In the Storm

The Arizona thunderstorms are magnificent but can be frightening. The last week we had some powerful thunderstorms in the Valley- flashes of lightning, cracks of thunder, wind and hard rains. They all seem to travel around us so we weren’t in the eye of the storm, but we could see the effects driving in to town with flooded parks, carports that had been mangled and the reports of lightning caused fires in the desert.

I remember a few years ago when we lived in Rio Rico. The storms would come from Mexico and seemed to arrive in our community about 2 a.m. The lightning would light up our bedroom and the thunder would rattle the windows. Our little dog, Glory, would hide in the walk-in closet. I would count the seconds between the flashes and the thunderclap. It was epic and unnerving.

Have you noticed how there are times in life that the storms come and rob us of our peace and rest? It leaves us anxious and frightened. Sometimes wondering if we will survive such an event.

It’s important to know God’s word and His promises during those times so that we can continue to have peace in the midst of the storm.

“They were in trouble, so they called to the Lord for help, and he saved them from their troubles. 29 He stopped the storm and calmed the waves. 30 The sailors were happy that the sea became calm, and he led them safely to where they wanted to go.” Psalm 107:28-30 ERV

The Lord calmed the waves and stopped the storm and got them to where they were safe. Jesus was in the midst of a storm once and He slept through it. That is until the disciples woke him up during their panic.

“While they were sailing, Jesus slept. A big storm blew across the lake, and the boat began to fill with water. They were in danger. 24 The followers went to Jesus and woke him. They said, “Master! Master! We will drown!” Jesus got up. He gave a command to the wind and the waves. The wind stopped, and the lake became calm. 25 He said to his followers, ‘Where is your faith?’ They were afraid and amazed. They said to each other, ‘What kind of man is this? He commands the wind and the water, and they obey him.’” Matthew 8:23-25 ERV

Our goal is to be like Jesus and to be able to “sleep” in the midst of the storm – knowing that the Lord has this handled. That’s what Peter did when he was beaten and thrown into prison – he slept. The angel that came to rescue him had to bump him to wake him. Peter was resting in the Lord. (Acts 12:7-16)

Paul and Silas were singing in the midst of their storm. Singing at midnight in prison after having been beaten and in the midst of an earthquake, they were singing. (Acts 16:16-31)

Sometimes the Lord speaks to our storm and it ceases. At other times, He has us stand and face it and He sends our deliverance.

“‘Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock.26 Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.'” Matthew 7:24-26 ERV

When we stand on God’s word we can face the storm and be at peace!