Beautiful Gifts

I was reading this morning of Solomon and his dedication of the Temple. King David, Solomon’s father, had gathered the treasury necessary for building the Temple but the Lord gave the task of construction to Solomon.

When the Temple was finished and the people were gathered for the dedication, Solomon prayed a prayer of thanksgiving honoring the Lord for His faithfulness and for His promise to “dwell” with His people.  And then Solomon prayed over the people of Israel. Look at what he says.

“When Solomon prayed this prayer to the Lord, he was on his knees in front of the Lord’s altar and his arms were raised toward heaven. When he finished praying, he stood up. 55 Then, in a loud voice, he asked God to bless all the people of Israel. Solomon said,

56 ‘Praise the Lord! He promised to give rest to his people, Israel. And he has given us rest! He used his servant Moses and made many good promises to the people of Israel. And he has kept every one of them! 57 I pray that the Lord our God will be with us, as he was with our ancestors. I pray that he will never leave us. 58 I pray that we will turn to him and follow him. Then we will obey all the laws, decisions, and commands that he gave our ancestors. 59 I pray that the Lord our God will always remember this prayer and what I have asked. I pray that he will do these things for his servant, the king, and for his people, Israel. I pray that he will do this every day. 60 If he will do these things, all the people of the world will know that the Lord is the only true God. 61 You people must be loyal and true to the Lord our God. You must always follow and obey all of his laws and commands. You must continue to obey in the future as you do now.” I Kings 8: 54-61 CEV

Here was Solomon’s reminder to the people. “He (God) used his servant Moses and made many good promises to the people of Israel. And He has kept every one of them!”  God keeps His word. He kept it to Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon and the Israelites and He keeps His word to us today.

And here is the key – it isn’t so we can walk around bragging arrogantly about how much the Lord has blessed us but the blessings (gifts) we receive are so the world can know God.

“If he will do these things, all the people of the world will know that the Lord is the only true God.” vs 60

God gives and keeps His word so that all the world will know that the Lord is the only true God! So much in this world changes – you’ve heard it said “everything is relative”. That may apply to man’s plans and programs but not to God.

The word of the Lord stands forever. In our Father, there is no variableness or shadow of turning. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  God’s love, his truth, his mercy and his grace will endure. What greater gifts can we receive from the Lord than His grace, mercy and peace?

“Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from his Son, Jesus Christ, as we live in truth and love.” II John 1:3 ERV

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

John and Peter are telling us the same thing that Solomon told the Israelites at the Temple dedication. God promises to do wonderful things in our life, we are the beneficiaries of His blessings. However, the blessings (gifts) are two-fold. They strengthen and encourage our lives but they also serve as a sign to the world of God’s goodness.

God’s gifts are His promises!

Thank you Father! Heaven and earth may pass away but Your word, your promises, will remain forever!

I Want More

That’s the way my morning prayer time was headed this morning and then the Lord caught me mid-sentence. I was praying, “Lord, I want more of you in my life.”

That’s really not a Scriptural prayer. You see, the Apostle Paul tells us that God the Father has invested all He is in Christ and we are in Christ so we have all of the Father as well.

“I say this because all of God lives in Christ fully, even in his life on earth. 10 And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10 ERV

It’s kind of like another prayer I have often heard. “Lord, be with us” but since God has promised to never leave us or abandon us, and He can’t lie, that prayer isn’t really Scriptural either. However, I completely understand the intent of each of those prayers. Let me share this story with you to explain.

Yesterday, we spent a good portion of time researching our Norwegian heritage. My great grandparents on both sides of the family came from Norway. Something I have always been proud of. My children and grandchildren are too. Our oldest granddaughter is in New York and went to Ellis Island. She wanted to research our family names and see if she could learn more about their arrival in America.

My oldest daughter called me asking questions for her daughter. Then we, my daughter and I, talked with my Mother and my cousin, Sally, who have more knowledge on the family history than I do. They provided some insight. I don’t know how long Lex spent searching the archives but she was able to find some family names registered. It was exciting to all of us.

However, none of the research made us more Norwegian than we had been before the day started but it did give us more knowledge.

And that’s what our prayers of wanting more of the Father and wanting Him to be with us really are. They are prayers for more knowledge that will help us understand and grow deeper in our relationship.

The Apostle Paul prayed this:

“But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him. I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, 11 so that somehow I also may be raised to life.

12 I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. 13 My friends, I don’t feel that I have already arrived. But I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead. 14 I run toward the goal, so that I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize that God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done. 15 All of us who are mature should think in this same way. And if any of you think differently, God will make it clear to you. 16 But we must keep going in the direction that we are now headed.” Philippians 3:7-16 CEV

We should always want more – not that the Father hasn’t given us everything we need because He has. But as we learn more, as we increase in knowledge we also show more of His character to those around us and we understand more of who He is and what He is wanting to do in our lives.

“I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus.

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:2-4 CEV

It seems we all have a desire to know more about our heritage; our story, what makes us unique. So join me today in coming to the Father and saying

“Lord, Father God, I want to know you more. Show me how to increase in my knowledge of You and Your goodness.”

Be Lion-Hearted

Do you remember a couple days ago when I told you that our daughter is teaching our grandson how to write his letters and words? There is a progression that comes with that learning. We start with small words, c-a-t, d-o-g, r-e-d, t-w-o. And then as we go through the years our vocabulary increases and so do the words we learn to spell. Basic education gives way to more intense learning.

The same holds true with our knowledge and growth in spiritual things. We start with the basics. God is good. Jesus loves me. Trust in the Lord.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be to him, now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 ERV

Just like my little grandson is growing in his knowledge, we are to grow in our knowledge of Jesus, the Father and His word. A couple years back I shared with you some insight that the Lord gave me from I Samuel 24. This morning, as part of my systematic reading through the Bible I was reading in I Samuel 24 again and I found myself focusing on David’s reaction to adversity and those who were trying to kill him. I think we always need a reminder of how God wants us to react in stressful situations.

“The sinful run away when no one is trying to catch them, but those who are right with God have as much strength of heart as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 NLV

Let me tell you about a man who had a good heart and knew that he is destined for greatness. He had been assigned a place of leadership, however, the current leader was still actiively fulfilling the role.

The current leader became jealous and did everything he could to destroy his successor. Constantly, he thought of ways to pursue and destroy this man. He enlisted the help of well-meaning by-standers.

The current leader’s pursuit was so relentless that this man with the good heart became exhausted by his efforts to avoid conflict. He let God be his defense and his strength! He didn’t retaliate or bad mouth his pursuer. He did all he could to remain humble and pure of heart.

I’ve been in situations that I know I’m where God called me and when opposition came I cannot say that I remained pure in heart and let God be my defense. I have tried to defend myself – get others to see that I’m right and have fought to prove my point.

I was wrong!

So where is all this coming from? I Samuel. I have been reading how David was anointed king while Saul was still ruling. Then Saul sought to kill David and pursued him relentlessly. David did the honorable thing and avoided capture. Even when David had opportunity to kill Saul, he did not touch him.

“The Lord put you within my grasp today in the cave, but I refused to kill you. I was merciful to you. I said, ‘I won’t hurt my master. Saul is the Lord’s chosen king.’ 11 Look at this piece of cloth in my hand. I cut off the corner of your robe. I could have killed you, but I didn’t. Now, I want you to understand this. I want you to know that I am not planning anything against you. I did nothing wrong to you, but you are hunting me and trying to kill me. 12 Let the Lord be the judge. I hope the Lord will punish you for the wrong you did to me, but I won’t fight you myself. 13 There is an old saying:

‘Bad things come from bad people.’ I haven’t done anything bad, and I won’t hurt you…

16 When David finished speaking, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” Then Saul lifted his voice and began to cry. 17 He said, “You are right, and I am wrong. You were good to me, even though I have been bad to you. 18 You yourself said it when you told me about the good things you did. The Lord put my life in your hands, but you did not kill me. 19 This shows that you are not my enemy. A man doesn’t catch his enemy, and then just let him go. He doesn’t do good things for his enemy. May the Lord reward you for being good to me today. 20 Now, I know that you will become the new king. You will rule the kingdom of Israel.” I Samuel 24:10-20 ERV

I don’t know who is pursuing you today – who is making it their personal vendeta to destroy you but you can trust the Lord to be your strength and your defender.

“Praise the Lord! He has heard my prayer for mercy. 7 The Lord is my strength and shield. I trusted him with all my heart. He helped me, so I am happy. I sing songs of praise to him. 8 The Lord protects his chosen one. He saves him and gives him strength.” Psalm 26:6-8 ERV

If you are going through a particularly tough time right now and feel like you are being harrassed and attacked I encourage you to read I Samuel 18-31. Read how the Lord protected David through all of Saul’s plottings. These words in the Psalms will have greater meaning when you realize the situations that surrounded them.

“I look to the hills! Where will I find help? 2 It will come from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth. 3 The Lord is your protector, and he won’t go to sleep or let you stumble.” Psalm 121:1-3 CEV

Stand strong and see the deliverance that comes from the Lord!

Merit And Grace

Have you ever noticed how so much of our society is based on merit?

Merit: the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

Our salary or income is merit based. We do a good job and we get a raise. We study hard and we get good grades. Even buying groceries or using our credit cards are based on merit; we buy we get rewards. So many things are based on our ability to earn or deserve a reward.

Our relationship with the Lord, on the other hand, is completely based on grace.

“I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about.” Ephesians 2:8-9 ERV

Grace: the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.

Look at all the ways we use the word grace. There is a grace period which allows us to be late on a payment or to use an item without being punished. Royalty and monarchs are often called “your grace”; they give unearned favor to those they rule. “Goodness, Gracious” are more than just two words in a Jerry Lee Lewis song. It’s an expression used to express joy over receiving something good that comes as a complete surprise, completely unexpected. We should be hunting for opportunities to be gracious.

As parents and employers we have a strict duty to keep the line between merit and grace well defined. There are certain standards that we expect those under our leadership to meet; this is merit. Then there are those things that we give unexpectedly, undeservedly and that is grace.

We don’t want our children feeling they have to earn everything they receive based on merit. We want them to know that we take joy in giving them special things, blessings as it were, just because we love them. These things come from a gracious and loving heart. When we do this, we are being an example of our heavenly Father and the way He treats us.

“And before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. This was what God wanted, and it pleased him to do it. And this brings praise to God because of his wonderful grace. God gave that grace to us freely. He gave us that grace in Christ, the one he loves.

In Christ we are made free by his blood sacrifice. We have forgiveness of sins because of God’s rich grace. God gave us that grace fully and freely. With full wisdom and understanding he let us know his secret plan. This was what God wanted, and he planned to do it through Christ.” Ephesians 1:5-9 ERV

In some translations the word grace is called loving-favor, in others it’s kindness. Grace is given freely; we don’t earn it. We can’t! Because we can’t earn grace by the good things we do we can’t lose it either.

“But God was merciful! We were dead because of our sins, but God loved us so much that he made us alive with Christ, and God’s wonderful kindness is what saves you. God raised us from death to life with Christ Jesus, and he has given us a place beside Christ in heaven. God did this so that in the future world he could show how truly good and kind he is to us because of what Christ Jesus has done.” Ephesians 2:5-7 CEV

God is good and kind even when we don’t deserve it. He’s gracious, full of grace, when we need help.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

When we receive God’s grace and experience it personally, we grow. In growing, we become more gracious to those around us.

“Grow in the loving-favor that Christ gives you. Learn to know our Lord Jesus Christ better. He is the One Who saves. May He have all the shining-greatness now and forever. Let it be so.” II Peter 3:18 NLV

I encourage you to live graciously today. Look for opportunities to be grace-filled and avoid making those around you merit your favor!

“The Lord bless you  and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 NIV

Heart To Heart

Technology is wonderful. We can send an email and receive a response in a couple of hours. Better yet, we can text and get an answer in a matter of minutes. These forms of communication are fine but nothing can compare to hearing the voice of a dear friend.

Video chats are nice, phone conversations are great but sitting and talking face to face is over the top!

Face to face conversations involve touch, eye contact, voice inflexion and quality time. These times are the best when building and keeping a relationship. That’s why I love my morning quiet times so much. I get to sit and talk with my heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In my heart and through God’s word, I can hear them speak to me. There’s nothing that compares to these intimate moments of personal communication.

Heart to Heart!

The Father wants to hear what’s on my heart and He wants to share His loving thoughts with me. The depth of that is almost incomprehensible but it’s true. Loving, Almighty God wants to speak with me.

“Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 NLV

The Creator of the Universe is waiting to talk to me and show me the wonderful things that He has done and that He desires to do! And then, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come to remind us of the things that Jesus had taught while He was here. He knew that sometimes we have memory failure and forget so He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper.

“I have told you all these things while I am with you. 26 But the Helper will teach you everything and cause you to remember all that I told you. This Helper is the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name.

27 “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:25-27 ERV

When we find ourselves worrying over a particular situation; work, children, health, finances, relationships, if we pray about it and ask the Lord to remind us of what we need to do, He will be faithful to give us the answers we need. He will bring peace to our lives.

We can talk heart to heart.

I’m sure we all have those close friends whose word we trust. We know they will tell us the truth, they won’t lie. We can place even greater confidence in what God says to us. In all of time, He has never lied and He never will. I remember the first time I read these verses written by John. They seemed too good to be true.

“We believe people when they say something is true. But what God says is more important. And this is what God told us: He told us the truth about his own Son. 10 Whoever believes in the Son of God has the truth that God told us. But people who do not believe God make God a liar, because they do not believe what God told us about his Son. 11 This is what God told us: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life, but whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

13 I write this letter to you who believe in the Son of God. I write so that you will know that you have eternal life now. 14 We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:9-15 ERV

When we place our confidence in Jesus and believe that God sent His Son to be our Savior we receive new life in Him. And if we know that we have new life in Christ, God’s word says we can come to Him, with no doubts, and ask Him for the things we need and He will give them to us. God isn’t looking to withhold things from us; He wants to provide for us and fill our lives with blessing.

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

When we talk to the Father, heart to heart, we won’t be asking for things that are selfish or displease Him instead we will be asking for things that will make our relationship with Him stronger. That pleases Him greatly.

I want you to look at the face of the woman in this image. Do you see the contentment and joy? She is at peace spending time with Jesus. This sense of well-being doesn’t come with a quick text, a short email, a brief call; it comes from spending time face to face and heart to heart.

I’ve prayed for you this morning that you will know that same peace.

Do You Smell Thankful?

I guess the better question would be, what does thankful smell like? According to Scripture it should smell like us.

 I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume. ” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

When we center our focus on Christ and follow His lead He will always – ALWAYS – lead us to victory. With those victories comes our testimony of God’s goodness, His power and His provision. Those testimonies bring the knowledge of Christ to the world and that knowledge brings the smell of a sweet perfume.

So, we have the opportunity to be God’s perfume. Thankfulness should smell like us.

In the Old Testament, when a sacrifice or an offering of thanksgiving was made the priest also burned incense to make the sacrifice smell sweet.

The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to give our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

Dear friends, God is good. So I beg you to offer your bodies to him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That’s the most sensible way to serve God. Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.” Romans 12:1-2 CEV

We give our lives to Him to be molded and used for His honor. As we thank Him for all He has done and the purpose He gives our life, we are a living sacrifice that is pure and pleasing.

The Lord has so many good things in store for us. He created us for good things. He’s not looking to withhold blessings from us, He desires to overflow us with blessings.

I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus. We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:2-4 CEV

Take time to let those verses sink in. We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. Not by our own power but by His. He gave us great and marvelous promises. Now that’s a reason to be thankful. It’s knowledge like this, that God wants us sharing with others.

God doesn’t expect us to live a life that pleases Him on our own. No, He gave us His promise that He would empowered us for the life He called us too.

God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. That’s why he sent Christ to make us what we are.” Ephesians 2:10 CEV

When obstacles, trials and difficult times come, and they will, let’s refrain from complaining and worrying. Instead, let’s use the knowledge that God has provided victory for us through His power and His promises.

That way, we will be the ones who are the sweet smelling perfume of thankfulness.




Changing Seasons

It seems silly to be talking about changing seasons when we live in the desert but here I am doing it anyway.

Our mornings and evenings are turning cooler and the daytime temperatures aren’t quite as high. Yesterday morning I heard the local news anchor claim that it was almost time to break out the parkas because the weather person predicted that all this week temps would be below 100.

Yep, that’s the way it is in the Great Southwest.

But across the country some areas have already had their first dustings of snow. Leaves are turning, harvest is underway, animals are preparing for winter – Fall is in the air.

For everything there is a season. Sounds like a song that Pete Seeger wrote for The Byrds. Turn, Turn, Turn. However, King Solomon wrote it long before Pete Seeger was ever born.

There is a special time for everything. There is a time for everything that happens under heaven. There is a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pick what is planted. There is a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. There is a time to cry, and a time to laugh; a time to have sorrow, and a time to dance. There is a time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to kiss, and a time to turn from kissing. There is a time to try to find, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away. There is a time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; a time to be quiet, and a time to speak. There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 NLV

Many times we try to fight change, we don’t want things to be different. Instead we should be welcoming what God wants to do in our lives; He wants to move us from season to season as we grow in Him.

I was reading in Colossians this morning and these verses jumped off the page.

As you have put your trust in Christ Jesus the Lord to save you from the punishment of sin, now let Him lead you in every step. Have your roots planted deep in Christ. Grow in Him. Get your strength from Him. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Your life should be full of thanks to Him.” Colossians 2:6-7 NLV

Let the Lord lead us in every step.  Through every season the Lord is wanting to direct our lives so that we can continue to grow in Him; gaining strength and developing grateful hearts.

During Autumn and Winter most trees drop their leaves and stop growing upward. There is growth that we do not see; the roots are going deeper into the earth, seeking out water, providing a stable foundation that will sustain it through the cold.

Welcome the change of seasons. As we prepare for the cooler temperatures that are coming,  let’s also take time to prepare our hearts. We should never quit growing. Let our roots go deep and continue to strengthen us with the amazing love of God.

Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 CEV

To everything there is a season…

Watching Them Grow

Yesterday we were at our grandson’s wedding but of course you knew that.

What a beautiful day!

I know it’s cliché, but they grow up so fast. Sitting there on the patio of the wedding venue Dave and I were recalling the times that he had come to visit, fishing trips, Christmases, making jam in the kitchen – the things that make memories for us as grandparents.

Of course we want to see them grow, mature and have many more exciting moments and make lasting memories.

Isn’t that just like our heavenly Father? His desire is to see us grow up and experience the life that He has designed for us. He wants us to dream big and achieve those dreams.

Let’s pray that our young sons will grow like strong plants and that our daughters will be as lovely as columns in the corner of a palace. 13 May our barns be filled with all kinds of crops. May our fields be covered with sheep by the thousands, 14  and every cow have calves.

Don’t let our city be captured or any of us be taken away, and don’t let cries of sorrow be heard in our streets. 15 Our Lord and our God, you give these blessings to all who worship you.” Psalm 144: 12-15 CEV

The Lord gives blessings to all of us who worship Him. I know I’ve said it before but God is more desirous of our success than we are. He has given us all the resources we need to grow in Him.

Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 CEV

Do you see what these verses say? It’s by the kindness and understanding that we receive from the Lord that we grow. Yes, it’s possible to learn from trial and error but God’s plan is that we mature and develop by the good things He provides.

Love should always make us tell the truth. Then we will grow in every way and be more like Christ, the head 16 of the body. Christ holds it together and makes all of its parts work perfectly, as it grows and becomes strong because of love.” Ephesians 4:15-16 CEV

It’s by love that we grow perfectly and become stronger.

I can just hear our heavenly Father say, “I remember when you were little and you came to me wanting to share all of your life’s experiences with me. I’m so glad that you’ve grown up and still want to do that.”

At every stage of life God’s word has a message for us.

I write to you, dear children, because your sins are forgiven through Christ.
13 I write to you, fathers, because you know the one who existed from the beginning. I write to you, young people, because you have defeated the Evil One.
14 I write to you, children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers,
 because you know the one who existed from the beginning. I write to you, young people, because you are strong. The word of God lives in you, and you have defeated the Evil One.” I John 2:12-14 ERV

Thank you Father for all you have done and are still doing to see that I grow up and become like You.

How Much is ALL

Not all of our time in West Glacier was spent working. We did take one day and travel through Glacier National Park. We went on Going to the Sun Road, saw St. Maries Lake and Many Glacier. We stopped at Many Glacier for lunch. The view from the deck of the Lodge was amazing. It was impossible to take in all the beauty.

I kept thinking God made ALL of this. He made if for our enjoyment. All of His creation tells of His glory.

ALL – is an absolute – not some, not part – not by special selection but ALL. The Bible has much to say about all. God loves ALL of us.

“God makes people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. He does this for all who believe in Christ. Everyone is the same. 23 All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:22-24ERV

The righteousness of God, right standing with God, is for ALL and to ALL who will believe because there is no one who has his own righteousness. We have ALL sinned. Our salvation is not predicated on how good we are, our social standing, our financial statement, our academic degrees, political party or our natural citizenship. It is ONLY based on what Jesus did to bring salvation to ALL. Our part is to receive the gift.

More ALL verses to contemplate today.
” Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in him (Christ) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:” Colossians 2:8-10

All God’s fullness of power and deity are in Christ and when we are in Christ we are complete in Him. He invests His fullness in to our lives as well. That’s just too good to be true you might say. Read this:

” and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love. 18 I pray that you and all of God’s people will understand what is called wide or long or high or deep.[19 I want you to know all about Christ’s love, although it is too wonderful to be measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is.” Ephesians 3:17-19 CEV

When we understand the love of God by experience, His true unconditional love, we will be filled with ALL God’s fulness! Amazing!! Amazing grace in giving us freely this gift. The Gospel message really is the nearly too good to be true news!! The Apostle Paul prayed that we would know this fullness of God’s love.

He also gave us a few other absolute “ALL” verses.
” I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength.” Philippians 4:13

” I pray that God will take care of all your needs with the wonderful blessings that come from Christ Jesus! ” Philippians 4:19

If you haven’t accepted God’s free gift of grace that brings salvation, all you have to do is accept it with a sincere heart because it’s available to ALL.

” The Lord is not slow about keeping His promise as some people think. He is waiting for you. The Lord does not want any person to be punished forever. He wants all people to be sorry for their sins and turn from them.” II Peter 3:9

Be ALL God created you to be!

Do You Hear It?

One look at this photograph and you know what I’m going to talk about don’t you?

What do a beeping smoke alarm and the early morning hours have in common? Nothing good!!! Why is it that smoke detectors always seem to wait until the wee hours to chirp or in this case beep intermittently? Trying to tell us it’s time to change the battery but it’s unsettling to say the least…

You probably like me, at one point in time or another you have heard that little chirp coming from your smoke detector, warning you that the battery is low. Or worse yet, you have been frying bacon or burnt some toast only to have the whole thing screech its “something’s on fire” warning so loudly that the entire neighborhood can hear.

Isn’t that the way it is with “warning” devices? They interrupt the normal flow – they come with annoying sounds that set us on edge and that is their purpose. A warning has to be something loud or out of the ordinary so that we stop, look and listen!

Those in the Midwest know they have only minutes to react when they hear the tornado warning. The entire continent of Europe lived in fear of hearing the air raid signal. We hear police sirens, fire trucks and ambulances and move off the roadway when we hear their sirens.

Yes, we are programmed to respond when we hear those warnings!

The same is true in spiritual things. God gives warnings. He sent Moses to the pharaoh; Noah preached to the world during his time; Daniel’s dream told of the fall of the Medo-Persian empire; Jesus came preaching salvation, His second coming and the certainty of the last days.

“Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him in private and asked, “When will this happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?”

4 Jesus answered:

Don’t let anyone fool you. 5 Many will come and claim to be me. They will say that they are the Messiah, and they will fool many people.

6 You will soon hear about wars and threats of wars, but don’t be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but that isn’t the end. 7 Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. People will starve to death, and in some places there will be earthquakes. 8 But this is just the beginning of troubles.

9 You will be arrested, punished, and even killed. Because of me, you will be hated by people of all nations. 10 Many will give up and will betray and hate each other. 11 Many false prophets will come and fool a lot of people. 12 Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others. 13 But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved. 14 When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come.” Matthew 24:3-14 ERV

“The Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe. They will obey spirits that tell lies. And they will follow the teachings of demons. 2 Those teachings come through people who tell lies and trick others. These evil people cannot see what is right and what is wrong. It is like their conscience has been destroyed with a hot iron.” I Timothy 4:1-2 ERV

Things like this are happening all around the world and even in our own country and states. It can be alarming. However, we have no need to fear or be in distress.

“Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, stand up tall and don’t be afraid. Know that it is almost time for God to free you!” Luke 21:27-28 ERV

Don’t be afraid. But also don’t become hard hearted. Some want to withdraw and hide almost paralyzed with fear while others take the attitude that it’s no big deal.

Here’s the good news. The warning signs are given so we won’t loose hope, so we won’t give up.  Life should continue on in a normal way; going to work, doing family things, getting married, raising kids. However, we need to be looking for the day that the Lord will return. Living with an expectancy, knowing that our salvation is secure in Christ and doing those things that honor Him.

The Lord is loving and patient. He wants everyone to have the opportunity to respond to His message of salvation and new life in Christ.

“The Lord isn’t slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives.” II Peter 3:9 CEB

It’s time to look up, the day of HIs coming is soon!