It’s ok to be honest with God? Today’s verses are heart-felt and filled with honesty.
“I lie here like a dying man. Say the word, and I will live again. 26 I told you about my life, and you answered me. Now, teach me your laws. 27 Help me understand your instructions, and I will think about your wonderful teachings. 28 I am sad and tired. Say the word, and make me strong again. 29 Don’t let me live a lie. Guide me with your teachings. 30 I have chosen to be loyal to you. I respect your laws. 31 I follow your rules closely, Lord. Don’t let me be put to shame. 32 I do my best to follow your commands, because you are the one who gives me the desire.” Psalm 119:25-32
I Samuel 30 tells a heart wrenching story. King David and his men had been out fighting and when they returned to their home town of Ziklag they found it had been burned and all the women in the town taken captive; their wives, mothers and daughters. They were distraught and the Scripture says they all cried loudly and they wept until they were weak and could weep no more.
These men, mighty warriors, were so overcome with emotion that their bodies were physically and mentally exhausted and they had no more tears – they were hopeless. Have you ever been there? Almost but not quite to that extent but almost! I can imagine the questions – why God, why? This isn’t right!! WOW! David’s men were ready to stone him they were so sad and angry. Now watch what David did…
“…The men were talking about killing David with stones. This upset David very much, but he found strength in the Lord his God…8 Then David prayed to the Lord.” I Samuel 30:6-8
One version of this verse says David “encouraged” himself in the Lord. In the midst of trouble, he didn’t go seeking advice from Dr. Phil, Oprah, Fox News, his local pastor – he went to the Lord. And the Lord answered him and told him how to overtake his enemies and recover their families and not one life was lost.
I remember one time in particular that I was at a very low point. Things were not good and I was at the end of myself. I was a basket case. I left work and drove to the beach. A friend of mine had told me it was ok to be honest with God; He knew what I was thinking whether I spoke it out loud or not. So there, overlooking the sand and waves, I began to cry.
I told God that he was failing me. I told Him that I had been praying and asking for things to change and He wasn’t answering. I think I even cussed a time or two as I was telling Him how HE was letting me down. And then I got quiet and told the Lord that I knew that He wasn’t the problem. That I had walked with Him long enough to know that He was always honest and that He could never fail – I knew that. So I asked Him to show me my failure and how He wanted me to be going forward.
Peace came. The situation didn’t change immediately but from that day it began to get better…
Back to Psalms. This segment of the chapter conveys heartbreak and disappointment but what it doesn’t do is blame God for the problem. It seeks him for the answer. If we find ourselves blaming God, then He becomes our problem and it makes it very hard to find the right answer. God is the only “right source”.
“Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
In distress and trouble what’s your first reaction – cuss or pray? Cussing doesn’t help – it’s not the answer. Praying brings us to God’s presence and then the Holy Spirit can bring us the answer that we so desperately need. That’s what David did – he let the Lord lead him and he was able to recover everything the enemy had stolen. We have an enemy, a very real enemy. His name is Satan and he tries to steal from us but once we recognize who the enemy is, God will give us wisdom in how to take back what has been stolen.
Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
When Jesus was tempted of Satan, He countered each temptation with “it is written, it is written, it is written”! If Jesus needed to use the word of God, shouldn’t we do the same? We can’t fight with our own weapons, we won’t be successful but when we use God’s we are promised victory.
One of the last things we find in these verses in Psalms is that if we follow God’s word we won’t be put to shame! Follow Him carefully – He’ll never lead you astray.