Pray Confidently

The other night Dave and I were talking about prayer. There is a confidence when we pray that only comes for the Lord. We have learned that we don’t have to beg God for answers, we simply need to pray His will over any given situation. He tells us His will in His word.

“We are certain God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him. 15 And if we know God listens when we pray, we are sure our prayers have already been answered.” I John 5:14-15 CEV

This morning, I am praying this for all of you.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray over my many friends who are reading this. Some are experiencing great pain and sorrow in their lives, others are facing some of the greatest financial challenges ever, still others are seeing those they love hurt and relationships destroyed.

There are those who need to make right decisions, decisions of life and death, and those who need physical protection from very real enemies. Yes, Father and there are those who have waited years to see answers to prayer who are growing weary – it is for all of these that I am praying this morning.

Let Your peace rule in their lives; let them know Your presence, protection and provision. Let them see that You are here and have promised to never leave them or forsake them; let them rest and trust in You.

Thank You for Your answers; Your word; Your great love and thank You that it’s not You who has created these problems but that You are the problem solver. Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer, in Jesus name.

“You, Lord, are the light
    that keeps me safe.
I am not afraid of anyone.
You protect me,
    and I have no fears.
Brutal people may attack
and try to kill me,
    but they will stumble.
Fierce enemies may attack,
    but they will fall.
Armies may surround me,
    but I won’t be afraid;
war may break out,
    but I will trust you.

I ask only one thing, Lord:
Let me live in your house
    every day of my life
to see how wonderful you are
    and to pray in your temple.

In times of trouble, Lord,
    you will protect me.
You will hide me in your tent
and keep me safe
    on top of a mighty rock.” Psalm 27:1-5 CEV

Be confident in God’s word and in His love for you. He will never abandon you and He is always there to help in time of need. Come boldly to His throne room.

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