Some things are always good. Things like crispy fried chicken, cold sweet watermelon, a juicy steak cooked to perfection and for me, a peanut butter & honey sandwich.
A few of you may be familiar with my recipe for the perfect PBH but for those who aren’t I’m going to share it.
When I was a kid I loved to eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches but they had to be made right. I mean you couldn’t just butter the bread and smear peanut butter and honey on it – there was a process.
First the butter had to be soft. Put a rounded teaspoon of butter in a dish, then add a big spoon of peanut butter and finally top it with a rounded teaspoon of honey. Now here’s the important part, stir until creamy and smooth and then spread it on the bread. Oh my, now that was a sandwich.
This was generally what I called supper on Sunday evening. You see, we would have our big dinner at noon after coming home from church and before we would head back for evening service we needed to grab something quick to eat and mine would be the sandwich described above.
Delicious! and I still enjoy them to this day. Some things are always good.
When I read these verses in Psalms and Proverbs this is what comes to mind.
“Honey is good for you my children, and it tastes sweet. 14 Wisdom is like honey for your life—if you find it, your future is bright.” Proverbs 24:13-14 CEV
Wisdom is like honey…sweet and delicious. Wisdom makes life better with fewer regrets and more joy.
“Eat honey, dear child—it’s good for you—and delicacies that melt in your mouth. Likewise knowledge, and wisdom for your soul—Get that and your future’s secured, your hope is on solid rock.” Proverbs 24:13-14 MSG
When our lives are guided by wisdom, Godly wisdom, we are building that solid foundation we were talking about in yesterday’s blog. The foundation of God’s word that won’t be shaken by life’s storms. Wisdom builds hope and when we hope in the Lord we will never be ashamed.
“ The fear of the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The Lord is always true and right in how He judges. 10 The Word of the Lord is worth more than gold, even more than much fine gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey straight from the comb.” Psalm 19:9-10 NLV
God’s word is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey…somethings are always good!
Get out your spoon and scoop up a big helping of honey. It’s good for you physically and spiritually.
(If you want a real treat – go make a peanut butter honey sandwich as described above. I just did and I call it breakfast.)
I thoroughly enjoyed entry bit of this today! I used to eat PBH sandwiches too!
One of my favorites. Thank you Kristi! 
I knew when I met you that we were sisters at heart!