Open Invitation

I hope your Christmas Day was filled with the love of family and friends. Acknowledging the birth of our Savior is just the beginning of what our heavenly Father has in store for us.

The shepherds went to a manger but we are invited to the throne room.

In my reading this morning, I came across two references to the throne and those verses brought one more to mind. Let me share them with you.

Esther was queen to the King of Susa. Because of the influence of one of his evil advisors the king had allowed an edict which authorized the murder of all Jews in Susa. Esther was a Jew; her relative Mordecai told her of the edict and that she must do something to save her people. This was Esther’s response to Mordecai:

“Then Esther told Hathach to say this to Mordecai: 11 “Mordecai, all the king’s leaders and all the people of the king’s provinces know this: The king has one law for any man or woman who goes to the king without being called. That person must be put to death unless the king holds out his gold scepter to them. If the king does this, that person’s life will be saved. And I have not been called to go see the king for 30 days…After we fast, I will go to the king. I know it is against the law to go to the king if he didn’t call me, but I will do it anyway. If I die, I die.” Esther 4:10,11, 16 ERV

Esther did go before the king, he held out is scepter and she was able to save her people. It’s a great short story. (You should read the book of Esther.)

The next reference comes from my reading in Psalm 123.

“Lord, I look up and pray to you. You sit as King in heaven. A slave looks to his master to provide what he needs, and a servant girl depends on the woman she serves. So we depend on the Lord our God, waiting for him to have mercy on us.” Psalm 123:1-2 ERV

The Israelites recognized God as their ultimate King. They came to Him in their time of need, waiting on Him to provide.

These two references tie in with one of my favorite passages in Hebrews. Jesus provides us with an open invitation to come boldly into God’s throne room. We don’t have to be timid or apprehensive about coming to God. We don’t have to be afraid that He won’t “hold out his scepter”.

“Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:15-16 ERV

Our relationship with Jesus brings us directly into the presence of God. We are welcome there. We can come freely, without hesitation, and find grace, mercy and kindness to help.

Because of Jesus we have an open invitation!

A Strong Heart

This morning my Bible reading took me to two different stories in the Old Testament. The main character of the first story was David and the second story had a female heroine named Esther.

Both of these people displayed strength of character, they had strong hearts.

David was just a young man when he went to visit his brothers on the battlefield. The entire army of Israel stood paralyzed by fear because of one man, Goliath. Enter David. He had a confidence in the Lord, his God. He knew God could and can do anything, so instead of letting fear control him, he moved forward with a heart full of faith and defeated the enemy.

 David said to the Philistine, “You come to me using sword, spear, and javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord All-Powerful, the God of the armies of Israel. You have said bad things about him. 46 Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

Esther was a young Jewish girl who had been taken captive to Persia, along with many of her countrymen. Through a series of God-directed events, she became the queen. An evil man, Haman, had persuaded the king to write an edict condemning all the Jews to death. Esther asked all the Jews to pray for her so that she would have favor when approaching the king to have the edict overturned.

 Then Esther sent this answer to Mordecai: “Mordecai, go and get all the Jews in Susa together, and fast for me. Don’t eat or drink for three days and nights. I and my women servants will fast too. After we fast, I will go to the king. I know it is against the law to go to the king if he didn’t call me, but I will do it anyway. If I die, I die.” Esther 4:15-16 ERV

Esther was granted an audience with the king and she explained the plot that had been conspired against her people. Haman was hanged and the plot against the Jews was reversed. It happened because a young woman had a bold heart and a desire to honor God.

Both David and Esther could have been totally consumed by fear and their stories would have had an entirely different ending. BUT…they didn’t. They trusted in the Lord, their God.

“Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:13-14 KJV

Keep me from the presumptuous sin of fear – don’t let it control me! What a challenging prayer. Let my heart meditate on You, Lord. You are my strength and the One who saves me.

These were the thoughts of both David and Esther.

Lord, may these be our thoughts today. May we overcome fear by meditating on You. Strengthen our hearts this day!

Getting Ready to Leave

We only have a couple days left on the mountain, the place that has been our home for the last four and a half months. It’s been hard to say good-bye to friends and there are still good-byes to be said.

Yesterday, we spent time in the campground, going from campsite to campsite, making notes of things that need to be improved upon before the next camping season. We visited with the two families of campers that are still here. Only the hardy, with good generators, are here now. We had snow on Tuesday and the night time temperature dropped to 18*.

After that, there was the check-in station to finish packing up; all the bookwork and supplies have to be moved to the administration building. Bulletin boards, signs and windows have to be covered and there was one final load of laundry that needed to be done.

Almost all of the preparations have been made.

We have also taken time to pack away our own things – the bar-b-q, the outdoor canopy, and chairs. The closets have been rearranged, the cupboards straighten, awnings are pulled in, things are stowed away and secured. A little more cleaning and another load of laundry and we’ll be ready to pull out.

I began thinking of all the people in the Bible who had to leave some place they were accustomed too; Abraham and Sarah had to leave, Rebekah left her home to join her husband, Jacob’s whole family left their home to join Joseph in Egypt. Samuel left his mother and father to go to the Temple, Ruth left her home to follow her mother-in-law, Esther left her uncle to go to the King’s palace, Peter left his fishing business to follow Jesus, Paul left his place as an important member of Jewish society to become an itinerate preacher and Jesus left heaven to come to earth.

All of their leavings had a purpose. Esther was placed in the palace as queen by divine providence. She was used to save her people from genocide.

“And who knows, maybe you have been chosen to be the queen for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b ERV

I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for every life, including yours and mine!

“I say this because I know the plans that I have for you. This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me.'” Jeremiah 29:11-13 ERV

Maybe your circumstances are changing too. You are making preparation for a new home, a new job, a new life. There can be insecurity and apprehension in this but when we trust the Lord, He will give us peace and direction.

None of us know exactly how the Lord will use us from day to day but we can be certain that His plan for us is good. Each one of us should always “be prepared for leaving” the old and embracing the new as we follow the Lord’s leading.


A few days ago I visited my neighbor and she couldn’t wait to show me the kitchen table they had built. She told me how just the day before they had put on the third coat of sealer. Now it was fully protected and she didn’t have to be concerned about water rings or food stains getting through and spoiling the surface of the wood.

It was sealed!

That’s an interesting word – sealed. There are so many different pictures that come to mind. A letter can be sealed to keep it’s contents private. If you have a tent you will certainly want to make sure the seams are sealed so the rain water doesn’t get in. Concrete floors and counter tops are sealed just like the wood of my neighbors table. Food packages are sealed. Medicine is sealed. Sweaters are sealed in bags.

The sealing serves a purpose – protection. Protection from destruction or contamination. It also denotes importance.

When treaties were struck or laws were written the king’s seal was placed on the document to verify that it had come from his hand. The most trusted advisor was the one in the king’s court who had access to the king’s ring and his seal.

“The decree was written in the name of King Xerxes and sealed with the king’s signet ring. Mordecai sent the dispatches by swift messengers, who rode fast horses especially bred for the king’s service.” Esther 8:10 NLT

Kings continued to use seals up to the 1800’s. And then nations developed seals, we have the great seal of the United States.

But there is another kind of seal, it’s the seal that God the Father puts on us, his children; it’s a seal of protection and a seal of importance.

“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, 22 who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” II Corinthians 1:21-22 NKJV

or in more modern language: “God is the One Who makes our faith and your faith strong in Christ. He has set us apart for Himself. 22 He has put His mark on us to show we belong to Him. His Spirit is in our hearts to prove this.” II Corinthians 1:21-22 NLT

The seal that God has put on our lives shows that we belong to Him, the Holy Spirit living in us proves that.

“It is the same with you. You heard the true message, the Good News about the way God saves you. When you heard that Good News, you believed in Christ. And in Christ, God put his special mark (seal) on you by giving you the Holy Spirit that he promised. 14 The Spirit is the first payment that guarantees we will get all that God has for us. Then we will enjoy complete freedom as people who belong to him. The goal for all of us is the praise of God in all his glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14 ERV

Jesus said that the reason Holy Spirit came was to be our comforter, our helper, our teacher. He is the seal that shows we are valuable to God and He brings the Father’s goodness and blessings to our lives.

“Do not make God’s Holy Spirit have sorrow for the way you live. The Holy Spirit has put a mark on you for the day you will be set free. 31 Put out of your life all these things: bad feelings about other people, anger, temper, loud talk, bad talk which hurts other people, and bad feelings which hurt other people. 32 You must be kind to each other. Think of the other person. Forgive other people just as God forgave you because of Christ’s death on the cross.” Ephesians 4:30-32 NLV

When I read this verse I am reminded of my friend’s table. The wood has been sanded, several times, removing the elements that made it ugly and rough. The surface was smoothed and cleaned showing the beauty that was beneath the surface. Then it was SEALED to protect the beauty and the quality of the wood.

We are to remove those things that make our lives ugly. Then we let Holy Spirit “seal” us for our protection and preservation. Our beauty will shine through, it’s the beauty of a life filled with Christ.

There will be times when our surface gets dusty and dirty by the things we say and do. We will need to be cleansed by repentance but we are sealed by the Spirit of God and our beauty will remain protected. We are God’s workmanship, He created us for good things.

“God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 ERV

Speak Up

I was thinking about Esther this morning. A young girl in a foreign land and she changed her world!

Her story can be read in the book with her name. The book of Esther is only 10 chapters long. It’s an easy read and I encourage you to take time to learn about this courageous young woman.

Esther was raised by her uncle, Mordecai, after her parents had died. She was a Jewish girl being raised in captivity in Persia. The Scripture says that she was very beautiful.

King Xerxes had thrown a party for all of his leaders; governors and officials, military commanders and anyone with influence. This was a display of Xerxes wealth and the greatest of his kingdom. We are told the display lasted for 180 days. A 6 month party.

While the men were being entertained by King Xerxes the women were spending time with their hostess, Queen Vashti. It was a jubilant time.

About 7 days into the celebration, the king called for his queen. He wanted her to wear her crown and show off her beauty. She refused his command. King Xerxes became very angry and he wrote a law saying that Queen Vashti would never see his face again. He divorced her and had her removed.

Now all this is in the first chapter…A search was made for the most beautiful women in the land. The king would choose someone to replace Vashti. Esther was brought to the palace with many other young women. They went through a year of beauty treatments and then were brought before the king.

Now I hope that’s enough to wet your appetite to read more of the story. Remember Esther was a Jewish girl in a foreign country being brought before the king. What an amazing story!

So what has all this got to do with speaking up?  We’ll get there.

After she was selected as queen, Esther’s uncle learned of a plot to destroy all the Jews in Persia. He came to Esther and told her that she must speak for her people.

One of my favorite verses in the book of Esther is this. Mordecai sent her this message.

Mordecai answered, “Do not think that you in the king’s special house will live any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you keep quiet at this time, help will come to the Jews from another place. But you and your father’s house will be destroyed. Who knows if you have not become queen for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:13-14 NLV

“Have you become queen for such a time as this?” Destiny. God’s plan for Esther was evident to her uncle. She had a purpose, she needed to speak up to save her people.

Have you ever felt you should speak up about something but fear kept you from it?

 What is the purpose and plan that God has ordained for you? Esther’s uncle said if SHE didn’t step forward that God would provide someone else as a deliverer.

King David proclaimed:

The Lord’s arm is raised in victory. The Lord has shown his great power again. 17 I will live and not die, and I will tell what the Lord has done.” Psalm 118:16-17 ERV

What is it that God has asked you to declare? Your testimony of God’s goodness and love could be the very thing that will keep someone from falling into discouragement, depression, self-pity or loneliness.

Look for your purpose and plan today. Let God work through you to bring deliverance to those around you. Speak up!

You are here “for such a time as this”.