Why Can’t I?

A long list of do’s and don’ts – that’s the way some people see the Bible. They think if they follow the teachings the Lord has given us it will cramp their style, stifle their freedom of creative expression, limit them in their pursuit of happiness. And yet it is just the opposite.

How many of you who are parents have stopped your children from playing in the street; or perhaps you have smacked their hands or their little bottoms when they have reached to touch a hot coal in a campfire or the hot pan on the stove? Maybe you stopped them riding their bikes down the steep hill with the big kids or even prevented them from swimming in the lake when they had no supervision.

Man, you have inflected a lot of restrictions on your kids! You parents are just trying to spoil their fun and stifle their creativity, aren’t you? Not hardly. You know that your love for them drives you to protect them even if they don’t understand.

And so we have God and His instructions in the Bible. They are there to do the same. The first commandment He gave to the children of Israel was

“Do not worship any god except me.” Exodus 20:3 CEV but let’s look at the verses before this.

“God said to the people of Israel: 2 I am the Lord your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt where you were slaves.” verses 1-2 CEV

Why do you think He prefaced verse 3 with 1 & 2? It was a reminder. God was wanting them to remember why they didn’t need any other god. He was the one who delivered them from slavery, He was the one who opened the path across the Red Sea, He was the one who turned bitter water to good and gave them manna every morning and quail at night. He was the one who provided them with warmth from the pillar of fire at night and He was the one who gave them shade from the cloud during the day. He was the one who gave them victory over the enemies in battle!

He was the one who provided for all their needs and He wanted them to remember that He provided for them because He loved them and there was no one else who could take care of them the way He did! He was, He is and always will be the I AM that we need for each day.

The 2nd commandment is very similar – don’t make and/or worship any idols. Plain and simple keep the Lord first place. We might not make idols of gold or silver but we are guilty of worshipping other gods; the gods of pleasure, education, relationships, professional advancement, financial security, health and well-being. When we make these things our primary goals and requirements for happiness, we have God take the back seat and these become our idols.

Jesus taught his disciples a strong lesson in Matthew 6 when he told them they didn’t need to seek after food, clothing, a place to live because the Lord knew they had need of all these things. His instruction was clear

” But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” Matthew 6:33 CEV

Instead of chasing after things, if we chase after God all these will be added.

God wants us to have a fulfilled life. In fact, Jesus said that He came so we could have life but not just a meager, sad, sullen existence of a life but life more abundantly, to the full, till it overflows!

Seek Him first and all the rest will be added!

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