Making Good Ground

I frequently refer to the parable that Jesus told about a farmer who went out to sow seed. Jesus, himself, said that if we don’t understand this parable we won’t be able to really understand any of the parables.

The sower sowed the seed on all kinds of ground. He didn’t just see the good soil and sow there but instead seed went on the hard ground, the rocky soil, the soil with weeds and thorns and also the good soil. Every kind of ground had the opportunity to be planted.

“A farmer went out to sow seed. While he was scattering the seed, some of it fell by the road. The birds came and ate all that seed. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where there was not enough dirt. It grew very fast there, because the soil was not deep. But when the sun rose, it burned the plants. The plants died because they did not have deep roots. Some other seed fell among thorny weeds. The weeds grew and stopped the good plants from growing. But some of the seed fell on good ground. There it grew and made grain. Some plants made 100 times more grain, some 60 times more, and some 30 times more. You people who hear me, listen!” Matthew 13:3-8 ERV

The same is true for us – the seed is the Word of God as Jesus said and the Word is available to all. We are the soil and it’s our responsibility to determine what kind of soil we will be. Frankly, I still have some thorns and weeds in my soil but am working daily to see that they are removed so the seed can grow and bring in a healthy harvest.

In the Old Testament we are given this admonition. “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12

It’s our job to break up the hard ground in our lives – we’re to pitch out the rocks and pull up the weeds so the seed has healthy soil to grow in.

Let God’s love soften the hard spots. Make good ground and watch the seed of God’s word produce a bountiful harvest.

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