I Want It All

Let’s jump right in to the verses for today.

“Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words. 58 I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word. 59 I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. 60 I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.61 The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law. 62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. 63 I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts. 64 The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.” Psalm 119:57-64

I find it hard to get passed the first verse. This phrase “thou art my portion” reminds me of a pie. I know, a pie. I heard my Dad say on numerous occasions “the only problem with a pie is that you cut it, just give me a fork and I’ll eat the whole thing”. That’s how I see this verse about God’s word – when asked “how big a portion do you want” the answer came back “the Lord is my portion, just give me the whole thing, I don’t need anything else but Him.”

Jesus said that He was the bread of life. If we eat of Him we will never hunger. “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

The manna that fell from heaven in the wilderness was a sign to the Israelites that God would be the one to sustain their life. Every man was to take the same amount of manna in the morning and the evening and there was always enough for everyone to eat their fill. That’s the way it is with God’s word; we all come to “eat” of His word and there’s enough for everyone, for each day, for every need.

The word mercy used in the next verse is translated “love” in other versions. I like the word mercy. Mercy is God not giving us what we deserve! The Apostle Paul put it this way “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 It doesn’t matter if you are the best sinner to have ever lived, you have still sinned and need God’s mercy. Yes, mercy definitely is love in action but it conveys a deeper meaning.

David says that he thought on God’s ways and made “haste” and didn’t delay in keeping His commands. Again, this reminds me of when David committed adultery with Bathsheba. He learned that she was pregnant and to cover his guilt he called her husband home from war hoping that he would sleep with his wife and then think the child she was carrying belonged to him, her husband. But her husband chose to stay faithful to the men in battle and wouldn’t allow himself the luxury of his wife’s presence. So David sent him back to battle with a letter that told the general to put Bathsheba’s husband on the frontlines where he would surely be killed and he was. Then David took her as his wife.

WOW! They could write a soap opera on that one. David was confronted by Nathan the prophet and when his sin was exposed, he repented immediately!

Yes, David knew a thing or two about God’s mercy and about repenting quickly.

Again, David refers back to his enemies and their attacks. But he knew the Lord would deliver him. Remember what he said in Psalm 23 – “if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. You prepare a table (a banquet) before me in the presence of my enemies”? He knew that God was his protector and provider – his source of strength against his enemies. No fear here.

If things do bother you and you can’t sleep do what David wrote about. Get up at midnight and praise the Lord. I guarantee that after praising God at midnight you will rest well.

Paul and Silas were in a prison cell and they lived out this verse. Praising God at midnight, after they had been beaten and imprisoned, caused an earthquake and their chains fell off – yes, there is power in praise! We can either worry half the night or praise; I like praise better.

“After they had been badly beaten, they were put in jail, and the jailer was told to guard them carefully. 24 The jailer did as he was told. He put them deep inside the jail and chained their feet to heavy blocks of wood.

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.” Acts 16:23-26 CEV

Next, we have a reminder about the company we keep. Every mother has probably made this comment “choose your friends wisely or you may wind up in trouble”. When we choose godly friends we have someone we can talk about God’s word with; someone to help us grow and encourage us.

And finally, we have another reminder of God’s mercy; it fills the earth. Before Jesus came to earth to live and die people lived under God’s mercy and now after Jesus came we live under God’s grace. Grace is receiving blessings from God what we don’t deserve! Now that’s something to praise Him for.

Have some of that banquet that He has prepared for you – make God your portion!

The Gift of the Invitation

Christmas is a time when there seems to be worldwide celebration. It’s not just an American, British, Chinese, Japanese, Asian or European holiday – it belongs to all of us. Just like Jesus!

Remember the words of the angels:

“An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord was shining around them. The shepherds were very afraid. 10 The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid. I have some very good news for you—news that will make everyone happy.” Luke 2:9-10 ERV

The message was to ALL people – A-L-L or as in the verse above to everyone. So that means you and I are in that grouping. No one has been left out. Good news to all! I love that, God’s gift was exclusively inclusive.

“God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” John 3:16 ERV

God’s love extends to everyone in the world. Some Christmas parties are only for those who belong to a certain company or club; others are for a particular group of neighbors or friends. Some have special printed invitations that are proof that you have been invited and deserve admittance but God offers an ALL invitation.

“Then the Lord will save everyone who asks for his help.” Acts 2:21 ERV

“The Lord isn’t slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.” II Peter 3:9 ERV

I encourage you today to RSVP to the invitation you been given. There will be a great celebration and all of heaven is waiting for your acceptance.

“Then you will call in your friends and neighbors and say, “Let’s celebrate! I’ve found my lost sheep.”

7 Jesus said, “In the same way there is more happiness in heaven because of one sinner who turns to God than over ninety-nine good people who don’t need to.” Luke 15:6-7 CEV

God’s plan for us is to have a good and joyful life. The angels said the news that brought would bring great joy. Jesus said he came to give us a full and abundant life.

“10 A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

God has given you the invitation, I encourage you to accept the Gift and receive the abundant life that He desires you to have!

Have a joy-filled Christmas.

Thankful that His Love Has No End

I woke up this morning and lay in bed for a while thinking – my mind filled with beautiful thoughts; a Montana sunrise, an Arizona sunset, snow sparkling on the branches of a fir tree, a baby’s smile, my husband’s blue eyes, a cup of steaming hot coffee, a plate full of rolled tacos with guacamole. Seeing our daughter as she tried on her wedding gown, our oldest daughter and I as we sat in the middle of a mountain stream in our lawn chairs, our son at the helm of his boat, friends gathered on the patio of our home for good bar-b-q; yes, it was quite a way to wake up and start the day!

But then I asked, “Father, all of these images that I see can be described but how do I describe your love?” For the most part, I’m pretty good with words but when I try to describe God’s love I am seriously at a disadvantage. However, this morning I heard the answer to my question and it was “You just did!”

You see, every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father and with Him there is no variable or shadow of turning. Which basically means – every good thing that we enjoy comes as an outward expression of God’s love; that’s the way He’s always been and that’s the way He’ll always be! So when I’m thinking on these things that I can describe, I’m describing the Father’s love. Because in every circumstances and situation that I live, I can sense the love of God and know that He is there because God is LOVE!

“In the past God spoke to our people through the prophets. He spoke to them many times and in many different ways. 2 And now in these last days, God has spoken to us again through his Son. He made the whole world through his Son. And he has chosen his Son to have all things. 3 The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s nature, and he holds everything together by his powerful command. The Son made people clean from their sins. Then he sat down at the right side of God, the Great One in heaven.” Hebrews 1:1-3

Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth was to bring God’s love to each and every one of us. He brought the message that God isn’t mad at us and that God desires to have relationship with us – not some experience that is staunch and unfeeling or condemning and angry – but a real, where-the-rubber-meets-the-road, every day, I’m always here type of relationship.

“Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. 7 Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. 8 Love will never end.” I Corinthians 13:6-8 ERV

I’m not saying that everything will be perfect in our lives because our lives aren’t perfect! But I do know that in the imperfect, trying, challenging, frustrating, ugly times of our lives that God is always there and He doesn’t abandon us! He’s always there to offer comfort, help, wisdom, peace and joy even in the midst of our storms. God is love! Jesus brought comfort to those who had lost family and friends to death, He brought compassion to the prostitute, food to the hungry, wine to the wedding, sanity to the demonic and love and forgiveness to all.

“You know about Jesus from Nazareth. God made him the Messiah by giving him the Holy Spirit and power. Jesus went everywhere doing good for people. He healed those who were ruled by the devil, showing that God was with him.” Acts 10:38

So what words can I use to describe God’s love?! This love can’t really be described but it can be experienced. I will leave you with the words of the Apostle Paul:

“I pray that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. I pray that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. 18 And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide, how long, how high, and how deep that love is. 19 Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with everything God has for you. 20 With God’s power working in us, he can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of.” Ephesians 3:17-20

Yes, I am thankful that God’s love has no end!