Great Joy

This was a weekend of great joy!

Our children blessed us with a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration and it was wonderful! Our oldest daughter is quite the party planner and she saw to every little detail. It was the first time in years that all our family had been together. Kids, grandkids and great – my mother’s heart was full and running over.

Dave and I aren’t the same young couple that said I do 50 years ago but the meaning of those words has never been stronger. I do promise to love you, I do promise to be your support and strength, I do promise not to leave, I do promise to keep you in the center of my heart and my prayers.

Like all older married couples life has given us up’s and down’s. A few we wondered how we would ever get through but God’s grace and time saw things change. Never give up on God’s abundant, amazing, flood of grace! There are promises from His word that have strengthened us and given us hope when we our hearts were broken.

So let me ask you this, are there things in your life that appear to be impossible or nearly impossible to change? Maybe not impossible but highly unlikely? Give them to the Lord – place them under His control.

God has a way of changing the impossible!

“Nothing is impossible for God!” Luke 1:37 CEV

I’ve learned over the years that part of that changing process begins in me. I have to begin to see things differently and have to get past being offended or intimidated. I have to be willing to change. The Father wants my heart to conform to His.

A boy was brought to Jesus who needed to be healed. The father had some doubt. He knew Jesus could do it but he wasn’t sure Jesus would.

“Jesus said to the father, ‘Why did you say ‘if you can’? All things are possible for the one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father shouted, ‘I do believe. Help me to believe more!’” Mark 9:23-24 ERV

Sometimes we just need to be honest with God, recognize our own weakness and limitation and then say “Help me believe more”.

Jesus’ own disciples doubted on many occasions. There were storms to overcome. Jesus calmed the storms and brought peace. He wants to do the same in our lives. Whether you’re married 50 years or 5; unmarried and facing a new career or move – God is faithful!

With God all things are possible!