Follow His Lead

The words that came from my heart before I even got out of bed this morning were “Father, I want to follow your lead with each step I take. I want to follow, not lead”.

I had a couple of frustrating situations yesterday. Ever have any of those? That let me know I wasn’t following; I was trying to lead. Trusting God’s lead isn’t frustrating, it’s a way of peace.

God’s way is perfect. The Lord’s promise always proves to be true. He protects those who trust in him. 31 There is no God except the Lord. There is no Rock except our God.
32 God is the one who gives me strengthHe clears the path I need to take. 33 He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer. Even on steep mountains he keeps me from falling.
34 He trains me for war so that my arms can bend the most powerful bow.

35 Lord, you have given me your shield to protect me. You support me with your right hand. It is your help that has made me great.” Psalm 18:30-35 ERV

“He restores my strength. He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.” Psalm 23:2 ERV

When we follow the Lord’s leading it’s more reliable than the most accurate GPS. He keeps us from taking the wrong route and making bad turns. He establishes our steps, even on steep mountains.

Yes, He guides our way!

“Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take.” Psalm 119:105 ERV

“People can plan what they want to do, but it is the Lord who guides their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 ERV

Our walk with the Lord is guided by the Master.

“Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish.” Matthew 4:19 ERV

“My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me28 I give my sheep eternal life. They will never die, and no one can take them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28 ERV

And now one last verse for the day.

“People who live following their sinful selves think only about what they want. But those who live following the Spirit are thinking about what the Spirit wants them to do.” Romans 8:5 ERV

My feet are on the floor and very shortly I will be heading out the door to embrace a new day. Join me.

Father, lead us and guide our steps. We determine to be led by the Spirit and follow the Shepherd. Amen and Amen.

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