Complete Peace

Yesterday a part of our praise was given to this song. It’s one of my very favorites. It has ministered to my heart since the first time I heard it. I fell asleep last night and woke this morning with my heart flooded with this song. It’s for you, each and every one of you.


I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Till every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus

Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus

Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like the fire

Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name

Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

Now, let’s see how this applies to us in our daily lives.

Jesus said: “Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NLV

Peter said: “This Jesus is the stone you builders rejected; he has become the cornerstone! 12 Salvation can be found in no one else. Throughout the whole world, no other name has been given among humans through which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12 CEB

“Peter said, ‘I don’t have any money, but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, rise up and walk!’” Acts 3:6 CEB

Paul said: “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 CEV

It was in the name of the Lord that Daniel was kept from destruction in the lions’ den. It was His trust in the Father’s protection that allowed Jesus to sleep during a storm that was swamping their boat. It was faith in the name of Jesus that caused the crippled man to walk and blind eyes to open.

It is the power in the name of Jesus that brings forgiveness and salvation to all who believe; peace that bypasses our understanding and rest to the weary.

“I just want to speak the name of Jesus Over every heart and every mind Cause I know there is peace within Your presence I speak Jesus”. Complete Peace!