Let It Simmer

A few mornings back I read these verses, and they have been simmering in my heart and the back of my mind since. I use the word simmering because that’s what it’s like when the Lord impresses me with Scripture.

When I first start a spaghetti sauce or soup, all the ingredients are added in the pot, and it tastes good. But let it simmer, slowly heating, and that’s when the richness develops. Yes. Simmering.

Trust God, my friends, and always tell him each of your concerns. God is our place of safety. We humans are only a breath; none of us are truly great. All of us together weigh less than a puff of air. 10 Don’t trust in violence or depend on dishonesty or rely on great wealth. 11 I heard God say two things: “I am powerful, 12  and I am very kind.” The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do.” Psalm 62:8-12 CEV

Powerful and very kind! That’s the part that has been simmering…

He created the world and all that’s in it with His word. He held back the Red Sea with a wind. He carved His commandments on stone tablets. He controls the tides, the orbit of the planets and the rising and setting of the sun. Yes, He is powerful, no doubt.

And He is kind.

“If you honor the Lord, his angel will protect you. Discover for yourself that the Lord is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad.” Psalm 34:7-8 CEV

“The Lord is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails.” Psalm 103:8 CEV

“The Lord God is famous for his wonderful deeds, and he is kind and merciful.” Psalm 111:4 CEV

“Our Lord, everything you do is kind and thoughtful, 18 and you are near to everyone whose prayers are sincere.” Psalm 145:17-18 CEV

“My prayer is that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!” I Corinthians 1:3 CEV

“…My prayer is that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!” I Peter 5:12 CEV

Each verse merges with the others reminding us of the kindness of God.

His kindness is as great as His power. He embraced the lepers, gave sight to the blind, healed the lame, raised the dead, fed the hungry, gave water from a rock for the thirsty. He came as a babe to bring salvation to the world.

He brings peace to the disquieted heart, comfort to the bereaved. He’s attentive to children and forgiving to sinners. Yes, He is kind and tenderhearted.

The Lord says of himself, “I am powerful and very kind”. We can trust Him. Now, let that simmer!