Time to Count

I know it’s not even close to Christmas but this morning I woke up with the lyrics of a song from my favorite Christmas movie, White Christmas, running through my mind.

“When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep. Then I fall to sleep counting my blessings”.

Worried? Not at all, just feeling extremely grateful for all the Lord has done. Yesterday afternoon I talked with both my brother and my sister. It was so good to hear their voices. I’m grateful for loving siblings and for the godly parents who raised us.

I’m grateful for our children and their constant expressions of their love for us and that they are raising children who love us. Sunday we were greeted with little voices calling our names in the most loving tones, followed by hugs and kisses.

The older adult children never end a text or a phone call without an “I love you”!

If those expressions spoken by children here on earth thrill our hearts to the depth that they do, then how much more do our expressions of love and gratitude thrill the heart of God.

I love to worship the Lord!

Not worship because of things that He has done, although those are many but worship just because of Who He is. One definition of the word worship in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is excessive admiration for someone.

Excessive – our God is excessive. He didn’t just create 5 colors and quit – He was excessive. He didn’t just create 6 fish or 7 fruit or 8 vegetables. He created millions of stars, countless galaxies, hundreds of millions of people with individual fingerprints and unique DNA. Excessive!

He gave us His only Son who willingly paid the price for the sins of the whole world.

Excessive! Our Father is excessive in demonstrating His love for us. Shouldn’t we be excessive with our praise?

“My Lord, there is no God like you. No one can do what you have done. 9 My Lord, you made everyone. I wish they all would come worship you and honor your name. 10 You are great and do amazing things. You and you alone are God. 11 Lord, teach me your ways, and I will live and obey your truths. Help me make worshiping your name the most important thing in my life. 12 My Lord God, I praise you with all my heart. I will honor your name forever! 13 You have such great love for me. You save me from the place of death. 14 Proud people are attacking me, God. A gang of cruel men is trying to kill me.

They don’t respect you. 15 My Lord, you are a kind and merciful God. You are patient, loyal, and full of love.” Psalm 86: 8-15 ERV

Join me in counting our blessings. Let’s show some excessive admiration and love to the One, the Only, Father God, creator of heaven and earth!