask for wisdom and He will give it liberally. When He says ask and it will be given, seek and we will find, knock and the door will open, we can be confident that He will be true to His word!

When we call – He answers!

“Moreover, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the guard, saying, 2 Thus says the Lord Who made [the earth], the Lord Who formed it to establish it—the Lord is His name: 3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).’” Jeremiah 33:1-3 AMP

When it seems like we are in prison, the prison of our circumstances or the one caused by our limited knowledge or even an actual physical prison, He reminds us of who He is, His power and His willingness to help.

Call on Me and I WILL answer and I will show you the things that were hidden, the things that you don’t recognize or understand. CALL!

And after we call “Be still and know that I am God.”

“Our God says, ‘Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honor me.’ 11 The Lord All-Powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46:10-11 CEV

The wonderful work of the Holy Spirit is to teach us.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:26-27 NKJV

The by-product of God’s wisdom is peace. The Old Testament tells us that we should be led by peace. If we ask for wisdom and it appears we get an answer, but it comes with turmoil and worry that isn’t an answer from God.

“Are any of you wise or sensible? Then show it by living right and by being humble and wise in everything you do…17 But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere. 18 When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice.” James 3:13,17-18 CEV

You have walked with me as I have asked for wisdom this morning but now, I must take my leave and be still and listen. I encourage you to call – He will answer!

Every Day Life

Should be lived with purpose.

“‘I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.’ This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me.‘” Jeremiah 29:11-13 ERV

All through the Bible we find the plans and purposes of God. This morning, I was caught up in the story of Ruth. A story with a purpose.

Ruth was a young widow who left her home country and traveled with her mother-in-law, who was also widowed, back to Israel. Naomi, the mother-in-law, returned broken in spirit. She had nothing; Ruth told her she would go to the fields and gather the grain that was left behind on the ground after the harvesters had gone through. That was the plan.

The owner of the field, Boaz, came to see how his workers were doing and noticed this young woman. When he asked who she was, he learned her story and respected how she was taking care of Naomi. He told her to continue to come to his fields and gather grain. Then Boaz gave this instruction to his foreman.

“And when she got up to glean, Boaz ordered his young men, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. 16 And let fall some handfuls for her on purpose and let them lie there for her to glean, and do not rebuke her.” Ruth 2:15-16 AMPC

The story ends with Boaz and Ruth marrying and having a son named Obed.

“And her neighbor women gave him a name, saying, A son is born to Naomi. They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David [the ancestor of Jesus Christ].” Ruth 4:7 AMPC

God had a purpose for Ruth; a kind and gentle young woman became the mother of the grandfather of David, who then became king and was called a man whose heart was for God.

Life had dealt Ruth a hard hand. Widowed at a young age, an immigrant, the companion to an older woman with no means of support.

 We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.” Romans 8:28 AMPC

Just a couple of final thoughts on all things working together for good. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers that was not good. But God worked it for good when Joseph was elevated to pharaoh’s second in command, and he saved his family from starvation during a famine.

“Then Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am not God! I have no right to punish you. 20 It is true that you planned to do something bad to me. But really, God was planning good things. God’s plan was to use me to save the lives of many people. And that is what happened.” Genesis 50:19-20 ERV

Don’t be afraid to follow God. Live life with purpose, His purpose, because His plan for us is good!

We Have A Purpose

Each one of us have a gifting and a purpose that no one else has. God created us with individualized skills, abilities and passions.

 I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. 12 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers. 13  You will worship me with all your heart, and I will be with you” Jeremiah 29:11-13 CEV

Ask yourself these questions. What am I good at? What do I enjoy doing? The answer to these questions will lead you toward your purpose.

“A body is made up of many parts, and each of them has its own use. That’s how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another.

 God has also given each of us different gifts to use. If we can prophesy, we should do it according to the amount of faith we have. If we can serve others, we should serve. If we can teach, we should teach. If we can encourage others, we should encourage them. If we can give, we should be generous. If we are leaders, we should do our best. If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully.

Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good. 10 Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself. 11 Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. 12 Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying. 13 Take care of God’s needy people and welcome strangers into your home.

14  Ask God to bless everyone who mistreats you. Ask him to bless them and not to curse them. 15  When others are happy, be happy with them, and when they are sad, be sad. 16  Be friendly with everyone. Don’t be proud and feel that you know more than others. Make friends with ordinary people. 17 Don’t mistreat someone who has mistreated you. But try to earn the respect of others, 18 and do your best to live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:4-18 CEV

That simple instruction comes from the Apostle Paul.

Do what you do best – teach, serve, encourage, lead, give. Be sincere, be loving, be persistent, be joyful, be kind, be forgiving. Be friendly.

All of these characteristics are part and parcel of the gifts of the Spirit. When we put them into practice, we are living like God desires us to live and we reflect Him to the world around us.

When I woke this morning, I had this verse on my mind.

“Let my words and my thoughts be pleasing to you, Lord, because you are my mighty rock and my protector.” Psalm 19:14 CEV

Dave and I have a big meeting this morning and it’s important that we let the character of Christ shine in us. Our words and our thoughts need to please Him.

We each have a daily purpose and that’s to let the love of Christ shine!

Falling In Love

Do you remember when you first fell in love? I do.

It’s been over 50 years ago now but I still remember the day I received the first letter that Dave wrote me. It was short and sweet. It changed my life!

I remember us writing several times before our first phone call when we set up a day to meet. He lived 245 miles away. We both had jobs and our schedules had to be worked out. We met the Sunday after Thanksgiving; I was in Yuma with family. It was only 60 miles from Dave lived – perfect!

We spent the day together; it was love at first site! Now I will interject here that I had known Dave for almost 12 years. Our first meeting came when I was 8 years old. He had been my school-girl crush, but this feeling I had was different, it was a confident love that I knew would last a lifetime.

I remember, after that first date, telling my friends at work that I was going to marry him. (He hadn’t asked yet, but I knew he would.) There’s something about being in love that fills you with joy. You just can’t help smiling and telling everyone how special it is.

This morning I was reminded of a verse that tells about joy. See if you think it fits with being in love.

“You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you will bring complete happiness.  Being at your right side will make me happy forever.” Psalm 16:11 ERV

You make me happy forever. Pause and think about that for a moment.

I also remember the first time I realized Jesus loved me, I was a little girl. And then I also remember the first time, as an adult, that I realized God’s love was unconditional and eternal. I remember that although I had strayed in my relationship with Him, He had never strayed from me.

It was then I began to dive into the sweetest love letter ever written, the Bible. The love letters that Dave had written while we were dating were a tangible example of the love that God was telling me about in His letter.

“The Lord came to us from far away, saying, “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. So I have helped you come to Me with loving-kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3 NLV

A love that lasts forever! Joy that lasts forever!

If you have slipped or strayed in your relationship with the Lord let me encourage you to return to the One who loves you the most.

“I love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my safe place, and the One Who takes me out of trouble. My God is my rock, in Whom I am safe. He is my safe-covering, my saving strength, and my strong tower.” Psalm 18:1-2 NLV

The words of a little chorus come to mind: I keep falling in love with Him over and over and over and over again…It gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by, Oh what a love between my Lord and I, I keep falling in love with Him over and over again”.

Maybe today you will fall in love for the first time or maybe it will be the day you fall in love with Him, over again.

Loss, Love & Triumph

Have you ever lost contact with someone you love? Maybe one of you moved and circumstances changed; maybe it was more permanent than that and death is the cause of separation. If that’s the case, then maybe you can understand the story of Joshua.

Joshua lived in Egypt and he was one of the many that Moses delivered from pharaoh’s control. He and Caleb were two of the twelve spies that saw how luscious and productive the land of Israel was; he gave a good report that the others chose to ignore. He became Moses’ assistant and served God with his whole heart. Now Moses had died and the responsibility for taking the Israelites into this new land was his.

“…The Lord said: My servant Moses is dead. Now you must lead Israel across the Jordan River into the land I’m giving to all of you.  Wherever you go, I’ll give you that land, as I promised Moses… Joshua, I will always be with you and help you as I helped Moses, and no one will ever be able to defeat you.

6-8  Long ago I promised the ancestors of Israel that I would give this land to their descendants. So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land. I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:1-9 CEV

For forty years Joshua had seen God’s mighty miracles; for the same time, he had seen the stubbornness of the people. He had stood by Moses, learned from him and now he was on his own to lead. I imagine his sense of loss was almost too much to bear.

But God!

God knew Joshua was in need of encouragement. God knew His plans for Joshua’s future and He knows His plans for us.

“I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.” Jeremiah 29:11 CEV

In a few, power-packed verses, God establishes Joshua’s leadership and declares his victory.

  • I will always be with you
  • I will help you
  • No one will defeat you
  • Be strong. Be Brave
  • Obey My Word
  • Be strong. Be Brave
  • Don’t be discouraged or afraid
  • I will be there to help you

Notice the Lord repeated Himself. He was making a point to Joshua and to us.

 I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

Can you hear God saying to you “be strong, be brave – God, in Christ always leads us to victory”? Sure, there are battles but we will be victorious.

God promised to always be with Joshua and He has made the same promise to us.

 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—” Romans 8:37-38a CEV

Maybe you’ve experienced the loss of someone you loved and depended upon, just like Joshua. Your heavenly Father is there – in your loss to encourage you with His love and lead you to victory!


Yesterday our great granddaughter announced to me that “Christmas is 3 days away”! She was very excited.

I asked how she knew that and she said she had opened her calendar.

Advent. The looking forward to or anticipation of the birth of Christ.

Did you notice that “advent” is the root word for adventure? And what a heavenly adventure it was.

Yesterday we were together with family; the rest of them will be arriving today. I’m so excited for this time to spend with them.

Thinking of our Heavenly Father and how He must feel as He brings each of us to mind. His love is overwhelming, His peace reassuring and His comfort beyond comparing!

I can hear Him saying:

“I love you with an everlasting love” Jeremiah 31:3

“My peace I give to you; peace, be still.” John 14:27

“I will send the Comforter that will abide with you forever” John 14:16

“Let my joy be your strength” Nehemiah 8:10

” I know the thoughts I have for you; thoughts of peace”. Jeremiah 29:11-13

Yes, in the quiet of my morning I can hear my Father speaking to me and He’s speaking to you as well. Enjoy your time with Him. Each day is an amazing advent-ure!

The Gift of God

When our children were little, we began a tradition of passing out the gifts, after Dave had read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

The kids would work together taking presents from under the tree and passing them to their intended recipients. Once all the gifts were distributed, the youngest family member got to open the first present. Then each one of us would open a present, all the time observing the succession of youngest to oldest. And we still do that today.

Even in our leanest years financially there would be more than one gift for them to open. There were gifts!

That was the scene that filled my mind this morning. The gifts.

“God does not change His mind when He chooses men and gives them His gifts. 32 God has said that all men have broken His Law. But He will show loving-kindness on all of them.’ Romans 11:29 & 32 NLV

God has given us His gifts and He doesn’t change His mind. What a thought! It would be cruel to promise a gift and then withhold it. God doesn’t do that.

“Then the Lord said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am watching to see that My Word is completed.’” Jeremiah 1:12 NLV

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will look for Me and find Me, when you look for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLV

I didn’t title this morning’s blog “The Gifts of God” but instead “The Gift of God”, for a reason. Our heavenly Father has many gifts waiting for us – forgiveness, joy, peace, grace, strength, His abiding presence but the many gifts come through “The Gift of God”, Jesus.

“Men become right with God by putting their trust in Jesus Christ. God will accept men if they come this way. All men are the same to God. 23 For all men have sinned and have missed the shining-greatness of God. 24 Anyone can be made right with God by the free gift of His loving-favor. It is Jesus Christ Who bought them with His blood and made them free from their sins.” Romans 3:22-24 NLV

Once we receive the gift of His Son and our forgiveness of sins we are reconciled to God; adopted by Him and become heirs of His promises.

“The yes to all of God’s promises is in Christ. And that is why we say “Amen” through Christ to the glory of God. 21 And God is the one who makes you and us strong in Christ. God is also the one who chose us for his work” II Corinthians 1:20-21 ERV

It’s time to open our hearts to the gift of God, to His Son, Jesus!

Christmas Presence

Christmas time as a retiree is so much different than it was with children in the home. There were school programs to attend and help with, gifts to select for teachers, parties to plan as well as time with family and friends.

Christmas was such a hectic time and it seemed everyone was calling your name – Mom, Kristi, Honey? I think every mom has said at one point, “I’m changing my name”. We say that in jest because we never would but some days, we were just tired and out of answers.

How great to know that there is One who is always there to answer when we call. He never gets tired or falls asleep while we’re talking. He’s interested, He’s concerned and He loves to make time for us.

“Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don’t know and can’t find out.” Jeremiah 33:3 CEV

His names: Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God.

Also Maker, Husband, Lord, Redeemer, Mighty God

” For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5 KJV

His name is Jesus…Savior

“21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 KJV

He is I AM: bread of life, the door, the good shepherd, the way, the truth and the life, the Word, the resurrection, the vine, the friend that sticks closer than a brother!

He is our intercessor, our high priest, the author and finisher of our faith, our healer, our Savior, the Son of God.

” For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin. 16 Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].” Hebrews 4:15-16 AMP

He is Immanuel, “God with us”! Oh, how I love that. He is God who lives with us and in us. We don’t have to wait for a special visitation as the people did in the Old Testament. We don’t have to experience a burning bush, a pillar of fire or a cloud overshadowing. We have His promise of His Christmas Presence.

“This happened as the Lord said it would happen through the early preacher. 23 He said, ‘The young woman, who has never had a man, will give birth to a Son. They will give Him the name Immanuel. This means God with us.'” Matthew 1:22-23 NLV

Who is it you need to talk to today? He is JESUS!