Starting to Give Thanks

Traditionally, I focus on giving thanks with my November blog posts. This year will be no different.

I would like to encourage you to make a gratitude list, starting today. Write down at least one thing that you are grateful for, more than one is better. Making a list keeps our focus on the good things. It keeps us centered on the blessings that God has given us in the past, is currently doing and will do in our futures.

So, be thankful.

I’m thankful for things that don’t change. The last few days there have been continuous reminders to “fall back”. Now I have to remember what time it is in Houston where my brother lives, in Idaho where my friend is and in California where our son lives…


Here in ARIZONA, we don’t change. We are the same in Spring or Fall.

But greater than all that is this:

“Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 9 Don’t be fooled by any kind of strange teachings.” Hebrews 13:8-9a

There are always New thoughts, New ideas. New doctrines and mantras BUT only one is infallible and perfect.


Can I get a big Amen?

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