Today, I want to draw your attention to a time when Jesus “looked up”.
Jesus had left the area of Judea just days earlier because the Pharisees were trying to kill him. Now he learned that his dear friend Lazarus was very sick. He told his disciples that they needed to return to Bethany, and they reminded him that the people in that area were against him.
Jesus waited a couple more days and then he told the disciples we MUST go to Bethany, Lazarus is dead. When Jesus arrived he learned that Lazarus had already been in the grave four days. Martha came out to meet Jesus and told him if He had been there, she knew her brother would not be dead.
Do you get the picture? Jesus is grieving over the death of his dear friend. He is just a two mile walk from a town where a mob had tried to kill him just a few days ago and now his friend’s sister is blaming him for her brother’s death. WOW!
The story goes on from there. Lazarus’ other sister, Mary, and the mourners come to where Jesus is. Mary falls at Jesus’ feet and says the same thing, “If you had been here my brother wouldn’t have died.” And now comes the shortest verse in the Bible – Jesus wept.
I think he wept because he felt the grief of the loss of a friend; I think he wept because he was being blamed for that death; I think he wept because the people around him had no faith and hope. But he wept. And then he did something that we all need to do – He looked up!
“Jesus was still terribly upset. So he went to the tomb, which was a cave with a stone rolled against the entrance. 39 Then he told the people to roll the stone away. But Martha said, ‘Lord, you know that Lazarus has been dead four days, and there will be a bad smell.’
40 Jesus replied, ‘Didn’t I tell you that if you had faith, you would see the glory of God?’
41 After the stone had been rolled aside, Jesus looked up toward heaven and prayed, ‘Father, I thank you for answering my prayer. 42 I know that you always answer my prayers. But I said this, so that the people here would believe that you sent me.’
43 When Jesus had finished praying, he shouted, ‘Lazarus, come out!’ 44 The man who had been dead came out. His hands and feet were wrapped with strips of burial cloth, and a cloth covered his face. Jesus then told the people, ‘Untie him and let him go.’” John 11:38-44
He looked up to the Father – he reminded himself that God the Father had not abandon him and that even in his grief, the Father was there to bring victory to the situation. He looked up and he thanked the Father for answered prayer. And He knew the purpose of all of this – so that the people would believe!
Jesus moved his attention from the circumstances around Him and looked to the One who changes things.
Jesus called Lazarus from the grave – His words, “Lazarus, come forth” brought the power of God to the situation and Lazarus came walking out of the tomb.
Awesome! Absolutely Awesome!
A kind and loving God brought an end to grieving and despair. He brought life to Lazarus and life to the hope and faith of the people who were there. He can and will still do the same today.
What is it in your life that is dead and needs to be resurrected? Your hope? Your faith? Your health? Your marriage? Your joy? Your finances? What???
Look up to the One who has life giving power – look up and thank Him for resurrection and then be bold like Jesus and call it forth from the grave. King Solomon said Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21.
Jesus was focused on looking up – we need to do the same!