Follow the Cloud

I am especially drawn to beautiful cloud formations.

Years back Dave and I would travel from Montana to Iowa each summer. I would constantly be telling Dave to stop so I could get another picture of “those beautiful clouds”. He would laugh, sometimes stopping and at other times not.

I even made a calendar with pictures of my favorite cloud photos for the upcoming year. One day Dave told me he was sure I would be looking up and taking pictures when the Lord returns in the clouds. My response, “I certainly hope so”.

Clouds have a true significance in the Bible.

When the Israelites left Egypt Moses was told to follow the cloud.

“With the tall cloud, you led them by day, and at night you used the column of fire. That is the way you lit their path and showed them where to go.” Nehemiah 9:12 ERV

They were to stop and camp when the cloud stood still, and they were to move on when the cloud did. Not GPS but a good navigational system all the same.

You must follow the Lord your God. Respect him. Obey his commands and do what he tells you. Serve the Lord your God, and never leave him.” Deuteronomy 13:4 ERV

Literally and figuratively the Israelites were told to follow the Lord. At first this meant the cloud and later is meant following His word.

Another place we find a cloud is when Solomon dedicated the Temple to the Lord’s service.

“They praised the Lord, singing, ‘The Lord is good. His faithful love will last forever.’ Then the Lord’s Temple was filled with a cloud. 14 The priests could not continue to serve because of the cloud, because the Glory of the Lord filled the Temple.” II Chronicles 5:13-14 ERV

It just makes me think that God wraps Himself in the clouds so He can be close to His people. Guiding them, protecting them, worshipping with them.

One more reference in Scripture, I want us to look at before we close this morning.

“After Jesus said this, he was lifted up into the sky. While they were watching, he went into a cloud, and they could not see him. 10 They were staring into the sky where he had gone. Suddenly two men wearing white clothes were standing beside them. 11 They said, ‘Men from Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus carried away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.'” Acts 1:9-11 ERV

Jesus was resurrected, that is true. What is also true is that He will return, and I believe it to be soon. Keep looking up, watch the clouds. They are reminders to remain hopeful and ready for His return.

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