Grateful for Freedom

I am really glad that our nation recognizes the service, dedication and sacrifice of our service members. We owe an invaluable debt to the men and women who have committed their lives to military service.

Thank you!

A soldier does what the commanding officer says without question or complaint. A soldier goes where they are assigned and does what they are told. They drill constantly while preparing for engagement and follow orders regarding all areas of their military life; eating, sleeping, uniform and tactics. This requires discipline, dedication and selflessness.

“Put up with your share of hardship as a loyal soldier in Christ’s army. Remember: 1) That no soldier on active service gets himself entangled in business, or he will not please his commanding officer. 2) A man who enters an athletic contest wins no prize unless he keeps the rules laid down. 3) Only the man who works on the land has the right to the first share of its produce. Consider these three illustrations of mine and the Lord will help you to understand all that I mean.” II Timothy 2:3-7 Phillips

As we say thank you to our veterans today let me remind you that we too enlisted in service. Each and every one of us who champion the name Christian are also called to be soldiers of faith. We follow the lead of our Commander as we go through basic training and AIT. We are training to serve and protect those believers and unbelievers around us who aren’t ready to take on the enemy. We’ve been called to warfare and if we battle as we were trained we will be able to say “Thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph.”

Turning Pages

This morning I was aware of how much I love picking up my Bible, opening to a book, reading the words and turning the pages. There’s just something about actually having the Bible in my hand that encourages and comforts. It brings me joy!

That’s not to say that I don’t use the on-line Bible apps. You know I do! But they are clinical, study tools, research. My physical, leather-bound, underlined, notes- in-margin Bible is my personal heart connection with the Father.

When I was a little girl in Sunday School we had Bible drills. Did you ever do that? The Sunday School teachers called them sword drills. We would close our Bibles, hands on the cover, and then the teacher would give a verse reference and say “go”. The first kid to find the verse would stand and read it aloud. Those sword drills got us familiar with where the different books were in our Bibles.

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12 NLT

We memorized the books of the Bible in published order, Genesis to Revelation. We learned which books were in the Old Testament and which were in the New and we learned why there was a difference between the two. We were taught who wrote the books under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and some of the back story behind the authors.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” II Timothy 3:16-17 NLT

Have you ever noticed how little children love to have someone read to them? They want to hold the book, look at the pictures, turn the pages…they love to sit on our laps and be involved. Some of my favorite times with my kids and now with my grandchildren is story time. We can read and turn a page but very shortly they want to go back and read it again. We have to look at the pictures and absorb the story!

That’s how I feel when I read my Bible.

I want to live the words written on the pages. Its God’s word to me – it’s personal, very personal.

“Oh, how I love your instructions! I think about them all day long. 98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide. 99 Yes, I have more insight than my teachers, for I am always thinking of your laws. 100 I am even wiser than my elders, for I have kept your commandments. 101 I have refused to walk on any evil path, so that I may remain obedient to your word. 102 I haven’t turned away from your regulations, for you have taught me well. 103 How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” Psalm 119:97-103 NLT

Once when Jesus was teaching, speaking God’s word, the whole crowd got upset with Him and walked away. Jesus asked his disciples if they were going to leave too. Here’s their response:

“Then Jesus said to the twelve followers, “Will you leave Me also?” 68 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, who else can we go to? You have words that give life that lasts forever. 69 We believe and know You are the Christ. You are the Son of the Living God.” John 6:67-69 NLV

These are the words of life – not just for life after we die but for our life here on earth. They are our daily instruction and encouragement.

“My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. 21 Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, 22 for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. 23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:20-23 NLT

Turn the page, read on, we find God’s love written in the whole of Scripture. No other book has stood the test of time – it is the true and living Word of God.

“Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble.” Psalm 119:165 NLV

Turn the Page – the story continues!

Standing Trial

I’ve never been on trial in a courtroom. It must be a desperate feeling to know that you are innocent and have to prove that.

I was reading a few days back some words the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy.

“The first time I defended myself, no one helped me. Everyone left me. I pray that God will forgive them. 17 But the Lord stayed with me. The Lord gave me strength so that I could tell the Good News everywhere. He wanted all those who are not Jews to hear that Good News. So I was saved from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will save me when anyone tries to hurt me. He will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Glory forever and ever be the Lord’s. Amen.” II Timothy 4:16-18 ERV

Paul was on trial a number of times. Each time he was falsely accused and people had been paid to lie so that Paul would be convicted. He says here that everyone left him BUT the Lord stayed with him. Being alone can be a hopeless feeling BUT having the Lord with you brings strength, peace and victory.

Look at Paul’s words – I was saved – He brings me to safety. Praise the Lord!

As I said, I have never been on trial in a courtroom but I have been on trial in the court of public opinion. I’ve had people speak against me, try to defame me and ruin my reputation. Some of the lies cut so deep and the wounds were so severe that I wondered if I would recover.

BUT the Lord stayed with me!

“When men bring you into the synagogues before the leaders and other important men, don’t worry about what you will say. 12 The Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:11-12 ERV

The Holy Spirit is with us at all times and He is our teacher, our comforter and our counsellor. We can trust Him to be our defense.

I’m not sure what you are going through but someone needs to hear this this morning because you feel as if you are on trial and life’s witnesses have lied about you. Be encouraged.

The Lord stayed with you!

The Value of Inheritance

Yesterday morning as I was cleaning house my mind began to think about the inheritance we have as followers of Christ. Strange, right?

Have you seen those shows where people are sought out by someone from a law firm? Someone has died and named them in the will as a beneficiary of their estate. It’s always a feel good story…someone down on their luck, scrapping to get by and then there’s this knock at the door. “We’re so glad we found you! Our client died and you have been left one hundred thousand dollars.” Tears flow, the music swells and there’s lots of hugging.

Or what about those websites you can visit to see if you have any unclaimed money? You know the ones the States have to publish by law so they can return refunds to people; things like utility deposits, inheritances, tax rebates, etc. It’s fun to wonder if someone somewhere has left us something.

They have!

That someone is God, the Father. When Christ died, his will or covenant was initiated and we, who became Christians, are the beneficiaries of the will. We have an inheritance!

15 I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God’s people. 16 So I never stop being grateful for you, as I mention you in my prayers. 17 I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God. 18 My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings (inheritance) that will be yours together with all of God’s people.” Ephesians 1:15-18 CEV

“His glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy.

12 I pray that you will be grateful to God for letting you have part in what he has promised (inheritance) his people in the kingdom of light. 13 God rescued us from the dark power of Satan and brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son, 14 who forgives our sins and sets us free.

These verses, and many others, written by Paul tell us that God has given us an inheritance. Jesus, Himself, told us what we have been given because we choose to follow Him.

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest. ” John 10:10 CEV

A full and abundant life are part of the inheritance God has provided us. He has rescued us from the darkness and the thief who wants to destroy us. Our inheritance includes forgiveness of sin, peace, joy, power, authority, strength, health, provision, protection – it’s all in the Word.

“The Spirit God gave us (inheritance) does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control. II Timothy 1:7 ERV

“The yes to all of God’s promises is in Christ (inheritance). And that is why we say “Amen” through Christ to the glory of God.” II Corinthians 1:20 ERV

It is imperative that we learn what has been given to us and we do that by reading God’s word. I remember the first time I read “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” after realizing this was part of my inheritance.

I wept!

I was overcome by the revelation that Jesus had died that horrible death on the cross and provided me with all the strength I need each day. It was overwhelming to me! Let me leave you with one more verse on our inheritance.

“Remember that in the past you were without Christ. You were not citizens of Israel, and you did not know about the agreements with the promises (inheritance) that God made to his people. You had no hope, and you did not know God. 13 Yes, at one time you were far away from God, but now in Christ Jesus, you are brought near to him. You are brought near to God through the blood sacrifice of Christ.” Ephesians 2:11-13 ERV

It would be irreverent for us to refuse what He died to provide. We have a great inheritance; we have been made joint-heirs with Jesus. Let’s boldly use what He has provided.

To Be or Not To Be

That is the question. What should I be, how should I be, where should I be?

It’s important that we fulfill our destiny. The plan that God has for us isn’t hard to find. All through Scripture we are instructed to be kind, loving, encouraging, truthful, sincere, generous, peacemakers; in essence, examples of Jesus.

This morning I will let the Apostle Paul write the blog for me:

“Each one of us has one body, and that body has many parts. These parts don’t all do the same thing. In the same way, we are many people, but in Christ we are all one body. We are the parts of that body, and each part belongs to all the others.

We all have different gifts. Each gift came because of the grace God gave us. Whoever has the gift of prophecy should use that gift in a way that fits the kind of faith they have. Whoever has the gift of serving should serve. Whoever has the gift of teaching should teach. Whoever has the gift of comforting others should do that. Whoever has the gift of giving to help others should give generously. Whoever has the gift of leading should work hard at it. Whoever has the gift of showing kindness to others should do it gladly.

Your love must be real. Hate what is evil. Do only what is good. 10 Love each other in a way that makes you feel close like brothers and sisters. And give each other more honor than you give yourself. 11 As you serve the Lord, work hard and don’t be lazy. Be excited about serving him! 12 Be happy because of the hope you have. Be patient when you have troubles. Pray all the time. 13 Share with God’s people who need help. Look for people who need help and welcome them into your homes.

14 Wish only good for those who treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not curse them. 15 When others are happy, you should be happy with them. And when others are sad, you should be sad too. 16 Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else.

17 If someone does you wrong, don’t try to pay them back by hurting them. Try to do what everyone thinks is right. 18 Do the best you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:4-18 ERV

When I read this this morning I had to stop and examine my heart. I had to ask the question, “Is this how I’m living? Am I encouraging others, teaching others, being generous and forgiving?” Then I re-read that chapter, in several different versions, each time asking the Holy Spirit to point out areas where I was falling short but He also encouraged me by showing me the things I am doing right. I love that about the Lord – He doesn’t condemn. His instruction is helpful and encouraging. He desires to build us up and not tear us down.

“Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live.” II Timothy 3:16 CEV

I must admit that sometimes I have a problem with verse 14

“Wish only good for those who treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not curse them.” verse 14

But with God’s help I am doing better. Each morning I make that a part of my prayer. “Lord, show me how to be more loving today. I want to constantly be growing and conforming to the life that You have for me.”

I encourage you today to look for situations where you can be an example of Jesus.

Please and Thank You

Yesterday we had a very pleasant experience. We stayed at a Raddison Hotel in Yuma. Everyone we dealt with was very kind and polite. This was such a pleasant change to what we so often experience.

Is it just me or have the rest of you noticed that a large portion of society has forgotten how to be polite? Good manners aren’t archaic; they aren’t old fashion; they should be as en vogue today as they were 100 years ago. Saying please and thank you should be as natural as breathing; showing respect to parents, elders, teachers and those in authority is a sign of good upbringing. We shouldn’t demand, we should ask.

“You can be certain that in the last days there will be some very hard times. 2 People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless, 3 heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything that is good. 4 They will be sneaky, reckless, and puffed up with pride. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. 5 Even though they will make a show of being religious, their religion won’t be real. Don’t have anything to do with such people.” II Timothy 3:1-5 ERV

These verses were written almost 2000 years ago and yet they sound like the reports on the evening news. We need to raise our children and influence our grandchildren to avoid such characteristics as are listed above. It’s not our words that will influence and teach, it’s by our actions. Do you see anything in those verses that would point out areas of correction to you? If so, repent and change. Live a life that will be a walking example to those around you.

Make sure you are thankful to God as well. He and He alone is worthy of all honor and praise and glory!

“Offer praise to God our Savior because of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Before time began and now and forevermore, God is worthy of glory, honor, power, and authority. Amen.” Jude 24-25

Gratitude is a heart condition. Too often we fail to appreciate the kindnesses of others. It’s important that we don’t adopt the attitude that much of society is preaching – entitlement. When we feel we are “owed” something, we’re entitled to it for one reason or another, we often become demanding and rude. We really need to guard against this mindset.

“My dear brothers and sisters, don’t be fooled about this. Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same. God decided to give us life through the true message he sent to us. He wanted us to be the most important of all that he created.” James 1:16-18 ERV

Every good gift we receive comes from our heavenly Father. It may bring it through the hands of an employer, a friend or loved one but ultimately He was the source.

Let’s show our gratitude but expressing sincere appreciation for the likenesses we receive. That way we can be an example of the Father.

It’s Who You Know

The Lord reminded me this morning that although I’m not the richest or most educated person, I have value and worth beyond measure. He reminded me of something that I shared with some of you about three years ago. It’s worth sharing again.

If you have been reading these morning posts for very long you know that I sometimes have a different outlook from those around me. I realized that I don’t know the premise of Batman vs Superman, nor do I know the characters and the plot of Star Wars (none of them). I’ve never read one of the Harry Potter books and I don’t know the name of the American Idol winners, nor those from the Academy Awards, the Grammy’s, the ACM or the Emmy’s.

I don’t remember which team won the Super Bowls or the World Series. I don’t understand the rules of soccer or ice hockey. I’m not up on the lastest fashions or trends on Wall Street.

My goodness there is a lot I don’t know!

However, I do know the Creator of the universe. I know the One who sees the sparrows fall and He knows how many hairs I have on my head. I know the One who gave strength to Samson, gave intellect to Adam so he could name all the plants and animals, I know the architect who gave Noah the plans for the ark.

I know the One who gave Solomon his wisdom and the One who took Elijah home to heaven in a chariot. I know the One who cleansed lepers, raised the dead, healed the sick, provided food for the multitudes and the One who turned water into wine.

I don’t need to book an appointment or acheive to a certain status to talk with the One who is CEO of the universe. I call Him daddy and I can run boldly to Him and He never refuses to see me.

I know the Good Shepherd and He knows me by name. He causes me to lie down in green pastures and He leads me through the valley of the shadow of death.

I know the One who loved me enough to leave heaven, take on the form of man, lived a sinless life, died a sacrifical death and then rose triumphantly just for me. He made me new!

And I know that as much as I know Him now, I want to know Him more.

“I want to belong to him. In Christ I am right with God, but my being right does not come from following the law. It comes from God through faith. God uses my faith in Christ to make me right with him. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him from death. I want to share in his sufferings and be like him even in his death.” Philippians 3:9-10 ERV

I can introduce you to Him if you don’t already know Him. His arms are open wide to all who would come to Him!

” Everything and everyone that the Father has given me will come to me, and I won’t turn any of them away.

38 I didn’t come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, 39 and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost. Instead, he wants me to raise them to life on the last day.” John 6:37-39 CEV

So some may think that I’m not very well informed but I can tell you with certainty that I KNOW the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that is more than enough!

“…nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” II Timothy 1:12 KJV

Proper Input

Last winter while I was working on my book, The Best Gifts of Christmas, I had a time of keyboarding that reminded me how important it was that I pay attention to what I was doing.

I had some handwritten notes and I was reading that text, inputting it word for word, or so I thought until I looked up and saw that my hands had been on the wrong keys. Seriously? I had several pages of jibberish! Absolute nonsense, not one word made any sense.

Our minds are much like the computer I am using to message with right now. They can only produce on screen or in memory what we input. Our minds can be our most valuable ally or our worst enemy, it just depends on how we use it.

God won’t force us to do things against our will. He won’t force us to accept His wonderful gift of salvation, even if it means we will eventually go to hell, and He won’t force us to accept His blessings that He is pouring out in this life either. We must willfully accept all of His provisions for them to work in our lives.

It becomes our responsibility to input the correct information. We move our minds from an adversary to an ally by what we consider. We can think on things that can make us angry and bring fear or we can focus on God’s promises and be filled with peace and joy.

“So I beg you, brothers and sisters, because of the great mercy God has shown us, offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him—an offering that is only for God and pleasing to him. Considering what he has done, it is only right that you should worship him in this way. Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.” Romans 12:1-2 ERV

The Apostle Paul instructs us to give ourselves over to the Lord and He will change us from the inside out. By changing our input and our minds will be renewed.

We should be considering what life will be like in heaven and all that Jesus did to provide this for us – if that’s our focus, we won’t have time to be “considering” thoughts that are contrary to God’s way of thinking.

“You were raised from death with Christ. So live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Think only about what is up there, not what is here on earth. 3 Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God. 4 Yes, Christ is now your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 ERV

It’s imperative that we guard our minds more than we guard our wallets. The damage caused by wrong thinking is more detrimental than loosing our cash. In fact, it’s very similar to spiritual identity theft. Thinking like the world thinks will keep us from realizing all the wonderful blessings that God has provided.

“We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 ERV

Counteract the world’s influence today and live with the proper input.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7

Nervous About Change

The last few weeks Dave and I have been making subtle changes around the house. We’re excited but our little Aussie is unimpressed and in fact, it has made her very nervous.

Last Fall when I started working on the book, The Best Gifts of Christmas, I realized that I didn’t have a quiet place to write. The desk was right out in the middle of all that happens in our home. I kept eyeing this big, under-utilized space called the dining room. In the five plus years we have lived in our home the dining room has only been used about 5 or 6 times. Most of our friends and family would rather eat outside on the patio instead of at the dining room table.

I asked Dave if we could sell the table and convert the dining room to an office. He agreed that was a good idea. Neighbors called one day and wanted to know if we would like an antique roll-top desk. Yes! And so the transformation began.

Two weeks ago the dining room table finally sold. Out it went! In came an oak file cabinet, down went a horse hair hide for the rug and Monday we came home with an oak cabinet that we found in Mesa while visiting Kim and Austin.

Tuesday was the day to move end tables, lamps, books from the bedroom bookcase to the office. So much activity. Vacuuming baseboards and corners. Dusting books and arranging shelves. Trading out tables and lamps. Which one looked best where?

But Glory doesn’t like change!

It makes her nervous. She wants things to stay the same. When things get moved around she has to find a new place to lay. Where does she belong? In all the moving, her favorite place becomes the couch, on my lap when I am sitting down. She has to be close – it’s her comfort zone. I think she feels she is going to get left.

Aren’t we like that?

Change can be unsettling. A new job or school. A new neighborhood or town. A new relationship or marriage. Little kids can be unnerved by a new baby. How do we react when we are emotionally and physically uprooted?

“The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7 ERV

I think we are a lot like Glory. We need comfort, we need reassurance. We need to be close! Close to the Father. We need to know that we haven’t been left on our own to flounder and find our way. We need a place of security – a place to find love and comfort!

“Protect me, God, because I depend on you..Lord, you give me all that I need.
  You support me. You give me my share. My share is wonderful. My inheritance is very beautiful. I praise the Lord because he taught me well. Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind. I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me. So my heart and soul will be very happy. Even my body will live in safety, 10 because you will not leave me in the place of death. You will not let your faithful one rot in the grave. 11 You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you will bring complete happiness. Being at your right side will make me happy forever.” Psalm 16 ERV

That place of comfort is right next to the Father. When we are in His presence we have fullness of joy. He never wanders off or leaves us alone. There may be times that we wonder where He is but it’s because WE have left Him to do our own thing. If that’s the case, then we need to take a lesson from Glory. Jump on the couch and get close.

“So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16 CEV

Don’t let change make you nervous. Draw close to the Father and let Him show you the adventures ahead!

I Had A Dream

I’m still spending time reading about Joseph’s life. This morning Joseph started out in the prison but ended up in the palace. This dramatic turn-of-events happened when Joseph called on God’s wisdom and interpreted the dreams of a cook, a butler and a pharaoh.

One man died, one was restored to palace service and one promoted Joseph to governor of Egypt. Joseph had the boldness to speak what God was showing him about each man’s dream.

“So Pharaoh called Joseph from the prison. The guards quickly got Joseph out of prison. Joseph shaved, put on some clean clothes, and went to see Pharaoh. 15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and no one can explain it for me. I heard that you can explain dreams when someone tells you about them.”

16 Joseph answered, “I cannot! But God can explain the dream for you, Pharaoh.” Genesis 41:4-6 ERV

Joseph had complete confidence that God would give him the answers he needed for the pharaoh. He wasn’t making claims of his own abilities but He was totally dependent on God’s ability to give the pharaoh answers.

How many times are we faced with situations where we need God’s answer? We really shouldn’t be making any decisions large or small without knowing how God is leading. Even our monumental undertakings are small to God, after all, He is the one who created the universe. What could we possibly present to Him that would be overwhelming?

My son, pay attention to what I say. Remember my commands. Listen to wisdom, and do your best to understand. Ask for good judgment. Cry out for understanding. Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God.

The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right. He makes sure that people are treated fairly. He watches over his loyal followers.

If you listen to him, you will understand what is just and fair and how to do what is right. 10 You will gain wisdom, and knowledge will bring you joy.” Proverbs 2:1-10 ERV

There is only one real source of wisdom and that is God. His instruction will make us wiser than any established educational system. His word will give us good judgment and understanding. His word will make us wiser than our teachers. If we neglect to seek God’s word for our answers we can easily be led astray.

God has promised us wisdom, knowledge, instruction and correction when we depend upon His word.

“Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved. 16 Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. 17 The Scriptures train God’s servants to do all kinds of good deeds.” II Timothy 3:15-17 CEV

Each day I am learning to be more dependent on God’s Word. There is no other source; no counsellor, no opinion or instruction that can guide us through life like the Word that God speaks.

The pharaoh recognized that the words Joseph spoke were given by God and didn’t come from conventional wisdom of men.

“The king told Joseph, “God is the one who has shown you these things. No one else is as wise as you are or knows as much as you do. 40 I’m putting you in charge of my palace, and everybody will have to obey you. No one will be over you except me. 41 You are now governor of all Egypt!” Genesis 41:39-41 CEV

Father, I want my words to be like Joseph. I want to hear from you and speak words that will bring life to those around me. Let the words of my mouth please you.