The Questions

If you’ve ever started out on a major adventure you know there are questions, lots of questions.

The circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ were no different. The next couple of days we are going to look at a few of those.

Our first question comes from Zacharias, the father of the baby who would grow to be John the Baptist.

It was a normal day at work in the Temple. He was going about his priestly duties of burning incense with the daily offerings when an angel appeared to him.

 Zacharias was doing his work as a religious leader for God. The religious leaders were given certain kinds of work to do. Zacharias was chosen to go to the house of God to burn special perfume. ” Luke 1:8-9 NLV

Just another regular day at the office until the angel appeared.

“Zacharias, do not be afraid. Your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son. You are to name him John. 14 You will be glad and have much joy.” vs 13-14 NLV

Since both he and Elizabeth were very old, (his words not mine), and had never conceived, Zacharias questioned the angel.

 Zacharias said to the angel, “How can I know this for sure? I am old and my wife is old also.” 19 The angel said to him, “My name is Gabriel. I stand near God. He sent me to talk to you and bring to you this good news. 20 See! You will not be able to talk until the day this happens. It is because you did not believe my words. What I said will happen at the right time.” vs 18-20 NLV

It wasn’t the question that bothered the angel, it was the unbelief that the question was wrapped in. Here was a priest, a man of God, who knew the prophesy that Isaiah spoke over 400 years before about a man who would precede the Messiah, preparing the way for the Messiah’s ministry and he doubted God’s messenger.

Please note that the doubting, the unbelief, didn’t stop the message or the miracle that the angel came to deliver. God sent Gabriel to deliver good news and he did.

Zacharias had to watch the miracle unfold in silence. Do you think that was too harsh a consequence for him to endure? King Solomon said this about the words we speak.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21 NLV

God’s word is powerful. It changes circumstances, brings miracles, creates worlds, and gives new life. Zacharias got to be part of the adventure that was unfolding, he just needed to experience it in silence.

God doesn’t mind our questions, in fact, He tells us to come to Him and ask. But when we ask, we should always ask in faith.

Tomorrow we will look at a similar question to the one Zacharias asked but it was asked in faith.