How often do you listen to your heart?
I know when there are big decisions to make that I get very quiet and listen to what God is speaking to my heart. I’ve been doing this for years. When our kids were teenagers they would ask about going somewhere or doing something and Dave and I would have to say, “We don’t have a peace about that”.
More often than not, it wasn’t what they wanted to hear but we had made a commitment that if the Lord didn’t give us a peace, if we felt uneasy, we wouldn’t give them our permission. But we were also honest with them to tell them we would pray about it further and if the Lord replaced the uneasiness with peace we would give them the go ahead.
“And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:7 ERV
It’s important that we keep our hearts open so we don’t miss the Lord’s direction.
“Good people have good things saved in their hearts. That’s why they say good things. But those who are evil have hearts full of evil, and that’s why they say things that are evil. What people say with their mouths comes from what fills their hearts.” Luke 6:45 ERV
Our hearts learn to speak in much the same way as a toddler learns to communicate. By repetition, a smile child learns “Mama, Dada, Drink, Cookie, No”. By the repetition of our thoughts and meditations our hearts learn to communicate. They can express love, gratitude, understanding, forgiveness, kindness and mercy or the opposite can occur, jealousy, prejudice, anger, criticism, hatred and selfishness.
“Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin. 14 May my words and thoughts please you. Lord, you are my Rock—the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:13-14 ERV
I know when the Lord impresses my heart with verses like these I will have an opportunity to put them into practice very soon. He is directing my thoughts and wanting me to be a living example of His words.
“Lord, help me control what I say. Don’t let me say anything bad.” Psalm 141:3 ERV
Take a few more minutes this morning to fill your heart and mouth with pleasing words. At the very least if you have to eat your words they will be sweet!
You are funny…
Love the last line… haha haha