Wonderful World

I don’t know why my mind goes the places that it does sometimes but when it does, I take the time to ask the Lord what He is showing me and what He wants me to share with others. Today’s it a song from the 1960’s, sung by Louis Armstrong. What A Wonderful World.

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom, for me and for you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white
The bright blessed days, dark sacred nights
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands sayin’ how do you do
They’re really sayin’ I love you

The colors that the Father has infused into creation are amazing!

How many different hues do we see in nature, in the birds, the fish, the flowers and the sky? From the beginning of time, they are how God created them to be.

“God said, ‘I command the earth to produce all kinds of plants, including fruit trees and grain.’ And that’s what happened. 12 The earth produced all kinds of vegetation. God looked at what he had done, and it was good. 13 Evening came, then morning—that was the third day…God said, ‘I command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals, wild animals, and reptiles.’ And that’s what happened. 25 God made every one of them. Then he looked at what he had done, and it was good. 26  God said, ‘Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures.’” Genesis 1;11-26 CEV

He created the world to be filled with beauty.

“The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made.
Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power. You cannot hear them say anything. They don’t make any sound we can hear.
But their message goes throughout the world. Their teaching reaches the ends of the earth.” Psalm 19:1-4 ERV

The message that nature declares is that of God’s greatness! He is worthy to be praised.

Some think of God as being boring or old fashioned. Hardly. There is nothing boring about the beauty of a sunset or a field of wildflowers in bloom. There is nothing passe about the majesty of a waterfall or the brilliance of the Milky Way.

The colors of nature are as timeless and a constant reminder of God’s unconditional love.

 When I look and see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the agreement that continues forever. I will remember the agreement between me and every living thing on the earth. 17 So God said to Noah, ‘This rainbow is proof of the agreement that I made with all living things on earth.’” Genesis 9:16-17 ERV

The colors of the rainbow are a sign of promise. A promise from God that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood. A brilliant, beautiful promise of God’s faithfulness and love.

If the rainbow were only gray and white it wouldn’t make the statement God intended it too. It would be easy to overlook on a rainy day but since it is so brightly colored it stands out in the sky. It draws attention, causing us to look up, take notice – it is declaring God’s message.

What a wonderful world!

It’s Ok to Rest

Yesterday was a full day. Early in the morning we secured everything in the RV and moved from one site to another.

Those of you who are familiar with RV life know that means everything has to be moved off countertops, closets secured, cabinets tightly closed, anything that will move or can fall during tow is in a secure position.

We weren’t moving very far, less than half a mile but still most everything had to be prepared like we were moving three hundred miles. So, around the corner we went, pulled into our new site and then had to reverse the process from an hour before.

Of course, that kind of moving reveals things that haven’t been thoroughly cleaned for a while. I pulled at the rags and cleaners and gave everything a good once over before putting things back in their proper place.

Dave was just as busy on the outside as I was on the inside. When we were done we were tired, but a good tired.

This morning I slept in longer than expected. I woke up foggy headed and sore. As is my normal routine, I had my morning coffee and prayer time and then began making a list of things to do today. That’s when the Lord stopped me.

“By the seventh day God had finished his work, and so he rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it special, because on that day he rested from his work.” Genesis 2:2-3 CEV

It’s ok to rest!

I just about cried. It was as if He was telling me rest is a good thing and I should do it.

“You, Lord, are my shepherd.  I will never be in need. You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water,  and you refresh my life.” Psalm 23:1-3 CEV

I’m not writing this morning to have you feel sorry for me instead I want you to realize that those of you who have been pushing hard to get things done that it’s ok, and much needed, to rest. It’s important that we work with diligence but it’s just as important that we take time to be restored.

” If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29  Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest.” Matthew 11:28-29 CEV

Father, this morning, I come to you on behalf of all those who are weary and unrested. Restore their bodies, their minds and their emotions. Give them peace, joy and strength. Let them find rest in the cool, green pastures of Your provision. In Jesus name, Amen.

Join me – I’ll be resting today and it’s ok.

Shaking in the Wind

Yesterday afternoon we had friends stop by for a visit. It was so good to see them, we always enjoy our time with them.

Somewhere in the conversation we began to talk about hurricanes and tornadoes and the fierce winds that come with them. This morning that conversation ties in with my Bible reading.

“When news reached the royal palace that Syria had joined forces with Israel, King Ahaz and everyone in Judah were so terrified that they shook like trees in a windstorm.

Then the Lord said to me: Take your son Shearjashub and go see King Ahaz. You will find him on the road near the cloth makers’ shops at the end of the canal that brings water from the upper pool. Tell Ahaz to stop worrying. There’s no need for him to be afraid of King Rezin and King Pekah. They are very angry, but they are nothing more than a dying fire. Ahaz doesn’t need to fear” Isaiah 7:2-4 CEV

I’ve seen those trees shake in the wind. And there are times when I have felt fear that has shaken me to my very core. I know, you have too!

There are no words to express the sense of relief and comfort that come from hearing the Lord’s voice say “Stop worrying, there’s no need to fear”.

I struggled for years with fear. Fear of unknown circumstances, fear of people’s opinions, fear of failure. I remember being on a camping trip and we were warned of bears in the area – that brought a whole new kind of fear.

Fear can be immobilizing.

 Late in the afternoon, when the breeze began to blow, the man and woman heard the Lord God walking in the garden. So they hid behind some trees…10 The man answered, ‘I was naked, and when I heard you walking through the garden, I was frightened and hid!'” Genesis 3:8&10 CEV

Fear was one of the first emotions that Adam and Eve experienced in the garden after they sinned. The first was shame followed by fear. Fear has been used by the devil for a very long time.

Ever since that time, God has been saying to mankind “Do not fear”! I know I have told you this before but it bears repeating, Bible scholars tell us that there are approximately 365 verses that tell us not to fear or to be worried.

God wants us to live a worry-free life. He wants us to face our fears and say like King David said:

“The Lord is my light and the One Who saves me. Whom should I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom should I be afraid? When sinful men, and all who hated me, came against me to destroy my flesh, they tripped and fell. Even if an army gathers against me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if war rises against me, I will be sure of You.” Psalm 27:1-3 NLV

When we see trees blown by the wind let it serve as a reminder to us. Stop worrying, do not be afraid.

Spring Training

Right now, Arizona is filled with professional baseball teams. It’s Spring Training!

On any given day baseball fans can go to a number of stadiums and watch the workouts and exhibition games. The teams’ coaches are watching carefully – they will make notes, instruct and critique each players abilities and when Spring Training is over some players will go home, they’ll be cut from the roster.

I remember when I was a kid, I would often be the last one picked for the backyard softball team. I wasn’t very good. I was uncoordinated and couldn’t throw well and my batting skills were less than stellar.

Even now I wouldn’t be chosen for my sense of fashion, education, exceptional good looks, financial status or my athletic abilities. Does that hurt my feelings like it used to? No.

You see I realize that I have been chosen for a team and it’s not because of my talents or abilities but it’s because of the Captain’s amazing love and acceptance.

If you’re feeling left out today, unaccepted, untalented, or lacking, focus on this:

“But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests. You are a holy nation, people who belong to God. He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done. He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light. 10 In the past you were not a special people, but now you are God’s people. Once you had not received mercy, but now God has given you his mercy.” I Peter 2:9-10 ERV

“Just as I swore in the time of Noah that I would never again let a flood cover the earth,
so now I swear that I will never again be angry and punish you. 10 For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,’ says the Lord, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:9-10 NLT

“God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God’s own adopted children. 6 God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God. 7-8 Christ sacrificed his life’s blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding, 9 and by what Christ has done, God has shown us his own mysterious ways.” Ephesians 1:5-9 CEV

“I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” Isaiah 41:13 CEV

“I am with you, and I will protect you everywhere you go. I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised.” Genesis 28:15 ERV

I can hear Jesus speaking these words of acceptance and encouragement. He’s written my name and yours on the roster.

It’s time to swing for the fences because we’ve been chosen by God Almighty!

As We Begin

In the beginning…a New Year, a blank slate, a clean page, a new horizon, a fresh start. How many more clichés can I come up with? You get the point.

Does this year start any differently than those in the past? High expectations are easily replaced by disappointment unless the beginning has a solid foundation.

God is the master of beginnings.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV

“In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.” John 1:1 CEV

The best way to start this new year is to have God in your beginning! God the Father and His creative power is here to fill your beginning. And God the Son, Jesus, the Word, is here as our example of what life is like when we depend upon the Father.

Oh and one more verse.

“But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you.

27 I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:26-27 CEV

The Holy Spirit comes to remind us of what the Jesus taught us about our relationship with the Father. That relationship will bring us peace and freedom from worry. Our heavenly Father desires for us to be worry free. The angels who announced the birth of Jesus said, “Fear not”. The angel who came to both Mary and Joseph first said, “don’t be afraid”. When the storm came up on the sea and the disciples thought they would drown Jesus said, “fear not”.

When God works in our lives He brings peace, not fear.

What a great way to begin this year and it’s a great way to walk through each day. In the beginning is God and He promises to bring us peace.

Happy New Year!

Willing to Wait

Well, this morning we are on our way to visit with our son and his girlfriend for a few days and then with our granddaughter and her family.

It seems I’ve been waiting forever for this day to come.

Waiting is hard, especially at Christmas time. Do you remember being little and having to wait for Christmas morning? Tell me ,why do parents put presents under the tree 3 weeks in advance? Why are we told grandma and grandpa will be here, 2 weeks before they arrive? For little ones that seems like an eternity.

Now, imagine if you will, being Mary on the road from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It was about 120 miles. Each night of the trip she waited for a comfortable bed but there was none. She waswaiting, hoping in all earnestness, for a warm and comfortable bed upon their arrival. But there was none.

Never in her wildest dreams do I think she imagined that she would be giving birth to her first child, God’s Son, in a barn!

 I would have been without hope if I had not believed that I would see the loving-kindness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLV

These words were written by King David but I think they must have also been the words of Mary’s heart.

But Mary wasn’t the only one who had waited for the day of Christ’s birth. God, the Father, had been waiting too. He had been waiting since the days of Adam and Eve in the garden.

 Then the Lord God said to the snake, “Because you have done this, you will be hated and will suffer more than all cattle, and more than every animal of the field. You will go on your stomach and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will make you and the woman hate each other, and your seed and her seed will hate each other. He will crush your head, and you will crush his heel.” Genesis 3:14-15 NLV

These were God’s words of prophecy to the serpent in the garden. The seed of the woman, Christ, would crush the head of the serpent, Satan. Satan’s fate had been sealed! God would have the final word but He had to wait!

Are you waiting for something big to happen? A clear doctor’s report? A new promotion? A vindication among your peers? A restored relationship? Retirement? Graduation?

Don’t get tired in waiting. Don’t try to rush the plans of God. Be patient. Be willing to wait for God’s best, don’t settle for Satan’s counterfeit.

 I wait for the Lord. My soul waits and I hope in His Word. My soul waits for the Lord more than one who watches for the morning; yes, more than one who watches for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord! For there is loving-kindness with the Lord. With Him we are saved for sure.” Psalm 130:5-7 NLV

When we’re willing to wait good things happen. After all, it’s almost Christmas!

Grateful for Friends

The last couple of days Dave and I have been visiting friends. It has been wonderful!

We left home on Thursday morning stopping in Tucson and spending time with old friends. Then on down the road and another short visit with friends and neighbors. We spent time with family and then the last two nights and a day in the home of more friends, enjoying their company.

Last night we gathered for a time of feasting where we made some new friends. It was a great time for us. We felt part of the family, We shared delicious food, the joy and the laughter, the hopes and the dreams. It was wonderful!

It’s amazing how God’s love knits hearts together.

Do me a favor. Stop for a moment and think about the friends you hold dear. As their names and faces are fore front in your mind pray for them and thank God for them. Now, think about the qualities in your relationship with them. What makes them the special friends they are?

Those qualities and those people are a blessing from the Lord! They are a gift.

Did you know that God has friends? The Bible tells us that Abraham was a friend of God. Jesus said to his disciples that they were friends.

 You are My friends if you do what I tell you. 15 I do not call you servants that I own anymore. A servant does not know what his owner is doing. I call you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from My Father. 16 You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. I have set you apart for the work of bringing in fruit. Your fruit should last. And whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” John 15:14-16 NLV

How great it is to be called God’s friend!

Friends share heart to heart, they share one another’s sorrows, they encourage and build one another up. It’s a relationship of giving, of openness, of loving.

“A friend loves at all times…” Proverbs 17:17 NLV

“A man who has friends must be a friend, but there is a friend who stays nearer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 NLV

We have a friend in Christ – a friend who loves at all times, a friend who stays close by in every situation.

The warmth of last evening will be with me for a very long time. It is imprinted on my heart. It is just another confirmation of how dearly the Father loves me. It is also a reminder of the type of daily relationship He wants to share with me. Jesus said he wasn’t keeping secrets from his friends. God said the same about Abraham, his friend.

“And the Lord said, “Should I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 since Abraham will become a great and powerful nation, because good will come to all the nations of the earth through him? ” Genesis 18:17-18 NLV

I truly believe that God wants to say about each one of us what He said about and experienced with Abraham. He desires to share His heart with us, to not only be our Father but our friend.

Yes, I am grateful for friendship!

A Beautiful Reflection

Yesterday we spent the day at the NASCAR track in Arizona. For as many years as Dave and I have been married, NASCAR racing has been a passion for both of us. The last several years we have had the privilege of going to the races here in Phoenix and our oldest daughter and son-in-law have attended them with us.

Last night on our way back to their camper the sun was beginning to set and the sky was filled with hues of gold and pink. As we turned in to their campsite I captured this image. It was so striking!

The first thing I noticed was the reflection the sun had created in the windows. WOW!

Each time I woke up during the night that reflective image kept coming to mind. I had to share it with you. These are the verses I found that I felt the Lord wanted me to share with you as well.

“So God created humans in his own image. He created them to be like himself. He created them male and female. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:27-28 ERV

God created us in His own image, a reflection of Him, so to speak.

Then I found these words that Solomon wrote.

 Just as you can see your own face reflected in water, so your heart reflects the kind of person you are.” Proverbs 27:19 ERV

Our hearts should reflect our character and our character should reflect the nature of God.

“The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s nature, and he holds everything together by his powerful command. The Son made people clean from their sins. Then he sat down at the right side of God, the Great One in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3 ERV

Just as Jesus reflected God’s glory and nature, we should reflect that as well. God has filled our life with His nature through the promises of in His Word.

“Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, through which he also gave us the very great and rich gifts that he promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like God. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of the evil things they want.” II Peter 1:3-4 ERV

Let’s reflect the goodness of God’s character in all we do!

When Things Go Wrong…

God is good and has a plan. This is the story of Joseph’s life.

Most of us experience things that go wrong. Troubles with our family, losing a job, being falsely accused, some even face imprisonment. How do we handle the adversities of life? Do we get angry with God? Do we blame him? Or do we keep our eyes and heart focused directly on God and His goodness?

Joseph was a young man with a purpose. God had given him a dream when he was just a teenager. He shared that dream with his family and he was ridiculed, even hated by some. Here’s how his life went for the next 13 years.

His brothers sold him to slave traders. They sold him to a captain in the Egyptian army. The captain’s wife accused him of rape. He was sent to prison. While in prison he met the baker and the butler for the pharaoh. They had dreams and Joseph interpreted the dreams. The butler returned to the palace but the baker was hanged. The butler had promised to tell the pharaoh about Joseph but he forgot, for 2 years. Then he remembered…

The pharaoh brought Joseph to the palace and promoted him to second in command of all of Egypt. Joseph ruled wisely through the famine. Enter his brothers asking for food. What did Joseph do? They had sold him into slavery 13 years before.

“Then Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am not God! I have no right to punish you. 20 It is true that you planned to do something bad to me. But really, God was planning good things. God’s plan was to use me to save the lives of many people. And that is what happened. 21 So don’t be afraid. I will take care of you and your children.” And so Joseph said kind things to his brothers, and this made them feel better.” Genesis 50:19-21 ERV

What do we do when things go wrong? In all those years Joseph never turned his back on God and apparently, he never let his heart get bitter toward his brothers. He kept his heart pure.

God is good and His plans for us are too.

 I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. 12 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers. 13  You will worship me with all your heart, and I will be with you.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 CEV

We may not feel things are going right but God is working. His plans are for our success. He hasn’t planned for us to fail!

The Changing Lane

Last night we had a “good-bye” dinner for some of our host friends who will be leaving the mountain the end of this week. Things are beginning to change.

Each day we become more visually aware that Autumn is here and our mountain life is changing. I feel blessed that we are here to see God’s design of changing seasons but the goodbyes do tug at my heart.

“And evening passed and morning came, marking the third day. 14 Then God said, ‘Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years. 15 Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.’ And that is what happened.” Genesis 1:13-15 NLT

From the beginning the change of seasons was in His plan. It was established by His word and it has not changed. The Father’s faithfulness is unchanging.

“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT

Faithful and unfailing.

The question that came to mind the other day as I was driving up the lane to our campground was how many times have these trees’ leaves changed? Season after season, year after year, they from green to yellow and gold and then they fall to the ground, only to bud again in the Spring. They are a part of God’s plan and design. It was spoken at the beginning of time and the life of each subsequent generation of trees follows suit.

Why? Because God’s word established it. Established it in the same way that He established his love and faithfulness.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules about food, which don’t help those who follow them.” Hebrews 13:8-9 NLT

Jesus is always the same. Period. He does not change, season after season, year after year He remains the same. He is our example of the Father’s unfailing love, mercy and grace. His eternal purpose is to bring us into relationship with the Father. Our strength comes from God’s grace.

Our lane changes from green to gold. Some trees die and then new saplings sprout. One day it will all be gone but we have God’s promise that his word will never pass away.

“Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.” Matthew 24:35 NLT

When we put our faith and trust in Him, we have the promise of eternal life; a life in heaven surrounded by beauty, in the presence of God, Himself!

If you have trouble with change, put your hope in the One who never changes and whose Word will last forever.