It’s In the Script

When our youngest daughter was in middle school and high school, she was very active in drama. It was her creative outlet. She enjoyed being behind the scenes more than being on stage.

It was important for her to see how things came together. The sets, the lights, the staging were all crucial elements in delivering the story. Sometimes we would be at home, watching a movie and she would say, “I wonder why they did it that way”. My reply was always the same, “It’s in the script”. Sometimes that answer caused her to smile and at other times it frustrated her.

But that was the truth. All the stage direction is in the script. The author of the play puts in all the details of entrances and exits, lighting and sounds.

When I was searching for an image, “in the script”, to use for this blog the search actually came up with “in the scriptures”. Exactly. The script that has been written for us is the Scriptures.

“looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

When it comes to a life of faith, Jesus is our example. He followed the Father’s plan completely.

God always does what he plans, and this is why he appointed Christ to choose us12 He did this so we Jews would bring honor to him and be the first ones to have hope because of him. 13 Christ also brought you the truth, which is the good news about how you can be saved. You put your faith in Christ and were given the promised Holy Spirit to show you belong to God. 14 The Spirit also makes us sure we will be given what God has stored up for his people. Then we will be set free, and God will be honored and praised.” Ephesians 1:11-14 CEV

God always does what He plans. From the beginning of time, He put his plan in the script. He chose us. Christ delivered that truth to the world and the Holy Spirit is here now giving us direction, showing us how to put God’s plan into action.

When in doubt about what to do and the way to live all we have to remember is it’s in the script.