I want to take you back to the words that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, spoke in the book of John.
“ The robber comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came so they might have life, a great full life.” John 10:10 NLV
We see destruction and death on a daily basis. What do we do, how do we replace fear with trust in times of trouble?
“ God is our safe place and our strength. He is always our help when we are in trouble. 2 So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the center of the sea, 3 and even if its waters go wild with storm and the mountains shake with its action.” Psalm 46:1-3 NLV
I think of the Israelites when they were escaping Egypt. They were so excited to be leaving a land of bondage and heading toward the land God had promised them. But in short order, fear set in. There was the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army was closing in from behind.
“10 When Pharaoh came near, the people of Israel looked and saw the Egyptians coming after them. And they were filled with fear and cried out to the Lord…13 But Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid! Be strong, and see how the Lord will save you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today, you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you. All you have to do is keep still.’” Exodus 14:10-14 NLV
The recurring theme throughout all the Bible is fear not, be not afraid. Why? How? The Lord will save you! In times of trouble we are never alone; God’s presence is always with us.
“I will give You thanks with all my heart. I will sing praises to You in front of the gods. 2 I will bow down toward Your holy house. And I will give thanks to Your name for Your loving-kindness and Your truth. For You have honored Your Word because of what Your name is. 3 You answered me on the day I called. You gave me strength in my soul.
4 O Lord, all the kings of the earth will give thanks to You when they have heard the words of Your mouth. 5 And they will sing of the ways of the Lord. For the shining beauty of the Lord is great. 6 For even if the Lord is honored, He thinks about those who have no pride. But He knows the proud from far away. 7 Even if I walk into trouble, You will keep my life safe. You will put out Your hand against the anger of those who hate me. And Your right hand will save me. 8 The Lord will finish the work He started for me. O Lord, Your loving-kindness lasts forever. Do not turn away from the works of Your hands.” Psalm 138 NLV
Focusing on God’s goodness, giving thanks, trusting His word builds trust and quiets fear.
The words in verse 7 are very similar to the words in Psalm 23 verse 4.
“Yes, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of anything, because You are with me. You have a walking stick with which to guide and one with which to help. These comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 NLV
“ I would have been without hope if I had not believed that I would see the loving-kindness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLV
Keeping our hearts strong and free from fear comes when we have hope and know that the Lord is with us, even in the valley of the shadow of death.
In times of trouble, we put our hope and trust in the Lord.