Up Before Dawn

I have always found it hard to sleep the night before I had something big to do the next day. I can only imagine how it must have been for Mary and the other women as they prepared to go to the tomb. Jesus’ burial had been hasty and they were going now to properly care for His body.

Up, before dawn, they were on their way. Who would roll back the stone? Would the soldiers arrest them because they were Jesus’ followers? No matter the questions, they went.

“The Sabbath was over, and it was almost daybreak on Sunday when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. Suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord’s angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead.” Matthew 28:1-4 CEV

I don’t know if the earthquake was felt throughout the entire city or just at the garden tomb but it was certainly something unusual. In fact, it was so frightening that season soldiers were paralyzed with fear.

When the women got there, the stoned was rolled away and the tomb was open. The angel appeared to the women and told them to go tell the disciples that Jesus was risen from the dead, just as He said he would.

“She ran to Simon Peter and to Jesus’ favorite disciple and said, ‘They have taken the Lord from the tomb! We don’t know where they have put him.’ Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb.” John 20:2-3 CEV

Peter and John got to the tomb and they went in. They found the cloth had He had been wrapped in and the cloth that had covered His face but there was no body. They left the tomb and went back to the other disciples but Mary stayed.

She was weeping. She stooped down to look inside, she knew Jesus wasn’t there so I’m not sure what she was hoping to see.

“and saw two angels inside. They were dressed in white and were sitting where Jesus’ body had been. One was at the head and the other was at the foot. 13 The angels asked Mary, ‘Why are you crying?’ She answered, ‘They have taken away my Lord’s body! I don’t know where they have put him.'” John 20:12-13 CEV

She was probably startled or even frightened by seeing the angels but her concern was for Jesus. Where have they taken Him? She turned to leave and she saw who she thought was the gardener.

“Jesus asked her, ‘Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?’ She thought he was the gardener and said, ‘Sir, if you have taken his body away, please tell me, so I can go and get him.’ 16 Then Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him, ‘Rabboni.'” John 20:15-16 CEV

In her darkest hour, in her deepest grief, Mary was looking for Jesus. While Peter and John left and went back the other disciples, Mary stayed. Wondering, searching, weeping.

And then she heard Him call her by name. She knew that voice, she heard the compassion in His tone. It was her Savior and Lord.

It was Jesus! He called her by name.

Our relationship with Jesus is a personal one. He was sent to die for the sins of the world but when we come into relationship with Him it becomes personal. When our eyes are filled with tears and our hearts are fighting fear, if we listen we will hear Him call us by name!