For the last few days, the Lord has been reminding me of how He sees sin. (Please don’t quit reading, I think this will be a real encouragement to you.)
You see we often have a tendency to categorize sin. Big sins, little sins. God doesn’t do that. In fact, the first sin in the Garden of Eden wouldn’t rank very high on some people’s scale because it was only pride and something as insignificant as disobedience. Definitely not one of the big sins.
However, God’s perspective is sin is sin. The Apostle James puts it this way:
“One law rules over all other laws. This royal law is found in the Scriptures: ‘Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.’ If you obey this law, you are doing right. 9 But if you are treating one person as more important than another, you are sinning. You are guilty of breaking God’s law.
10 You might follow all of God’s law. But if you fail to obey only one command, you are guilty of breaking all the commands in that law.” James 2:8-10 ERV
And Paul, the apostle, tells us that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the mark of God’s standard.
“All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:23-24 ERV
Whatever our sin is, it has separated us from God. However, God provides us with the way of salvation, and He gives it to us as a free gift.
“One man sinned, and so death ruled all people because of that one man. But now some people accept God’s full grace and his great gift of being made right. Surely they will have true life and rule through the one man, Jesus Christ.
18 So that one sin of Adam brought the punishment of death to all people. But in the same way, Christ did something so good that it makes all people right with God. And that brings them true life. 19 One man disobeyed God and many became sinners. But in the same way, one man obeyed God and many will be made right.” Romans 5:17-19 ERV
Jesus gave us strict warning about judging others.
“Give love and mercy the same as your Father gives love and mercy. 37 ‘Don’t judge others, and God will not judge you. Don’t condemn others, and you will not be condemned. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.'” Luke 6:36-38 ERV
A few years back we had a window in our house that had been broken when the weed eater threw up a rock. It was only a small round hole but nonetheless the window was broken. It was just as broken as if it had been shattered.
We need to realize that it isn’t our place to judge, that’s God’s job. Ours is to give others the same love and mercy the Father has given us. We are all guilty of breaking the window of God’s standard. However, we are all invited to receive His free gift of restoration.
Let’s pray for one another from a heart of love and let God fix what is broken.