Seeing Things Clearly

Last week I went in for a routine eye exam and the optometrist told me that my vision was improving. Good news. As I sat here this morning I was remembering the exam particulars. “Which is better, A or B? Do so see more clearly with 1 or 2? What is the lowest line you can read on A or B?”

To see things clearly makes all the difference in the world. But even more importantly than seeing things clearly with the natural eye is the ability to see things spiritually clear. There is a song that was written years ago for the musical “Cinderella”. The lyrics go something like this:

“In my own little corner
In my own little chair
I can be whatever I want to be
On the wing of my fancy
I can fly anywhere
And the world will open its arms to me”

The people who surrounded Cinderella told her she wouldn’t amount to anything but she had an inner vision. And that’s how I feel when I open the pages of God’s Word. I can see the Father’s vision of who I am. “I can be whatever HE wants me to be”! So can you.

Our heavenly Father has infused us with His nature, His power, His love. Jesus came to give us new life; a life that is free from fear, a life filled with joy even in adverse circumstances. We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit with the characteristics of our Father.

“From John to the seven churches in Asia. I pray that you  will be blessed with kindness and peace from God, who is and was and is coming. May you receive kindness and peace from the seven spirits before the throne of God. May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins. He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father  as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 1:4-6 CEV

We have been appointed to the role of priests and kings in God’s kingdom. He has given us a book full of precious promises for life in this world.

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

From my “own little corner, on my own little chair” I can see what God has called me to be. I am His; He is my loving Father and He wants me to tell the world of His greatness.

“But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. The Scriptures say, 10 “Once you were nobody.  Now you are God’s people. At one time no one had pity on you. Now God has treated you  with kindness.” I Peter 2:9-10 CEV

Are things coming in to focus for you? Are you beginning to see who God has called you to be? Let’s leave the corner and share with others this wonderful life God has given us – in Christ, our life is so much greater than we first imagined.

Step by Step

The other morning Dave and I were out on our walk and another couple we see quite frequently were also walking. We stopped long enough to say our “good mornings” and she asked if we keep track of how far we have walked. I told her I knew each days’ walking but I wasn’t sure about so far this year.

This morning I decided to find out. I went to the fit bit app and checked it out. I was surprised by what I found; so far this year we have walked 236 miles. Now, if you’re a runner or a workout enthusiast this is far from extraordinary but to this 67 year old great grandmother it is a goodly distance.

But how did it happen? I never could have accomplished this in a week or even a month but over time it adds up. One step at a time; step by step.

And that’s how it is with our Christian walk. It’s step by step. We don’t start out spending hours each day reading the Bible or praying. We don’t conquer fear in one single situation or learn to control our temper with one confrontation. No, it’s step by step.

“Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 CEV

We grow in our understanding of God’s grace and love on a daily basis. When we take time to think about just those two amazing characteristics of our heavenly Father it’s mind boggling. Questions arise: How could He love and forgive me the way He does? Does He never get tired of me and the amount of times I fail? Will I ever exhaust His grace?

Our heavenly Father is the Father of all fathers. Does an earthly parent get tired of helping their child learn to walk? Do they ever just throw up their hands and say “forget it, they’ll never learn”? No! They are there to help, to steady, to encourage until walking is mastered and then it’s on to the next skill that needs to be learned.

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7 NLT

Follow Him! Step by Step – walk with Jesus through the pages of the Bible. Watch Jesus relate to a dishonest tax collector, a prostitute, a man eaten up with leprosy and the easily distracted disciples. It’s here we gain understanding of the love that Jesus freely gives to all of us and it’s here we grow in grace, receiving blessings from the Lord that we don’t deserve and can’t earn.

“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 NLT

Yes, our Christian walk is a growing process. We grow in our understanding of God’s love, His grace and so our faith grows too. Day by day and step by step.

Enjoy the journey!

Welcome the Day

Yesterday morning after I posted the blog, Dave and I headed over to the canyon’s edge for an unobstructed view of the sunrise. It’s amazing to watch the valley floor begin to lighten. The clouds were hanging low over the river, the pastures were green and a golden hue chased away the night’s shadows and welcomed the day.

As the sun rose over the mountains ridge we sat in the truck and thanked our heavenly Father for the beauty of His creation; we thanked Jesus for His sacrifice of death on a cross and we thanked the Holy Spirit for His constant companionship each and every day.

They, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, have an amazing impact in my life each day. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, I am forgiven and have a life that is reconciled to God the Father. The Holy Spirit leads, instructs and gives me guidance from God’s word. My heavenly Father has filled my life with power and purpose.

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” II Corinthians 4:6-7 NLT

God the Father has chosen to invest His power in our lives. He doesn’t want us living a defeated, contrary and worrisome existence. He wants our lives to be filled with hope, joy and peace.

“We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:3-4 CEV

The beauty of each morning’s sunrise is a testament to God’s faithfulness and power. He lights the world for the day’s activities and He has placed the light of His love in our hearts to be a ray of hope to all we meet.

Welcome the day with light of God’s love!

Growth – A Good Thing

This morning I would like to talk to you about growth. Facebook reminded me that five years ago we were just starting construction of our front courtyard wall. There were only a couple native plants, a short little sidewalk and no wall. It was a blank canvas, a barren land.

But Dave and I had a vision of what we wanted it to become and the work was started…

Fast forward to today – five years later we have a beautiful courtyard wall, a long sidewalk, gates, tons of vegetation and benches so we can sit out front and enjoy the view and the solitude.

Change is good! Growth is good!

That got me to thinking. I can look at our front courtyard and our back patio and see growth. How much growth can I see in my spiritual life? I read once that if we aren’t growing everyday in our relationship with the Lord we are regressing because living things grow.

“My dear friends, you have been warned ahead of time! So don’t let the errors of evil people lead you down the wrong path and make you lose your balance. 18 Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:17-18 CEV

Peter had written a letter to Christians everywhere and the verses above were his final admonishment in that letter. This is how he started the letter:

“From Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ. To everyone who shares with us in the privilege of believing that our God and Savior Jesus Christ will do what is just and fair. I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus.” II Peter 1:1-2 CEV

He wanted us ALL to keep learning about God the Father and our Lord Jesus. It is a continuing growth process; the deepening of our relationship. It’s change that is good.

We may not notice the daily growth but it’s happening. Sometimes we hit a “grow spurt” and it seems that we have shot up over night in our knowledge and relationship with the Lord. At other times the growth is gradual, almost unnoticeable until we look back and see how things used to be.

Our responsibility is to stay attached to Jesus. He is the vine from which we draw our life.

“Get your life from Me and I will live in you. No branch can give fruit by itself. It has to get life from the vine. You are able to give fruit only when you have life from Me. I am the Vine and you are the branches. Get your life from Me. Then I will live in you and you will give much fruit. You can do nothing without Me.” John 15:4-5 NLV

When we stay in our relationship with Jesus good fruit will grow! It’s a natural occurrence, just the same as apples and oranges grow on the branches of the tree we will see fruit growing in our lives. Good and beneficial fruit.

“But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, 23 being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things.” Galatians 5:22-23 NLV

Branches naturally grow when they are attached to a strong trunk. There is no stronger trunk (or vine) than Jesus. We can trust Him to produce spiritual growth in us.

Grow today – grow strong – grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour!

Construction Zone

I’ve heard it said that hope is our blueprint and faith is our building materials. We need both, working together to achieve a desired result.

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 NLT

As I was thinking about that this morning my mind came up with several examples of hope and faith working together. The first example comes from God, Himself. He had a blueprint, a hope, for the world He was to create and by faith He spoke out the words and the world was framed. Light be and light was.

“By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.” Hebrews 11:3 NLT

Then there was Noah – God gave him the blue print for the Ark and Noah brought the materials together and made it just as the Lord told him. Moses did the same thing with the tabernacle in the desert. Solomon built the Temple according to the plans that the Lord had given his father, King David.

Peter built the church, the body of believers according to God’s blueprint. Jesus said “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel”, that was the blueprint for world evangelism. Then he told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and “Wait for the power of the Holy Spirit”, that was building material. As soon as Peter received the proper material (the Holy Spirit) he went out and started building, preaching. And that first day 3000 people gave their lives to the Lord, that’s a good first day of construction no matter what project you’re working on.

“On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability…Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”

38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” 40 Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!” 41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.” Acts 2:1-4, 37-41 NLT

From there on out God gave His word, the blueprint for our lives, to those who wrote the Bible and He also gave us the building material we need, the Holy Spirit.

What is it you need to build? It is peace, joy, strength, forgiveness, healing, victory, understanding, etc. Find the blueprint for it in God’s word and then let the power of the Holy Spirit construct what God has promised.

“He gives us everything we need for life and for holy living. He gives it through His great power. As we come to know Him better, we learn that He called us to share His own shining-greatness and perfect life. Through His shining-greatness and perfect life, He has given us promises. These promises are of great worth and no amount of money can buy them. Through these promises you can have God’s own life in you now that you have gotten away from the sinful things of the world which came from wrong desires of the flesh.” II Peter 1:3-4 NLV

God’s plan or blueprint is ALWAYS good! I am determined to let God design and build my life according to His plan.

“Come to Jesus Christ. He is the living stone that people have rejected, but which God has chosen and highly honored. And now you are living stones that are being used to build a spiritual house. You are also a group of holy priests, and with the help of Jesus Christ you will offer sacrifices that please God.” I Peter 2:4-5 CEV

Time to Get Ready

This morning I was reading in the book of Revelation about the heavenly city and how it was prepared like a bride for her bridegroom. It reminded me that six years ago we were preparing for our youngest daughter’s wedding.

“Then I saw New Jerusalem, that holy city, coming down from God in heaven. It was like a bride dressed in her wedding gown and ready to meet her husband.

I heard a loud voice shout from the throne: God’s home is now with his people. He will live with them, and they will be his own. Yes, God will make his home among his people. He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.

Then the one sitting on the throne said: I am making everything new. Write down what I have said. My words are true and can be trusted.” Revelation 21:2-5 CEV

There is so much planning and preparation for that one day, that one very special day!

We as Christians should be preparing too; preparing for a lifetime of eternity in the presence of our loving Bridegroom, Jesus. Our new life in Christ is eternal life and eternal life starts when we accept Him as our Savior. It doesn’t start when we die but it is a life of living in the power and character of Almighty God. We are to be living this out each day with the same excitement and anticipation of a bride waiting for her groom.

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, 4 through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.
5 Because you have these blessings, do all you can to add to your life these things: to your faith add goodness; to your goodness add knowledge; 6 to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add patience; to your patience add devotion to God; 7 to your devotion add kindness toward your brothers and sisters in Christ, and to this kindness add love. 8 If all these things are in you and growing, you will never fail to be useful to God. You will produce the kind of fruit that should come from your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” II Peter 1:3-7

God has provided us with everything we need to be a bride without spot or wrinkle – great and precious promises. As I see it, He has bought us the dress, prepared the venue and hired the caterers. The cake is being decorated and the flowers arranged. It’s time to give Him glory and praise for all He has done.

“ You also know we did everything for you that parents would do for their own children. 12 We begged, encouraged, and urged each of you to live in a way that would honor God. He is the one who chose you to share in his own kingdom and glory.
13 We always thank God that you believed the message we preached. It came from him, and it isn’t something made up by humans. You accepted it as God’s message, and now he is working in you.” I Thessalonians 2:11-13

Time to get ready; our bridegroom is coming!

Facing the Sun

This morning I will be recycling a devotional for the blog from a few years back. Our friends are leaving in a couple hours and I want to send them on their way with a good hearty breakfast. To make the most of my time, I decided to reuse a teaching from the past.

The teachings from God’s word are timeless. This one struck a chord with me – I’m still growing in Christ. That’s something I want to do everyday. I hope you do too.

So many times we think that growing as a Christian means we are becoming more like Jesus in the things we say and do. I believe that should be our goal. For years, I tried to be more like Christ; trying hard to do the right things, keeping my attitude in check, putting others first, etc. I wanted to make sure I was reading my Bible, attending church, tithing, serving; but those things were really works of the my own selfish effort. Those are the things that good Christians do, right?

“Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen” II Peter 3:18 CEV

We are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. That’s where the change comes. My works will be frustrating and futile and my relationship with Him will be shallow but if I allow His word to do work in me, my growth will be permanent and lasting.

God’s amazing grace covers me when I fall, picks me up, encourages me to keep going and not lose hope. When I began to realize what grace truly was, growing in it, my relationship with the Father and with Jesus began to grow.

Knowledge of His deep unconditional love brought me from a place of working for the Lord to letting Him work in and through me.

I love the example that sunflowers give us. Each morning their heads are bowed but as the sun appears they lift and become strong and tall. They face the sun, soaking in its rays, basking in it’s warmth, finding strength. They remind me that each day I should face the Son and let His light change my life.

“Our Lord and our God, you are like the sun and also like a shield. You treat us with kindness and with honor, never denying any good thing to those who live right. 12 Lord God All-Powerful, you bless everyone who trusts you.” Psalm 84:11-12 CEV

Face the Son! You’ll gain strength and warmth from Him.

Beautiful Gifts

I was reading this morning of Solomon and his dedication of the Temple. King David, Solomon’s father, had gathered the treasury necessary for building the Temple but the Lord gave the task of construction to Solomon.

When the Temple was finished and the people were gathered for the dedication, Solomon prayed a prayer of thanksgiving honoring the Lord for His faithfulness and for His promise to “dwell” with His people.  And then Solomon prayed over the people of Israel. Look at what he says.

“When Solomon prayed this prayer to the Lord, he was on his knees in front of the Lord’s altar and his arms were raised toward heaven. When he finished praying, he stood up. 55 Then, in a loud voice, he asked God to bless all the people of Israel. Solomon said,

56 ‘Praise the Lord! He promised to give rest to his people, Israel. And he has given us rest! He used his servant Moses and made many good promises to the people of Israel. And he has kept every one of them! 57 I pray that the Lord our God will be with us, as he was with our ancestors. I pray that he will never leave us. 58 I pray that we will turn to him and follow him. Then we will obey all the laws, decisions, and commands that he gave our ancestors. 59 I pray that the Lord our God will always remember this prayer and what I have asked. I pray that he will do these things for his servant, the king, and for his people, Israel. I pray that he will do this every day. 60 If he will do these things, all the people of the world will know that the Lord is the only true God. 61 You people must be loyal and true to the Lord our God. You must always follow and obey all of his laws and commands. You must continue to obey in the future as you do now.” I Kings 8: 54-61 CEV

Here was Solomon’s reminder to the people. “He (God) used his servant Moses and made many good promises to the people of Israel. And He has kept every one of them!”  God keeps His word. He kept it to Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon and the Israelites and He keeps His word to us today.

And here is the key – it isn’t so we can walk around bragging arrogantly about how much the Lord has blessed us but the blessings (gifts) we receive are so the world can know God.

“If he will do these things, all the people of the world will know that the Lord is the only true God.” vs 60

God gives and keeps His word so that all the world will know that the Lord is the only true God! So much in this world changes – you’ve heard it said “everything is relative”. That may apply to man’s plans and programs but not to God.

The word of the Lord stands forever. In our Father, there is no variableness or shadow of turning. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  God’s love, his truth, his mercy and his grace will endure. What greater gifts can we receive from the Lord than His grace, mercy and peace?

“Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from his Son, Jesus Christ, as we live in truth and love.” II John 1:3 ERV

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

John and Peter are telling us the same thing that Solomon told the Israelites at the Temple dedication. God promises to do wonderful things in our life, we are the beneficiaries of His blessings. However, the blessings (gifts) are two-fold. They strengthen and encourage our lives but they also serve as a sign to the world of God’s goodness.

God’s gifts are His promises!

Thank you Father! Heaven and earth may pass away but Your word, your promises, will remain forever!

I Want More

That’s the way my morning prayer time was headed this morning and then the Lord caught me mid-sentence. I was praying, “Lord, I want more of you in my life.”

That’s really not a Scriptural prayer. You see, the Apostle Paul tells us that God the Father has invested all He is in Christ and we are in Christ so we have all of the Father as well.

“I say this because all of God lives in Christ fully, even in his life on earth. 10 And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10 ERV

It’s kind of like another prayer I have often heard. “Lord, be with us” but since God has promised to never leave us or abandon us, and He can’t lie, that prayer isn’t really Scriptural either. However, I completely understand the intent of each of those prayers. Let me share this story with you to explain.

Yesterday, we spent a good portion of time researching our Norwegian heritage. My great grandparents on both sides of the family came from Norway. Something I have always been proud of. My children and grandchildren are too. Our oldest granddaughter is in New York and went to Ellis Island. She wanted to research our family names and see if she could learn more about their arrival in America.

My oldest daughter called me asking questions for her daughter. Then we, my daughter and I, talked with my Mother and my cousin, Sally, who have more knowledge on the family history than I do. They provided some insight. I don’t know how long Lex spent searching the archives but she was able to find some family names registered. It was exciting to all of us.

However, none of the research made us more Norwegian than we had been before the day started but it did give us more knowledge.

And that’s what our prayers of wanting more of the Father and wanting Him to be with us really are. They are prayers for more knowledge that will help us understand and grow deeper in our relationship.

The Apostle Paul prayed this:

“But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him. I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, 11 so that somehow I also may be raised to life.

12 I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. 13 My friends, I don’t feel that I have already arrived. But I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead. 14 I run toward the goal, so that I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize that God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done. 15 All of us who are mature should think in this same way. And if any of you think differently, God will make it clear to you. 16 But we must keep going in the direction that we are now headed.” Philippians 3:7-16 CEV

We should always want more – not that the Father hasn’t given us everything we need because He has. But as we learn more, as we increase in knowledge we also show more of His character to those around us and we understand more of who He is and what He is wanting to do in our lives.

“I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus.

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:2-4 CEV

It seems we all have a desire to know more about our heritage; our story, what makes us unique. So join me today in coming to the Father and saying

“Lord, Father God, I want to know you more. Show me how to increase in my knowledge of You and Your goodness.”

Be Lion-Hearted

Do you remember a couple days ago when I told you that our daughter is teaching our grandson how to write his letters and words? There is a progression that comes with that learning. We start with small words, c-a-t, d-o-g, r-e-d, t-w-o. And then as we go through the years our vocabulary increases and so do the words we learn to spell. Basic education gives way to more intense learning.

The same holds true with our knowledge and growth in spiritual things. We start with the basics. God is good. Jesus loves me. Trust in the Lord.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be to him, now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 ERV

Just like my little grandson is growing in his knowledge, we are to grow in our knowledge of Jesus, the Father and His word. A couple years back I shared with you some insight that the Lord gave me from I Samuel 24. This morning, as part of my systematic reading through the Bible I was reading in I Samuel 24 again and I found myself focusing on David’s reaction to adversity and those who were trying to kill him. I think we always need a reminder of how God wants us to react in stressful situations.

“The sinful run away when no one is trying to catch them, but those who are right with God have as much strength of heart as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 NLV

Let me tell you about a man who had a good heart and knew that he is destined for greatness. He had been assigned a place of leadership, however, the current leader was still actiively fulfilling the role.

The current leader became jealous and did everything he could to destroy his successor. Constantly, he thought of ways to pursue and destroy this man. He enlisted the help of well-meaning by-standers.

The current leader’s pursuit was so relentless that this man with the good heart became exhausted by his efforts to avoid conflict. He let God be his defense and his strength! He didn’t retaliate or bad mouth his pursuer. He did all he could to remain humble and pure of heart.

I’ve been in situations that I know I’m where God called me and when opposition came I cannot say that I remained pure in heart and let God be my defense. I have tried to defend myself – get others to see that I’m right and have fought to prove my point.

I was wrong!

So where is all this coming from? I Samuel. I have been reading how David was anointed king while Saul was still ruling. Then Saul sought to kill David and pursued him relentlessly. David did the honorable thing and avoided capture. Even when David had opportunity to kill Saul, he did not touch him.

“The Lord put you within my grasp today in the cave, but I refused to kill you. I was merciful to you. I said, ‘I won’t hurt my master. Saul is the Lord’s chosen king.’ 11 Look at this piece of cloth in my hand. I cut off the corner of your robe. I could have killed you, but I didn’t. Now, I want you to understand this. I want you to know that I am not planning anything against you. I did nothing wrong to you, but you are hunting me and trying to kill me. 12 Let the Lord be the judge. I hope the Lord will punish you for the wrong you did to me, but I won’t fight you myself. 13 There is an old saying:

‘Bad things come from bad people.’ I haven’t done anything bad, and I won’t hurt you…

16 When David finished speaking, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” Then Saul lifted his voice and began to cry. 17 He said, “You are right, and I am wrong. You were good to me, even though I have been bad to you. 18 You yourself said it when you told me about the good things you did. The Lord put my life in your hands, but you did not kill me. 19 This shows that you are not my enemy. A man doesn’t catch his enemy, and then just let him go. He doesn’t do good things for his enemy. May the Lord reward you for being good to me today. 20 Now, I know that you will become the new king. You will rule the kingdom of Israel.” I Samuel 24:10-20 ERV

I don’t know who is pursuing you today – who is making it their personal vendeta to destroy you but you can trust the Lord to be your strength and your defender.

“Praise the Lord! He has heard my prayer for mercy. 7 The Lord is my strength and shield. I trusted him with all my heart. He helped me, so I am happy. I sing songs of praise to him. 8 The Lord protects his chosen one. He saves him and gives him strength.” Psalm 26:6-8 ERV

If you are going through a particularly tough time right now and feel like you are being harrassed and attacked I encourage you to read I Samuel 18-31. Read how the Lord protected David through all of Saul’s plottings. These words in the Psalms will have greater meaning when you realize the situations that surrounded them.

“I look to the hills! Where will I find help? 2 It will come from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth. 3 The Lord is your protector, and he won’t go to sleep or let you stumble.” Psalm 121:1-3 CEV

Stand strong and see the deliverance that comes from the Lord!